The mysterious man held the Rakshasa jade card, and did not talk nonsense, "Not bad, this is the Rakshasa jade card, I will rank it this time, the low price is 100,000 taels, I don't know which hero wants this Rakshasa jade card." "

His voice was hoarse and obscure, apparently using some way to disguise his true identity.

After all, this thing is the supremacy of the Western Demon Sect.

The symbol of the next Patriarch.

Now if he gets it here for auction, if he is not hidden well, and he is called to break his identity, what awaits him will inevitably be the endless pursuit and killing of the disciples of the Demon Sect.

With the voice of the mysterious man, the entire Dragon Gate Inn fell into a rare silence.

Everyone knows the benefits of the Rakshasa Jade Card, but equally everyone knows that this thing is a hot potato.

No matter who took this jade tablet, it would alarm the people of the Demon Sect.

Therefore, no one dared to ask for a price.

The mysterious man was a little disappointed, "Could it be that the heroes on the scene..."

"120,000 taels."

Just when the mysterious man was about to say something to stimulate the people around him, a person suddenly opened his mouth and called for a price.

The mysterious man turned his head and looked at it, his pupils couldn't help but shrink, "It's you." "

Everyone followed the sound and looked at it, all a little surprised.

Because the person who asked for the price was none other than Bai Yu, the hall master of the Divine Dao Hall who had just auctioned the secret of the Great King Kong Finger.

Bai Yu nodded dashingly and said, "I give out 120,000 taels." "

The mysterious man frowned and said, "It's okay to bid, but do you have so much money?" "

Bai Yu said abruptly: "I just obtained more than 80,000 taels, and I still have tens of thousands of taels of silver on hand, I can make up these 120,000 taels, if you don't believe it, we can make 11 transactions." "

Of course, the mysterious man was unwilling, and he painstakingly took out the Rakshasa jade card to trade, naturally in order to make a lot of money.

Although 120,000 taels is more, it is not worthy of this Rakshasa jade card.

"What about the others, did they bid otherwise?" The mysterious man asked.

With his voice, there was really a shout.

"I'll give 150,000 taels."

Everyone followed the voice, and saw a fat man wearing silk satin, and said with a grin.

Luo Wei didn't know this fat man, so he asked Aju, "Who is this person?" "

Azhu is a member of the Tianzun Organization, and he is very precious to the good hands in the rivers and lakes.

But this time, Azhu didn't know this person either, but she still saw a little clue, "The clothes on this fat man's body are very rare gold silk fabrics, and such clothes are generally only available to royal nobles." "

Luo Wei raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you think he is from the palace?" "

Azhu said: "Even if you are not a person from the palace, you should be related to some nobles. "

Rowe was abrupt.

On the other hand, with the successive bids of Bai Yu and Fat Man, someone finally couldn't bear the greed in his heart and began to make a move.

"I'll give 160,000 taels."

"180,000 taels."

"Two hundred thousand taels."

This round of bidding was even crazier than just now, and in the end, someone shot 300,000 taels and got this Rakshasa jade medal.

This person is none other than the fat man just now.

After the fat man got the Rakshasa jade card, he took the initiative to leave and left the Longmen Inn with a few of his subordinates.

Even the later auction did not participate.

Interestingly, at that time, several people were just about to follow, and Jin Jiyu asked his subordinates to close the door of the Dragon Gate Inn one step ahead.

"Don't mean everyone, only customers who buy goods can leave the venue one step ahead of schedule."

"If anyone else wants to leave, you can, but only after the auction is over."

Bai Yu laughed and said, "What the lady said is very true. "

Others don't care what they think, but at least they are very cooperative on the surface.

After the mysterious man stepped down, several more people came to the stage in turn under the command of Yu Linglong and took out their treasures for auction.

However, compared to the Rakshasa jade card, it is much worse.

There is not even much comparison at all.

But the scene is very lively, after all, compared to a hot potato like the Rakshasa jade brand, everyone likes this kind of grounded thing more, even if they get it, it doesn't look hot.

When the seventh guest came on stage, he brought out another good thing.

"Does this guy know what this is?"

This thing is not large, the shape is a small piece of iron, but it is cast from xuan iron.

Positive Book: "The Order of the Iron Command, Respond to Requests"

Book on the back: "Ferris Man Xie Smoker"

The discerning person immediately recognized it, "This is... This is the Xuantie order of the Ferris dweller? "

Guest No. 7 smiled, nodded and said: "Yes, this is exactly the Xuantie Order that is rumored in the rivers and lakes, and it is said that if someone holds this Xuantie Order, he can already let the Ferris Resident do something for himself unconditionally." "

"And everyone knows that Ferris is a top innate grandmaster."

"In other words, holding this token, you can let an innate grandmaster strike for himself once."

"Whether it is learning the other party's martial arts or letting the other party kill for themselves, you can do it."

"But I took this piece of Xuan Tie out today, not for silver, but for one thing."

"As long as you have this thing, I will offer the Xuantie Order with both hands."

