The auction is finally about to begin.

In the lobby on the first floor, several shopkeepers stepped forward and pieced together four tables to form a simple auction table.

Then, the shop Xiaoer retreated.

Everyone waited for a while, and seeing that the auction had not yet begun, they became impatient, and some even shouted loudly: "Boss Jin, gold inlaid jade, what tricks are you doing, this auction is still not done." "

"If you don't engage Lao Tzu and leave, don't delay Lao Tzu's time here."

At this moment, a certain room on the fourth floor was pushed open with a creak, and gold-encrusted jade walked out.

"What's the noise, didn't you see that the old lady is busy, if you can't afford to wait, get out, the old lady won't serve yet."

The gold-encrusted jade scolded and immediately suppressed the majesty just now.

At this moment, another pink-clothed woman walked out of the room, stood beside the gold-encrusted jade, and said softly: "Let you wait for a long time, we are ready, and the auction house will begin." "

Saying that, he jumped down the corridor on the fourth floor, like a bird, and landed gracefully on a simple platform patched together by four tables.

Huang Rong said in a low voice: "Brother Wei, this is the second boss of the "Five Seven Three" Longmen Inn, Yu Linglong. "

Luo Wei looked up at this jade linglong, dressed in pink, enchanting, fair-skinned, and a beauty.

Perhaps Luo Wei's gaze was too presumptuous, which alarmed this Yu Linglong, and the other party also glanced at Luo Wei, his gaze was like looking at a stranger, there was no difference.

Luo Wei suddenly understood that this Yu Linglong did not have a copy of the diary.

But anyone who has a copy of the diary and has seen enough of the diary written by Rowe, will not look at Rowe's eyes so calmly.

But this also made Rowe breathe a sigh of relief.

Because of recent diaries, every woman he met had a copy of the diary in her hand.

This made Rowe almost think that the women of the whole world had a copy of the diary.

Now it seems that I think too much.

Yu Linglong's gaze swept over Luo Wei, looked around again, and said with a smile: "I know that you are already in a hurry, so I won't talk more nonsense, and the auction house officially begins." "

"Now let's invite the first guest, the hall master from the Divine Dao Hall, Bai Yu"

Saying that, Yu Linglong was on tiptoe, and the whole person flew up lightly, flew back to the fourth floor, sat on the railing, and looked condescendingly.

Immediately afterwards, a dashing and unruly man stood up from the crowd and calmly walked onto the humble platform.

When Luo Wei heard the name Bai Yu, he couldn't help but look at the other party seriously.

He is no stranger to this name.

Bai Yu is a character mentioned in [Border City Prodigal Son", known as the invincible divine knife, and a set of Bai family divine knife makes others fearful.

The stunned talent in the plot is brilliant, the character is bold, the righteousness is loose and wealthy, the fight is uneven, and the righteousness is emphasized, but he acts arbitrarily, completely ignoring the feelings of his subordinate brothers.

But those who have accomplished great things must also have such determination and determination that even those who hate him have to admire him. And he is amorous, although he can treat each other sincerely, he still owes a lot of amorous debts.

This also laid the seeds for his demise.

Later, not long after Bai Yu left his son Ye Kai, Baiyun fairy Ding Baiyun, that is, Bai Yu's lover, could not stand Bai Yu's flower heart, so he joined forces with Ma Kongqun, the hall master of Wanma Hall, to plot and kill Bai Yu.

Ma Kongqun is the third brother of Bai Yu, who once roamed the rivers and lakes with Bai Yu and Bai Yong, Bai Yu established the Divine Dao Hall, and Ma Kongqun established the Ten Thousand Horse Hall.

But he was very jealous of the reputation of his brother Divine Dao Invincible Daytime Feather Divine Dao Hall, and coveted the property of Divine Dao Hall.

So he hit it off with Baiyun Fairy Ding Baiyun.

In order to kill Bai Yu, the two people found thirty martial arts masters such as the boneless snake Ximen Chun, the flower protector Liu Donglai, the owner of the Haohan Zhuang Zhuang Xue Bin, the iron hand gentleman Yi Dajing, the peach blossom lady, and the divine sword Guo Wei to join forces to ambush in Meihuaan.

Bai Yu and Bai Yong's family were invited to go to enjoy the snow, but they were first secretly calculated by Ma Kongqun outside Meihuaan, and then attacked, and fought bloodily until two or three miles away, and the desperate Bai Yu died of exhaustion.

Along the way, there were dead people's flesh and bones everywhere they were killed. None of the eleven people in Bai Yu's group were spared.

And only seven of the thirty killers remained.

This shows the strength of the white feather.

Even if he was secretly calculated, he almost killed more than half of the masters before he died.

But it also shows how failed Bai Yu is to be a person.

Because this battle was an ambush set by his brother and his lover, if he hadn't been too defeated, how could Hakuha have come to this point.

