Mrs. Rose appeared as soon as she was a fat woman with a bucket waist.

But even so, this Lady Rose desperately wanted to tie the fat on her body with a girdle and cover the wrinkles on her face with fat powder, which surprised Li Xunhuan.

Because Li Xunhuan was in his impression, Mrs. Rose was definitely a beautiful woman full of rivers and lakes.

And that's exactly what happened.

The young Mrs. Rose is not only gorgeous, but also the wife of the chief scoop of the 72 waterways in Jiangnan.

At that time, the young hero on Houjianghu Road, the merry swordsman, did not want to visit Mrs. Rose? As long as you can accompany the other party to say two words, look at Mrs. Rose.

This group of young heroes, merry swordsmen, as if they had eaten ginseng fruit, were very happy.

This shows how beautiful this Lady Rose is.

But alas, this Lady Rose did something wrong.

She betrayed the chief scoop and eloped with Myolang-kun.

Miaolang-kun's real name is Flower Bee, a character who does not learn or skill, does not even dare to pick flowers, and only seduces women from good families to cheat money and deceive.

But in fact, Miaolang-kun is not really unlearned, he will poison, and the kung fu of poisoning is no worse than that of the Five Poisons Bliss Boy.

Even better.

But these are not important, the important things are that this guy is not only handsome, but also able to speak well, understand women's hearts, and indeed hook people.

Mrs. Rose is famous in the rivers and lakes, and Miaolangjun naturally wants to kiss Fangze.

So he did everything he could, and he succeeded in hooking Mrs. Rose, and even asked Mrs. Rose to conceive his own child.

In this way, two people can't run without running.

After all, if the matter is revealed, neither of them will survive.

So before the matter was revealed, they took the money of this chief scoop and ran away

But halfway through, Miaolang-kun was scared, and in order to escape the pursuit of this chief scoop, he came up with an idea.

That is to let Mrs. Rose seduce another person and let him back the pot.

And this person is called Purple Face Erlang Sun Kui, who is also a master in the rivers and lakes.

But what Miao Langjun didn't expect was that Mrs. Rose had been in love with this Sun Kui for a long time, and when the limelight passed, when he came back to find Mrs. Rose, the two teamed up, cut off one of Miaolangjun's legs, and imprisoned him.

But even so, Sun Kui and Mrs. Rose still did not dare to show their faces and could only hide.

This hiding is twenty years.

Twenty years have turned Mrs. Rose from a beautiful woman with a crown of rivers and lakes into an obese waist with a bucket waist.

This shows the great name of this chief scoop handle.

He did not appear, but showed his strength and status from the side, so that the two betrayers lived in panic and anxiety all day long, and lived for twenty years.

Without absolute status and strength in the rivers and lakes, it would be impossible to achieve this.

It is no wonder that the surrounding guests, when they hear each other's words, will cause a commotion.

Luo Wei glanced carefully at the chief scoop.

About forty years old, with long messy hair and a beard on his face, he looked like a rude reckless man.

However, a simple reckless man can not sit in the position of the chief scoop of the seventy-two waterways and wharves in the south of the Jiangnan.

This person must have something extraordinary.

Just as Luo Wei looked at the chief scoop, the other party was also looking at Luo Wei.

The gazes of the two sides suddenly collided in midair.

Luo Wei could clearly see that under the appearance of the reckless man, there was a pair of shrewd eyes.

People with such eyes are definitely not reckless.

Whoever really thinks that the other party is a reckless man will definitely suffer a big loss.

"This brother is so raw, I don't know what to call it?" The chief scoop asked aloud.

Luo Wei responded calmly, "A nobody, not as majestic as Your Excellency. "

The chief scoop laughed and said: "A nobody, but he does not have the ability to let Boss Jin take the initiative to accompany him, I believe that this brother must have something extraordinary, I don't know that this brother has a high surname." "

"Rowe." Luo Wei said his name, anyway, this name is not famous in the rivers and lakes, and few people know it.

The chief scoop quickly turned his head to make sure that he had not heard this name, but he did not underestimate Luo Wei because of this, but said with a smile: "It turned out to be Brother Luo, I didn't know that Brother Luo came this time, but it was to participate in the auction hosted by Boss Jin three days later." "

Luo Wei nodded and said, "There are indeed ideas. "

The chief scoop asked, "I don't know if Luo Gongzi is a seller or a buyer." "

Rowe said: "At present, I am a seller, and if I have something to fancy, I can also be a buyer. "

The chief scoop still wanted to ask something, but the gold-encrusted jade interrupted: "Okay, big master, you are also an old jianghu, don't you know that there are some things that are better not to inquire indiscriminately?" "

The chief scoop laughed and said, "Although Brother Luo and I have never met, when I look at the face of Brother Luo, they must be rich and noble, and they really want to be strong." "

"So this is inevitable to ask a few more words, and ask Boss Jin not to be surprised."

"Where you offend, please don't be surprised by Brother Luo."

