This dinner can be said to be a joy for guests and hosts.

The most luxurious restaurant in Xiangyang City really lives up to its name, and being able to be the first in Xiangyang shows that their dishes are indeed outstanding, at least Luo Wei is very satisfied.

Because this chef's cooking skills are no worse than Huang Rong.

It can even be said that it is between Bozhong~.

After eating the night, everyone left the Fulai Wine Building with laughter and returned to the carriage.

Yueyue couldn't wait to have a fight with Luo Wei.

Luo Wei found a room on the second floor of his carriage villa, and used the art of potting heaven and the art of changing scenery to open up a new martial arts arena.

This martial arts arena is somewhat similar to the Roman Arena and the Dragon Ball World's No. 1 Martial Arts Society.

The whole venue is astonishingly vast.

There are probably dozens of football fields the size, whether it is used for martial arts training or fighting, it is no problem.

Inside the martial arts arena.

A Zhu, Huang Rong, Lin Shiyin, and Blue Phoenix sat in the stands.

And Luo Wei and Yueyue, Mercy Star and the two women stood in the ring.

Luo Wei took out the Shennong ruler from his arms and said to Mercy Xing: "Stretch out your hand." "

Mercy Star nodded and stretched out his deformed left hand.

"Hold back the pain. Luo Wei said to Mercy Xing, and then copied the Shennong ruler and knocked it on Mercy Xing's deformed left hand.

Although Shennong Ruler is mainly to cure diseases and save people, he is still a heavenly divine soldier with amazing power.

Even if Luo Wei didn't use much force, he still completely shattered Xingxing's finger bones.

Mercy Xing couldn't help but snort, her face was bloodless, and a large sweat seeped out from her forehead.

Luo Wei first shattered Mercy Xing's left hand bone, and then pasted Shennong Ruler over, and the abnormal power of Shennong Ruler continued to enter Mercy Xing's body to help Mercy Star repair his injuries.

The broken bones grew back in just a few minutes, and the originally deformed left hand also returned to normal in just a few minutes, turning into a smooth and delicate perfect left hand with five fingers as white as jade.

Seeing that his left hand returned to normal, Mercy Xing was excited and couldn't control himself.

This scene had appeared in her dreams a hundred times and a thousand times, but every time she woke up, all hope would be dashed.

Over time, Mercy Star became numb.

But this time, Mercy Xing was really excited when he saw his intact left hand, and he was so excited that he almost gaffed on the spot.

Fortunately, her mind is far beyond ordinary people, so she endured it.

After Luo Wei healed her left hand, he looked at her left hand and said, "Take off your shoes and stretch out your left foot." "

Mercy Xing's face turned red, but he did not object, silently took off his shoes, stretched out his mutilated left foot, and placed it in front of Luo Wei.

Luo Wei concocted as he did, first picked up the Shennong ruler and broke Mercy Xing's left foot, and then pasted the Shennong ruler to repair it.

However, in three or five minutes, Mercy Xing's left foot also became intact.

Seeing this scene, Mercy Xing really froze, and stepped forward and hugged Luo Wei deadly.

"Thank you, thank you, Luo Gongzi. "

"You're welcome, it's just a show of hands. Luo Wei said this, but his hands wrapped around Mercy Xing's waist and slowly descended.

After all, such a big beauty as Mercy Xing threw himself into his arms, and Luo Wei really couldn't grasp it.

Fortunately, Yueyue discovered this in time, and looked at Luo Wei with cold eyes, "What are your hands doing?"

Luo Wei only then let go of the mercy star, and said with a wry smile: "Sorry sorry, I can't help it, I'm a good person everywhere, but I don't have any resistance to beauty." "

Yueyue's heart moved, and she said, "If you agree to join the Shifting Flower Palace, I can call the shots and marry my sister to you." "

"Sister. "

Mercy Xing's heart was angry, thinking that her sister was too much, shouldn't she have asked herself about this kind of thing?

Yueyue was unmoved by Mercy Xing's anger, and looked straight at Luo Wei.

Of course, Luo Wei would not join the Shifting Flower Palace and stick to the Mercy Star alone, so he smiled and said: "I am a person who is not strong-willed and has no resistance to beauty, and if someone uses a beauty trick on me in the future, I am afraid that it will fail the Lord of the Mercy Star Palace." "

"I think it's better to forget it, after all, I am not worthy of mercy stars. "

Yueyue looked at Luo Wei coldly.

Rovi smiled.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little stiff, Mercy Xing smiled and relieved, "Luo Gongzi doesn't need to care too much, what my sister just said is just a joke." "

"So it is. "

Luo Wei knew that Mercy Star had given him the steps, and pretended to be suddenly realized.

Mercy Xing said again: "By the way, sister still wants you to have a discussion, you two continue, I won't bother." "

After saying that, Mercy Star withdrew.

However, at this moment, Luo Wei suddenly heard Mercy Xing's voice whispering in his ears.

"Luo Gongzi, Mercy Xing please you one thing, when you and your sister compete next, don't keep your hands, you must teach my proud sister a hard lesson." "

When Luo Wei heard this, he couldn't help but look surprised, originally thought that Yueyue would be angry, but when he looked at Yueyue, he found that Yueyue's face did not change in the slightest.

