The painted ghosts who had fallen from the sky were clearly aware of this.

But alas, it was too late.

When he fell, the ironclad warriors had already swarmed up, wielding blades that emitted golden light, and slashed at the painted ghost.

Before the painting ghosts could react, they were slashed several times~.

This time, the blade slashed at the body of the painted ghost, and it was not blocked, rubbing out brilliant sparks.

Instead, like a hot knife cutting butter, the blade of the Iron Armored Lux easily broke through the defense of the painted ghost, and left a series of deep bone scars on the body of the painted ghost.


In an instant, the painter let out a heart-rending scream.

The listener is sad, and the listener weeps, because the cry is so miserable.

However, Ironclad Lux has no blood and no tears, and he doesn't know what is called distress, nor does he know what it means to keep his hands, even if the painting ghost is miserable, Ironclad Lux's expression has not changed at all.

The hand that came out of the knife was as stable as Mount Tai, without the slightest trembling.


Only to hear a muffled sound, an iron-armored Lux standing behind the Painted Ghost suddenly swung his sword, and quickly skipped the neck of the Painted Hideer with a blade like lightning.

The screams of Peeves' came to an abrupt end.

A few seconds later, a hideous head rolled off the body of the painted ghost.

But even so, the Peedeves did not die, struggling to pick up the fallen head.

However, the ironclad warriors summoned by Luo Wei did not give them such an opportunity, and they swung their swords one after another, splitting the corpse of the painted ghost.

When Huang Rong, Lin Shiyin, A Zhu, Lan Phoenix and Xue Bing saw it, they all felt cruel and couldn't bear to watch.

But Rowe didn't let Ironclad stop.

After a while, the painted ghost was finally divided by the iron armor, and the dead could no longer die.

A mechanical voice also appeared in Rowe's mind.

[Detected that the host killed the extraterrestrial heavenly devil, the diary system opens a new function, you can add personal friends and communicate with each other]

[The host can get a reward from this world, whether to receive it]

When Luo Wei heard this voice, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Add a personal friend?

Are you sure this is a diary and not some penguin software?

Spit and complain, but Luo Wei still wanted to test this function, so he called Huang Rong and the others off the roof.

"Just now the diary system has been upgraded, you can add personal friends, a few of you take out the diary and try it."

Huang Rong, Lin Shiyin and the others glanced at each other and took out a copy of the diary.

The moment a copy of the diary appeared in their hands, each received a message.

[Find other copies of the diary, whether to add each other as a friend]

This piece of information, Luo Wei naturally also received.

He decisively chose to add.

So Luo Wei's diary contained five more friends, Huang Rong, A Zhu, Lin Shiyin, Blue Phoenix, and Xue Bing.

Each friend can communicate with each other individually.

Huang Rong and the others naturally added each other as friends.

"If nothing else, this thing can talk even if it is separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, basically real-time synchronization, which is much faster than flying pigeons passing books."

"If you encounter any trouble in the future, you can leave a message in the diary, and I will help you."

Of course, these words were mainly addressed to Xue Bing.

After all, Azhu and Blue Phoenix are their maids, and Lin Shiyin is their own woman, and they will act together in the future.

As for Huang Rong, the next thing is to go to Peach Blossom Island to resurrect her mother, so it is the same all the way.

Only Xue Bing came to find himself because he understood his future.

Now that the future has been understood, Xue Bing will leave at will.

And Xue Bing also knew this well, and smiled slightly in the face of Luo Wei's reminder and said, "I will." "

Everyone couldn't help but smile at each other.

At this time, after Huang Rong circled around the painted ghost, she couldn't help but ask: "Brother Vigo, what the hell is this?" "

Rowe took a picture with his diary and preached it in the diary.

"Read the diary, I'll give you the answer."

Huang Rong snorted, quickly opened the diary, and saw the photo of the head of the painted ghost uploaded by Luo Wei.

[Guys, the extraterrestrial heavenly demon that invaded today has been solved by us, not a monster, but a ghost, a painted ghost]

[This painting of a ghost comes from Liaozhai, a demon in human skin]

[After putting on human skin, the painted ghost will become a charming beauty]

[And the favorite period of this kind of ghost is to cut people open people's abdomen and eat their hearts and livers]

[In the story of Liaozhai, there is an unlucky ghost named Wang Sheng, who was confused by the appearance of the painted ghost, and brought him home, singing night and night]

[Later, under the guidance of a Taoist priest, he discovered the true face of the painted ghost, and he was frightened and trembled, and quickly went to find the Taoist priest]

[The Taoist priest gave him a whisk and asked him to drive away the painted peeves]

[However, the painting ghost still cut open Wang Sheng's chest and ate Wang Sheng's heart]

[After the Taoist priest learned about this, he killed the painting ghost]

[After Wang Sheng's death, Wang Sheng's wife turned to the Taoist priest]

[The Taoist priest guides Wang Sheng's wife to find a beggar]

