In the next few days, Luo Wei's group set off towards Da Song.

Standing up is still Rem that Rowe conjured using the Finger Transformation Technique.

As for Azhu, he returned to the carriage and followed Luo Wei to play poker and fight the landlord.

This poker was naturally conjured up by Luo Wei using the art of fingering.

If you are tired of playing ordinary games, you will practice martial arts, and what you practice is not ordinary martial arts, but the god and demon-level martial arts that Luo Wei gave her... Devouring the Heavens and Destroying the Seven Limits.

In fact, Luo Wei not only handed over this martial art to Azhu, but even Lin Shiyin, Huang Rong, and the Blue Phoenix girls taught it.

In addition to the seven limits of devouring heaven and destroying earth, the Divine Illumination Sutra was also taught in the past.

For martial arts, Luo Wei didn't value it at all, at least not spells.

And the women are all their own people, Luo Wei naturally will not hide it, and simply teach the past.

After a few days of practice, the gods and women entered the door.

The next thing to do is to transform your internal force into the internal force of the Divine Sutra day by day.

This point requires terrazzo to wear, so it is urgent.

On the contrary, it is more troublesome to devour the seven limits of heaven and earth, and after Luo Wei accepted this martial art, he naturally learned this martial art, and he could release it from the beginning.

But Huang Rong and Azhu can't do it, they have to practice hard.

But the problem is that the Seven Limits of Devouring Heaven and Earth are god-level martial arts, and they are really not something that ordinary people can cultivate.

In a few days, Luo Wei did not have any private secrets, and almost hand-in-hand taught the seven limits of Heaven Devouring and Earth to several women.

But the progress of the women is really unsatisfactory.

Among the several women, Huang Rong, as the daughter of the Eastern Evil, has the highest martial arts talent, but she has only mastered the seventh move of the 11 Heaven Devouring and Destroying the Seven Limits... Breaking the sea.

The seven limits of devouring heaven and destroying earth are divided into seven styles: heaven, earth, fire, ice, wind, mountain, and sea, and each move has the power of nature.

And these seven-style knife moves are not stronger than one move.

In fact, the five moves of fire, ice, wind, mountains and sea are all powerful.

On the contrary, the first type of heaven swallowing and the second type of earth destruction are the most powerful.

Swallowing the sky can swallow clouds and mist, absorb the essence of heaven and earth into strong and horizontal killing power, this move is together, the sky is abnormal and abnormal, the yin and yang imbalance conflict, and the situation is reversed and rebelled, just like the end of the world, so it cannot be easily used indiscriminately.

The earth-destroying sword and evil blade broke the earth, and the cracks spread in all directions like cobwebs, extending thousands of miles away, and the destructive nature was like a ten-magnitude earthquake, causing the enemy to have no place to stand and die tragically in the knife reflected by the gap.

So these two formulas are the most difficult to master.

On the contrary, the remaining five formulas are easier to master.

Take the seventh style of sea breaking mastered by Huang Rong.

This move is surging and rushing, the knife momentum is turbulent, and the knife is vast and surging, as if a tsunami tears the sky and the earth, drowning and devouring everything.

And Huang Rong has lived on Peach Blossom Island since childhood, as an island in the sea, Huang Rong sees the most monstrous waves in the sea.

It was precisely because he had seen the momentum brought by the huge waves that Huang Rong could master the breaking sea among the seven limits of Devouring Heaven and Earth under Luo Wei's hand-in-hand teaching.

But that's about it.

Except for breaking the sea, Type 6 landslides, Type 5 storms, Type 4 hailstorms, and Type 3 fire, she had no clue.

It's too hard and hard to learn these tricks.

But Rao is so, Huang Rong is at least stronger than Azhu, Lin Shiyin and Lan Phoenix.

Because Azhu, Lin Shiyin, and the Blue Phoenix girls have studied the seven limits for a few days, and they haven't even mastered a move.

But if you want to say that they have been busy these days, it is not enough.

Although they did not master any of the seven limits of Heaven Devouring and Destroying Earth, after these days of study, their sword skills had also made great progress, and they had mastered a little bit of the seven limits.

Although there is only a little fur, it is still meteorological and terrifying.

So Luo Wei decided to urge the women to step up their practice, hoping that the girls could open up their minds and learn the seven limits.

Even if it's a trick.

As long as one of these moves is mastered, their strength will change dramatically.

However, a few more days passed, and the progress of the women was still slow.

Blue Phoenix was the first to give up, she could see it, she didn't have the qualifications to connect the knife at all, even if the god and demon level martial arts were placed in front of her, she couldn't practice.

So Blue Phoenix decisively gave up in order not to waste time.

Put all your energy into the Shinto Sutra.

Compared to the god-level martial arts of devouring the heavens and destroying the seven limits of the earth, the Divine Illumination Sutra is more suitable for her.

In this regard, Luo Wei did not say anything, after all, the qualifications of Blue Phoenix to learn the knife were indeed very average.

It's just that Blue Phoenix's abandonment seems to have a chain reaction.

The next day, Lin Shiyin also gave up.

On the third day, Aju also had to give up.