Someone asked aloud, "What do you want?" "

Guest No. 7 said: "I want the Great Return Pill of the Shaolin Temple, or the Great Return Pill of the Wudang Sect, as long as it is a Great Return Pill." "

When Luo Wei heard this, he raised his eyebrows, he knew that the Shaolin Temple had a Great Return Pill, or that the Great Return Pill was the standard elixir of the Shaolin Temple.

But he didn't expect that the Wudang faction actually had a big return pill.

So he asked Azhu, and Azhu replied: "Gongzi, the Wudang faction does have a big return pill, and legend has it that the people of the Wudang faction inadvertently obtained a big return pill and gave it to Zhang Sanfeng. "

"Zhang Sanfeng cracked the formula of the Great Return Dan and developed the Great Return Dan of the Wudang Sect."

Luo Wei couldn't help but suddenly, in a word, Lao Zhang was awesome. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Someone sneered: "Whether it is the Great Return Pill of the Shaolin Temple or the Great Return Pill of the Wudang Sect, it can make people impact the innate realm, how can such a precious treasure be exchanged for the Xuan Tie Order." "

Guest No. 7 disagreed, and replied, "Having said that, the Great Returning Pill can't let people enter the innate realm one hundred percent, while Xuan Tie Ling can let a top innate grandmaster make a move one hundred percent." "

"So I think the value of the Xuantie Order is not under the Great Return Dan, or even more than that."

"If Your Excellency does not pay back the pill, you will open your mouth, and I will not trade with the poor."

This sentence made the popular half-dead just now, if it weren't for the wrong time and place, he immediately wanted to pull out the top and kill the other party.

Unfortunately, everyone wanted the auction to go smoothly, and he could only settle down and stare at guest number seven viciously.

Guest No. 7 shouted several times in a row, but no one took out the big return pill deal.

So he became the first person not to sell the treasure.

To put it bluntly, Xuan Tie Ling Liu filmed.

After the auction, guest No. 7 knew that his wealth was exposed, and like the fat man just now, he simply left the scene early, left the Longmen Inn, and slipped away.

Then, the auction continues.

One after another came to the stage to auction off their good things.

There are swords, martial arts secrets, and heavenly treasures.

Luo Wei saw that someone took out a Tianshan snow lotus for auction, which caused a rush.

In the end, this Tianshan snow lotus fell into the hands of the chief scoop of the seventy-two waterways and wharves in Jiangnan.

After obtaining this Tianshan Snow Lotus, the chief scoop did not leave, but sat firmly on Mount Tai and continued to participate in the auction.

What stands out is the audacity of an artist.

Not long after, it was Rowe's turn to take the stage.

After Luo Wei took the stage, he took out a white jade Guanyin tens of centimeters high from his pocket, which once again caused a commotion at the scene.

Countless people were sucked in by this white jade Guanyin.

Because this white jade Guanyin is so beautiful, it shines under the sunlight, and it seems to release layers of Buddha light.

"It's worth a lot, it's really worth a lot."

"I've grown so big, I've never seen such a beautiful white jade Guanyin."

"There are 990 such magical treasures in the world."

Many people feel that they have seen a long time, and the light in their pupils is becoming more and more greedy.

Luo Wei said lightly: "One white jade Guanyin, the reserve price is 200,000 taels of silver, and the highest price will get it." "

The chief scoop was the first to speak: "Brother Luo, I want this white jade Guanyin, two hundred and fifty thousand taels." "

But as soon as the words fell, someone followed, "Three hundred thousand taels." "

The general scoop was furious, turned his head, and saw that it was a man in rich clothes who was competing with him, and he couldn't help but sneer a few times, "Who should I be, it turns out to be Pan Xiaoan." "

When Rowe heard this name, he immediately remembered.

This flower is a trick in the plot of Xiao Li's flying knife.

He and another martial arts expert stretched out his hand in the coffin to form a team to grab the golden wire armor, and after the golden wire armor arrived, this Shi Yaoxian turned his face and did not recognize people, and directly killed Pan Xiaoan.

When Li Xunhuan found this flower young man, he had already turned into a dead man.

So as soon as this trick comes on, it is a dead man.

It's kind of a background board.

Luo Wei did not expect that this background plate also appeared in the Dragon Gate Inn, and competed with the chief scoop for his white jade Guanyin.

In the plot, Pan Xiaoan died as soon as he appeared.

But from Li Xunhuan's mouth, he learned that Pan Xiaoan was very rich, and casually threw out a short spear with exquisite workmanship and jadeite, and he did not pick it up.

Moreover, this person is a famous faction, and he must pay attention to clothing, food, housing, and transportation.

From here, you can see that this person is really rich.

Since there is money, then do not care about money.

Shouting out 300,000 taels, I really didn't blink my eyes.

Fortunately, the general scoop is in charge of the seventy-two waterway wharves in Jiangnan, and he is also a rich man, so he doesn't care about money.

"Four hundred thousand taels."

Pan Xiaoan naturally couldn't let the other party overwhelm the momentum, and shouted a new price without thinking.

"Five hundred thousand taels."

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