Under the leadership of Jiang Zuo Situ, everyone moved forward all the way, and several groups of monks patrolled on the way.

When this group of monks saw Jiang Zuo Situ, they bowed their heads and saluted, but no one dared to stop Jiang Zuo Situ.

In this way, Jiang Zuo Situ led Luo Wei and sixteen beautiful girls to the backyard of Yunjian Temple.

There are several carriages here.

Luo Wei randomly chose one, performed the Kettle Heaven Technique, expanded the space inside the carriage, and invited sixteen beauties to board the carriage in turn.

Yilin and Qu Feiyan both had copies of their diaries, and they had long known that Luo Wei was also a heavenly skill, so when they saw the space inside the carriage become larger, they were surprised, but not surprised.

On the contrary, the remaining dozen beauties were amazed.

One of the bold women asked, "May I ask the benefactor, why is this carriage so large, and how did the benefactor do it?"

Luo Wei said calmly: "It's just a little spell, you don't need to panic." "

Having said that, the women were still amazed and chattered non-stop.

Rowe felt a little big-headed, so he got out of the carriage and sat in the passenger seat.

"You, come up. "

He asked Jiang Zuo Situ to get into the carriage and personally set up a carriage to send Luo Wei and a group of people out of the Cloud Temple.

Jiang Zuo Situ's little life was in Luo Wei's hands, so naturally he did not dare to resist.

So he boarded the carriage and drove the carriage out of the Yunji Temple.

After the carriage galloped all the way and walked out of more than ten miles, Jiang Zuo Situ suddenly shouted, "Call!"

He shouted as he pulled the rope to stop the carriage.

Luo Wei turned his head and glanced at Jiang Zuo Situ, who put down the reins and said with his hands: "Luo Gongzi, according to the agreement, I have already sent you out, and you should also spare my life." "

As soon as the words fell, Qu Feiyan's head stretched out and looked at Jiang Zuo Situ.

"Brother Luo, you really want to surround him. "

Luo Wei bowed his head and said: "I have already sworn to surround him with a dog's life, how can I talk without words, you go." "

Jiang Zuo Situ was overjoyed, and said to Luo Wei: "Luo Gongzi is righteous, if you encounter Luo Gongzi in the future, you will definitely retreat." "

Saying that, Jiang Zuo Situ transferred the carriage and limped away.

At this moment, Luo Wei stretched out a finger and pointed at Jiang Zuo Situ, "Change!"

Seventy-two techniques of hell, fingering.

In the next second, Jiang Zuo Situ's body, who was originally running, began to slump, his skin began to grow hairy, and the whole person became smaller and smaller.

However, in just a few blinks of an eye, Jiang Zuo Situ's clothes fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a black puppy burst out of Jiang Zuo Situ's clothes, continued to escape, and disappeared into Luo Wei's field of vision in a puff of smoke.

When Qu Feiyan saw this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

"This, this..."

Luo Wei glanced at Qu Feiyan and said with a smile: "What is this, I said before that I would leave him a dog's life, naturally I will do what I say." "

Qu Feiyan: ...

Your way of keeping people and dogs alive is actually turning people into dogs, which is also too doggy.

However, seeing Luo Wei's smile, Qu Feiyan wisely swallowed the complain in his heart and roared, "Brother Luo has been ruling the rivers and lakes for thousands of years." "

Luo Wei stretched out his hand angrily and rubbed Qu Feiyan's head vigorously.

"Sycophants, go, send you home. "

When Qu Feiyan heard this, he was immediately moved and said, "Brother Luo, you are too kind to me." "

Rowe rolled his eyes, "You figure it out, this is not called being good to you, this is called helping people to be happy." "

Qu Feiyan did not speak, and smirked vigorously.

Rowe raised his hand and flicked it on her head, "Go, ask where these women's homes are." "

Qu Feiyan snorted and retracted his head.

After a while, she came out again and sat next to Luo Wei, "Brother Luo, I have already asked clearly, they are all people from Yingtianfu, and their families live in Yingtianfu." "

Rowe snorted, "You draw a route according to the distance of this group, and we will send them back one by one." "

Qu Feiyan nodded and said, "No problem. "

Although Qu Feiyan is a child, his head is very flexible, and he planned a route after a while.

Rowe drove the carriage and delivered the goods door-to-door.

No, it's sending someone home.

The two horses pulling the cart, with the help of Shennong Ruler, had a steady stream of energy and were full of energy.

Without stopping for a moment, he ran for a day and a night, turning around the vicinity of Ying Tianfu, and finally sent all fourteen beauties other than Yilin and Qu Feiyan home.

Then, Luo Wei sent Qu Feiyan back.

Certainly not home.

It is a restaurant called Huiyanlou.

Rowe always felt a little familiar when he heard the name, but then remembered it.

This time, the Yanlou is not in the restaurant where Tian Boguang and Ling Hu Chong fought in the midst of the smiling rivers and lakes.

Luo Wei raised his eyebrows and said, "What are you doing going back to Yanlou?"

Qu Feiyan said: "Of course, I went to attend the ceremony of Uncle Liu's golden basin washing hands. "

"Uncle Liu, do you mean Liu Zhengfeng?"

"It's Uncle Liu Zhengfeng, Brother Luo, you also know Uncle Liu. Qu Feiyan said with a smile.

