After Feng Yu was resurrected, Luo Wei's group of people settled on Peach Blossom Island.

This seems to be what Feng Yu asked for, saying that he should treat his benefactor well.

Luo Wei thought that he had nowhere to go now, so he simply agreed.

In the next few days, Huang Rong took Luo Wei and a group of people to every corner of Peach Blossom Island, telling about the various trends of growing up in Peach Blossom Island.

For example, where do you go when you are happy and where you go when you are unhappy.

I like to see the scenery and where I like to watch the sunrise over the sea.

She seemed to want to share all the things she had experienced with Rowe.

Luo Wei could see that Huang Rong seemed to be more and more dependent on himself, his eyes were all himself, Luo Wei was not a fool, how could he not see Huang Rong's friendship for himself.

So when the two were walking on the beach on Peach Blossom Island again, Luo Wei looked at Huang Rong's bright big eyes with burning eyes, and said to Huang Rong: "You really think clearly." "

Huang Rong's eyes dodged, "What do you think clearly, Brother Wei, what are you talking about? "

Luo Wei didn't believe it, and took Huang Rong's white and delicate hands, "Rong'er, you are so smart, how can you not understand what I am saying." "

Huang Rong saw Luo Wei suddenly showdown towards him, and did not hide, his eyes looked straight at Luo Wei.

"I thought clearly. "

"There will be many women around me, and it is impossible to give you all the love, which is very unfair to you, Rong'er. Luo Wei was a little distressed, originally Huang Rong should have a husband who belonged completely to her.

"I know. Huang Rong nodded, and then said with a look of loss: "But there is no way, who made me like you, who made me like you a 377 flower heart big radish." "

Ah this...

This made Rowe answer, so Rowe was silent, and it took a long time before he said, "I'm sorry." "

Huang Rong quickly stretched out her hand to block Luo Wei's mouth, "Brother Wei doesn't need to be sorry, because Brother Vi, you have already reminded me before, it was I who fell in with my own care, how can I blame Brother Vi." "

Luo Wei saw Huang Rong, who was distressed, and put his arm around the other party, holding Huang Rong in his arms.

Huang Rong muttered, "I only hope that no matter how many women Brother Wei has in the future, don't forget me." "

Luo Wei said categorically: "Don't worry, I will never forget, no matter how many women I have in the future, Rong'er, you will always be my favorite." "

"When I learn the art of doppelganger in the future, I can keep a doppelganger by your side all the time. "

"That way, you can always be with me. "

Huang Rong was deeply moved, but thinking carefully about what Luo Wei said, he always felt that something was strange.

In the art of doppelganger, every woman has a Rowe by her side.

That's scum.

Huang Rong was angry and corrupted, and Wushi Zitong pinched the soft flesh around Luo Wei's waist with his right hand and twisted it vigorously.

Although Luo Wei was in pain, he never let go of Huang Rong, kept talking about fleshy love words, and it took a while to calm the angry and corrupted Huang Rong.

Soon after, the two men went back hand in hand.

Seeing this, Azhu, Lin Shiyin, and the blue phoenix women looked calm.

They had long known that Huang Rong could not escape Luo Wei's palm.

As for Feng Yu, although Luo Wei is her lifesaver, giving her life in her heart, giving her the opportunity to grow old with her family, (bbbi) forever.

But Huang Rong is her daughter after all, a piece of meat that fell from her body, a real treasure in her heart.

Although he didn't say anything on the surface, when he went to sleep, Feng Yu whispered to Huang Rong.

"Rong'er, tell me honestly if you really like that Luo Gongzi. "

Huang Rong nodded.

Feng Yu sighed softly, and said faintly: "Rong'er, Luo Gongzi is my lifesaver, giving me a new life, giving me the opportunity to reunite with you and share the joy of heaven, I shouldn't have said bad things about him." "

"But I see that the beautiful women around Luo Gongzi are like clouds, and I am afraid that I am not a dedicated person. "

"If you don't want to, I don't need you because I've been wronged. "

"Although I am eager to live, I don't need my own children to do everything for me. "

As soon as Huang Rong heard it, she knew that Feng Yu had misunderstood something, and shook her head repeatedly.

"Mother, you misunderstood, Brother Vi is not that kind of person, let alone forced me to do anything, and I am not aggrieved. "

"In fact, when I vaguely liked Brother Vigo before, Brother Vigo once reminded me not to fall into it, he is not a single-minded person, so he does not want me to be wronged. "

Feng Yu couldn't help but be stunned, he didn't expect Luo Wei to actually say such a thing.

This is indeed a decent gentleman.

Huang Rong continued: "Although I have the size of Brother Vigo, but unfortunately after getting along with Brother Vigo these days, I still unconsciously fell into it, and now I want to retreat, but I can't retreat." "

When Feng Yu heard this, he stretched out his hand and put his arm around his child, "What a silly child, do you know that you will be very miserable in the future." "

Huang Rong shook her head and said: "No, Brother Vigo said that he will always be good to me, and Brother Vigo will also have the art of doppelgänger in the future, and he can separate someone to accompany me." "

"I think that's good. "

Feng Yu: ...

