When Luo Wei heard this, he knew that the man in front of him should have participated in the auction of the Dragon Gate Inn.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to know that he had 700,000 taels of silver.

As for the five beauties, of course, they are Huang Rong, Azhu, Lin Shiyin, Blue Phoenix, and Reim.

Although Rem's dress is a little weird in the eyes of people in this world, she is still an out-and-out beauty.

However, except for Rovi, probably no one knows that Rem is not really human.

Rather, it is a paper man with spell changes.

Luo Wei glanced at the elegant man lightly and said, "Your Excellency's two requests are not excessive, I can agree." But..."

The elegant man pretending to be Yue Buqun couldn't help but be stunned, he didn't expect that Luo Wei would agree to such an outrageous request.

This surprised him, and when he heard Luo Wei's words~, he couldn't help but ask.

"But what?"

Rowe said, "But I am in a little trouble, and if Your Excellency can also grant me a request, I will give 700,000 taels of silver and five beauties." "

The elegant man said, "What a request." "

Rowe said, "My request is simple, as long as Your Excellency cuts off your head, kneels on the ground and gives me your hands, I will agree to both of Your Excellency's requests. "

The elegant man suddenly became angry and shouted, "You dare to fool me?!" "

Luo Wei said in amazement: "Your Excellency, where is this, didn't you tease me first?" "

The elegant man was furious, and scolded: "Find death! "

In the next second, I saw a black dart shoot out from the elegant man's hand, emitting a sharp whistling sound, and shot towards Luo Wei's throat.

As if he didn't notice it, Rowe was hit in the throat by a speeding dart.

But something interesting happened.

After the dart hit Rowe's throat, it did not penetrate Rowe's throat, but flew back towards the gentle man's throat at a faster speed.

This is exactly the reward that Rowe received before... Counter-spelling.

With this spell, Rowe will never be attacked by others.

The elegant man saw the dart he shot flying back upside down, and his hair stood upside down.

In addition to the extremely fast speed of his dart, the dart is also smeared with poison that seals the throat with blood, and even if it is a slight abrasion, there is no cure.

He naturally did not dare to greet him, and his figure flew to the left at an extremely fast speed, avoiding the darts that flew back.

But at this moment, Luo Wei took a step forward, and the whole person appeared in front of the elegant man out of thin air.

The distance between the two sides is not more than half a meter.

Teleportation Dafa.

This light skill can make Luo Wei invincible, whether it is close or fleeing, he can occupy a great initiative.

The elegant man only felt that his eyes flowered, and Luo Wei appeared in front of him out of thin air, and his heart was even more frightened, and he didn't want to think about it, raised his hand to push the internal force, and hit Luo Wei's head.

Luo Wei did not dodge, used his hand as a knife, and slashed out.

Devouring the Heaven and Earth Seven Limits Seventh Form.

Breaking the sea.

Although Luo Wei used his hand as a knife, he did not give full play to the power of this move, but only exerted the power of three percent.

But god and demon-level martial arts is god and demon-level martial arts, even if it can only play the skin, it can shock the world.

Not to mention the three-percent power of this move.

When the elegant man slashed out Luo Wei's knife, he felt that Luo Wei's hand knife was extremely sharp, and the energy that split out was vast and surging, as if a tsunami tore the sky and the earth, drowning and devouring everything.

Under the sweep of this knife force, he is like a boat in the storm, and he is in danger of capsizing at any time.

And the palm power he shot out was already overwhelmed by Luo Wei's knife strength in the first round and torn to pieces.

Now this continuous burst of knife power is to devour his small boat.

At this time, the elegant man's heart was already shocked to the point of being beyond belief.

When he first saw Luo Wei at the Dragon Gate Inn, he thought that Luo Wei was just a nobody, and he was very easy to handle.

But now it seems that where are the nobodies, respectively, prehistoric giant crocodiles.

For a while, endless regret welled up in the heart of the elegant man.

He hated himself for being too greedy, which is why he mentioned this iron plate.

But at this time, there was no time to think about it, the elegant man could only push an internal force, constantly dissolve the knife strength that Luo Wei split, and then wait for the opportunity to get out.

However, he underestimated the god and demon level martial arts.

Luo Wei's sea-breaking knife strength is layered and endless, as if it is endless, and the huge waves set off are higher than the waves.

After blocking several waves of attacks, the gentle man finally lacked strength and was slashed out by Luo Wei.

The unparalleled and vast knife power drove straight in, slamming into the body of the elegant man, wantonly destroying the body and meridians of the elegant man.

Only listening to the crisp sound, the elegant man hit a large tree directly, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Then the soft slide seat is on the ground, motionless.

It's not that he doesn't want to move, but the sea breaking knife in his body is too fierce to move at all.

