Rowe wrote this, paused slightly, let the women who read the diary digest it, and then continued to update the diary.

[A series of conspiracies and tricks unfolded after Lu Xiaofeng took the bait are inseparable from this guy]

[And his purpose in doing this is to obtain Bluebeard's wealth of ten thousand Guan]

[In the end, he also asked Fang Yuxiang to poison Bluebeard's wine, so that Bluebeard's countless money and belongings would become Fang Yufei's, and the one who was notorious would be Lu Xiaofeng]

[To put it bluntly, Lu Xiaofeng is the substitute ghost this guy is looking for]

[Unfortunately, he underestimated Lu Xiaofeng and was completely exposed by Lu Xiaofeng's conspiracy]

[Hou Lao, Fang Yufei, who was embarrassed and angry, absolutely killed Lu Xiaofeng, but he overestimated himself too much]

[Because he is not Lu Xiaofeng's opponent at all]

[After Fang Yufei was caught, Hanmei, who colluded with him among the three friends of the years and cold, committed suicide in shame]

[But the matter is not over here, Dry Bamboo and Lone Pine want to go to Kunlun Mountain with fake Rakshasa cards to compete for the sect leader, in an attempt to kill people and kill people]

[But just when Lu Xiaofeng was in danger, the sword god Ximen Chuixue magically arrived, only one sword pierced the chest of the dead bamboo, and Lonely Song fled in a cowardly battle, but was horrified to death by a person in the fog like a ghost]

[And this talent in the fog is the biggest winner in this conspiracy]

[Because this person in the mist is none other than the Western Demon Sect Leader Jade Rakshasa]

[This sect leader who single-handedly established the Western Demon Sect is not dead at all, and the violent death is just his trick]

[Jade Rakshasa feared that after his death, his subordinates would be unfaithful to his successor, so he resorted to fraudulent death tactics to expose the person himself in order to eliminate the hidden danger]

[In the end, Jade Raksha also told Lu Xiaofeng that the death of Jade Tianbao was not his biological son at all, but adopted someone else]

[637 On the seventh day after his birth, his true son was given to one of his most trusted people to discipline, lest he be arrogant and extravagant and do nothing in the shadow of the sect leader]

[It can be seen that Jade Rakshasa is the guy standing on the third layer]

[In this conspiracy, Bluebeard and his wife and concubines, including Fang Yufei, Yu Tianbao, and even Lu Xiaofeng, are losers]

[Everyone was played by Jade Rakshasa]

[This conspiracy can be said to be intertwined, you think Bluebeard is cunning, but the more cunning person is Fang Yufei, you think Fang Yufei is cunning]

[But the most cunning is the Jade Rakshasa]

[It can be seen that the old silver coins in this conspiracy are more yin than one yin, which is not a good thing]

The women who were opening their diaries couldn't help nodding secretly.

They didn't expect this to be so weird and bizarre.

They thought that Bluebeard was on the first layer, but the people were on the third layer, they thought that Fang Yufei was on the third layer, and they ended up standing on the fifth layer.

The most outrageous is the Jade Rakshasa, standing directly in the atmosphere.

This surprised the women.

I didn't expect that there were so many old silver coins in this world, and each one was not simple.

In Murong Villa, Murong Qiudi had to remind himself once again that this sinister and cunning man in the world abounded, and he must not be careless.

And Feng Siniang, who wandered the world, had to admit that there were too many deceptions in the rivers and lakes.

And Shen Bijun of Shenjiazhuang was surprised, it turned out that there was such a sinister figure in the world.

Shi Guanyin snorted coldly, in her opinion, in the powerful conspiracy, if there is no strength to set off, it is also for nothing.

Just like Fang Yufei, the machine (bbaj) was counted, and the result was easily taken down by Lu Xiaofeng.

Such people are not worth mentioning.

[In short, there are countless old silver coins in the world, and no one else can be blamed, only Gulong]

[If the stories that Jin Yong is good at writing are the love of children and the tenderness of chivalry, then the stories that Gu Long is good at writing are intrigues]

[The villains in his pen are more insidious and vicious than the other]

[For example, the happy king, in the example of Shangguan Jinhong of the Money Gang, such as Lin Xian'er, or Jade Rakshasa, Xiaoyaohou, which of these villains is not an expert in intrigue]

[Each one is very vicious]

[So the martial arts world written by Gu Long is the most difficult world to survive]

[Because even if you are a martial arts master, if you don't pay attention, you will die in the hands of a nobody]

[For example, Yan Nantian, the world's first divine sword among the peerless double arrogances, once overturned in the Valley of the Wicked]

[In terms of strength, Yan Nantian sweeping the Valley of the Wicked is not a problem]

[But the group of people in the Valley of the Wicked were stunned not to give Yan Nantian a chance to confront head-on, and after the unification mechanism was exhausted, they were stunned to beat this world's first divine sword into a vegetative person]

[If it weren't for Wan Chunliu's careful care, Yan Nantian would have died a long time ago]

[In example, the Southern Heavenly hero Lu Zhongda, his strength is also unfathomable, and he is not dead in the end]

[In short, it is difficult to survive in the world of colognes]

[And in this mixed world of mixed martial arts, survival is even more difficult]

[After all, there are too many vicious villains in this world, you women must be careful]

[If the province is not careful, it becomes a corpse]

[Of course, if you die, it's good to say, at least a hundred]

[In case you are caught as a plaything because you are beautiful, it is worse than death]


Many women couldn't help but snort when they saw this sentence, because Luo Wei said this sentence is too unlucky.

