After some washing, Rowe walked out of the bathroom and followed Aju out of the carriage.

Lin Shiyin, Huang Rong, and Blue Phoenix had been waiting at the door of the Dragon Gate Inn for a long time.

Seeing Luo Wei come out, Huang Rong walked up with a smile and took Luo Wei's arm, "It's too late, Brother Wei." "

Luo Wei glanced at the sky with a hint of light in the pitch black, "Not late, isn't the sun rising yet?" "

After a few fights, they hiked deep into the desert.

As time passed, the scenery on the edge of the sky became brighter and brighter.

Before the sun came out, the night was dispersed.

Not long after, Luo Wei saw a rising sun on the edge of the desert, and this round of the sun's slow horizon emerged, rising, sprinkling billions of brilliance, dyeing the sky red, which was particularly charming.

And as the sun rises, the light released illuminates the entire desert and even the whole world.

The whole process was thrilling.

Luo Wei couldn't help but say: "Tomorrow the desert will rise, and the sea of clouds will be clear." The long wind is tens of thousands of miles, blowing the dragon gate closed. "

Lan Phoenix glanced at Luo Wei with some surprise and said, "I didn't expect Gongzi to chant poetry." "

Azhu repeated: "The long wind is tens of thousands of miles, blowing the dragon gate closed, "six eight zero" is indeed a good poem. "

Even Lin Shiyin was impressed by Luo Wei.

Luo Wei rolled his eyes and said: "Pull down, where can I chant, this poem was copied by me, and it has been improved, and the original sentence is... The bright moon rises from the Tianshan Mountains, and the sea of clouds is clear. The long wind is tens of thousands of li, blowing the jade gate closed. "

The women couldn't help but be stunned, and carefully tasted the original sentence.

I found that the original sentence was indeed more flavorful than Rovi's.

Huang Rong cried and laughed, "Brother Wei, let's not be so sincere." "

"Is honesty bad?" Luo Wei asked rhetorically: "If there is more honesty and less intrigue between people, I believe that the world will be a better place." "

"And my main thing is sincerity, in this era of lies, sincerity is a must-have."

Lin Shiyin didn't have a little head, if Luo Wei was full of lies at the beginning, she would definitely not look at Luo Wei.

Azhu also nodded and said, "I like Gongzi's sincerity. "

Huang Rong was speechless, looking like she had lost to you.

But in fact, she also likes Rowe's honesty quite a lot.

Everyone watched the sunrise, so they returned to the Longmen Inn from the desert and enjoyed breakfast on the first floor.

Jin Yiyu yawned, walked over, and sat opposite Luo Wei with a butt, "Who was it yesterday?" "

Huang Rong said: "It's average. "

Jin Yuyu didn't even bother to deal with her, because she felt that Huang Rong just looked at herself unfavorably, no matter what she did, she had to pick a thorn, and she didn't pay attention to this kind of little sunspot.

Instead, he looked at Luo Wei and said with a resentful expression: "Luo Gongzi, I swept the bed yesterday, why didn't Gongzi come." "

Huang Rong was dissatisfied and snorted, "Horse flea goods." "

Jin Jiyu still ignored her, and looked at Luo Wei with blazing eyes.

Luo Wei said: "I understand Boss Jin's kindness, but I am a person who recognizes the bed and is used to sleeping in my own home." "

The gold-encrusted jade said unrelentingly: "In that case, then I will go up to find Gongzi in the evening." "

Huang Rong's angry willow eyebrows were upturned, and he slapped the table and said: "You are endless, don't you see that Brother Wei can't look at you?" "

Jin Jiyu chuckled a few times, "What does the little girl know, if your brother Vigo hadn't seen me, his eyes wouldn't have swept over my chest several times." "

Huang Rong was stunned and turned her head to look at Luo Wei.

Luo Wei suddenly sat down and said, "Male... Men, it's not all like this, I just looked, I didn't think about doing it. "

Huang Rong was about to die of anger, "Brother Vigo, you... I don't eat anymore. "

She threw her chopsticks angrily, turned her head and left.

Luo Wei said to Lin Shiyin; "I'll leave it to you next."

After Lin Shiyin nodded, Luo Wei got up and chased out, catching up with Huang Rong who left the Dragon Gate Inn all the way.


Luo Wei stopped Huang Rong who walked out of the gate, "You listen to me." "

"I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen." Huang Rong covered her ears and refused to take Luo Wei.


Good fellow, did the girls of ancient times already learn that I don't listen to this trick?

However, Luo Wei still grabbed Huang Rong's hands, pulled her hands off her ears, and asked, "Rong'er, I'll just ask you if you like me." "

Huang Rong couldn't help but be stunned, "I... Who..."

She really wants to say who likes you, don't be too narcissistic.

But I don't know why, this sentence came to his lips, and he couldn't say anything.

