Luo Wei's remarks did not exaggerate the power of the seven limits of devouring heaven and earth.

Because this martial art is really strong.

If someone really learns this martial art, they can completely beat the grandmaster with the innate grandmaster.

If it didn't have such power, the Seven Limits of Devouring Heaven and Earth would not be worthy of being called god and demon-level martial arts.

[Of course, although the god and demon level martial arts are terrifying, everyone should not be too surprised, or too much worship the god and demon level martial arts]

[Because this kind of martial arts can only exert earth-shattering power in the hands of gods and demons]

[In the hands of our human beings, or with the strength of our ordinary people, there is no way to fully exert the power of god and demon level martial arts]

[Therefore, in the future, if you really encounter a descendant of god and demon-level martial arts, don't panic too much]

[Although the god and demon level martial arts are powerful, it depends on the martial arts of the people used]

[If you use someone to pull your crotch, the god and demon level martial arts is just that]

[But in general, people who can learn this martial art are not ordinary people, and they should not pull their crotches too much]

[You can be careful, but don't think that god and demon level martial arts inheritors are unmatchable]

【Just be careful】

Although Luo Wei said this, there were still many women who read the "Nine Zero Seven" diary and were shocked by the god-level martial arts depicted by Luo Wei.

Especially the eldest lady of Murong Villa.

Tianzun, Murong Qiudi.

After understanding the power of god and demon-level martial arts, Murong Qiudi had a thought.

Let the people under him immediately collect the inheritance of god and demon level martial arts, and once there is news, immediately report back.

God-level martial arts, she is going to decide.

In fact, not only Murong Qiudi, but also some powerful women also began to pay attention to the inheritance of god and demon-level martial arts.

Jianghu is about to meet a storm.

However, this storm did not break out on the bright side, but an undercurrent, like a tidal wave, stretched to several countries.

For this, Luo Wei naturally did not know.

At this point in the diary, what he wanted to say had basically been said.

So Rowe began to wrap up.

[Okay, that's the end of today's diary, I've finished what I should say]

[It's already early in the morning, I'm going to sleep too, I wish everyone a good night]

With that, Luo Wei closed the diary, set fire to the corpse of the painted ghost, and then lifted the formation that shrouded Li Mansion, and returned to the carriage with the women to rest.

This sleep, until the third pole of the day, Luo Wei got up beautifully.

Then, I received yesterday's reward.

[After the detection host writes today's diary, the reward will be distributed]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the size of the thirty-six changes of Tiangang]

[This reward can only be used once a day, expires and is void, and cannot be accumulated]

When Luo Wei heard this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, the size is wishful, that is, the one who is proficient in the way of size change, can law the heavens and the earth, and can conceal the size of the hidden shape.

It is indeed a good method.

However, what Luo Wei wants more now is not what size Ruyi, but nine breaths of conformity.

Nine breaths are the method of practicing qi, breathing and exhaling nine breaths, which can convert the vitality of heaven and earth into mana, which can be used for meditation and pranayama, and restore one's own mana.

With these nine breaths of service, Luo Wei could transform the Heaven and Earth Vitality into mana and become a righteous immortal cultivator.

And with mana, those spells he mastered would no longer be limited to once a day.

As long as the mana is not exhausted, it can be used repeatedly.

This is of great help and improvement to Luo Wei's strength.

Unfortunately, the Nine Breaths of Obedience has not been opened until now, and Luo Wei's spell can still only be used once a day.

Oh yes, with the exception of coming back to life and scattering beans.

These two spells can be used twice a day because they have been encountered repeatedly.

This time, a large and small ruyi was opened, which can be regarded as enhancing some means of attacking the enemy.

Not bad.

Luo Wei adjusted the balance in his heart, walked out of the room, came to the hall on the first floor, and found Huang Rong, Lin Shiyin, Azhu, Blue Phoenix, Xue Bing and others sitting on the side chatting.

On the dining table, there is also breakfast for one person, which seems to be prepared for himself.

Azhu saw Luo Wei going downstairs and quickly got up, "Gongzi, you're awake." "

Luo Wei snorted, pointed to the breakfast on the table and asked, "Is this for me?" "

Azhu nodded with a smile, "It was prepared by Miss Huang for Gongzi with her own hands." "

Huang Rong's face turned red and quietly lowered her head.

Luo Wei snorted, waved his hand and said, "You guys continue to talk, I'll go eat." "

Walking to the dining table and sitting down, Rowe looked at today's breakfast, which was a very simple breakfast, a bowl of soy milk, a fried stick, and two baskets of buns.

The buns are still hot.

Luo Wei ate happily, and he listened to the conversation of several women as he ate.

It was soon discovered that the conversation of several women revolved around Xue Bing.

Xue Bing likes Lu Xiaofeng, this is a well-known thing, and then yesterday when Xue Bing knew from Luo Wei's mouth that Lu Xiaofeng would have a lot of confidantes in the future, everyone was stupid.

