Luo Wei used a move before and after, the seventh form of the seven limits of Devouring Heaven and Earth.

This trick was used back and forth several times.

Although there is only one move, the power is amazing, and none of the disciples of the Quanzhen Sect can crack Luo Wei's move, and Luo Wei can't get up after being beaten by Luo Wei.

This sea-breaking knife strength is layered, wave after wave, and it is enough to deal with innate masters.

Now it is even more overkill to use a few second-rate masters whose strength is not as good as Luo Wei.

Yes, several Quanzhen Sect disciples, including Zhao Zhijing and Yin Zhiping, are second-rate goods.

Not Rowe's opponent at all.

Luo Wei used breaking the sea to deal with them, purely bullying people.

The whole battle can be said to be extremely simple, and even boring.

It was the disciples of the Quanzhen Sect who rushed up, and then Luo Wei pointed like a knife and slashed out to knock the disciples of the Quanzhen Sect down.

The whole process seems to be in line.

If it seems to outsiders, they may think that Luo Wei has discussed with a few disciples of the Quanzhen Sect and is in the acting.

Because the whole process was so smooth.

After defeating a few Quanzhen Sect disciples, Luo Wei did not kill the killer, after all, these Quanzhen Sect disciples did not die of crime.

Luo Wei simply "three five zero" crossed them and continued up the mountain with Azhu, Lin Shiyin, and the Blue Phoenix girls.

Then found a fork in the road to the back mountain, went all the way, and finally came to the door of the ancient tomb sect.

"Cousin, cousin..."

After Lin Shiyin shouted twice outside the door, the door of the ancient tomb sect made a rolling sound and took the initiative to open.

An expressionless girl in white walked out from the ancient tomb faction.

Because this girl has not seen the sky for a long time, her face is pale, and if she is sick, although the candlelight is like a glow, there is still no trace of blood on her face, and she looks even more elegant and beautiful.

The world often describes the beauty of women with the four words of beauty like a fairy, but no one knows how the heavenly immortal is beautiful, at this time, when they see the girl, everyone can't help but gush out the four words of beauty like a fairy.

Her body seemed to be shrouded in a layer of light smoke and mist, as if it were a real illusion, but she was not a person in the world.

Luo Wei only glanced at it, and knew that this person must be Xiaolongnu.

Xiao Longnu's face was calm, and she saluted Luo Wei and the others, and then said coldly: "The master has been waiting for a long time, a few people please follow me." "

When Luo Wei heard this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and asked, "You should be Xiaolongnu, who is your master?"

Xiao Longnu pointed at Lin Shiyin and said, "My master is her cousin. "

Luo Wei then understood that in this comprehensive martial arts world, Xiaolongnu's master was no longer Lin Chaoying's maid, but directly became Lin Chaoying.

This change is kind of interesting and normal.

After all, Lin Chaoying is still alive, and even if he accepts an apprentice, he can't take Lin Chaoying's turn.

Xiao Longnu is Lin Chaoying's apprentice, which is reasonable.

After everyone glanced at each other, they followed Xiao Longnu and entered the ancient tomb, there was a rolling sound behind the door, and the door of the ancient tomb slowly closed, isolating the sunlight outside.

However, the walls of the ancient tomb school have a torch every ten meters, emitting light and heat.

So the tomb is not as dark as imagined.

Under the leadership of Xiao Longnu, everyone turned east and west in the ancient tomb and came to a door.

Xiao Longnu reached out and touched the mechanism on the wall, and the door opened automatically, Xiao Longnu walked in without squinting, Luo Wei followed, followed by Lin Chaoying, Azhu and Blue Phoenix.

Behind the door is a hall with a table in the center of the hall with a table of wine and food.

A woman dressed in red and whose appearance was almost not inferior to Xiaolongnu was sitting on a chair drinking.

Seeing everyone walk in, the woman in red quickly got up to greet her, "I knew you were coming, and I had already prepared wine and dishes, so please sit down quickly." "

When Lin Shiyin saw the woman in red, she immediately stepped forward a few steps and hugged the other party.

"Long time no see, cousin. "

There is no doubt that the tall and heroic woman in front of her is Lin Chaoying, the founder of the ancient tomb school.

is also Lin Shiyin's cousin.

Lin Chaoying patted Lin Shiyin's back, then pulled Lin Shiyin to sit beside him, and pointed to the opposite position and said: "Everyone sit, everyone sits." "

Luo Wei was as good as the flow and sat opposite Lin Chaoying.

Aju and Blue Phoenix sat on either side of Rowe.

As for Xiao Longnu, she sat on the other side of Lin Chaoying.

After everyone was seated, Lin Chaoying took the wine glass in his hand and said to Luo Wei: "You are the son of Luo Weiluo, thank you for taking care of my poetry, I toast you a cup." "

Azhu quickly picked up the wine jug on the table and poured a glass of wine for Luo Wei.

