Lin Chaoying wanted to explain, but Luo Wei naturally would not block it and made a gesture of invitation.

Lin Chaoying picked up the wine jug and poured himself a glass of wine, and said slowly: "Although Chongyang is a peerless powerhouse, he is actually a monk halfway, and before that he was a scattered cultivator. "

During this period, Chongyang's dream was to help the Great Song fight against the invasion of the Great Yuan. "

"This incident delayed the first half of Chongyang's life. "

When Rowe heard this, he raised his eyebrows.

In the original plot, Wang Chongyang was to fight against Jin Guo, but he didn't expect that he would actually become Yuanmeng now.

If you think about it, in this comprehensive martial arts world, Yuanmeng's strength is stronger, and it is reasonable to change from fighting against Jin Guo to fighting Dayuan.

Lin Chaoying took a glass of wine and continued: "More than ten years ago, there was a huge war between the Great Song and the Great Yuan, and in this war, the commander of the Great Yuan army drove straight in and almost broke the capital. "

"Fortunately, there were countless masters sitting in the capital of the Great Song Dynasty at that time, and they barely defeated Dayuan's army. "

But after this war, Chongyang didn't know why he was suddenly disappointed with the imperial court. "

"He left the capital and came to Junan Mountain to establish the Quanzhen Sect. "

"Ma Yu, Qiu Shuji and the others entered the Quanzhen Sect at that time and learned martial arts under Chongyang's door. "

"Although they are disciples of Chongyang, like Chongyang, they are basically halfway monks. "

"And when I learned martial arts, the grade was already very large. "

"If it weren't for Chongyang's creation of the True Heart Method based on his peerless martial arts Nine Yang True Scripture, Ma Yu, Qiu Zhiji and others might not have been able to become first-class masters in just a dozen years, or even innate hope. "

Lin Chaoying's words made everyone present suddenly realize.

Only Luo Wei looked confused, "Cousin, what martial arts did you just say Wang Chongyang practiced?"

"Naturally, it is the Jiuyang Divine Skill. Lin Chaoying said: "The entire Great Song Dynasty knows that Chongyang is a descendant of the Taoist Pure Yang lineage, and the first to practice is the Taoist Pure Yang Heart Method. "

"Later, Chongyang practiced to the Great Master, and based on the Pure Yang Heart Method, he created his own peerless martial arts Nine Yang True Sutra, thus becoming a peerless powerhouse and founding the Quanzhen Sect. "

"Is there something wrong?"

Luo Wei rubbed his temples, "No, it's really wrong, shouldn't Wang Chongyang cultivate some innate skill?"

Lin Chaoying said in amazement: "Innate skill? I have vaguely heard of this martial art, it seems that Chongyang is creating a martial art, once perfected, the Quanzhen Seventh Son can cultivate into an innate grandmaster with this martial art." "

Luo Wei looked surprised, and couldn't help but take out his diary and began to complain.

As soon as Azhu and the others looked at it, they knew that Luo Wei's old problem was wrong, and he liked to complain in his diary when he encountered something.

But they were also used to it, skillfully hitting the diary, wanting to see what Rowe was complaining about.

Lin Chaoying and Xiao Longnu were infected, and also opened the copy of the diary, wanting to see what Luo Wei wanted to say

[Wrong, wrong, wrong]

These words made the women present scratch their heads, let alone those who were not.

One by one, I don't know what Rowe is crazy about.

[Today I came to the Ancient Tomb Sect, met Lin Shiyin's cousin Lin Chaoying, and chatted casually about Wang Chongyang]

[Lin Chaoying told me that Wang Chongyang created the peerless martial art Jiuyang Divine Skill, thus becoming a true peerless master]

【This surprised me】

[Because as far as I know, in the original plot, the Jiuyang Divine Skill was not created by Wang Chongyang at all]

[Talking about the Jiuyang Divine Skill, I have to mention someone]

【Fighting monk】

[This guy's origin is unknown, his identity is unknown, it is a background board]

[In the original plot, the Eastern Evil Yellow Medicine Master, the Western Poison Ouyang Feng, the Southern Emperor Yidang, the Northern Emperor Hong Qigong, and the Zhongshen Tong Wang Chongyang discussed the sword in Huashan, Wang Chongyang not only won the reputation of the first in the world, but also obtained the peerless secret Nine Yin True Scripture]

[Then on the way back to the Quanzhen Sect, I met the fighting monk, this guy fought with Wang Chongyang]

[If Wang Chongyang loses, he will lend him the Nine Yin True Scripture to read it again]

[It turns out that Wang Chongyang's amount of alcohol is really not good]

[Of course, this may also be because the amount of alcohol of the fighting monk is too good]

[But no matter what, Wang Chongyang lost after all, so he lent the Nine Yin True Sutra to the fighting wine monk]

[The fighting monk believed that the Nine Yin True Sutra only focused on overcoming rigidity with softness, and defeated Yang with yin, which was not as good as the mutual benefit of yin and yang, so he threw himself into Shaolin, and in the four volumes of the "Leng Pill Sutra", he wrote down in Chinese the Nine Yang True Sutra that he created by combining the experience of martial arts Zen Buddhism, and felt that it was more a way to harmonize yin and yang, and the way of neutralizing rigidity and softness compared to it and the Nine Yin True Sutra]

[But in fact, the Nine Yin True Sutra read by the fighting monks lacks a Sanskrit general outline]

[That is the essence of the Nine Yin True Sutra]

[This Sanskrit general outline emphasizes the harmony of yin and yang, the way of combining rigidity and softness, and only by learning the general outline can the Nine Yin True Sutra burst out of true power]

[But no matter what, the Jiuyang Divine Skill was undoubtedly created by the Fighting Wine Monk]

[However, in this comprehensive martial arts world, the Jiuyang Divine Skill was created by Wang Chongyang, this is wrong, very wrong, Lin Chaoying can't lie, and Wang Chongyang is not a reputation fisherman]

[There must be something I forgot]

[What the hell is going on?]

