Luo Wei didn't know how much effect his words had, although he didn't lift Zhang Sanfeng's old bottom.

But at this moment, I don't know how many people have raised an unprecedented fear of Zhang Sanfeng.

Many people even immediately ordered to stop all actions against Wudang.

In order not to anger this supreme powerhouse.

Of course, some people did not believe in evil at all, or began to test the Wudang faction with other purposes.

And all this, Rowe did not know.

Even if you know, you won't care.

He had already said this, and this group of people actually dared to continue to die, which didn't matter what happened to him.

After praising Zhang Sanfeng, Luo Wei's words changed.

[Although Lao Zhang is awesome, it has nothing to do with me, let's go back to Wang Chongyang]

[Or Wang Chongyang's Jiuyang Divine Skill]

[The Jiuyang Divine Skill of the Fighting Wine Monk is a profound internal skill, cultivated to Dacheng, and the world's martial arts are available]

[In the original plot, after Zhang Wuji learned this Jiuyang Divine Skill, it only took half an hour of kung fu to cultivate the Ming Sect's Peerless Qiankun Great Transfer to the very top]

[And Yang Dingtian spent a lifetime, but he only practiced to the fourth layer]

[It can be seen that the Jiuyang Divine Skill of the Fighting Monk is actually not bad]

[But compared with Wang Chongyang's, it pales in comparison]

[In addition to bursting, Wang Chongyang's Nine Yang Divine Skill also comes with five supreme disciplines, synthesizing the Nine Yang Five Absolutes]

[The first Thunderbolt Divine Palm, the most powerful and shocking palm method among the five absolute of the Nine Suns, depends on cohesion and explosive power. ] Only the Dragon Palm can fight with one]

[The second peerless Nine Yang Divine Sword, the Dali Duan Clan among the eight parts of the Heavenly Dragon has a sword technique called the Six Veins Divine Sword, which can release invisible sword qi and rank among the world's first-class peerless 190]

[And Wang Chongyang's Jiuyang Divine Sword is not inferior to the Six Veins Divine Sword, and it can also release invisible sword qi]

[This is Wang Chongyang's proudness, the supreme fingering of the world, but also the nemesis of protective qi, pointing out the sword qi point, can be slow or fast, slow and dashing, fast is as fast as lightning]

[The point of the point, the point is not bad, can focus on piercing the enemy's protective qi, create a fatal gap, when buried in the fight, the Jiuyang Divine Sword can be close to the opponent's cave path]

[In addition, you can also shoot sword qi from a distance, leave when you hit, retreat with one attack, keep a distance, and make the enemy unable to attack]

[Jiuyang Divine Sword is suitable for both near and far, and the tactics are changeable, which is actually a supreme miracle move to defeat the enemy and protect one's life]

[The third absolute Yin and Yang Great Shift is similar to the Ming Sect's Great Shift]

[Take the way of yin and yang, use the principle of yin and yang of Taiji, luck and strength can be unloaded from the enemy's moves and strength, pay attention to unloading, ingenuity, with strong nine yang internal strength as power, form a positive and negative qi wall, no matter how powerful the external attack, it will only be removed by the ingenious centrifugal force, like a mud cow into the sea]

[Jiuyang Fourth Absolute Fire Cloud Palm, Fire Without Direction, Cloud Without Phase, Fire Cloud Palm to Just to Yang, Unpredictable, Rigid and Soft, Boiled Iron and Molten Gold]

[And the fifth absolute of Jiuyang is the Flaming Sun Dao, although this sword technique is not as good as my seven limits of devouring heaven and earth, it is still a peerless martial art, with the sword as a sword, the sword intent breaks through the sky, and the fire intent burns all things]

[It can be seen from here that Wang Chongyang's Jiuyang Divine Skill, whether it is the inner strength heart method or the Nine Yang Five Absolutes, is a first-class peerless cheat]

[Especially the Nine Yangs and Five Absolutes, any martial art used alone can be called shocking]

[In comparison, the Jiuyang Divine Skill of the Fighting Wine Monk is inferior to many others]

[It is worthy of the martial arts created by the peerless powerhouse Wang Chongyang, one word]


Azhu wanted to complain that these were obviously two words, but considering that this was probably intentional by Gongzi, he simply endured it.

On the other hand, Lin Chaoying also watched with relish.

She did know that Wang Chongyang had created the Jiuyang Divine Skill, thus becoming a peerless master.

But out of pride, she had never inquired about what Wang Chongyang's Jiuyang Divine Skill looked like, let alone understand the true power of Jiuyang Shengong.

Now that he knew the power of the Jiuyang Divine Skill from Luo Wei's diary, he knew that Wang Chongyang was more powerful than he thought.

The Jiuyang Divine Skill is worthy of being a peerless martial art, far surpassing her Jade Heart Sutra.

However, this also aroused Lin Chaoying's arrogance.

She didn't want to lose to Wang Chongyang, since Wang Chongyang could create such a powerful Jiuyang Divine Skill, then she could also create an even more powerful Jade Heart Sutra.

For a while, Lin Chaoying had the idea of practicing in retreat and creating a peerless martial art.

But soon, Lin Chaoying dismissed this idea.

The reason is simple, because she knows that no martial art can be created behind closed doors.

