Although Luo Wei has no resistance to beauty, he has one advantage, that is, he does what he says.

If someone can really meet the Yellow Medicine Master and let him return to Peach Blossom Island.

Rowe will definitely repay the other party.

Men, a spit and a nail, will never repent, who regrets who is a dog.

[In addition, because there is nothing to share with you today, so the diary is a little watery, I hope you don't mind too much, I plan to write some boring things, make up five hundred words]

[So the next content, if you don't want to watch it, forget it]

Rowe was also helpless when he wrote this sentence, inspiration is not something that exists.

When inspiration came, Vincent was like a urine crash.

When inspiration goes, it's like constipation, and I can't hold it out.

Today is not inspired, so Rowe randomly scraped together five hundred words and received the basic reward-.

One year of pure internal strength.

By the way, in the past few days on Peach Blossom Island, Luo Wei really has nothing to write about, and every day is to record the running account between him and Huang Rong, so the reward is also a year's strength.

As a result, Luo Wei's internal strength is increasing, and it is almost fifty years.

According to Lin Shiyin, fifty years of internal force is already the most outstanding existence among first-class masters, and with this majestic internal force, it can impact the innate realm.

In other words, without twenty or thirty years of hard practice, they would not have reached this state at all.

But Luo Wei, in less than two months, pushed his internal strength to the current state.

It's really amazing to have plugins.

He estimated that if there were no accidents on the way to the Ancient Tomb Sect, when he arrived at the Ancient Tomb Sect, the internal power he would obtain would definitely exceed fifty years.

At that time, it will not be a problem to impact the Innate Grandmaster realm.

So, will the road from Peach Blossom Island to the Ancient Tomb Sect be calm?

The answer is... Yes.

Although this is a comprehensive martial arts world, all kinds of masters emerge one after another, but Luo Wei really did not encounter any obstacles along the way.

In this way, he arrived at the foot of the Ultimate South Mountain.

This probably has something to do with the fact that Rowe doesn't have any enemies.

In the realm of the Great Song Dynasty, there are neither people they know nor enemies, and naturally there will be no troublesome people who do not open their eyes to find Luo Wei.

So Luo Wei arrived at Ultimate South Mountain calmly.

When he entered the realm of Junan Mountain, it was already nightfall, so Luo Wei decided to rest in a prosperous town at the foot of Junan Mountain for a night, and decided to visit Lin Chaoying the next day at the ancient tomb that went to Ultimate South Mountain.

The night passed without a word, and so it passed.

During the period, the wind and waves were still calm, and there were no accidents.

The next morning.

After breakfast in the town, Rowe and the group continued on.

However, the carriage was left in the town.

Because the terrain of Junan Mountain is steep and not suitable for horse-drawn carriages, Luo Wei's group of people can only climb Junan Mountain on foot.

Fortunately, everyone is a martial arts expert and proficient in light skills, so climbing the Ultimate South Mountain does not have any difficulty for Luo Wei's group.

The group set off after dawn and climbed halfway up the mountain, it was already three days in the morning.

A pavilion was built halfway up the mountain for passers-by to rest.

In the pavilion, several Taoist priests wearing Taoist robes were enjoying the shade.

Several Daoist priests couldn't help but glance at Luo Wei's group of people when they saw them.

One of the older ones gave a few orders to the younger one, and the young Taoist priest nodded, walked out of the pavilion, and blocked the way of Luo Wei and the others.

"Yin Zhiping, a disciple of the Quanzhen Sect of Ultimate South Mountain, has seen several distinguished guests. "

When Luo Wei heard the name, he raised an eyebrow, Yin Zhiping?

No, later Jin Yong changed and turned Yin Zhiping into Zhen Zhibing.

However, this is the world of comprehensive martial arts, and God knows if Yin Zhiping is a dragon knight in the end.

Luo Wei asked curiously, "You are Yin Zhiping, then is there a Taoist priest named Zhen Zhibing under your Quanzhen Sect?"

Yin Zhiping was stunned for a moment, and asked curiously, "Your Excellency knows Junior Brother Zhen Zhibing?"

Good guy, there is really Zhen Zhibing.

This shows that this Yin Zhiping is not a dragon knight, and the real dragon knight is Zhen Zhibing.

Luo Wei snorted and said: "I don't know, but I heard this name from the mouths of villagers at the foot of the mountain, so I was quite curious." "

Yin Zhiping saw that Luo Weiyan was insincere, and did not say much, but just replied that it was so.

Luo Wei also knew that Yin Zhiping didn't believe it, but he didn't explain it, but instead asked, "I don't know why Yin Daolong suddenly blocked our way?"

Yin Zhiping said politely: "This distinguished guest does not know something, my Quanzhen Sect is currently receiving distinguished guests, so the head of the sect ordered me to close the mountain for several days, prohibit tourists from coming and going, and harass distinguished guests." "

"Please also make it convenient for you to come back to Junan Mountain in seven days, when the time comes, I will personally accompany you and lead you to visit Ultimate South Mountain, I don't know what you think?"

Luo Wei said with a smile: "Logically speaking, you have a good attitude, I should give you this face, but unfortunately, I came to Ultimate Nanshan this time, not to visit the Quanzhen Sect." "

Yin Zhiping couldn't help but be stunned.