[Wang Sheng's wife asked the beggar for help after finding the beggar, but she didn't expect that the beggar beat and scolded Wang Sheng's wife, and spit a mouthful of phlegm into Wang Sheng's wife's mouth]

[Wang Sheng's wife was humiliated for a while, and after returning home, she guarded Wang Sheng's body, and the more she thought about it, the more disgusting she became]

[Finally, he spit out the phlegm back, which fell right on Wang Sheng's chest, turned into a heart, and resurrected Wang Sheng again]

[This method is quite powerful]

[Although it is not as good as my resurrection]

[The above is the story of painting skin] (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[Today's invading painted ghost is stronger than the previous centipede essence, but it is also limited, and the most difficult thing is that his body is inaccessible]

[The ironclad warriors I summoned can't break the defense at all]

[But when I performed the Demon Slaying Technique, this guy was hacked to death by my Ironclad Lux]

[By the way, the Demon Slaying Technique is a spell I just got before midnight, that is, yesterday]

[It is very likely that it was obtained to deal with this painted ghost]

[Therefore, I basically hammered that I am a worker of the diary, specifically helping it destroy the extraterrestrial heavenly demon that invaded this world]

[But hit the workers, hit the workers, who let the other party give more]

[After destroying this invading extraterrestrial heavenly demon this time, I can still get a reward from this world]

[You guys wait first, let me claim this reward, see what the reward is this time]

[Shouldn't it be some kind of heavenly god soldier]

[Although this thing is good, I already have two, and I don't need the others]

After Rowe complained, he communicated the diary system.

Ask for flowers

"I decided to claim the reward of this world."

In the next second, Luo Wei's mind had an extra set of martial arts, a set of earth-shattering martial arts.

After watching this martial art that suddenly appeared in his mind, Luo Wei couldn't help but gasp.

[Good guy, good guy, this really made me never expect it]

Seeing this, Huang Rong couldn't help but look up at Luo Wei, and found that Luo Wei had not changed from just now, and there were no more weapons in his hand except for the diary, or other things.

So he couldn't help but ask: "Brother Vigo, what reward have you received, why can't I see it?" "

Lin Shiyin, Azhu, Blue Phoenix, Xue Bing and the others also looked at Luo Wei again, their faces full of curiosity.

Rowe pointed to the diary and motioned for them to read it.

[Just now Huang Rong asked me what reward I received, why didn't she see it]

[That's because what I got was not a substantial reward, but a martial art, an earth-shattering martial art]

[Compared with this set of martial arts, the martial arts you know are not worth mentioning at all]

[What heaven and earth intersect Yin and Yang Great Compassion Fu, Shenzhao Sutra, Four Zhao Shengong, Wedding Clothes Shengong, Yi Tendon Sutra, Essence Washing Sutra, Mingyu Gong, Five Absolute Divine Gong, King Kong Not Bad Divine Skill, Absorbing Gong Dafa, North Hades Divine Skill, Dragon-elephant-like Ruo Gong, etc. are not worth mentioning]

[Shaolin, Wudang, Huashan, Emei, there is one to count one, basically I can't find a martial art comparable to the martial arts I just obtained]

When the women saw this, they couldn't help but be surprised.

And other women who paid attention to the diary update were more surprised than one.

Because these martial arts that Luo Wei said are all the top martial arts in the world.

As long as anyone learns one, he can traverse the rivers and lakes and become a master among the masters.

However, Luo Wei devalued these martial arts as worthless, which is really incredible, and it makes people even more curious what kind of martial arts Luo Wei has obtained.

Dare to make such a big statement.

[Devouring the Heaven and Earth Seven Limits, this is the reward I get]

[This set of martial arts, or this sword technique is divided into seven styles of heaven, earth, fire, ice, wind, mountain, and sea]

[Each of them has the infinite power of nature, the momentum shocks the universe, dominating the sky, it is the supporting school of the heavenly god soldier tiger, if you cooperate with the tiger to perform, it is like a natural disaster coming, the vitality is extinguished, and the gods and Buddhas are shocked! ] 】

[And the founder of this martial art is none other than the soldier of the year, Qianyou]

[In ancient times, Chi You saw that natural disasters and disasters derived powerful destructive power, so he was inspired to create this set of earth-shattering sword techniques "Seven Limits", which overwhelmed the gods of the god realm, invincible, and became the first of the great gods with supreme martial arts]

[If the martial arts I just mentioned are the mastery of human creation]

[Then this martial art is a god and demon-level martial art created by gods and demons]

[Now you should understand, why did I make a big fuss]

[Because god and demon-level martial arts are martial arts created by gods and demons, each of which can be said to be earth-shattering, can match gods and demons-level martial arts, only gods and demons-level martial arts]

[Don't look at my internal strength I only have twenty years now, but if Shi exhibits this martial art, he can easily kill a first-class master, or even a congenital grandmaster in a reverse era]

[If an innate grandmaster learns this martial art, it is not a problem to beat the grandmaster]

[This is the power and righteousness of god and demon-level martial arts].

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