When Luo Wei saw this scene, he didn't have a headache, he couldn't help sighing, pulled Huang Rong aside, and said softly: "Although I don't know what kind of charm I have, let Rong'er like me." "

"But Rong'er, you like the wrong person, you know who I am, I am a greedy person, yearning for a group of wives and concubines, surrounded by beautiful women, and you know, yearning for love is completely different."

"You shouldn't like me."

When Huang Rong heard this, her heart ached terribly, and her face turned pale unconsciously, "Brother Wei, can't you change it for Rong'er?" "

Luo Wei was silent for a while, and said slowly: "If I change for you, what about Shiyin, what about Azhu, and what about the Blue Phoenix, drive them away from me?" "

Huang Rong suddenly fell silent and slowly lowered her head. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Luo Wei smiled and rubbed Huang Rong's hair, and his voice became softer, "I'm grateful that you like me, Rong'er, and I'm really, really grateful to you." "

"Azhu is a handmaid given to me by Tianzun."

"Lin Shiyin was disappointed with Li Xunhuan, and Yin Yang chose me by mistake."

"The Blue Phoenix was forcibly left by my side by the Eastern Undefeated."

"Although the three of them follow me, I don't know if they like me or not."

"Only you really like me, which makes me very grateful and very touched."

"I didn't expect that I Rowe still have a little charm, and I can make a heroine like me."

"It's a pity, I can't give you the love you want."

"I am not destined to be a couple in my life, so Rong'er, while you haven't fallen too deep, pull it out, don't like me as a scumbag anymore."

"Is it not good to find someone who can accompany you, someone who only likes you, and spend a fast life?"

Huang Rong raised her head and looked at Luo Wei pitifully, "Can I really find such a person?" "

Luo Wei pretended to laugh lightly, "Just like you said, three-legged toads in this world are not easy to find, and there are many two-legged men like cattle hair.."

"I believe that you will always find a wishful Langjun of your own."

Huang Rong asked, "Then what if I don't suffer." "

Ah this...

Luo Wei didn't expect that Huang Rong would actually come to such a sentence, and finally he rubbed Huang Rong's hair again and said, "If you really can't find it in the end, then I will ask you to go with me." "

"If you don't mind having a group of women around me."

Huang Rong couldn't help but roll her eyes and glared at Luo Wei coquettishly, "The ghost wants to share you with a group of women." "

Luo Wei laughed, "Let's go, go back to eat." "

Huang Rong did not object, and followed Luo Wei back to the Dragon Gate Inn.

Jin inlaid jade sat on the chair, saw Huang Rong come back, and ridiculed, "The little vinegar jar is back, what method did your son use to coax you well." "

Huang Rong had repeatedly lost her proportion by gold-encrusted jade qi because she cared too much about Luo Wei before, but now after calming down, she has regained her former intelligence.

He didn't care about the gold-encrusted jade provocation at all, but mocked: "At least Brother Vigo will coax me, not some self-righteous people." "

"Some people have obviously recommended themselves for pillow seats, and they are not put in the eyes by Brother Vigo, which is really sad."

"If I were her, I would have found a piece of tofu and killed it."

The gold-encrusted jade three corpses jumped violently, she never thought that it had only been a few minutes to go out, and this little vinegar jar seemed to have changed after returning.

Sentence to heart.

It's really abominable.

Jin Jianyu forced out a little smile, and said coquettishly: "Your brother doesn't put me in his eyes, joke, you can tell by looking at his eyes, he has a thief's heart and no thief's guts." "

"If it weren't for your little vinegar altar, he would have become my wife's minister under my skirt."

Huang Rong snorted and nodded: "Yes, yes, you are right, now some old women can only use this method to comfort themselves, and it feels sad to imagine." "1.5 gold-encrusted jade mussels are gone, and it is really unbearable to talk about the age of women.

Especially Huang Rong is really younger and more beautiful than her, which is even more unbearable.

"Little vinegar jar, who do you say is old." The gold-encrusted jade slapped the table and glared angrily.

"Whoever is seated, I will say whoever it is." Huang Rong was careless.


"Okay, okay, let's say two words less." Luo Wei had a headache, he didn't expect that Huang Rong and Jin Inlaid Jade would quarrel so much, so he quickly organized.

He likes to watch women fight, but he doesn't like to watch women fight.

"Rong'er, you say two words less."

Luo Wei first said Huang Rong, and then said to Jin Jiyu: "Boss Jin, Rong'er is still young, please don't see her in general." "

This sentence seems to accuse Huang Rong, but it is actually a reminder of gold inlaid jade.

You are not small, why do you know a little girl.

Huang Rong is a little clever ghost, gold-encrusted jade and the owner of the Dragon Gate Inn, he has seen all kinds of people, how can he not hear the meaning of Luo Wei's words.

For a while, Jin Yiyu glared at Luo Wei without anger and corruption, "You will protect this little vinegar altar, if you let her entangle you, you will feel better in the future." "

With that, she got up and left.

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