Qu Feiyan entered Liu Mansion and was immediately welcomed by Liu Mansion.

Liu Zhengfeng even personally came out to greet Qu Feiyan, which shows that Liu Zhengfeng really regards Qu Feiyan as his own family.

"Non-smoke, non-smoke, it's really you. Liu Zhengfeng trotted over, grabbed Qu Feiyan to look left and right, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief after finding that Qu Feiyan was not injured.

"It's good if you come back, it's good when you come back. "

"Uncle Liu. Qu Feiyan shouted, "I'm back, my grandfather." "

Liu Zhengfeng's face was stunned, and he said: "Your grandfather is cultivating in the rear, not long ago, after he was injured by the kidnapped thief, he has been admired in my house, by the way, non-smoke, how did you escape, these two are..."

He looked at Luo Wei and Yi Lin, his face full of doubts.

Qu Feiyan hurriedly said: "Let me introduce you, Uncle Liu, this is Brother Luo Weiluo, it was he who rescued me from that thief, this is Miss Yilin of the Hengshan faction." "

"Like me, she was captured by that thief and rescued by Big Brother Luo not long ago. "

Liu Zhengfeng suddenly realized, "It turns out that you are Little Master Yilin, after you disappeared, Hengshan sent up and down to find you, almost turned this city over." "

"I didn't expect you to be kidnapped by that hateful thief. "

When Yi Lin heard this, she asked anxiously, "Uncle Liu, how are my masters doing now?"

Liu Zhengfeng sighed and said, "After I washed my hands in the golden basin, your master searched for you for a few more days, but still did not find you, so he took some people back. "

"However, as far as I know, your master has already notified the Five Mountains Sword Sect of this matter, and now the disciples of the Five Mountains Sword Sect outside are looking for your whereabouts. "

"I didn't expect you to come back safely, which is really thank God 217 thanks. "

Yi Lin said: "This is thanks to the blessing of Buddha and the help of Big Brother Luo. "

Liu Zhengfeng said: "Yes, yes, I have to thank this Luo Gongzi more, if it were not for you, my niece would not have returned safely, Liu Mou is here to thank Luo Gongzi." "

Saying that, Liu Zhengfeng straightened his clothes and bowed deeply to Luo Wei.

Luo Wei said indifferently: "Raising your hand is not enough to hang your teeth, Senior Liu does not need to pay attention to it." "

Liu Zhengfeng shook his head and said: "I can't say that, if you save Fei Yan, it is equivalent to saving my daughter, I will definitely repay you well, and ask Luo Gongzi to stay in the mansion for a few more days, so that I can fulfill the friendship of the landlord." "

Luo Wei shook his head and said: "This is not necessary, in fact, I still have business, it is not convenient to stay more." "

Liu Zhengfeng is playing retention, but Luo Wei is very persistent, and he is also helpless.

After Luo Wei sent Qu Feiyan back to Qu Yang, he planned to leave with Yilin and send Yilin back to the Hengshan faction.

However, Yilin is also a person with a diary, knowing that Luo Wei does have something, and took the initiative to say: "Brother Luo, Huang Rong girl is still waiting for you, you are not more troubled than for my affairs." "

"Senior Uncle Liu has already informed my master through the flying pigeon handbook. "

"My master will come to Liufu to pick me up in the near future. "

"So I plan to stay in Liu's mansion. "

"Brother Luo, you have something, go get busy first, don't worry about me. "

Yilin is like this, she would rather wronged herself than embarrass others.

Seeing her insistence, Luo Wei did not object, and after adding friends with Yilin and Qu Feiyan, he performed a dirt walking technique and disappeared in front of Yilin in the blink of an eye.

When he sent those beauties home before, it had already taken Rowe a day.

The art of earth can be used again.

Luo Wei was alone this time, faster than before, and it didn't take him a few hours to leave Daming and return to the place where he and Huang Rong separated.

However, at this time, Huang Rong had already driven the carriage away.

But it didn't matter, Luo Wei had already added Huang Rong as a friend in the diary, and immediately sent a private message to Huang Rong.

[Rowe: I'm back, where are you going?"

It didn't take long for Huang Rong to reply.

[Huang Rong: We have arrived in Xiangyang City]

[Rowe: Wait for me]

Luo Wei galloped all the way to Xiangyang City, as for where Xiangyang City was, Luo Wei could ask Huang Rong and them at any time.

With the guidance of Huang Rong and Azhu's daughters, Luo Wei found Xiangyang City without much effort, and sneaked into Xiangyang City and found the most famous restaurant in Xiangyang City.

Fulai Restaurant.

Huang Rong's daughters ate in this restaurant.

Luo Wei found a secret place near the Fu Lai Restaurant, got out of the ground, returned to the crowded street, and entered the Fu Lai Restaurant.

At this time, it was already the beginning of the lights.

As soon as Luo Wei entered the restaurant, the noise swept in like a tide.

The restaurant is full of high friends and a sea of people.

