Inside the Longmen Inn, the two people who were always rich and flowers were shocked.

What is called a rich person.

That's it.

When other people auction things, everyone adds hundreds of taels, thousands of taels.

But when it is the turn of the total scoop and the flowers, it is 100,000 taels, and 100,000 taels are added up.

It seems that if you don't add 100,000 taels, you can't show that you have money.

This can make the people around them enjoyable, and the exclamations are practiced one after another, one after another, endlessly.

Others originally also took a fancy to this white jade Guanyin and wanted to increase the price, but after seeing the fight between Hua Hua and the chief scoop, they silently closed their mouths.

Forget it, you can't afford to lose that person.

However, after a while, the price of Baiyu Guanyin was raised to 700,000 taels by two people.

The price is a lot of money.

After he shouted out the high price of 700,000 taels, he looked at the chief scoop for a long time, "I'm different from you, I'm the only son in the family, and I can spend as much as I want." "

"But Your Excellency has thousands of people under his hands, and there are thousands of mouths waiting for you to eat."

"Are you sure you want to fight with me here?"

The general scoop was silent by these words, because Pan Xiaoan, the flower master, was not wrong at all.

People don't care about money because he has money and doesn't drag him down.

But he is different, he is waiting for him to eat under his hands, and there are thousands of people who depend on him to feed, is it really worth fighting with a rich second generation here?

So the chief scoop fell silent.

Seeing this, Luo Wei asked, "Is there anyone else to raise the price, if not, this white jade Guanyin will belong to Pan Daxia." "

Someone scoffed, "He's a big spender, what a hero." "

Luo Wei said calmly: "People who can take out 700,000 taels, it is okay to say a big hero, this year rich are not all big heroes, how can a big hero have no money." "

Ah this...

At this moment, most people were silent.

Only the flower is big and the little Pan Xiaoan is very happy.

In the end, after the chief scoop withdrew from the competition, Pan Xiaoan, the flower master, took this white jade Guanyin with a high price of 700,000 taels.

Luo Wei also successfully received 700,000 taels of silver tickets.

After the success of this transaction, the auction house came to a successful end.

Yu Linglong took the stage and glanced at Luo Wei, and then said a few words of thanks to the scene, announcing the end of the auction.

The crowd began to leave.

The originally lively Longmen Inn regained its calm.

At this moment, Ning Zhong came over and said goodbye to Luo Wei, she planned to go back to Huashan.

Luo Wei thought for a while, took out the diary, and added Ning Zhong as a friend, "In this way, we can contact at any time, and if Ning Lady encounters any trouble, she can also send me a private message." "

Ning Zhong was naturally grateful, and said to Luo Wei: "If Luo Gongzi has the opportunity to come to Huashan in the future, I will definitely do my best to entertain Luo Gongzi as a landlord'. "

Luo Wei waved his hand and said: "It's better to be exempt, don't forget, I injured Sun Zhongjun, if I get to the Huashan Sect, the people of the Huashan Sect may not know what to do to me." "

Ning Zhong smiled bitterly, thought about it and said to Luo Wei: "My senior brother Gui Xinshu is quite protective, if he really finds Luo Gongzi in the future, he will also ask Luo Gongzi's subordinates to stay merciful, and he is grateful." "

"Okay, by your words of Ning Xia, if Gui Xin Shu really falls into my hands in the future, I won't kill him." Luo Wei briskly gave a guarantee and gave Ning Zhong a face.

Ning Zhong was naturally grateful.

After the two of them chatted a few more words, Ning Zhong turned and left.

Later, the chief scoop also came over to say goodbye to Luo Wei, and invited Luo Wei to have the opportunity to go to the 72 waterway piers in Jiangnan, and he would definitely treat Luo Wei well.

Luo Wei remembered what Jin Jiyu had said to him, vaguely said a few words, and sent him away.

After the chief scoop left, the guests in the Longmen Inn became more and more rare.

Luo Wei led Huang Rong's daughters and said goodbye to the gold-encrusted jade.

Although the gold inlaid jade has become Luo Wei's woman, she does not mean to go with Luo Wei, but wants to stay and continue to run her own Dragon Gate Inn.

Rowe is also by her, as long as he doesn't put a hat on himself, how can he be.

He has always been very generous to his women.

Before leaving, he not only handed over the teleportation method to gold-encrusted jade, but even handed over the Divine Illumination Sutra to gold-inlaid jade.

Finally, he gave a gold-encrusted jade bag.

This made the gold inlaid jade happy, and hugged Luo Wei deadly.

Huang Rong seemed to sense something, and her gaze swayed left and right between Luo Wei and the gold-encrusted jade.

When everyone got into the carriage, Huang Rong asked, "Brother Vigo, you and the gold inlaid jade seem a little strange, is something happening between you?" "

Luo Wei glanced at Huang Rong in surprise, is this little girl so sensitive?

However, Rowe has always been frank and does not intend to hide it.

"Well, that's right, the day after we arrived at the Dragon Gate Inn, this guy sneaked into my bed."

Huang Rong was taken aback, and even Azhu, Lin Shiyin, and Blue Phoenix were a little surprised.

Azhu asked, "Gongzi, you... Have you already..."