However, Bai Yu seems to be very young now, and he is officially the most spirited.

It was far from his death.

I saw him walk onto the humble platform, take out a secret book from his arms, and say to everyone: "I believe that everyone who is doing it knows who I am in the white feather." "

"I have just founded the Divine Dao Hall, and I need a lot of money to maintain the development of the Divine Dao Hall."

"So this time, the item I auctioned was nothing else, but a cheatbook."

"This cheatbook was obtained from an enemy not long ago, the Great Vajra Finger."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was in an uproar.

After all, this fingering technique is so famous that even people who are new to the rivers and lakes know where this fingering comes from.

Bai Yu did not hide it, "You guessed right, this powerful Vajra finger is even the powerful Vajra finger of the Shaolin Temple, and I mixed it from the hands of a monk from the Western Regions." "

"I've already checked, this Herburgh finger is the whole text, and there is no omission." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"There are also some notes from the monks on it, as well as the medicinal formula applied when cultivating the Great Vajra finger."

"As long as you are not a fool, you can practice this martial art according to the above notes and prescriptions."

"Now, I only sell this martial art for 30,000 taels of silver, I don't know what you think?"

Everyone present was surprised to hear this number.

Not because it's too expensive.

It's too cheap.

The Great King Kong finger is famous, it is one of the seventy-two stunts of the Shaolin Temple, such a martial art is even if it is 100,000 taels, and the price of 30,000 taels is too cheap.

Inside the Dragon Gate Inn, someone couldn't stand such a temptation, and immediately spoke; "Thirty thousand taels, I want it."

But as soon as the words fell, someone shouted and scolded: "30,000 taels want to take away the powerful Vajra finger, what spring and autumn big dream, Lao Tzu out 40,000 taels .."

"I'll give out forty-three thousand taels."

"I'll give out forty-five thousand taels."

This martial art statement is outside, and there is Bai Yu's assurance, not only the whole text, but also there is no omission.

So everyone here was very crazy to ask for a price.

After a while, the original 30,000 taels of the powerful Vajra finger soared to 50,000 taels, and it rose wildly all the way.

Soon it came to 80,000 taels.

At this price, the rally slows down instantly.

Finally, after some bidding, someone spent 85,000 taels of silver to take away this secret of the Great Vajra Finger.

As for who this person was, Luo Wei didn't know him, and he asked Azhu and Huang Rong's daughters.

Several women also shook their heads one after another, indicating that they did not know the person who asked for the price.

After Bai Yu got more than 80,000 taels of silver tickets, he walked down.

Yu Linglong smiled and said, "Let's have a second guest, a mysterious guest I don't know who it is." "

With her words, a man in a hood in the crowd slowly walked onto the platform.

He raised his head to look at everyone, and everyone realized that this person was very cautious.

In addition to the hat, he wears a ghostly mask on his face.

What is even more surprising is that his hands are wearing gloves and his feet are wearing long boots, and he wraps himself tightly from top to bottom, without missing a trace.

Such a mysterious dress immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

Many people looked at the mysterious man and speculated about his identity.

In full view of everyone, the mysterious man unhurriedly took out a jade tablet from his pocket.

The material of this jade brand is very ancient, it is an ancient jade that is thousands of years old.

This alone is already worth a lot.

However, what surprised those present even more was that this jade tablet was engraved with seventy-two heavenly demons on the front, thirty-six earthly evils, and a Brahma sutra on the reverse, from beginning to end, it seemed that 5.5 had thousands of words.

In order to let the people present see the jade card in his hand clearly, the mysterious man also deliberately raised this jade card high.

At this moment, an exclamation came from the crowd.

"This... This is the Rakshasa Jade Card! "

In an instant, there was a burst of exclamations from the crowd.

Because this Rakshasa jade card is so famous.

The Rakshasa Jade Tablet is the treasure of the Western Demon Sect, and the disciples of the Demon Sect all over the world, seeing this jade tablet, is like seeing the Sect Leader Jade Rakshasa in person.

And Jade Rakshasa is the most mysterious and terrifying person in martial arts, his life is mysterious, his martial arts are mysterious, and the Western Demon Sect forces he founded have become dominant outside the Guanwai and have begun to penetrate into the Guan.

When he opened the mountain and established the sect, he personally laid down a heavenly demon rule:

"In my hundred years, whoever I pass the Rakshasa card to will be the successor leader of this sect, and if anyone disobeys the order, a thousand cuts will be cut, and the poisonous ants will be divided into corpses, and after death, they will also go to hell forever, and there will be no recovery."

And now, this Rakshasa jade card appeared in the Dragon Gate Inn.

Auctioned by a mysterious man.

This simply shocked the jaws of everyone present.

Many people's eyes suddenly showed a greedy look.

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