Ah this, do young people play so much now?

No, if you think about it, the current young man seems to be unable to become a doppelganger, and only this immortal who can come back to life can do this.

If the other party can really be separated into tens of millions, in the future, he can separate a doppelganger to accompany Rong'er day and night.

It's not a good thing.

Thinking of this, Feng Yu put down his heart, "Okay, well, I don't care about your young people's affairs, you can watch and handle it yourself." "

Huang Rong smiled and hugged her mother-in-law. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"Mom, you're so nice. "


After staying on Peach Blossom Island for almost a week, Rowe planned to leave here.

And Huang Rong's mother has just been resurrected, so Huang Rong does not plan to leave with Luo Wei, but decides to stay with her mother-in-law.

Although Luo Wei was reluctant, he still agreed.

On the day they left Peach Blossom Island, Huang Rong and Feng Yu walked to the dock to see each other.

Especially Huang Rong, pulling Luo Wei to have endless words.

Luo Wei patiently comforted Huang Rong, and took out his diary, telling Huang Rong, "If you have anything in the future, contact me in the diary, and I will definitely come back to you." "

Only then did Huang Rong put down her heart and tell Luo Wei, "After you leave Peach Blossom Island, if you meet my father on the road, tell him that Rong'er is waiting for him to come back on Peach Blossom Island and give him a big surprise." "

This little thing, Rowe naturally agreed.

Afterwards, the group of three boarded the boat and left Peach Blossom Island.

Huang Rong and Feng Yu stood at the dock to see each other, and only after Luo Wei and the boat disappeared into their field of vision did they withdraw their gaze.

"Mom, it's windy here, let's go back." Huang Rong helped her mother and disappeared into the dock.

On the other hand, Luo Wei took Azhu, Lin Shiyin, and the three daughters of Blue Phoenix to leave Peach Blossom Island, and after returning to the land, he took out the carriage and displayed the size of Ruyi, changing the carriage back to its original size.

Everyone boarded the carriage at one time and set off towards the ancient tomb faction.

At the same time, Rowe took out his diary and began to write it.

[Today is the seventh day after resurrecting Feng Yu, and I left Peach Blossom Island with Azhu, Shiyin, and Phoenix three daughters]

[As for Rong'er, she stayed on Peach Blossom Island to accompany her newly resurrected mother]

[After all, the two have been separated by death for so many years, and it is not easy to be together, so naturally they have to enjoy a natural happiness]

[And I originally planned to take revenge on the Happy King]

[But after Feng Yu was resurrected, Shiyin couldn't help but think of her cousin, so I planned to take Shiyin to meet my cousin]

[But what I didn't expect was that Shiyin's cousin was actually a hero in the female middle school, Lin Chaoying, the founder of the ancient tomb school]

[Good guy, old stitching is weird]

[Since Murong Fu can become Murong Qiudi's distant relative]

[Lin Shiyin can naturally become Lin Chaoying's cousin, which is reasonable]

[I just don't know what the relationship between the dead Lin Pingzhi and Shiyin is]

Inside the ancient tomb pie.

When Lin Chaoying saw this scene, he couldn't help but snort, "Of course, it doesn't matter anything, there are so many people with the surname Lin all over the world, do you think everyone is related to each other?"

Just as Lin Chaoying was complaining, the door of the stone room was suddenly opened.

A girl in white with a cold face walked in.

Lin Chaoying couldn't help but laugh when she saw the girl in white, "It turned out to be Long'er, sit, is there something wrong with me?"

Xiao Longnu said: "Master has relatives who are coming, should our ancient tomb sect make some preparations." "

"Prepare, what preparation, what else does my cousin want to find me. Lin Chaoying said disapprovingly: "You just let Grandma Sun make a delicious meal that day." "

Xiao Longnu nodded.

Lin Chaoying reached out and pinched her little face, looked down and continued to read the diary.

[When I left, Rong'er once told me that when I saw his father in the future, I wanted him to return to Peach Blossom Island, saying that I wanted to give him a big surprise]

[So the women who saw this diary, if you meet Huang Yaoshi, tell Huang Yaoshi for me]

[said that Huang Rong has returned to Peach Blossom Island and is waiting for him]

[As for Feng Yu's affairs, don't tell him first, let Rong'er give him a surprise]

When Huang Rong saw this, she smiled joyfully, "Brother Wei is really thoughtful." "

"What thoughtfulness?" Feng Yu, who was making clothes for Huang Yaoshi, couldn't help but look up and ask.

Huang Rong quickly shook her head, "It's nothing, it's nothing." "

Feng Yu always felt that her daughter was obedient, and her hands seemed to be holding something, but she did not study it carefully, shook her head with a smile, lowered her head and continued to sew clothes.

Huang Rong continued to read the diary.

[In short, if anyone really has done this, I would like to thank this woman for her support first]

[I will definitely repay you when I have the opportunity in the future].

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