After Luo Wei solved the elegant man with one move, he stepped forward a few steps and walked in front of the other party, squatted down, and looked directly into the other party's eyes.

"Tell me, who the hell are you."

The elegant man said: "Didn't I say that there is no group in Xiayue." "


Luo Wei snorted coldly and said, "Since you know that I have 700,000 taels of silver, you should be a member of the auction of the Dragon Gate Inn, and after I obtained the silver, you have been following me." "

"Then you should have seen me say goodbye to a woman, do you know who that woman is?"

Without waiting for the elegant man to answer, Luo Wei said: "That woman's surname is Ning, and her full name is Ning Zhongze, and she is Yue Buqun's insider. "

The elegant man couldn't help but be stunned. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Luo Wei said: "I know Ning Zhongze, and naturally I also know Yue Buqun, don't you think that you can impersonate that gentleman's sword by wearing a Confucian robe." "

The elegant man couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

Rowe asked, "Who the hell are you?" "

The elegant man kept silent.

Luo Wei looked at his unyielding appearance, sighed and said: "Originally, I didn't plan to do this to you, seeing that you have provoked me now, I want to see if it is my means or your mouth is hard." "

Saying that, Luo Wei grabbed the elegant man's head, performed a fragmentation technique, and directly grabbed the elegant man's head from his neck.

But the elegant man did not die, he was still alive.

But it is precisely because he is alive that he feels strange.

"What kind of demon is this, this, this... What have you done to me? "

Luo Wei sneered and threatened: "I will give you a chance now, if you don't say anything, I will cast a demon spell and exchange your head with the head of a dog." "

Ask for flowers

"I'd like to see if your mouth is as hard as it is now when you become a dog."

The elegant man was really frightened this time, and such a strange period completely destroyed his body and mind.

Especially when he heard that he would be turned into a dog by Rowe, he had already been scared of the six gods and masters.

"I said, I said, don't turn me into a dog."

Rowe laughed and asked, "Who the hell are you?" "

The elegant man said: "In Xiajiang Zuo Situ. "

Luo Wei couldn't help but be stunned, his head turned quickly, and he quickly thought of the name, "The color envoy in the wine and wealth under the Happy King, Jiang Zuo Situ?" "

Jiang Zuo Situ smiled bitterly and said, "Exactly. "

Luo Wei suddenly realized: "No wonder you asked for a few beauties around me, it turned out that you took a fancy to them and wanted to give them to the Happy King." "

Jiang Zuo Situ didn't speak, but he did think so.

But who would have thought that the ordinary Luo Wei turned out to be a demon who could do a demon.

At this moment, Jiang Zuo Situ's intestines were repentant.

After Luo Wei knew who the other party was, he was much more relaxed, and ridiculed with a smile: "Aren't you a lustful envoy, if you don't honestly do your old job, how can you start robbing money." "

"I actually even eyed the 700,000 taels of silver I had on hand."

Jiang Zuo Situ smiled bitterly and said, "Although I am not a financial envoy, no one can have too much money for such a good thing. "

Luo Wei thought about it too, and pressed Jiang Zuo Situ's head back.

"Okay, for your sake, I won't torture you, give you a pain."

Luo Wei clenched his fingers into a fist, intending to kill Jiang Zuo Situ with one punch.

But at this moment, Jiang Zuo Situ hurriedly shouted: "And slow!!" "

Luo Wei raised his eyebrows, "Why, you have something to say, if it is a last word, I can allow you to say a few words." "

Jiang Zuo Situ hurriedly said: "Today I offended Your Excellency, originally I was killed by Your Excellency without complaint, but I really didn't want to die, not because I was saving my life." "

"But because I die, there will be a dozen beauties to be buried for me."

"This is a great sin."

Luo Wei raised his eyebrows, glanced at Jiang Zuo Situ with a smile, and asked, "What do you mean?" "

Jiang Zuo Situ said: "Your Excellency also knows my identity, in fact, every once in a while, I will contribute twenty beauties to the Happy King. "

"The next delivery is less than ten days away."

"I have taken sixteen beautiful women and imprisoned them in a place that only I know."

"If I die, no one will know the whereabouts of these sixteen beauties, and once the food over there is eaten, none of these sixteen beauties will live."

"So, I hope that Your Excellency will spare my life and let me go back and release these sixteen beauties, I wonder what Your Excellency wants?"

As Rowe was muttering, a voice came from behind Rowe.

"How many days do you have enough food in that place for them?"

Luo Wei looked back and found that Huang Rong, Azhu, Lin Shiyin, and the Blue Phoenix women had already stepped off the horse station behind him.

It seems that Luo Wei's conversation with Jiang Zuo Situ just now, they have heard it clearly.

The question just now was exactly what Huang Rong asked.

Jiang Zuo Situ said: "If nothing else, there should be five days left to sword. "。

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