Because when this secret room was designed, it was not considered that someone would come out of the ground.

So Luo Wei dragged Jiang Zuo Situ from the underground into the secret room.

This chamber is huge.

Sixteen beautiful women were imprisoned inside.

There are gentle and jade-like ladies, mature and charming beautiful women, cute girls who are lively and active, and nuns in monk robes...

Wait, nun?

Luo Wei couldn't help but be stunned, and glanced back at Jiang Zuo Situ, this guy didn't pick it, he actually caught the nun.

When Luo Wei and Jiang Zuo Situ emerged from the ground, the sixteen young girls who had been imprisoned by him also found the two.

Most people were taken aback when they saw how Rowe appeared.

Only a few people were very calm, including the nun I had just seen.

Luo Wei couldn't help but be stunned and glanced at the nun carefully.

This nun is very young, only sixteen or seventeen years old, but she is beautiful and beautiful, and she is really a beautiful beauty.

More importantly, although the girl is very young, her figure is graceful, and although she is wrapped in a wide robe, she still can't hide her beautiful appearance.

Being watched by Luo Wei with such a presumptuous gaze, the little nun's face couldn't help but turn red.

"Luo... Luo Gongzi, don't look at me like that. "

The sound is also very good, very delicate and pleasant.

Luo Wei heard her call herself Luo Gongzi, and realized that this one was also the one who had a copy of the diary.

So after enlightening himself, instead of panic, he felt a little more joy.

11 Because she realized that Rowe was coming, she had hope to get out of trouble, and she would naturally be happy.

Luo Wei asked curiously, "Little master is surnamed and daimyo." "

The little nun waved her hand again and again and said: "Don't dare to be a high surname, I, my legal number Yilin." "

Luo Wei was stunned at first, and then suddenly realized, "It turned out to be Little Master Yilin, who has long admired the daimyo, and has long admired the daimyo." "

This sentence is really not lying, but everyone who has seen the smiling rivers and lakes has a good impression of this innocent, pure and kind.

is that the opportunity in life was a little miserable, and he was almost raped by Tian Boguang, and finally liked Ling Hu Chong, the prodigal son.

It's a pity to end up alone.

When Yi Lin heard Luo Wei say this, her face became more and more rosy, and she was speechless.

At this moment, another little girl younger than Yilin walked out, "Brother Luo, don't joke about Miss Yilin, she has a thin skin and can't make such a joke." "

Luo Wei retorted: "How am I joking, you ask the person who has seen Xiaoao Jianghu, that is not innocent, pure and kind little master Yilin has a good impression." "

Yilin's face turned even redder, and the red was about to drip blood.

Luo Wei paused, turned his head to look at this girl who was only twelve or thirteen years old, with snow-white skin and a cute face, and asked, "Who are you doing?"

The little girl chuckled and said, "Little girl Qu Feiyan, I don't know if Big Brother Luo has heard of my name." "

Luo Wei was abrupt again and said, "It turns out that you are the unlucky bastard who was hacked to death by Fei Bin. "

Qu Feiyan: "What?"

She couldn't move this sentence as if she hadn't heard it.

"I, I, I... I was hacked to death by Fei Bin, is that big Songyang hand Fei Bin of the Songshan Sect?" Qu Feiyan's black and beautiful eyes were round, and he looked at Luo Wei very angrily.

But because the grade is too young, it looks very cute when he is angry.

"Good. Rowe nodded and said.

Qu Fei did not hit a place, "A good Fei Bin, a good Songyang hand, this girl does not share the sky with you." "

After that, she threw herself into Luo Wei's arms again, "Brother Luo, for the sake of me teaching your brother, you can help me kill Fei Bin." "

Luo Wei looked at her coquettishly, and couldn't help but call a good guy.

"Call me brother, you want me to help you kill Fei Bin, offend the Songshan faction, you think too beautiful." "

Yilin hurriedly said: "Girl Qu, it is not appropriate to settle the wrong, I think this matter should be settled." "

Qu Feiyan couldn't help but roll his eyes, "The person who was killed is not Miss Yilin, of course you can talk like this." "

Yi Lin blushed at this sentence, and waved her hand again and again and said: "I don't mean this, I don't mean this." "

Of course, Qu Feiyan knew that Yilin didn't mean this, and quickly apologized to Yilin.

Then, she fully exerted her advantages, held Luo Wei's hand to death, and kept launching a coquettish attack on Luo Wei.

"Please, Brother Luo, just help me kill Fei Bin, okay. "

Luo Wei has to admit that when a very cute girl is coddled to you, the average person really can't stand it.

At least he couldn't stand it.

"Good, good, good, I promise you, I promise you okay?"

Anyway, Da Songyang Shou is not a good person, and he deserves to die, and Luo Wei agreed to it.

Qu Feiyan was naturally happy, jumping and jumping.