There were even some who immediately scolded.

Fortunately, Rowe couldn't hear it either.

He continued to update his diary.

[In short, the Rakshasa Jade Card appeared at the Dragon Gate Inn today, and I suspect that there must be a conspiracy in it]

[If this Rakshasa jade card is fake, then someone has the audacity to make a fortune or lure the Demon Sect into the game]

[If this Rakshasa jade card is real, it means that the Jade Rakshasa is about to perform a conspiracy] (Read the violent novel, go on the Feilu Novel Network!) )

[This person's wisdom is high and his calculation is deep, and he is definitely not inferior to Zhu Datianwang, Xiaoyaohou, Shangguan Jinhong and others]

[So you women should be careful, don't be involved in this matter]

[Otherwise, your life will not be saved]

[After all, Jade Rakshasa is not a good person]

[Of course, if you insist on disobedience and have to get involved, I have nothing to say, after all, the person looking for death is not me, but you]

[In the future, if I have the opportunity, I will resurrect you, as for when to resurrect, then it depends on luck]

[I have already said everything that should be said, what you will do next, it doesn't matter to me]

【That's the end of today's diary】

[Anyway, the three treasures in the auction, except for this Rakshasa jade card, there is no good hand in the other two]

[For example, my white jade Guanyin is a pure treasure, and I bought 700,000 taels of silver]

[From now on, I will be rich]

[As for the Xuan Tie Order, it is actually the stuff of Ferris Resident Xie Yanke, and the holder wants to exchange the Xuan Tie Order for a big return pill, whether it is Shaolin or Wudang]

[It's just that no one owned the Great Return Pill at that time, so the Xuantie Order was finally auctioned and was still in the hands of the holder]

[As for who the holder is, I don't know]

[Even if you know me, you won't say it, after all, although the people who read my diary are all women, there should be some heroes among them who can compete with Jade Rakshasa, Xiaoyaohou and others]

[I won't cause trouble to others]

[So be it, love you guys, when we have the opportunity, we will talk about other things]

【Goodbye, everyone】

After writing the last sentence, Rowe ended today's diary and began to collect the reward.

Perhaps with the Raksha Jade Card, today's reward is not bad, it turned out to be a Seven Warriors and Two Arts.


Rowe had to admit that the spell was pretty good.

He can separate his body and then glue it back together.

If you have to find a comparison, it is a bit similar to the fragmented fruit eaten by Bucky the Red Nose of One Piece World.

It's a very good power.

is the nemesis of swordsmanship.

It is also worth mentioning that this dissociation technique can be used not only on one's own body, but also on other people's bodies, and even on the bodies of non-living bodies.

To put it bluntly, with one move, Luo Wei can directly split a house or a stone into hundreds or thousands.

If his mana is enough, he may be able to separate a mountain directly.

It's just that this is not something that Rowe can do now.

But even so, Rowe was excited.

This spell is undoubtedly a big killing move, and it can be used as a killer weapon.


A day later, Luo Wei successfully arrived at Longmen Pass, and passed through the pass and left Longmen Pass.

From this moment on, Luo Wei left the territory of Daming smoothly.

After walking a little further, you will come across a city.

As long as you pass through this city, you can even enter the territory of the Great Song.

But halfway to the Great Song, an elegant man suddenly appeared and blocked the carriage's way.

Rem saw someone ahead and stopped the carriage.

And Luo Wei, who was sitting in the carriage, felt that the carriage stopped moving forward, so he asked, "What happened?" "

Rem said: "If you return to the owner, someone stopped the car. "

Luo Wei was stunned, lifted the curtain of the carriage, looked around, and saw the elegant man blocking the way.

Luo Wei threw up his hands and said, "What is this brother called, why do you want to block my way to wait." "

The elegant man said: "In Xiahua Mountain, Yue Buqun wants to ask the little brother for two things. "

Yue Buqun?

Luo Wei glanced at the elegant man, and couldn't help but laugh, wearing a Confucian robe and daring to think of himself as a gentleman Jian Yue Buqun, do you really think that I haven't seen Yue Buqun?

In the memory of the predecessor, he clearly remembered how Yue Buqun was.

However, Luo Wei did not expose the other party, but said with a sudden face: "It turned out to be the Huashan Gentleman Sword, I don't know what Yue Daxia wants when he is looking for me." "

The elegant man who pretended to be Yue Buqun said, "First, it is the 700,000 taels of silver on the little brother's body. "

"Second, it's the five beauties around the little brother."

"As long as the little brother hands over these two things, I will spare the little brother's life."

"I wonder what the little brother thinks?"

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