After the gold inlaid jade twisted his butt and left, Huang Rong looked at Luo Wei with a smile.

"Brother Vigo, you are so good."

Luo Wei knocked her angrily, "I'm not good to you, do I want to be good to gold inlaid jade?" "

Are you kidding.

Huang Rong is not only his companion, but also likes him, for Luo Wei, Huang Rong is not an outsider at all, Luo Wei can't always reprimand Huang Rong because he has only seen a few sides of gold-encrusted jade.

Is this something that people can do?

Even if it is a starting point, it is not such a starting method.

Therefore, protecting Huang Rong is a must.

After breakfast, Huang Rong proposed where to play, but Longmen Inn is in the desert, dozens of miles from the ground grass, birds do not, there are no good attractions at all.

Even if there is, it is sunrise and sunset.

The sunrise has already been seen, and the sunset is still poor.

Rowe didn't know where to go for a while?

So Rowe suggested, "If we don't know where to play, how about we just make an attraction?" "

This proposal was unanimously agreed.

So everyone returned to the luxurious villa of the carriage, and Luo Wei found an uninhabited room on the second floor, and first used the Kettle Heaven Technique to expand the space of this room by more than ten times.

Then he used the art of moving the scenery to change the environment of the room.

However, before performing the Scene Shifting Technique, Rowe discussed with everyone what to look like in the surrounding environment.

Huang Rong proposed to build a sandy beach and an endless sea.

Blue Phoenix proposed to build their Miao family's village.

Aju proposed to build a snowfield where 11 people could have snowball fights.

Lin Shiyin pondered for a moment, and then said, "I want to see what the world you live in is like. "

This proposal immediately stunned the other three women.

Huang Rong clapped her hands and said, "Yes, why didn't I think of it." "

Azhu also said with a smile: "Sister Lin is right, I also want to see what the world in which Gongzi lives is like." "

Blue Phoenix nodded, also full of curiosity.

"Okay then."

Luo Wei did not refuse, raised his hand to perform the magic of scene shifting, changed the environment in the room, and turned this enlarged room into a bustling commercial street.

There are high-rise buildings on both sides, and at the end is a people's square, and there is a statue of the chairman in the square.

"Welcome to my hometown Red Star Street."

Huang Rong, A Zhu, Lin Shiyin, and the four women of Blue Phoenix were already stunned by the surrounding scenery.

It's not that they haven't seen any tall buildings.

But all of them were high-rise buildings made of concrete and steel, steel forests, which they really had never seen.

Huang Rong couldn't help but say: "Brother Wei, this is your hometown, could it be that the people in your hometown are immortals, how did they do it with such a tall building?" "

Rowe said: "My hometown is all ordinary people, ordinary people like you, no, in my hometown, even a single person with internal strength cannot be found, it is an authentic ordinary person." "

Azhu was incredulous, "Gongzi means that these buildings were built by ordinary people. "

Luo Wei nodded and said proudly: "Exactly." "

Blue Phoenix couldn't help but ask, "Gongzi, how did they do it." "

Luo Wei said: "Of course, it is the application of science and technology, under the guidance of science, we can catch the tools for thousands of miles, and we can catch the tools and fly away." "

"You can even go up to the moon for nine days and catch turtles in the five oceans."

"We can reclaim land from the sea, or we can move mountains to open roads."

"Although the development of science has started very early, it is not as convenient as fairy arts, but maybe one day, we can really develop science to the appearance of fairy arts."

Huang Rong sighed: "Science is really amazing." "

Rowe nodded, "It's really remarkable. "

Ah Zhu asked curiously, "Do you know how to be scientific then?" "

Luo Wei said with a wry smile: "I wrote some, but not much, if in our hometown, I am at most a show talent, far less than Jin Shi, let alone Tanhua, Pingyan and Champion." "

Lin Shiyin said: "That's also amazing, Xiucai is also a talent who is one in a million." "

Luo Wei shook his head and said: "You think wrong, in our world, there is something to rely on the old and raise the young, but all children of school age will enter the school, that is, the private school in your mouth, and receive nine-year compulsory education." "

"Do you know how many people take the college entrance examination every year, that is, how many people take the entrance examination?"

Without waiting for everyone to shake their heads and answer, Luo Wei said: "Before I crossed, there were more than ten million students who took the college entrance examination every year. "

When Huang Rong heard this, she couldn't help but gasp.

Lan Phoenix couldn't help but say: "Gongzi, did you say one more thousand words." "

Luo Wei shook his head, "No, not at all, more than ten million, this is the number of people who refer to the college entrance examination." "

Several women: ...