Luo Wei nodded and said: "Know, why don't you know, a dead-brained guy." "

Qu Feiyan asked curiously, "Dead brain, why?" "

"Because this guy can't speak softly, his head is tendon, so even his own family was slaughtered by the people of the Songshan faction, and even himself, as well as your grandfather Qu Yang, and you yourself died at the hands of the Songshan faction. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"That's a miserable one. "

Luo Wei couldn't help but shake his head, when he saw it, he felt that Liu Zhengfeng was a dead brain.

At the beginning, so many people were present, but if he said two soft words and asked for help from everyone present, he would not be slaughtered by the Songshan faction.

Not to mention that he had already obtained the position of general before washing his hands in the golden basin.

The staff of the Ming Dynasty was the commander of the town guarding the border area, with no fixed personnel, second to the general army and deputy general army, and guarded each road.

In addition, the Ming and Qing Dynasty officials also set up generals to coordinate with the supervision of grain transportation.

With this identity, he is the official of Daming.

If he took out this official body to suppress the Songshan faction, even if the Songshan faction had the audacity to slaughter a general full of men.

I really thought that the Songshan faction was not afraid of the siege of the army.

Xiaoao Jianghu is a low-martial world, and there is no master who has broken through a thousand armies.

But Liu Zhengfeng obviously has an official body, but he has never taken the official body to say anything, and has always regarded himself as a jianghu person, thinking that the rivers and lakes are all over the rivers and lakes, so he will be slaughtered all over the door.

Luo Wei didn't understand, since you don't want the official to say something, then what do you still ask the official to do, this is not asking for loneliness.

So Luo Wei felt that Liu Zhengfeng was a dead brain.

But if he had a flexible head, he would not be slaughtered by the Songshan faction.

Of course, dead brains are just a little subtle statement, after all, in front of Qu Feiyan's face, Luo Wei doesn't want to say too badly, if it's too ugly, that's... Stupid.

"What, the Songshan faction actually slaughtered Uncle Liu's family, they were so daring. "

When Qu Feiyan heard this, he was shocked and angry, and he couldn't get angry.

Luo Wei hurriedly said: ".. Calm, calm, I'm talking about the original plot, in the original plot, the Songshan faction is strong and can do whatever it wants. "

"But in this world, the Huashan faction is the boss, and the Songshan faction has the audacity to do so. "

Qu Feiyan was relieved, but he was still a little relieved in his heart, urging Luo Wei to act faster.

So Luo Wei returned to the Huiyanlou with Qu Feiyan.

During this period, Luo Wei also learned why Qu Feiyan and Yilin's two daughters were captured by Jiang Zuo Situ.

All because of Liu Zhengfeng's golden basin to wash his hands.

When this guy washed his hands in the golden basin, he invited a group of friends from the rivers and lakes to visit.

Qu Yang naturally also came, but met Jiang Zuo Situ in Huiyanlou.

Jiang Zuo Situ took a fancy to Qu Feiyan, so he injured Qu Yang and took Qu Feiyan away.

And Yilin followed her master to participate in Liu Zhengfeng's golden basin to wash her hands, but accidentally left the order.

In the original plot, she met Tian Boguang after she was singled, and if it weren't for Ling Hu Chong's timely appearance, she was almost won by Tian Boguang.

But in this world, Tian Boguang has been killed by Luo Wei.

So Yilin did not meet Tian Boguang, but met Jiang Zuo Situ, who was more murderous than Tian Boguang.

Jiang Zuo Situ had already taken Qu Feiyan away at that time, but he met Yi Lin again, and after seeing Yi Lin's beauty, Jiang Zuo Situ simply took Yi Lin away.

In this way, both Qu Feiyan and Yilin became prisoners of Jiang Zuo Situ.

What a is this to open the door for Coincidental, and Coincidence (Qian Hao Zhao) arrived home.

After Luo Wei understood the truth of the matter, he couldn't help but complain to Yi Lin: "It seems that you are destined for this calamity." "

Yi Lin clasped her hands together, and after chanting Amitabha Buddha, she said gratefully: "Thanks to Lord Luo Shi's help in drawing his sword, I was able to escape." "

Rowe smiled slightly at this and was noncommittal.

Soon after, he sent Qu Feiyan back to the Yanlou, but at this time, Qu Yang was no longer in the Huiyanlou.

So Luo Wei and Yilin accompanied Qu Feiyan to Liu Zhengfeng's mansion.

At this time, some time has passed since Liu Zhengfeng washed his hands in the golden basin.

But Liu Zhengfeng's mansion was not sealed, and people still came and went.

Liu Zhengfeng and his family are still alive and well.

It can be seen that in this comprehensive martial arts world, the strength of the Songshan faction is too weak, and those who are pressed to death by the Huashan faction do not make it easy at all.

Such a thing as slaughtering people full of doors, the Songshan faction did not dare to do it at all.

He dared to do this today, maybe tomorrow it would be the Songshan faction that would be slaughtered.

Don't look at the thirteen taibao of Songshan are all first-class masters, but looking at the rivers and lakes, only the innate grandmasters can influence the forces of the rivers and lakes.

But Zuo Lengchan was still some distance away from the innate grandmaster, and even if he really became an innate grandmaster, he still did not dare to make a second attempt.

Because the innate grandmaster of the Huashan Sect is not one.

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