Now I began to struggle with whether I should continue to like Lu Xiaofeng.

Especially after she read Lu Xiaofeng's legendary book overnight yesterday, she was even more entangled.

Because she found that there were several women who had slept with Lu Xiaofeng in the book, and there were even more ambiguous ones. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At this time, she found that what Luo Wei said was not wrong at all, Lu Xiaofeng's confidantes were really many.

I'm just one of them.

Huang Rong felt that there was something to like about that kind of flower-hearted big radish, so it was better to break it early and find someone worthy of liking.

Three-legged toads on the rivers and lakes are not easy to walk, and there are many two-legged men.

Azhu and Lin Shiyin thought that if Xue Bing liked someone, he might as well try to get along.

As for Blue Phoenix, he did not dare to be interested in this kind of thing, rarely spoke, sat quietly and listened to everyone's speeches, and occasionally said a word or two, as a cheer.

After Luo Wei finished breakfast, Blue Phoenix stepped forward and cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks.

Luo Wei walked over, sat on the sofa and said: "What's so entangled in this, you ask your heart, do you like Lu Xiaofeng." "

Xue Bing said: "Naturally, I like it. "

Luo Wei said: "Then you don't listen to Rong'er, Rong'er is different from you, her father Huang Yaoshi is a rare lover, since the death of his wife Feng Yu, he has never married again, nor has he ever touched any woman." "

"Rong'er was influenced by his old father and felt that love should be like this, and a lifetime and a couple are the love worth touching and singing."

"And yet the norm in this world is... If the eldest husband has no wife, the eldest husband should have three wives and four concubines."

"Therefore, Rong'er's concept and concept of love are only a small part, and cannot represent the vast majority."

When Huang Rong heard this, she couldn't help but glare at Luo Wei in annoyance.

However, she also admits that what the teacher said is true.

Luo Wei smiled at her and continued to say to Xue Bing: "Lu Xiaofeng can attract you, which shows that he is a very attractive man, and attractive men will naturally attract women's attention. "

"If you can put down Lu Xiaofeng now, you can naturally kick him away and look for someone else."

"But I see your tangled look, and I know that you can't let go of Lu Xiaofeng."

"Since that's the case, it's better to be direct, confess directly to Lu Xiaofeng, and take it down."

"Everyone is a child of the rivers and lakes, twisting and pinching what to do."

"As long as you can take Lu Xiaofeng, with Lu Xiaofeng's character, naturally will not leave you, when the time comes, you are gentle and look closer, naturally you can drive away all the group of Yingying Yanyan around Lu Xiaofeng."

"In this way, isn't Lu Xiaofeng yours alone."

Xue Bing's eyes couldn't help but light up when she heard this, but she quickly thought of something, and couldn't help but say: "If I am so jealous, will it make Lu Xiaofeng tired of me." "

Luo Wei stroked his chin and said: "Probably not, after all, Lu Xiaofeng still hurts women very much, and there are few men in the rivers and lakes who pity and cherish jade like Lu Xiaofeng." "

"If he is really bored, you take a loss, put on a few nice clothes, and treat him."

"Men, either old snakeskin or lower body animals."

"You are so beautiful, as long as you are willing to pull down your body, it will not be a problem to make Lu Xiaofeng dizzy."

Xue Bing's face blushed when he heard this, and he couldn't help but take a sip, "I won't be so cheap." "

Luo Wei disagreed, and said righteously: "Is this inferior, this is still good fun, fun." "

"If you want to keep it fresh, you have to spend a little bit of fun."

"You don't play a little flower, how to hook a man's heart."

Xue Bing couldn't listen anymore, and covered his ears with both hands, unwilling to listen to Luo Wei continue.

0.1 Luo Wei sighed, his face full of regret, "I have all these wise words." "

Xue Bing: ...

She couldn't help but give Luo Wei a blank look, "I didn't expect you to be an unorthodox guy too." "

Luo Wei asked rhetorically: "When did I say that I am a serious person, who is still a serious person this year, Yang Kaitai is serious enough, but it is because it is too serious that he is not liked by Feng Siniang." "

"This man, he still has to be bad."

"There is a saying that is good, men are not bad, women do not love."

Xue Bing glanced at Luo Wei with a smile, "So, you also want to be a bad person?" "

Luo Wei shook his head, "No, I can't be, nine years of compulsory education has cultivated my three views, so there is probably no hope of being a bad person in this life." "

"So, I can only be an old snakeskin."

Xue Bing couldn't help but be speechless.

But after Luo Wei's enlightenment, she also realized that since she liked Lu Xiaofeng, she would take the initiative to fight for it.

At noon that day, after Xue Bing and Luo Wei had a casual meal, they rode fast horses all the way and went to find Lu Xiaofeng.

Her happiness must be controlled by herself.

As for Luo Wei's group of people, they naturally left Li Yuan and went to the Great Song Peach Blossom Island.

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