Luo Wei picked up the wine glass and said: "Don't dare, this is what I should do." "

Lin Chaoying showed a look of admiration, "That's right, men should be cheerful, Li Xunhuan's bastard, sooner or later I have to find him to settle the account." "

When Lin Shiyin heard this, she shook her head repeatedly, "Forget about cousin, the past has passed, there is no need to mention it." "

Lin Chaoying's gaze swept towards Lin Shiyin, and found that Lin Shiyin looked calm, and couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"It seems that you have really put it down, which I am relieved about. "

Lin Chaoying said while touching the cup with Luo Wei, and then drank the glass of Chinese wine.

Rowe also dried happily.

Lin Chaoying poured himself another glass of wine and said, "Luo Gongzi, I don't know if I should say a word. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Luo Wei said: "Since you are Shiyin's cousin, you are naturally also my cousin, so you have something to say. "

Lin Chaoying put down the wine glass and said, "In that case, then I have something to say bluntly, and I didn't agree with you at first about you being with Shiyin." "

"It's not because you're not good enough, in fact, Luo Gongzi Gudao is hot, in my opinion, a good person. "

"The reason why I don't agree is because you are a person who is not sincere about love, and there are too many women around you, which is definitely not a good match. "

Rowe smiled wryly, and he actually knew it.

But the problem is, men are greedy.

I finally came to this world, and I could see many famous women, and it was too wasteful to associate with only one woman.

Luo Wei was unwilling to do this, so he wanted a group of wives and concubines.

Lin Chaoying continued: "Although I objected, I later thought about who I am, although I am Shiyin's cousin, but after all, I am not Shiyin. "

"Who Shiyin likes, can I manage it?"

"Although the eldest sister is like a mother, the problem is that if you miss you Luo Gongzi, will the person Shiyin meet in the future really be her good match? "

"In short, under various considerations, I finally decided to fulfill you.."

"But before I complete you, I have a word to tell Luo Gongzi to you. "

Luo Wei bowed his head and said, "Cousin, please say." "

Lin Chaoying said: "After Shiyin marries you, if you are really unhappy, I hope you can let Shiyin leave." "

Luo Wei couldn't help but be stunned.

Lin Chaoying forced and asked, "Why, Luo Gongzi, you are not willing to agree?"

"It's not. Luo Wei quickly shook his head and quickly said: "I thought you would say to me that if Shiyin is unhappy, you will not let me go, but I didn't expect it to be this sentence." "

Lin Chaoying smiled and said, "Actually, I also thought about this, but for a person who can come back to life, this threatening word is really not powerful. "

"God knows if you can control ghosts and gods in the future, in case you can really control ghosts one day in the future, I came to you, wouldn't it be self-defeating, and it would be difficult to protect yourself." "

"What's more, I know that Luo Gongzi is a good person, so I won't say these things that embarrass everyone. "

Luo Wei sighed, worthy of Lin Chaoying, this free look is really free.

He immediately assured Lin Chaoying, "Don't worry, I will definitely make Shiyin happy, if one day Shiyin really feels uncomfortable and unhappy staying by my side, I will not forcibly keep her by my side." "

"That would only make everyone more miserable." "

Lin Chaoying gave a thumbs up, "It's worthy of Luo Gongzi, and it's really a cheerful person." "

Lin Shiyin blushed at what the two said, and quickly diverted the topic and said: "Okay, don't patronize me, talk about your cousin, how is it with Wang Chongyang." "

When Lin Chaoying heard this, he couldn't help sighing deeply, "It's still the same old way, I don't know if there is any hope of being with Chongyang in this life." "

"I don't understand, I, Lin Chaoying, don't look bad, it's also because of the Great Master." "

"Why is Wang Chongyang unwilling to be with me. "

"What the hell am I doing badly. "

"Why did he lift me. "

Lin Shiyin: ... Even if you ask me that, I don't know 4.9.

She couldn't help but look at Luo Wei and asked, "Avi, do you mean that my cousin ended up with Wang Chongyang?"

Lin Chaoying's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but look at Luo Wei, "Yes, Luo Gongzi, you have seen the plot, do you know if I was with Wang Chongyang later." "


How to say this.

He hesitated again and again, and finally said politely: "Among the Condor Heroes, Xiaolongnu is the apprentice handed over by your maid, and one of the conditions for the entry of the ancient tomb sect is to spit on Wang Chongyang's portrait. "

Lin Chaoying is not a fool, Luo Wei said tactfully, she also heard it, she did not walk with Wang Chongyang in the end.

For a while, Lin Chaoying didn't fight anywhere, "Well, you are a Wang Chongyang, you don't want to be with me until death, do I really make you so annoying?"

Luo Wei shook his head and said: "That's not it, it is clearly recorded in the book that you and Wang Chongyang are too proud, and no one will let anyone, but if you have one step back first, maybe you can succeed." "

"Cousin, if you really want to be with Wang Chongyang, how about taking a step back. "

"By what?" Lin Chaoying refused without hesitation, "Why do you want me to take a step back instead of letting Wang Chongyang take a step back." "

Ah this....

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