A shop junior saw Luo Wei walk in, smiled bitterly and stepped forward and said: "This distinguished guest, you didn't come by chance, the customers in the small shop are already full, and there is no extra space." "

"If the guest officer does not dislike it, you can wait over there for a while. "

"If the guest official is in a hurry, there is a Donglai restaurant on the left turn when you go out, although the taste is inferior to ours, but it can still be satisfying." "

It goes well that to come to you is to enjoy food, and to go to people's homes is to have a stomach. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

That's too double-standard.

But this is a bit of a level, that is, it shows his generosity, and quietly belittles the other party, absolutely.

Luo Wei said indifferently: "I'm looking for someone." "

The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment and asked, "Who are you looking for, officer?"

"I'll just find it myself. Rowe strode away and walked towards the stairs.

She had already asked Azhu about them just now, so she sat on the second floor to eat, so Luo Wei quickly walked up to the second floor, looked around and found Azhu, Huang Rong and several women.

They were sitting near the window eating.

Interestingly, in addition to Azhu, Huang Rong, Lin Shiyin and Blue Phoenix, there are two more beauties on this table (bbea).

These two beautiful women's appearance roles are not under Huang Rong and Lin Shiyin, and even surpass.

The beauty of the middle grade, who is slightly older, is dressed in white, with long hair like clouds and a graceful demeanor, like a fairy.

She seems to be born with a terrifying magic, an irresistible magic, and she seems to be forever above her, unbelievable!

Obviously, this is a big man with a complete hand.

As for the beauty of the younger grade, her stunning appearance and noble temperament are no less than the former, and she is also a peerless beauty.

She was wearing a splendid palace dress like a cloud, with a long skirt to the ground, and long hair and shawl, like flowing clouds.

And she is delicate and sweet, more than spring flowers, and her flexible eyes are not only full of indescribable wisdom, but also full of childishness.

However, it was such a peerless beauty, who turned out to be a cripple, and the flowing cloud long sleeves and the long skirt on the ground could not hide the deformity of her left hand and left foot.

When Luo Wei saw this scene, he realized who these two beauties were.

There is only one woman who looks so beautiful on the rivers and lakes, her left hand and left foot are still disabled.

The second house master of the Shifting Flower Palace, Mercy Star.

In this way, the identity of the woman who is slightly older than her is even easier to guess, and it is the palace master of the Shifting Flower Palace.

Although Luo Wei was a little surprised that Yueyue and Mercy Xing actually appeared here, he also guessed that the two women must have come for him, and they were not too afraid and walked up.

"Gongzi. "

When Azhu saw Luo Wei, he immediately stood up excitedly and quickly gave up a position.

Luo Wei walked over and sat down, arched his hand at the two women and said, "Luo Wei has seen the Lord of the Invitation Moon Palace, and the Lord of the Star Palace. "

Mercy Star was a little surprised, "How did you guess that we are Invitation Moon and Mercy Star, and not others?"

Her voice is dexterous and lively, as if with a kind of naïve childishness, everyone will think that she must be a cardamom, childish, beautiful and delicate girl.

Who knows, she is already a grown woman in her twenties.

Luo Wei pointed to her left hand and said, "You are so beautiful in the rivers and lakes, and there are still disabilities, only the Mercy Star Palace Master of the Shifting Flower Palace." "

When Mercy Xing heard this, he subconsciously retracted his left hand.

Seeing this, Luo Wei asked: "Don't have low self-esteem, you also know that I have a Shennong ruler in hand, curing your disability is just a matter of blink of an eye, and what is there to be inferior." "

Mercy Xing was surprised and delighted, and asked, "Are you willing to treat me?"

"Don't worry, I will treat you after this meal. Rowe punched a package ticket and asked, "Why, didn't you find me because of this?"

Mercy Xing shook her head, and then said, "Sister wants you to join the Shifting Flower Palace. "

Luo Wei couldn't help but be stunned, and turned his head to look at Yueyue.

Yueyue looked indifferent, nodded and said, "Not long ago, I saw that Tianzun sent you a maid and wanted to win you over, so I had such an idea. "

Luo Wei suddenly realized, and said tactfully: "Thank you for the love of the Moon Palace Master, but I am lazy and unwilling to join any camp." "

Zhaoyue was not angry, and said indifferently: "If you don't want to, forget it." "

Mercy Xing said with a smile: "At that time, we did take it for granted, so this idea was given up very early, but we really wanted to know what kind of person Luo Gongzi was, so we came to meet him." "

Rowe said: "I'm just an ordinary person who has obtained a gold finger, and I was disappointed to meet him. "

Mercy Xing shook his head and said: "Luo Gongzi is generous and chivalrous, how can he be disappointed, it should be said that it is better to be famous than to meet." "

Luo Wei smiled, only as if the other party was praising himself, "You are too polite, I am not as good as you say." "

Mercy Xing still wanted to say something, but Yueyue interrupted: "I want to see the power of the Seven Limits of Heaven Devouring and Earth, and I want to see how much worse this god and demon-level martial art is from the martial arts I have learned." "

Rowe wasn't surprised.

In his eyes, Yueyue was originally a strong woman, and it was normal to have such thoughts.

"No problem, after this meal, I will treat your sister first, and then talk to you." "。

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