Luo Wei was very curious, tapping his head while meditating.

Seeing this, Azhu was a little distressed, and quickly said: "Gongzi, if you can't think of some things, forget it, don't bother so much." "

Rowe turned a deaf ear to this, and his brain spun quickly.

[Jiuyang Shengong, Jiuyang Shengong, what is going on?]

[It seems that this kind of thing has not been mentioned in the novel]

Lin Chaoying saw that Luo Wei was a little crazy, and couldn't help but say: "There is no novel, then what if it is not a novel?" (read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Not a novel?

Luo Wei was stunned for a moment, and then his mind flashed, and he shouted: "I remembered, I remembered." "

[Lin Chaoying's words just now reminded me that there is indeed no novel that mentions that Wang Chongyang founded the Jiuyang Divine Gong]

[But this comprehensive martial arts world is not only a novel, but also a Hong Kong comic martial arts]

[Not in the novel, but there is in Hong Kong comics]

[For example, Tianjing and Tiger Lu are from Hong Kong Manga Divine Soldier Xuanqi]

[And Wang Chongyang's establishment of Jiuyang Shengong came from the Hong Kong Dragon and Tiger Gate]

[And the Jiuyang Divine Skill founded by Wang Chongyang is more powerful than the Jiuyang Divine Skill created by the Fighting Wine God Monk]

[In the novel, the Jiuyang Shengong created by the fighting monk reconciles yin and yang, and combines rigidity and softness, but it is still biased towards the martial arts of masculinity]

[After practicing the Jiuyang Divine Skill, the internal force self-generation speed is extremely fast, it seems that endless ordinary fists and feet can also exert great power, defend against rebound external force attacks, and bring King Kong is not bad]

[In addition, the speed of the practitioner will be greatly increased, and it will be a healing holy scripture, no disease will be born, and all poisons will not invade]

[Sounds like a lot]

[But compared with the Jiuyang Divine Skill founded by Wang Chongyang, it is too far behind]

[If the fighting wine monk is a book that is infinitely powerful, its purpose is to strengthen the body and develop potential, and martial arts is only incidental]

[That Nine Yang Divine Skill created by Wang Chongyang in the Dragon and Tiger Gate is an absolutely violent explosive martial arts divine skill]

[Wang Chongyang of the Dragon and Tiger Gate World has outstanding martial arts, middle-aged cultivation to create the Quanzhen Sect, and according to the Dao of Taoist immortal cultivation, he realized the Nine Yang Divine Skill, according to Yin and Yang, transformed the five elements, divided the True Qi into nine large caves, and divided it into nine True Qi for use]

[Nine Yangs Puzhao can be integrated into oneness, in line with the supreme realm of the unity of heaven and man, and achieve the effect of strengthening the body]

[Even comparable to the Jiuxiao True Sutra founded by Zhang Sanfeng and the Yi Jian Sutra of Dharma Ancestor, it is ranked among the three major divine skills of the rivers and lakes]

[I now understand that the world of comprehensive martial arts of feelings, not only the sects mentioned in the novel will be integrated, and the epic will be strengthened]

[Even the characters will be strengthened]

[Wang Chongyang is the best example, now Wang Chongyang is definitely a collection of novels and Hong Kong comics]

[Two different worlds merge together to create a more powerful Wang Chongyang]

[No wonder the Eastern Evil, the Western Poison, the Southern Emperor, and the Northern Emperor are all great masters, only Wang Chongyang alone has become a peerless powerhouse and crushed the other four]

[The emotional family has been strengthened by epic, which makes others still play like this]

[Coach, I report, someone opens the hanging]

[Hey, wait, it seems like I'm also on, that's fine]

The women who are watching the diary are curious and funny, and you can report it if your feelings are open, and you can open it yourself.

That's outrageous.

Many women couldn't help but take a sip.

Even Lin Chaoying, who was sitting opposite Luo Wei, couldn't help but scold in a low voice, ".. Shameless little bastard. "

Rowe disagreed.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of something, and his eyes flickered.

[I suddenly thought of something (Li's good)]

[If Wang Chongyang's collection of two worlds has become a peerless powerhouse]

[Isn't that Sanfeng hanging in the hanging]

[After all, as a Wudang ancestor, as long as he writes martial arts novels, he basically can't bypass this monument, so Zhang Sanfeng often appears in various martial arts novels]

[Some appear in person, some are used as background panels]

[If this comprehensive martial arts world, Zhang Sanfeng of all worlds are integrated... Neigh!】

[This is not just opening and hanging, it is simply cheating]

[You must know that in some early worlds, Zhang Sanfeng's setting is the reincarnation of the Heavenly Realm True Martial Emperor]

[Others are dreaming of becoming immortals, and people are immortal grandchildren at all]

[No wonder in the Daming world, Zhang Sanfeng is a supreme powerhouse who is even more powerful than the peerless powerhouse, just this background, this strength, not the supreme strong can not say at all]


But everyone who saw the women here, whether it was Tiannan or Dibei, was stunned by Luo Wei's words.

Zhang Sanfeng is the reincarnation of the Heavenly Realm True Martial Emperor, is it really fake?

Don't be so exaggerated.

Even if this matter is fake, Zhang Sanfeng in this world is definitely a hanging wall within a wall.

Wang Chongyang, who has merged the two worlds, has become a peerless powerhouse.

God knows how powerful Zhang Sanfeng, who has fused many worlds together, is.

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