Lin Chaoying, Lin Chaoying, do you want to listen to what you are saying.

Luo Wei couldn't laugh or cry, but for Lin Shiyin's sake, he still persuaded bitterly: "Two people together, originally a mutual compromise matter. "

"Today you compromise a little, tomorrow he compromises a little, only then can you two be happy." "

"Now neither of you two is willing to accommodate anyone, how can you care. "

Lin Chaoying's eyes flickered, his expression was not as absolute as just now, and he seemed to be moved by Luo Wei's words.

Luo Wei continued to work hard and continued to persuade: "Cousin, if you really want to be with Wang Chongyang, it's better to be soft now, maybe the two of you will have lovers and eventually become dependents." "

"Is your face and pride more important than your feelings?"

Lin Chaoying just wanted to say something, but suddenly there was a loud roar outside the door.

"The second-generation disciple of the Quanzhen Sect, Qiu Zhiji, asked to see the senior of the ancient tomb Pailin!!"

Lin Chaoying was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but mutter, "What are the people of the Quanzhen Sect doing here?"

Luo Wei said embarrassedly: "It may have something to do with me." "

Lin Chaoying couldn't help but glance at Luo Wei, and Luo Wei said: "When I went up the mountain, the Quanzhen Sect seemed to have a distinguished guest coming, in order to avoid colliding with the distinguished guest, so the Quanzhen Sect closed the mountain and did not allow outsiders to enter." "

And also sent several Taoist priests to guard the pavilion halfway up the mountain. "

"I said that I wanted to visit the Ancient Tomb Sect, but the Taoist priests of the Quanzhen Sect wouldn't let us in, so in a fit of anger, I beat these Daoist priests down. "

"Now it seems that they have filed a complaint against their parents. "

After hearing the cause and effect, Lin Chaoying raised his eyebrows, and said heroically: "Good fight, the people of my ancient tomb sect dare to stop it, the Quanzhen Sect is really getting more and more unspeakable, Long'er." "

Xiao Longnu stood up and saluted, "The disciple is here." "

Lin Chaoying said: "You go and send Qiu Zhiji." "

Xiao Longnu nodded and silently walked outside.

Luo Wei stood up and said, "This matter is approaching because of me, let me go out and take a look." "

After speaking, without waiting for the opposition of the surrounding women, he cast a teleportation technique and disappeared in front of the women.

Then he took a step ahead of Xiaolongnu and appeared at the door of the ancient tomb sect.

Luo Wei looked up and saw a bunch of Quanzhen Sect Taoist priests standing at the door of the Ancient Tomb Sect, led by a man with a long beard, a long sword on his back, a Taoist robe, and a dust whisk in his hand.

It is the most temperamental mound among the seven sons of Quanzhen.

The few Quanzhen Sect disciples behind the fuselage at the hill were all a few people who had been injured by Luo Wei just now.

Among them naturally include Yin Zhiping and Zhao Zhijing.

"Uncle Shi, that's him. "

Zhao Zhijing saw Luo Wei appear, and quickly said loudly.

Qiu Shuji looked at Luo Wei with blazing eyes, and said in a condensed voice: "Is it that you injured the people of my Quanzhen Sect?"

Luo Wei nodded calmly, "Yes, my fiancée is the cousin of the senior of the Ancient Tomb Pailin, and today I came to visit the Ancient Tomb Sect, but the people of your Quanzhen Sect deliberately blocked it, so I hit you, is it wrong?"

Zhao Zhijing said loudly: "When did I stop you, I asked you what proof you had, but you suddenly made a move, it was clear that you looked down on my Quanzhen Sect." "

Luo Wei continued: "You did ask me what evidence I had, and I wanted you to ask the Tomb Sect for confirmation, but you said that what the Tomb Sect had to do with us was about you, and insisted on driving us away. "

"Fart. "

Zhao Zhijing was furious, his face was red, angry and aggrieved, and he said to Qiu Shuji: "Uncle Shi, the disciple never said such a thing, I asked him what evidence he had, maybe his attitude was not so upright, but this person suddenly shot and injured me, which is really abominable." "

Luo Wei said with a smile: "Your upside-down black and white appearance is also extremely hateful. "

"You..." Zhao Zhijing still wanted to say something.

Qiu Zhiji waved the dust in his hand and roared, "Enough." "

Zhao Zhijing suddenly closed his mouth, he didn't dare to be too presumptuous in front of Qiu Zhiji.

This uncle is very powerful.

Qiu Shuji said to Luo Wei: "You two have different words, and I don't know who to believe, but it is an indisputable fact that you injured the people of my Quanzhen Sect. "

"In this way, you apologize to Zhiping and Zhijing, for the sake of Senior Lin, this matter will be settled." "


At this moment, the gate of the Tomb Sect suddenly opened.

Xiao Longnu walked out from inside and couldn't help but be stunned when she saw Luo Wei, but she was not such a curious person, and quickly put this matter behind.

I saw her step forward a few steps and said to Qiu Shuji: "Master said, you are not welcome here, let you leave here as soon as possible." "

When the Taoist priests of the Quanzhen Sect saw the beautiful little dragon girl, their eyes widened one by one, and they couldn't help but be fascinated by this beauty.

For example, Yin Zhiping's eyes are about to bulge.