Luo Wei said: "There is an ancient tomb sect in the back mountain of Ultimate South Mountain, and I am here to visit the ancient tomb sect this time, and it has nothing to do with the Quanzhen Sect, and I will not disturb your distinguished guests of the Quanzhen Sect." "

"So I hope that Governor Yin can make it convenient. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Tomb pie?

Perhaps few people in the Great Song Jianghu knew about the Ancient Tomb Sect, but Yin Zhiping, as a third-generation disciple of the Quanzhen Sect, could not know the existence of the Ancient Tomb Sect.

Yin Zhiping gave a bow and asked, "I don't know what your relationship is with the Tomb Sect." "

Luo Wei pointed to Lin Shiyin and said: "This is my fiancée Lin Shiyin, and the Lin Chaoying woman of the ancient tomb school is a cousin, so we are here to visit relatives this time." "

Yin Zhiping glanced at Lin Shiyin, hesitated and said, "Wait a few moments, I'll go back and inquire." "

Then he turned back into the pavilion and spoke to a few Taoist priests.

Several Daoist priests turned their gazes to Luo Wei's group, glanced at it a few times, and discussed.

Finally, a slightly older Taoist priest came out of the pavilion and came to Luo Wei's group.

His face was full of defiance, and he asked condescendingly: "You are relatives of the Tomb Sect?"

"Exactly. "

"What is the proof?"

Luo Wei couldn't help frowning, he didn't want to conflict with the Taoist priest of the Quanzhen Sect, so he had always been kind to the truth, but the Taoist priest in front of him came up to question.

The words are full of doubts, and it is obvious that they are looking for fault.

Luo Wei's expression also turned cold, and he asked, "Who are you?"

Ask for flowers

"Quanzhen Sect, Zhao Zhijing. The unruly Taoist priest reported his name.

Luo Wei couldn't help but suddenly realize, "It turns out that you are Zhao Zhijing." "

Zhao Zhijing was stunned for a moment and asked, "You know me?"

Luo Wei was too lazy to answer his question, and said: "Are we relatives of the Ancient Tomb Sect, you can know when you go to the Ancient Tomb Sect to ask, why bother talking nonsense here." "

Zhao Zhijing sneered and said: "Whether you are a relative of the ancient tomb sect has anything to do with me, I have recently closed the mountain, it is not convenient to receive foreign guests, you better go." "

Saying that, he wanted to drive Rovi's group away.

Luo Wei saw that Zhao Zhijing was so rude, he had no intention of arguing with the other party, and raised his hand to slap it.

When Zhao Zhijing saw Luo Wei move, he couldn't help but be overjoyed in his heart, and shouted, "Good come." "

Say it, and also slap a palm.

Seeing that Luo Wei was young, he thought that Luo Wei was just a fledgling hairy boy, and he didn't take Luo Wei to heart at all, and decided to teach Luo Wei a hard lesson.

However, he didn't know that Rowe had a plug-in.

Although he is young, along the way, his internal strength has already reached fifty years, and he has an innate foundation.

The two palms slammed into each other.

Zhao Zhijing suddenly felt a surging internal force crushing towards him, easily defeating his internal force, and blasted himself out.

Only listening to a scream, Zhao Zhijing had already fallen five meters away.

Inside the gazebo.

Seeing this scene, several resting Taoist priests got up and rushed out of the pavilion, and two Taoist priests went to help Zhao Zhijing.

Another Daoist priest stopped Luo Wei's group and said with an unkind expression: "Your Excellency, why can't you teach me Quanzhen today." "

Luo Wei sneered: "Who can't get by with your Quanzhen Sect, I want to go to the Ancient Tomb Sect, and your Quanzhen Sect blocks me from going, what are the meanings." "

"You shouldn't think that the Quanzhen Sect is established on Ultimate South Mountain, and Ultimate South Mountain belongs to your Quanzhen Sect. "

The Taoist priest glanced back at Zhao Zhijing, turned back to Luo Wei and said, "In that case, why can't you talk well, you have to move your hands and feet." "

Luo Wei pointed at Zhao Zhijing and said: "This person is not inferior, if he wants to dare us to go, I naturally have to weigh it, what kind of strength he has, dare to drive us away, now it seems that it is just so." "

This sentence made the morale of the Taoist not light, the Quanzhen Sect was like a heaven in the Great Song Dynasty, and the head Wang Chongyang was a peerless powerhouse.

When was it so looked down upon.

This man is so daring.

If this is not recalled today, the disciples of the Quanzhen Sect will still have some face walking on the rivers and lakes.

The Taoist priest sneered a few times and said, "Okay, then I'll come and learn Your Excellency's high tricks and see why Your Excellency doesn't put my Quanzhen Sect disciples in your eyes." "

As he spoke, the man drew his sword in his hand, cast a true sword technique, and stabbed at Luo Wei.

Luo Wei also pointed like a knife, and slashed through the seven limits of devouring the heavens and the earth with one move, which was the seventh style of breaking the sea.

The layers of sword power swept down like a monstrous wave, easily defeating the Taoist priest's Quanzhen sword technique, and instantly blasted the entire Taoist priest out and fell to the ground.

When the other Quanzhen disciples saw this scene, they were furious one by one.

Including Yin Zhiping, all rushed up.

However, none of these people were Luo Wei's opponents, and Luo Wei easily defeated Chuan.

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