Although Luo Wei couldn't see the expressions of the women, he was basically sure that the women must be very surprised.

Because Huang Rong, Azhu, Lin Shiyin and Blue Phoenix were very surprised.

Even though they had seen the appearance of modern streets, they were still completely shocked by Rowe's words.

The building of more than two hundred zhang is really incredible.

It's incredible.

They couldn't even believe how they could do it with human power alone.

After Rowe pretended to be fiercely forced in the diary, after shocking the women, he began to wrap up.

[Although my hometown is very large, there are also shortcomings, such as our world has no internal strength, nor any martial arts masters, nor internal strength true qi]

[This point, the comprehensive martial arts world is better]

[In general, the two worlds have their own advantages]

[Don't be too inferior, after all, there is still a lot to be gained in this world]

[Okay, that's the end of today's introduction, I'm going to take them to play]

【Goodbye, everyone】

Rowe closed the diary after writing the last word, don't look at his small number of words today, but the quality is high.

Especially modern architecture, population, and science have caused a huge shock to the women who were present and not present.

So Luo Wei estimated that he would definitely be able to get a good reward today.

【Detected host completed today's diary, reward now issued】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Thirty-Six Changes of Tiangang Wind and Rain]

[This spell can be used once a day, expires and is void, and cannot be accumulated]

When Luo Wei heard this, he couldn't help but wave his fist.

Sure enough, as he imagined, although today's diary was short, the quality was good, and he actually rewarded himself with three changes in heaven.

It's just not the nine-breath obedience of your own heart.

Hey, when will I be able to pump out the Nine Breaths of Obedience?

Rowe thought with a sigh.

However, it is not bad to call the wind and rain, and it is also the thirty-six changes of the sky, which can summon the wind, heavy rain, and even the clouds scatter and rain. It can also rain blizzards or frosts, and practice clouds and rain.

To put it bluntly, this is a spell that manipulates celestial phenomena.

If used well, it can even easily solve a huge crisis.

At this moment, Huang Rong suddenly said: "Brother Wei, you seem to be very unhappy, could it be that today's reward is not good?" "

In her opinion, since Luo Wei was hit by the golden light released by the diary, his whole person was like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Because the reward is too crotch-pulling, so I will be unhappy.

When Luo Wei heard this, he shook his head, "It's nothing, in fact, today's reward is to call the wind and rain, and it is a very good reward to be able to control the celestial phenomena." "

Ah Zhu was puzzled, "Calling the wind and rain is a legendary great power, why is Gongzi not happy to obtain such a spell." "

Luo Wei said: "I am not unhappy, in fact, I like the Nine Breaths of Qi more than calling the wind and rain, this is the supreme Qi training technique, once I obtain this spell, I can become a true Qi practitioner." "

"Unfortunately, I missed it again this time."

Seeing this, Lin Shiyin comforted: "Don't worry, you will get rewards every day, you can get three hundred and sixty-five times a year in three hundred and sixty-five days, ten years is more than three thousand, and you will always get what you want." "

Rowe snorted, "I think so too, okay, don't say these unhappy words, I'll take you shopping and let you see what the modern world is like." "

The women looked at each other and nodded one after another.

So Luo Wei took the women to open the shopping mode.

This street was created by him using the art of landscape transfer, and it is not only realistic on the outside, but also exactly the same on the inside.

Even some of the goods were treated as scenery and were made by Rowe.

For example, clothes, or in the store.

The only regret is that the food in the scenery is not edible, and the elevator, electrical appliances, etc. cannot be used normally.

Because that's part of the view.

But even so, the streets of the modern world still surprised Huang Rong and Azhu and her daughters.

Because there are so many novelties here.

What shopping malls, hotels, supermarkets, cinemas, one is more novel than one.

In addition, there are many special things that have opened the eyes of Huang Rong, Azhu, Lin Shiyin and Blue Phoenix.

Especially the underwear store made several women red-faced.

"Brother Vigo, are all of you really dressed?"

Huang Rong pointed to the clothes in the underwear store, her shy eyes could not be opened, and she almost dared not look. Even those famous witches, witches and the like in Daming don't dare to dress like this.

Luo Wei glanced at it and said: "You misunderstood Rong'er, even our people there will not wear such clothes on the street, how to say the clothes here, just like the belly pocket of this era." "

"The clothes here are all worn underneath, and I don't think you people here will wear a belly pocket to the streets."