Luo Wei nodded, "People have already taken the initiative to send them to the door, how impolite it would be if I drove them away, not to mention that you know me, Azhu, I am a good person, but I don't have the slightest resistance to beauty." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Huang Rong's face darkened, "Brother Vi, you... Hmph, I'm ignoring you. "

Saying that, Huang Rong went upstairs and locked herself in the room.

Lin Shiyin shook her head, "You, you, really..."

"Really?" Rowe asked.

Lin Shiyin snorted coldly, "I'm too lazy to talk about you." "

Saying that, she also learned Huang Rong's appearance, and after going upstairs, she cumbered herself in the room.

Ah Zhu let out a long sigh, "Gongzi, Gongzi, can't you have some resistance to beauty?" "

"This really can't work, after all, you also know my dream." Rowe said.

Aju really didn't know what to say this time, but fortunately he also knew Luo Wei's personality, and there were no big shortcomings other than being.

"Forget it, I'll go comfort Huang Rong."

Then, she pulled Blue Phoenix to leave with her, leaving Rowe alone in the living room.

Rowe shrugged and let Rem drive the carriage out of the Dragon Gate Inn and set off towards the Dragon Gate Pass.

Immediately afterwards, he took out his diary and began to update today's diary.

Today's auction should affect the hearts of many people.

Maybe one can be a good reward.

[Today's auction is over, I left the Longmen Inn in a carriage and set off all the way to Longmen Pass]

[Looking back at today's auction house, although there are countless treasures, there are only a few treasures that are generally eye-catching]

[The first thing is the Rakshasa Jade Tablet, the second is the Xuantie Order, and the third is my white jade Guanyin]

[Except for these three treasures, the other treasures are nothing]

[And these three treasures, in addition to Xuan Tie Lingliu, the Rakshasa Jade Tablet and the White Jade Guanyin received a high price of 300,000 taels and 700,000 taels respectively]

[However, I personally think that the price of Rakshasa jade has a bottom]

[Because in the original plot, someone took the Rakshasa jade card to the gambling house to gamble, and exchanged it for 500,000 taels of silver]

[It can be seen that the Rakshasa jade card is still quite valuable]

[This time the price was not auctioned, probably because the Rakshasa jade card involved the jade Rakshasa, so few people dared to accept this hot potato]

[After all, Jade Rakshasa is also a generation of strange people, after founding the Western Demon Sect, he carried it forward]

[Not only powerful, but also unfathomable]

[So this thing is really not something that ordinary people can provoke]

[Today, this Rakshasa jade card suddenly appeared in the Dragon Gate Inn, and I don't know if it is the conspiracy of the Jade Rakshasa]

[In the original plot, the Jade Rakshasa suddenly died violently, and the entire Demon Sect was leaderless, but Jade Tianbao, the son of the Jade Rakshasa, entered the Central Plains with the Rakshasa Jade Tablet]

[Then in a gamble in the Silver Hook gambling house, after losing all the gold and silver treasures he carried, he actually bet the Rakshasa card to the owner of the gambling house, Bluebeard, at a price of 500,000 taels of silver, and lost everything overnight. ]

[Soon, Jade Tianbao was secretly killed]

[Bluebeard was terrified after accepting the Rakshasa card and hid it in the iron cabinet under the bed]

[However, his four wives and concubines, Li Xia, Chen Jingjing, Leng Hong'er, and Tang Keqing, disliked Bluebeard's liking of the new and disgusted with the old, and angrily stole the Rakshasa card and fled to Harasu on the banks of the Songhua River thousands of miles away]

[The protector of the Demon Sect and the martial arts masters of the three friends Gu Song, Dry Bamboo, and Hanmei appeared nearby in order to track down the whereabouts of the Rakshasa card, and Bluebeard's life was seriously threatened (money), so he set a trap to lure the famous hero Lu Xiaofeng to retrieve the Rakshasa card for him]

[Bluebeard took advantage of Lu Xiaofeng's natural affair and sent Fang Yuxiang, a beauty who was as cold as an iceberg, to seduce Lu Xiaofeng into a sealed iron house and imprisoned him for one night]

[Then during this period, in the name of Lu Xiaofeng, he killed people and crossed goods, raped people's daughters, made eight major cases in a row, and released rumors, saying that Yu Tianbao was killed by Lu Xiaofeng]

[The next day, after Lu Xiaofeng escaped from the iron house, he was immediately hunted by the official government and besieged by the three friends of the old cold]

[Lu Xiaofeng had to return to the Silver Hook gambling house, saw Bluebeard and his wife Fang Yuxiang, and Fang Yuxiang's brother Fang Yufei, and promised to retrieve the Rakshasa card pool for them]

[But these are just a conspiracy]

[Bluebeard's Rakshasa jade card was not lost at all, and the four wives and concubines stole it was fake]

[Bluebeard did this to hide himself and take the Demon Sect's eyes off his body]

[But what no one expected, Bluebeard is only on the first layer]

[On the second floor is Fang Yufei, he is the hall master of the Black Tiger Hall, and Fang Yuxiang, the wife of Bluebeard, is actually his lover]

[Out of the need to expand his power, he wanted to grab more property, so he came up with a poison plan]

[Fang Yufei knew that Bluebeard had a Rakshasa card, so he asked Chen Jingjing to encourage Li Xia to steal it, and then used Fang Yuxiang as bait to hook Lu Xiaofeng].

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