From this, it can be seen what kind of shock Xiaolongnu's beauty has brought to this group of people.

After all, Qiu Shuji is a Taoist priest who has been practicing for many years, and he quickly broke free from this beauty, and said with a bow: "This girl has been invited, as long as this resident apologizes for this matter today, we will leave immediately." "

Luo Wei smiled and said, "I didn't do anything wrong, why apologize." "

Qiu Shuji was furious, his Quanzhen Sect people were beaten, the murderer was not even willing to apologize, and it was really abominable that he dared to underestimate his Quanzhen Sect so much.

Although Qiu Zhiji has been cultivating for many years, a nameless fire still gushes out of his heart.

"People who do something wrong, of course apologize. "

Rowe agreed very much, "You are right, people should apologize for doing something wrong, but as I just said, I didn't do anything wrong." "

"I came to visit the Ancient Tomb Sect, what does it have to do with your Quanzhen Sect, but the Taoist priests of your Quanzhen Sect pushed back and blocked us from visiting. "

"I hit them, what's wrong?" (Read Violent Novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Xiao Longnu nodded, "He said that he didn't do anything wrong, you can go." "

Qiu Weiji froze and roared, "It's too much to deceive." "

With that, he slapped Rowe over.

Since the reason did not make sense, he used his strength to teach this arrogant lesson.

This palm is not just as simple as gathering internal power in the palm of the hand, but directly uses the most powerful palm technique of the Quanzhen Sect... Frost Breaking Palm Method.

Seeing this, Xiao Longnu had a copper ball hanging down from the palm of her hand, and was about to fight back.

Luo Wei took the lead and slapped it over.

As a Taoist priest, Luo Wei naturally does not know much mastery, but he also has fifty years of internal strength, and it should not be difficult to defeat a mound of chances.

This punch has been internal for half a century, who can block it.

It turns out that the hill machine can really do it.

I only heard a muffled sound, as if a dry thunder had risen from the flat bottom, and the invisible shock wave spread outward with the colliding hands of Luo Wei and Qiu Zhiji as the center.

Luo Wei snorted and took three steps back.

Qiu Zhiji only took two steps back, then stopped, his face was first a tide, but it returned to normal in the blink of an eye.

This scene made Luo Wei marvel, and the Quanzhen Seven Sons were really extraordinary.

This strength is really terrifying.

Luo Wei could feel that Qiu Zhiji definitely had the ability to impact innately, but I don't know why, he didn't do it, which made Luo Wei a little surprised.

On the other hand, Qiu Zhiji was also very surprised.

His strength has already become a first-class master under the master's training, and once the master creates the innate skill, he can impact the innate and become a real innate grandmaster.

And the other party is so young, but his internal strength is so strong to this point, it is difficult to become a disciple personally trained by an old monster.

This made Qiu think a lot, and the hostility in his heart couldn't help but converge a little.

He didn't want to provoke a big enemy for the Quanzhen Sect.

"This layman, as long as you are willing to apologize, today's affairs, the poor road can be in charge, so forget it." "

Luo Wei sneered, Qiu Zhiji's strength is amazing, but Luo Wei is not in 563, he is planning to draw the Shennong Ruler to cast the Seven Limits of Heaven Devouring Earth to teach the other party a lesson.


"Apologize, apologize, if you want to apologize, you are not qualified enough." "

A roar came from the depths of the Ancient Tomb Sect.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chaoying, who was dressed in red, appeared at the door, waved his big hand, and a majestic true qi swept out, directly blasting out all the disciples of the Quanzhen Sect, including Qiu Zhiji.

"The person who wants me apologizes, let Wang Chongyang personally roll over for me." "

After the hill machine flew out tens of meters, it rolled into a ball, how embarrassed and embarrassed.

After standing up, several people did not say a word, turned around and left.

Lin Chaoying snorted coldly, "The people of the Quanzhen Sect are really getting less and less like words. "

Luo Wei clearly saw the footsteps of the mound machine, and then accelerated his speed and left the Tomb Sect.

He couldn't help but cry and laugh, "If you do this, you are really not afraid of saying bad things about you in front of Wang Chongyang." "

Lin Chaoying shook his head and said, "He doesn't dare." "

Luo Wei shook his head helplessly, you are big, you are amazing.

The Grand Master is just able to do whatever he wants.

After a while, everyone returned to the ancient tomb sect and sat down.

Azhu quickly asked with concern, "Gongzi, are you okay?" "

Luo Wei shook his head, "You also know the ability of God to follow the scriptures, what can I do." "

Only then did Azhu breathe a sigh of relief, and then said with a smile: "I didn't expect Gongzi to be so powerful, even the apprentices of peerless powerhouses can't beat Gongzi." "

Lan Phoenix thought deeply, "I thought how great the famous Quanzhen Seventh Son was, but I didn't expect that Changchunzi Qiu was not even a congenital grandmaster, it was really a disgrace to his master Wang Chongyang." "

You must know that Wang Chongyang is a peerless powerhouse.

Rowe shook his head and said, "You can't say that. "

Lin Chaoying said: "You can't say that. "

The two of them said this almost at the same time, and they couldn't help but be stunned after speaking.

Lin Chaoying smiled dumbly and said, "Let me explain." "。

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