Luo Wei saw the stunned expressions of several women, unable to return to their senses for a long time, and his heart suddenly moved.

With that, today's diary has it.

Luo Wei quickly took out his diary, took a few photos of the street, and uploaded them to the diary.

It immediately caused a huge sensation.

But there is no woman who sees the diary who is not shocked by this steel forest, because it is too difficult to imagine.

【Today is the second day after arriving at Longmen Pass and staying at Longmen Inn】

【Two days before the auction】

[After breakfast, Rong'er asked me if I wanted to play, but the vicinity of Longmen Inn is desert, there is no grass, and there is nothing fun]

[So I used the art of potting heaven and the art of moving scenery to create an attraction]

[Shiyin wanted to see what it was like when I traveled through the world I lived in before, so I made the street where I grew up]

[How, shock]

The women who read the diary were silent one by one, and it was simply unimaginable.

[Rong'er suspects that the people in my hometown are immortals, so they can create such a shocking steel forest, but in fact they are not, the people in my hometown are ordinary people]

[None of them are immortals, none of them are martial arts masters, all are ordinary people]

[The reason why we can create such a steel forest is because we understand science and culture]

[Every year, I am talking about tens of millions of people taking the college entrance examination every year]

[And the college entrance examination is equivalent to the imperial examination of Daming]

[It is a watershed of life] (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

[Think about it, tens of millions of people, what is this concept]

When Shangguan Haitang saw this, he couldn't help but take several breaths of cold air.

Daming holds an imperial examination once every three years, and there are 10,000 people who participate in the imperial examination each time?

Shangguan Haitang could say with certainty: "No. "

But in Luo Wei's hometown, there are tens of millions of people who want to participate in the imperial examination alone every year, what is this concept?

This is already equivalent to one-fifth of the population of Daming.

[By the way, the people who take the college entrance examination every year are teenagers, and there are no old men in their seventies and eighties]

[Now you understand why such a majestic building can be built in our hometown]

[Because our population is large, because our education is high enough, we have a population of 1.4 billion, and there are fewer people who do not know words than you do]

[That's why we can create such great miracles]

[The steel forest you see now is just the tip of the iceberg]

[My hometown is just a third-tier city, far from the first-tier city, and even the super first-tier city]

[You simply can't believe what kind of concept our country's imperial capital of 20 million people is]

Shangguan Haitang is really stupid.

The population of Daming is only 50 million, and an imperial capital is inhabited by two-fifths of the population of Daming?

What kind of imperial capital and what kind of city can do this.

Unbelievable, unbelievable.

Not only Shangguan Haitang, but all the women and female devils with a little insight were shocked by this number.

Exaggeration, really 177 is too exaggerated.

Even exaggerated to the point of being untrue.

But when they saw the photos on the copy of Rowe's diary, they had to believe that what Rowe said was true.

The Steel Forest is so magical.

In that case, what is impossible with one more miracle.

Murong family.

Murong Jiu was amazed, "It turns out that there are such terrifying countries in the world, if they come to this world and sweep the world, it should be as easy as the autumn breeze sweeping away the leaves." "

Murong Qiudi nodded thoughtfully.

[Actually, the tall buildings you see are not the tallest buildings in our world]

[Before I crossed over, the tallest building in our world seemed to be the Burj Khalifa, I remember that the height seemed to be more than 800 meters, converted into the length unit you are familiar with, it should be more than 240 zhang]

Good guys, that's a really good guy.

Many people and women were really surprised when they saw this, and two hundred and four women were too terrifying.

Huashan Pie.

Gao Yanan gasped, the height of the entire Huashan Sect was only more than six hundred zhang, and an artificial building was almost worth one-third of Huashan Mountain, which was simply against the sky.

Inside the Sun and Moon God Sect.

Dongfang Undefeated and Ren Yingying were equally surprised when they saw this scene and felt a toothache.

Because their Sun Moon God Sect is located on the Blackwood Cliff, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is only more than sixty zhang, close to seventy zhang.

This is also a natural peak.

But now, is it reasonable that a man-made structure is several times taller than Blackwood Cliff?

This is simply unreasonable.

But take a closer look at the steel forest in the diary and look at the buildings that are tens of meters high or even hundreds of meters at every turn.

The two women were speechless for a while, wanting to refute, but they didn't know how to refute it, they couldn't refute it, they really couldn't refute it.

But everyone who reads the diary, one counts one, did not expect that Rowe's hometown was so terrifying, no wonder such a miracle could be created.

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