Because they, like Blue Phoenix, are gods and demons-level martial arts that they can't really learn the Seven Limits, instead of wasting time on a martial art that can't be learned, it's better to practice the Divine Illumination Sutra.

As for Huang Rong, after mastering the sea-breaking style, he put all his energy into breaking the sea.

In her words, she can't master other moves anyway, it's better to specialize in breaking the sea.

Maybe you can also break the sea link's divine spirit.

Luo Wei did not object to this, but felt that Huang Rong was very smart, there is a saying in the rivers and lakes called one trick to eat all over the sky, if Huang Rong can really completely master breaking the sea.

Maybe in the future, you can also rely on the sea-breaking style to evolve a powerful knife technique.

Don't think it's impossible.

In fact, the god and demon-level martial arts are vast and profound, and any move can evolve a powerful martial art.

However, this requires strong martial arts knowledge as a foundation.

With Huang Rong's current Wu Xue knowledge, it is not enough to do this, but it is not easy to say in the future.

On the other hand, after Azhu and Lin Shiyin, and the three daughters of the Blue Phoenix gave up the Seven Limits of Devouring Heaven and Earth, in order to make them have the power of self-preservation, Luo Wei taught another martial art to the three daughters. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

That is the teleportation method.

This martial art can be transfiguration, teleportation, whether it is used to attack or escape, it is very convenient.

And this martial art is not difficult to learn.

In the movie "Dragon Babu no Tianshan Tong Mu", Wu Xingyun taught this teleportation method to Ah Zi and Wuzhu.

Needless to say, Ah Zi is talented and clever, and learning to teleport Dafa is not a problem.

But Wuzhu is a stupid monk, and he can even learn this martial art, although he often makes mistakes in the process of using it, but it is undeniable that he has indeed learned the teleportation method.

It can be seen that this martial art is very easy to get started.

However, if you want to learn well, it is not an easy task.

To put it bluntly, this is a martial art that is easy to learn and difficult to refine.

Same as Tai Chi.

It's easy to learn, it's harder to master, but what Rowe wants is easy to learn.

After Luo Wei's careful teaching, Azhu, Lin Shiyin, and Blue Phoenix did indeed master the teleportation method.

However, their teleportation method cannot be compared with Luo Wei.

Rowe is a move in his mind and can go wherever he wants.

But the three women can only transfer upstairs and downstairs each time, and the distance of transfer cannot exceed twenty meters, if you want to extend the distance of transfer, you must thoroughly master this martial art.

However, it takes a lot of time.

Fortunately, the transfer distance of twenty meters is enough for the three women.

In the future, even if you encounter danger, with the teleportation method, you can calmly dodge, and the ability to save your life has a significant stand-in, and Luo Wei is very satisfied with this.


This morning, after seven or eight days of trekking, day and night.

Luo Wei and his party finally arrived at the border pass of Daming in a carriage.

Gantry closed.

As long as you leave the Dragon Gate Pass and go a little further, it will be the realm of the Great Song.

Longmen Pass is surrounded by a desert area, and the surrounding tens of miles are not illuminated, obviously it is a place where birds do not, but in fact, the flow of people here is not much at all.

However, the people who come from south to north are basically divided into two kinds of people, one is the caravan that trades between the Great Song and the Daming, and this kind of people is the largest, accounting for more than seventy percent of the number of people entering and leaving Longmen Pass.

The remaining two-and-a-half are quacks, and the vast majority of its 433 are quacks who have committed crimes.

Or because he offended people in Daming, he was forced to stay and simply left Daming and went to Dasong.

Of course, there are also such people on the side of the Great Song who go to Daming.

The remaining half of them either visit relatives and friends, or go sightseeing, but such people are pitiful.

Therefore, don't look at Longmen Pass, this place is desert for tens of kilometers, birds do not, but the flow of people is still considerable.

If you open an inn here, you will definitely make a lot of money.

Therefore, there used to be many inns standing near Longmen Pass.

But Longmen Pass this place birds do not, and there are high-rollers from the rivers and lakes, and there are not a few people who draw their swords without saying a word.

After some daring people entered the inn, they thought that Lao Tzu would leave Daming anyway, so why not make a profit before leaving, so they tied up the owner of the inn, extorted some money, and left.

Some of them are short-tempered and will also kill people and cross goods.

As a result, the inns near Longmen Pass were opening less and less.

In addition, the environment of this realm is really general, once sick, it is difficult to find a better doctor.

Plus the weather is changeable in the desert.

In short, for various reasons, the once prosperous Longmen Pass gradually became deserted.

In the end, after the big waves, only one inn stood in Longmen, which continues to this day.

And this inn is called... Dragon Gate Inn.


At this moment, Luo Wei suddenly raised his hand to interrupt Huang Rong, who was talking, and asked seriously: "Rong'er, what did you just say about the name of this inn." "

"Dragon Gate Inn."

When Luo Wei heard this, he looked strange, and couldn't help but sigh, and then asked: "Then what is the name of the lady of this inn, should it be called gold inlaid jade." "

Huang Rong said: "There are two owners of the Longmen Inn, one is indeed called Gold Inlaid Jade, and the other is called Jade Linglong. "


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