The gold-encrusted jade snorted coldly and did not answer.

Luo Wei said calmly: "It's okay, it's just a few gossip, it's not an offense." "

The chief scoop slapped the table and said, "Cheerful, if Brother Luo has the opportunity to come to my territory in the future, I will definitely sweep the bed and have a good drink with Brother Luo." "

Luo Wei thought for a moment and didn't say anything to death, "Have a chance." "

After receiving an affirmative answer, the chief scoop withdrew his gaze and ate happily at the table full of delicacies.

At the same time, the back kitchen of the inn had already brought up the gold-encrusted jade dishes and spread them all over the table.

She got up and poured a glass of wine for Rovi, and reminded in a low voice, "This bearded man has become moody since Madame ran away with someone, if you really want to deal with him, you must be careful." "

When Luo Wei heard this, he first took out the diary, added gold inlaid jade as a friend, and asked a sentence in the diary.

[Rowe: His wife is Mrs. Rose? 】

The gold-encrusted jade's face was full of surprise, he never thought that Luo Wei's diary had such a wonderful change, and he could actually communicate with people like this, and after looking at Luo Wei in surprise, he nodded quietly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Rowe thought to himself, this is the right one.

In the plot of Xiao Li Feidao, Li Xunhuan appeared ten years after he gave Lin Shiyin away.

But Mrs. Rose ran away with someone twenty years ago.

So at this juncture, Mrs. Rose should have been running away with Miaolangjun for ten years.

If nothing else, this Miaolangjun should have been cut off by Madam Rose and Sun Kui and imprisoned.

Of course, this is nothing more than Rowe's speculation.

Whether this is the case, Rowe is not sure.

Ask for flowers

After all, this is not the world of Xiao Li's flying knife, but the world of comprehensive martial arts, and the plot of the comprehensive martial arts world has long been a mess.

What if Miaolangjun and Mrs. Rose did not look for Sun Kui as a substitute for the dead ghost, but found someone else.

So Rowe asked again in the diary.

[Rowe: Do you know who Madame Rose ran away with]

The gold inlaid jade learned quickly, immediately figured out the changes in the diary, and replied.

[Gold inlaid jade: This matter is making a fuss in the rivers and lakes, I heard that it was stolen with plum blossoms]

When Luo Wei heard this, people were stupid.

Isn't it Miaolang-kun, how did a plum blossom thief pop up.

[Luo Wei: Plum Blossom Thief, how is this matter related to the Plum Blossom Thief, the Plum Blossom Thief is notorious, even if Mrs. Rose is blind, she shouldn't run away with the Plum Blossom Thief]

[Gold inlaid jade: I don't know, anyway, it is spread like this in the rivers and lakes, so so far, this chief scoop looks like a plum blossom thief no matter who he looks at]

[Gold inlaid jade: Every time this guy sees a strange man with a beautiful woman, he will suspect the identity of the man, and then arrest him and torture him]

[Gold inlaid jade: That's why I asked you to be careful when you befriended him]

Luo Wei couldn't help but realize, no wonder this chief scoop suddenly talked to him, it turned out that he saw beautiful women around him, and suspected that he was a plum blossom thief.

In this way, when Mrs. Rose ran away with someone, it hit him too hard.

So much so that now they are a little suspicious.

Rowe smiled, indicating that he knew it.

Seeing that he understood, Jin Yiyu stopped the topic and drank with Luo Wei with a smile.

After the group had drunk and eaten, they returned to the fourth floor and returned to the room to rest.

An afternoon of practice, in the practice of everyone, quickly passed.

In the evening, Luo Wei and his party were not going downstairs, but eating in the room.

After eating, Luo Wei left the room to Azhu, Huang Rong, Lin Shiyin and Blue Phoenix.

He returned to the carriage and slept for a night.

Anyway, the luxurious villa of the carriage is also large.


While Luo Wei was sleeping soundly, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Azhu walked in with small steps.

"Gongzi, Gongzi?"

Luo Wei opened his eyes in confusion, glanced at Aju, sat up from the bed, and asked, "What time is it?" "

Azhu said with a smile: "It's five o'clock." "

Since living with Luo Wei, Azhu and others have also become accustomed to using modern time, after all, modern time is more accurate than ancient hours.

Luo Wei was stunned for a moment, "So early? "

He didn't understand what Aju was doing by waking himself up like that?

Azhu said: "Gongzi, we discussed it yesterday and wanted to see the sunrise in the desert, so we came and asked Gongzi if we wanted to go together." "

As soon as Rowe heard about the sunrise, he became interested, he had not seen the sunrise of the desert.

"Go, why not."

Rowe jumped out of bed and went into the bathroom to start washing.

Although he can use the Dust Removal Charm to sweep away all the dust and stains on his body, it is not necessary at the moment.

Because the dust removal charm can only be used once a day.

It must be used when it matters most.

So under daily circumstances, Luo Wei still bathes with water.

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