"What is it?" Huang Rong asked curiously.

"This is a car, which is our carriage." Rowe explained.

The gold inlaid jade said: "What about the horse? "

Luo Wei shook his head and said: "There are no horses, this car is the same as those electrical appliances, it does not need horses to pull, as long as there is electricity and gasoline, you can run by yourself, and you don't need horses at all." ~"

Jin Jiyu couldn't help but be taken aback, "So, the horses in your hometown are useless?" "

Rowe thought for a while and said: "It's not useless, it's just not useless, in some horse races, we can still see horses." "

Huang Rong is not dumb, can you only see horses in some races?

In the era of comprehensive martial arts, horseback riding was definitely the most powerful army and heritage of a country.

As a result, in Luo Wei's world, horses have long been eliminated, and I think the cavalry class has also been eliminated.

Even after seeing this street and having a knowledge of Luo Wei's hometown, Huang Rong still couldn't imagine how powerful Luo Wei's hometown was.

Maybe what I see is just the tip of the iceberg.

Soon after, everyone left the room with amazement and returned to the hall downstairs.

At this time, it was almost nightfall.

Ning Zhong also finished reading the entire novel of "Smiling Rivers and Lakes", and was sitting on the sofa in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

Seeing Luo Wei's group of people walking down from upstairs, Ning Zhong quickly got up.

"I've seen Luo Gongzi."

Luo Wei bowed his head slightly and asked, "I've read it all." "

"I'm done."

"I won't ask you how you feel, you just need to remember what I told you before, Xiaoao Jianghu is Xiaoao Jianghu after all, and the world you live in is not only Xiaoao Jianghu."

"You have to tell the difference between the two, Ning woman."

Luo Wei said seriously, just didn't want this heroine to fall into the devil because of a novel, and eventually fell out with her husband and disciples.

It's not worth it.

Ning Zhong also knew Luo Wei's intentions, and a warm current could not help but emerge in his heart, and he couldn't help laughing.

"Don't worry, Luo Gongzi, I know what you think, I'm not that fragile, although what Neizi did in the smiling rivers and lakes is indeed some... Some can't get on the table. "

"But he is my grandson after all, and I will not dislike him."

"After all, the content recorded in the book, Neiko has not done, and I will not have a disagreement with Neiko because of some of the content in the book."

Luo Wei breathed a sigh of relief, stroked his palm and laughed, "This is good, this is good, it is worthy of being the heroine of the heroine, I admire you, it would be great if there were a few more women like you in the Huashan faction." "

Ning Zhong said without humility: "Among the Huashan Sect, people like me abound. "

Luo Wei was noncommittal about this and asked: "By the way, Ning woman, we are just going to see the sunset in the desert, do you want to come with us." "

Ning Zhong hesitated, and finally shook his head, "I want to take a break in the room, so I won't go." "

"Okay, then I won't bother, Ning Lady please."

"Luo Gongzi, please."

After a polite exchange, the two got off the carriage, and Ning Zhong returned to the guest room of the Longmen Inn to rest.

As for the gold-encrusted jade, according to her words, the old lady has been living in this ghost place where birds don't poop for seven or eight years, and the sunrise and sunset have long been greasy, you go, I'll prepare a dinner for you.

Rowe led everyone outside to watch the sunset.

The sunset in the desert is as wonderful as the sunrise, and the moment a great sun falls from the sky and slowly falls into the horizon, the clouds in the sky are dyed a conspicuous red.

It was as if a brilliant flame was about to burn up in the sky, beautiful.

The spectacle of the burning clouds shines clearly in everyone's horizon.

Luo Weishi was excited, and couldn't help but chant, "The desert is lonely and straight, and the sun sets on the long river." "

When Huang Rong heard this, she laughed and ridiculed: "This poem is good, it is very appropriate, but Brother Wei, did you make this poem or copied it." "

Luo Wei couldn't help but look at Huang Rong with wide eyes, "Rong'er, do you look down on me like this, can't I even compose poetry?" "

Huang Rong was also taken aback, "This is really what you did, Brother Vie, it's too powerful..."

Before she finished speaking, Luo Wei interrupted: "Of course, I copied it, if I had such a poetry talent, I would have been admitted to college a long time ago." "

Huang Rong: ...

Only then did she realize that Luo Wei had played herself, and suddenly glared at Luo Wei with a huff.

"Brother Vigo is really bad, ignore you."

That's right, but when it came time for dinner, Huang Rong left this matter behind, Brother Vigo is long and Brother Vi is short, his voice is crisp and pleasant, soft and sticky soul.

Brother Jing's happiness, you can't imagine it.

And just like that, a new day passed.


It is still a room for Huang Rong and A Zhu, and a room for Lin Shiyin and Blue Phoenix.

Rowe returned to the luxurious villa of the carriage alone, went into the bathroom to take a shower, and then lay down on the bed to prepare for sleep.