The women suddenly realized that they were thinking wrong.

But even so, the women are still coquettish, because their people here will not sell it with belly pockets, because it is too humiliating.

Luo Wei shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "This is the characteristic of our modern society, and our social atmosphere is indeed much more open than your conservative here." "

Ah Zhu said curiously: "Gongzi, isn't there anyone pointing to such a bad custom?" (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Yes, but not much." Rowe said: "This is because our civilization has suffered too many shocks before entering modern society, and we are where we are today. "

"So we cherish that kind of life."

The women could see that the impact in Luo Wei's mouth was not necessarily a good thing, so they hid this curiosity in their hearts and did not ask.

If Rowe knew what they were thinking, he would have smiled.

Although Chinese civilization has been strongly impacted in modern times, it has still survived and is getting better and better.

As long as you don't forget that history, it's nothing.

Not to mention that it is precisely because of that history that there is a new China that was reborn from the ashes.

"Hey, what is this place."

At this moment, Blue Phoenix passed by a storefront and saw that there were many strange animals inside, so he asked.

Luo Wei glanced up and said, "This is a pet store. "

Everyone entered the pet store and found that the store was full of cages with various small animals in them.

Turtles, cats, puppies, goldfish, Dutch pigs, and even snakes.

Aju couldn't help but ask, "Why are these animals motionless?" "

Luo Wei smiled bitterly and said: "Because they are a landscape, what I just performed was the art of landscape transfer, restoring everything here through the scenery." "

"But a view is a view after all, it can't be true."

"Just as the electrical appliances I restored through the scenery cannot be used, and the food cannot be eaten, these animals are naturally only part of the scenery, they cannot move, cannot bark, and have no life."

Aju snorted.

Blue Phoenix asked curiously: ".. Is there no way to give them life? "

"Yes." Luo Wei nodded and said: "Among the thirty-six changes of Tiangang, the first change is called mediation creation, which is created out of nothing or can transform the essence of things, and can create all things. "

"Legend has it that Nuwa created people, using this magical ability, turning soil into humans."

"In the future, if I master this magical ability, I can use this spell to turn all these scenery into living things."

At this moment, Huang Rong thought of something and asked, "Brother Wei, you used the Fingering Technique to turn the paper man into a living person before, can't you use the Fingering Technique to bring them to life?" "

Luo Wei shook his head and said: "It's different, the art of fingering is just to change objects, and Rem I changed looks like a living person, but its essence is still a paper person. "

"If you hurt her, she will turn back into a paper man."

"But mediation can turn it into a real living person, a real power."

"The art of fingering is not as good as it is."

The women were stunned.

After the little episode, Rowe continued to hang out with the women.

Time flowed like water, and soon a morning passed.

Near noon, Huang Rong's stomach suddenly purred, originally when playing just now, Huang Rong ran around, and her physical exertion was extremely fast.

Take something to eat in the morning, and it has already been digested clean.

Luo Wei heard the grunting sound, and couldn't help laughing, and Huang Rong suddenly made a big red face.

"Brother Vigo, you are so annoying, you actually laughed at me like that."

Luo Wei reached out and rubbed Huang Rong's hair, and waved his big hand, "Let's go, let's go to lunch." "

The women naturally did not refuse, so they left the room and got out of the carriage.

After getting off the carriage, Luo Wei and the group were surprised to find that Jin Yiyu was standing next to the carriage and confronting Reim.

Luo Wei was a little surprised, and asked curiously: "Boss Jin, what are you doing?" "

Jin inlaid jade said angrily: "Of course, the old lady wants to see the building you made, but it's a pity that you, the servant, won't let me in." "

When Luo Wei heard this, he couldn't help but laugh.

Rem is a paper man he made with the art of fingering, there is nothing special, except for beauty, he can only do some simple work such as serving tea and water, rushing to deliver vegetables.

If the gold inlaid jade wanted to enter the carriage, Rem could not stop it.

The gold-encrusted jade can knock Rem back to the prototype with a single move.

So it was not Rem who really stopped the gold-encrusted jade.

It's Rowe.

There are too many secrets in Luo Wei's carriage, and there was a matter of the Eastern Undefeated fan breaking into the carriage before, so after obtaining the art of arraying, he placed a ban on the carriage.

Apart from him and his people, outsiders had no way to get into the carriage at all.

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