It was as if he hadn't heard what Mercy Xing said just now.

This couldn't help but make him think of a martial arts stunt... The sound is dense.

Only this kind of martial arts can conceal the invitation moon.

In fact, there is no need for Mercy Star to say so, and Rowe will not keep his hand.

After all, Invitation Moon is the great palace master of the Shifting Flower Palace, and it is a proper ceiling in the "peerless double arrogance" world.

Looking at this world, it is either a top grandmaster or a grandmaster.

And Luo Wei's internal strength is only first-class so far, and he still has not transformed into true qi, for such a person, Luo Wei naturally does not dare to keep his hand.

"Invitation Moon Palace Master, I'm going to attack. "

Yueyue's face did not change color, stood with his hands on his back, and said, "Please." (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Luo Wei nodded, took a step, and the whole person instantly approached the invitation moon, and the Shennong ruler in his hand slashed towards the invitation moon.

Devouring the Heaven and Destroying the Earth Seven Limits, the Seventh Form, Breaking the Sea.

In an instant, layers of knives burst out of the sea, setting off monstrous waves, and pressed down towards the head of the invitation moon.

Although Shennong Ruler is not a tiger, it can also increase the power of the seven limits when used to swallow the heaven and destroy the earth.

Zhiyue faced the surging knife power that was galloping, and a trace of color flashed in her eyes.

As the owner of the copy of the diary, of course, she knew that Luo Wei's strength was only first-class, but now the power of this move to devour the seven limits of the heavens and the earth made herself, a top grandmaster, also right.

It can be seen that this god and demon-level martial art is indeed remarkable.

You can actually raise a first-class master who is not put in his eyes to the point where even he has to be right.


All kinds of thoughts flashed in Yueyue's mind, but he suppressed it in an instant, and at the same time stretched out a right hand that was as white as jade, and slowly shot it towards the sea-breaking knife that Luo Wei split.

Ask for flowers 0

It seems slow, but it's amazingly fast.

However, in an instant, the knife power and palm power collided together, making a muffled bang.

But Luo Wei was keenly aware that his knife strength did not split the palm of Yueyue, but was pulled by this strength and actually returned.

In an instant, Luo Wei thought of the top school of the Shifting Flower Palace.

Transfer flowers and jade.

This is a kind of "overcoming rigidity with softness" and "rear-attacking" exercises, pulling and shifting and rebounding the enemy's martial arts.

It is not under the great movement of the Ming Sect, and the Douzhuan star of the Murong family.

After Luo Wei noticed this, his wrist shook, and the knife momentum changed.

Devouring the Heavens and Destroying the Seven Limits, the sixth form, landslides.

This time, Luo Wei's slashed knife was fierce and fierce, containing the power of collapsing mountains and breaking prisons, cutting rocks and cutting ravines, and was good at breaking strong attacks, and instantly shattered the sea-breaking knife.

Then the long drive went straight in and slashed towards the invitation moon.

Zhaoyue slapped his right hand again, intending to repeat the old technique, but was surprised to find that this time the transfer of flowers and jade did not completely trigger Luo Wei's slashed knife power.

The power of the landslide was too fierce and irresistible, and the invitation to the moon only triggered a part of the knife power.

This made her realize that there was indeed a huge gap between the martial arts she had learned and the god and demon-level martial arts.

However, Zhaoyue is not alarmed, since it cannot be pulled, it is better to defeat it head-on.

She took a deep breath and urged True Qi, and the original flesh and blood body became smooth as jade under the impetus of Mingyu True Qi, and the right hand that was shot out was like a palm carved from white jade.


With a sound of explosion, the landslide knife power and the Mingyu True Qi collided together, and the air was squeezed in an instant, forming white smoke, which spread out in all directions.

The earth under your feet cracked, and the invisible shockwave carrier dust spread outward at an alarming speed.

The soil rolled out layer by layer.

It looks like the sky is shattered.

In this collision, Rowe flew out upside down and spat out a mouthful of blood.

After all, he is a first-class master, and although the internal force in his body is pure, he has not yet transformed into true qi, which is not as strong as the Mingyu true qi of Invitation Moon.

In this collision, he was injured.

But fortunately, he was holding a Shennong ruler, so the person had not yet landed, and the injury was already healed.

Although Zhaoyue stood in place, her jade-like right hand cracked, and blood splattered out.

She just struck Luo Wei with a palm, but the whole person was not comfortable, because Luo Wei's landslide knife was too fierce, causing her to also suffer a certain reaction.

However, Zhaoyue was not discouraged by this, and her eyes became brighter.

"It's coming. "

She shouted loudly and took the initiative to attack Rowe.

After witnessing the landslides and sea-breaking of the Seven Limits of Devouring the Heavens and Earth, she longed for more powerful moves.

Luo Wei was not afraid, and when Yueyue rushed up, he slashed a knife towards Yueyue.

Devouring the Heavens and Destroying the Seven Limits, the fifth form, the storm!!

Luo Wei slashed out, like a storm coming, pulling the air flow to form a tornado whirlwind knife momentum, straight to the rung, to hand over the opponent to the shredded corpse between the eyes.

Yueyue was not afraid, pushing Mingyu True Qi, and actually broke straight into the storm.

Look for the eye of the storm.

That is, the weak point of this trick three.

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