At this moment, a pair of arms reached out from under the covers and wrapped around Rowe.

Luo Wei couldn't help but be startled in his heart and turned his head to look.

I was surprised to find that there was another person next to me, a beautiful woman.

This woman is none other than gold-encrusted jade.

"Why are you here?"

Luo Wei was curious about why the gold-encrusted jade appeared in his room, and the gold-encrusted jade said with a smile: "Guess why I appeared here." "

Luo Wei was silent, in fact, he didn't need to guess why the gold inlaid jade appeared here, she appeared here, it was nothing more than to get herself and get some benefits from the hands here.

For the sake of the beautiful appearance of the gold-encrusted jade, Luo Wei did not refuse, "Have you thought about it?" "

Jin inlaid jade said: "Think clearly. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Seeing this, Luo Wei didn't say anything, people are so active, if she refuses, it will be rude.

As a person who has crossed over from the modern era, talking about civilization and new wind is Luo Wei's basic requirement for himself, and understanding politeness is an instinct that goes deep into the marrow.

So he instinctively didn't want to refuse the gold-encrusted jade.

So Luo Wei hugged the gold-encrusted jade.

After a fierce battle, Rowe lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling blankly.

The gold-encrusted jade lay in Rowe's arms.

"Tell me, why are you doing this?" Luo Wei patted the smooth and delicate back of the gold-encrusted jade and said.

He thought about who his innocence would end up with, Azhu, Blue Phoenix, Lin Shiyin, and even Huang Rong, but he didn't expect it to be gold-encrusted jade.

But this is indeed something that gold-encrusted jade can do.

In the original plot, after this guy watched Huai'an last week, it was called an initiative, and he was not ashamed at all.

Ask for flowers

Luo Wei thought that he did not have Zhou Huai'an's temperament, but he had things that Zhou Huai'an did not have, so he estimated that the gold-encrusted jade must have come for these things.

But he still wanted to ask a question to test his conjecture.

The gold inlaid jade said weakly: "You once said that no woman can refuse immortality and eternity, and I am no exception. "

Rowe sighed, "Is that really the case? "

Jin inlaid jade said disdainfully: "Or you think." "

"I know that it is impossible to attract a woman like you with my appearance, but I still have a little fantasy that you are attracted to my temperament and appearance."

The gold inlaid jade said cooperatively: "If you think so, I can also pretend it." "

"That's not necessary." Luo Wei waved his hand and said, "It's too fake. "

The gold inlaid jade gave him a white look, "Isn't this enough, the two of us take what we need, I want your green and green to stay forever, you want my body, the two don't owe each other, how good is this." "

Luo Wei thought about it, but did not object, "It's okay, but when it comes to ugly things, I don't like to be brother-in-law with others, and I hate people in the same way." "

"You want immortality, green and eternal, I satisfy you."

"But from now on, you will be my woman."

"If you let me know that you are dealing with other men besides me, then I can only take back everything that you have given you, and then part ways, I don't know what you think?"

Jin Jiyu thought for a while and said, "It's fair. "

She also didn't expect that after the two had a skin-to-skin kiss, Luo Wei would let her live forever and stay green forever.

This is unrealistic.

Jin inlaid jade knows very well that her body is not so valuable yet, so becoming Luo Wei's woman is an indispensable part.

She was willing to accept such conditions.

Anyway, which man is not given, why not choose a man who is most beneficial to yourself.

Such a man does not want to find the so-called true love?

Stop tease.

Gold inlaid jade knows better than anyone that the so-called love is just a game of love between men and women, whoever is serious will lose, and those who lose are doomed to nothing.

Therefore, gold-encrusted jade never longs for love, only for profit.

And Rowe is the man who can maximize her interests, so she is willing to exchange her body for benefits.

After the two people negotiated, there were no more scruples, and unconsciously rolled together again.

This night, Luo Wei knew the essence of food, and he couldn't stop.

When he got up the next day, Luo Wei had dark circles under his eyes, which showed how intense it was when he tested the car yesterday.

But fortunately, Luo Wei had a Shennong ruler, and he took out the Shennong ruler and put it in his hand, but in three or five minutes, he eliminated the dark circles under his eyes and was revived with blood.

Time flowed like water, and another day passed in the blink of an eye.

Because there was nothing to write, Rowe perfunctory and received another guaranteed reward.

One year of pure internal strength.

Then, time finally moved to the day of the Dragon Gate Inn auction house.

Luo Wei took Huang Rong, Azhu, Lin Shiyin, and the Blue Phoenix girls early in the morning to sit on the first floor of the Dragon Gate Inn and wait.

At the same time, the Dragon Gate Inn was already full of people.

Not only the first floor, but also the corridors on the second, third, and fourth floors were crowded with people.

The auction is finally about to begin.

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