Only Yilin couldn't help but recite Amitabha Buddha next to her, and after reading it, she said: "The Five Mountains Sword Sect, the same qi and branches, this is not good." "

Qu Feiyan said with a smile: "You also said that the Five Mountains Sword Sect is the same qi, but the problem is that I am not from the Five Mountains Sword Sect, I am a person from the Sun Moon God Sect, Miss Yilin." "

Yi Lin was suddenly stunned and speechless.

Luo Wei asked curiously: "There are also Wuyue Sword Sects in this world, and they are talking about it with the same qi?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Qu Feiyan responded: "Naturally, there is, but the boss of the Wuyue Sword Sect has always been the Huashan Sect, and he has never been sidelined, and there is even a very famous saying in the rivers and lakes. "

"What quote?" asked Rowe curiously.

"Fist out of Shaolin, sword to Huashan." "

When Luo Wei heard this, he called the good guy, he knew that the Huashan faction of this world was very bullish, but he did not expect that the Huashan faction of this world was so bullish.

Fist out Shaolin, sword back to Huashan, listen, listen, what awesome remarks.

No wonder the boss of the Wuyue Sword Sect is the Huashan Sect.

There is a pressure, it is really too pressing.

No wonder Jiang Zuo Situ would impersonate someone from the Huashan faction, it turns out that the Huashan faction is so powerful.

At this moment, Jiang Zuo Situ walked up with a pale face and said in a low voice: "This Luo Gongzi, I have done as you ordered, as long as you are willing to spare my life, I will personally send you out of the Cloud Temple." "

"I don't know what Luo Gongzi means. "

Qu Feiyan couldn't help but snort coldly when he saw Jiang Zuo Situ, and quickly said: "Brother Luo, don't promise him, this guy is so bad that he injured my grandfather not long ago and kidnapped me here." "

"You beat him to death quickly. "

When Luo Wei heard this, he couldn't help but roll his eyes, this song is worthy of being the granddaughter of Qu Yang, the elder of the Demon Sect, and he wants to kill people between words, and he has no mercy for human life.

Luo Wei raised his hand and knocked on Qu Feiyan's head, "I know that you are from the Sun Moon God Sect and don't put human life in your eyes, but I don't like it." "

Qu Feiyan covered his head, and the tears of pain were about to fall, but seeing Luo Wei's face, he was suddenly silent and said timidly.

"Know... Got it. "

Luo Wei nodded in satisfaction, turned to Jiang Zuo Situ and said, "If you can send us out, I will spare your life." "

When he sneaked into the Cloud Temple just now, he took a look at the structure of the Cloud Temple.

There are many organs and guards here.

If Luo Wei could still use the Earth Walking Technique, he could send out sixteen beauties including Yi Lin and Qu Feiyan.

But the problem was that he had already used the Earth Walking Technique when he came just now.

If you want to use the Earth Walking Art again, you have to wait until tomorrow.

That's too much trouble.

If he broke in, Luo Wei could break out, and the guards of the Cloud Temple could not trap him.

But the problem is that this time Luo Wei is not alone, there are sixteen beautiful women around him, among these sixteen people, except for Qu Feiyan and Yilin who can do martial arts.

The others are ordinary women with different martial arts.

With this group of people to break through, Luo Wei was afraid that if someone released a dark arrow, wouldn't it hurt them. 880

So he thought twice and decided to agree to Jiang Zuo Situ's request.

Jiang Zuo Situ didn't quite believe Luo Wei's words, and further pressed: "Can Gongzi swear." "

Luo Wei happily made a vow, "The emperor is above, if Jiang Zuo Situ can take us out unscathed, I will surround him with a dog's life, if he violates the oath, the sky will be struck by thunder, and five thunders will hit the top." "

"That's it. "

When Jiang Zuo Situ saw Luo Wei swear, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and stumbled towards the door of the secret room.

On the way Luo Wei took him to the Cloud Temple, Jiang Zuo Situ had already completely suppressed the sword power in his body, but he was still severely injured and his walking was a little unstable.

If you want to remove the knife power in your body, you can't do it without ten days and a half month.

But now, being able to pick up a small life has made him very happy.

He walked to the door of the secret room, first slapped a few times on the wall, and then turned the copper ring at the door, and the door of the secret room suddenly made a rolling sound.

The door slowly opened.

Jiang Zuo Situ pointed out the door and said, "Please." "

Luo Wei said calmly: "You walk in front." "

Jiang Zuo Situ nodded and walked out of the secret room, Luo Wei took the women out and followed Jiang Zuo Situ step by step.

After a group of people crossed a corridor, they went up a staircase and opened another door.

The exit is a wing.

There was also a monk in the room.

When the monk saw Jiang Zuo Situ come out, he hurriedly saluted: "I have seen the messenger, when did the messenger come." "

He was a little puzzled, he had always been here, and he didn't see the messenger enter.

Jiang Zuo Situ snorted coldly, "Why, I still have to return to you?"

The monk plopped down on the ground, grabbed the ground with his head, and trembled with fear, "Subordinates don't dare, subordinates don't dare." "

Jiang Zuo Situ snorted coldly, led the women out of the room, and walked all the way out.

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