If she wants to create a martial art of her own, she must collect more martial arts, read these martial arts, experience the wisdom of her ancestors, and then refine the essence to create more powerful martial arts.

But the problem is that the martial arts of the ancient tomb school were all created by her.

Even if she practiced these martial arts to the end, it would be impossible for her to create new peerless divine skills.

Therefore, if she wants to crush Wang Chongyang, she must go out of the ancient tomb school, read the world's secret books, fight with all kinds of masters, and increase her own heritage, so that she can go further.

As far as she knows, Wang Chongyang fought with various masters of Dayuan in the battle between Da Song and Dayuan more than ten years ago, and made great gains, which created the Jiuyang Divine Skill.

Since Wang Chongyang can, then she Lin Chaoying can too.

Thinking of this, Lin Chaoying couldn't help but look at Luo Wei.

At this time, Luo Wei was naturally not very clear about Lin Chaoying's plans, and was finishing his diary.

Today's explosion of such a big piece of fierce material must shake the West, and the reward will definitely not be small.

It's either the thirty-six changes of Tiangang, or the seventy-two techniques of hell.

So Rowe couldn't wait.

[After talking so much today, let's stop here first for (bbdh), and when we have the opportunity, let's talk about the other two martial arts books that are as famous as the Jiuyang Shengong created by Wang Chongyang, the Yi Jian Sutra and the Jiuxiao True Sutra] (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[These two martial arts books are not inferior to the Jiuyang Divine Sword at all, and they are very powerful]

[That's it, goodbye]

After closing the diary, Luo Wei couldn't wait to receive today's reward.

[Detected that the host has finished writing today's diary, and the reward is now issued]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Tiangang Thirty-Six Transformations Mastery Five Thunder]

[This spell can only be used once a day, cannot be accumulated, and expires and is voided]

When Luo Wei heard this, he couldn't help laughing, he knew, he knew, this time the reward would be rich.

But I didn't expect to master the five thunders.

This spell is also a first-class attack spell in the thirty-six changes of Tiangang.

The Five Thunderers, named Five Thunders, are actually Five Thunders.

Five thunders belong to the five organs. Only when the five organs gather together and converge into one can we reach the avenue and master the magic of the five thunders.

Master this spell and you can... Drive away lightning and lightning, pray for rain and sunshine, cure demons, sucts, and refine ghosts.

To put it bluntly, it is a necessary means to lower demons and eliminate demons.

[Ding, detected that the extraterritorial heavenly demon is about to invade this world one day]

[Please rush to Peach Blossom Island as soon as possible to solve the extraterritorial heavenly devil]


The smile on Rowe's face couldn't help but be suffocated.

It's the extraterrestrial heavenly demon again, and it's endless.

Could it be that this mastery of the five thunder was also to deal with this extraterrestrial heavenly demon, so it was given to him as a reward.

Rowe really didn't know what to say.

This is too ...

Azhu on the side smiled when he saw Luo Wei being hit by the golden light shot from the diary, and immediately knew that Gongzi must have received some incredible reward this time.

That's why I'm so happy.

Just when she was also happy for Luo Wei, she suddenly saw Luo Wei's smile frozen on her face, and then showed an expression of lovelessness and helplessness.

This confuses Azhu, is Gongzi a better reward, or is the reward unsatisfactory?

"Gongzi, what's wrong with you?" asked Azhu after hesitating.

Lin Shiyin also looked at Luo Wei with concern, "Yes, what happened? So...... It's changed. "

For a while, she didn't know how to describe Rowe's expression, and after thinking about it, she finally thought of a big change.

Luo Wei said with a smile: "I have obtained the mastery of the five thunders in the thirty-six changes of Tiangang, which is a supreme spell that can drive away lightning, pray for rain and sunshine, cure demons, sucts, and refine ghosts. "

Blue Phoenix said, "Then you should be happy." "

Luo Wei sighed, "I was originally happy, but at this moment, the diary reminded me that in a day, the extraterrestrial heavenly demon would descend on this world. "

Aju was stunned for a moment, and then laughed softly.

"I see, Gongzi suspects that this spell was given to you in order to allow you to lower demons and remove demons. "

Rowe nodded, "Yes, I did think that. "

Lin Chaoying was a little curious, "This extraterrestrial heavenly demon will come in a day, where is it? "

When Xiao Longnu heard this, she couldn't help but look at Luo Wei.

Luo Wei shook his head and said, "That's not it, not in the Ancient Tomb Sect, but on Peach Blossom Island." "

Ah Zhu was shocked in his heart, "Coming at Sister Rong's house?"

Rowe nodded.

Lin Shiyin hurriedly said: "Then what are you waiting for, don't go to Peach Blossom Island soon, if you go to play, then Sister Rong will be in danger." "

After getting along a few days ago, whether it was Azhu or Lin Shiyin, they all treated Huang Rong as a sister.

Now I heard that Huang Rong's family was in trouble, and I was anxious.

Even Lin Chaoying said: "If Luo Gongzi has something, just go first, Shiyin and they live here first, I will take good care of them." "

Luo Wei is also not a twisted person, and readily agreed, "Okay, then ask my cousin to take good care of them, I'll go back." "

Lin Chaoying nodded and said, "Don't worry about leaving it to me." "

Luo Weishi exhibited the earth-walking technique, dived underground, and instantly disappeared in front of everyone.

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