Luo Wei came to the Ancient Tomb Sect from Peach Blossom Island and naturally knew the way to Peach Blossom Island.

He performed the Dirt Walking Technique and galloped all the way, but left Ultimate South Mountain in the blink of an eye.

However, when leaving Ultimate South Mountain, Luo Wei felt that a Taoist priest who exuded a hot aura from above and below his body was slowly moving towards the Ancient Tomb Sect.

This Taoist aura is extremely powerful, and it gives Luo Wei the feeling of being like a walking ~ little sun.

Luo Wei suddenly understood the identity of this Taoist priest-.

It was none other than Wang Chongyang, who created Jiuyang-Shengong.

As for why he went to the Ancient Tomb Sect, Luo Wei didn't care, because with Lin Chaoying there, the Ancient Tomb Sect was absolutely safe.

Unless Wang Chongyang was mad, he would never make a move against the people of the Ancient Tomb Faction.

But what made Luo Wei care was that when he felt Wang Chongyang, Wang Chongyang also seemed to feel his presence, and his eyes involuntarily looked at the ground.

Although Luo Wei was tens of meters deep underground at this time, Luo Wei still felt that Wang Chongyang seemed to see himself.

This seeing is not with the naked eye.

Is it the use of qi machines, or is it the sixth sense of the warrior?

But no matter what it was, it was enough to prove that the peerless powerhouse was stronger than he thought.

If Luo Wei has nothing to do now, don't mind staying to test Wang Chongyang and see what the peerless powerhouse can do.

Unfortunately, the situation is not right, and there will be an extraterrestrial heavenly demon descending on Peach Blossom Island in one day.

And Huang Rong is on Peach Blossom Island.

Luo Wei naturally couldn't watch Huang Rong in distress, so he had to abandon Wang Chongyang and set off all the way towards Peach Blossom Island.

The art of earth travel is not a problem.

Luo Wei came to the beach from Junan Mountain before dawn, spent a little silver to buy a boat, and finally arrived at Peach Blossom Island after nightfall.

After entering Peach Blossom Island, Luo Wei passed through the large array laid down by Huang Yaoshi and arrived at the exquisite cottage in the center of Peach Blossom Island.

There is a gazebo near the cottage.

Inside the pavilion, Huang Rong was chilling with her mother, Feng Yu.

"Rong'er, Rong'er, I'm back. "

When Luo Wei saw Huang Rong, a happy smile immediately appeared on his face, and he walked quickly to Huang Rong.

Huang Rong heard Luo Wei's voice, turned her head and looked, surprised and delighted, "Brother Wei, why are you back." "

Immediately afterwards, she seemed to have thought of something, her eyes flashed, and she said loudly: "Brother Vi, you go quickly, my father him..."

"Where did the smelly boy come from, he actually dared to seduce my daughter. "

Before Huang Rong's words were finished, she was interrupted by a voice that was irritable and a little annoyed.

Luo Wei was shocked, turned his head in the direction where the voice came from, and saw a scribe wearing a blue robe and a square scarf of the same color looking at him with an annoyed expression.

This person has a clear appearance, tall and thin, and a cool demeanor, Xiao Shuxuanju, and is like a god, if nothing else, it is Huang Rong's father, Feng Yu's husband Huang Yaoshi.

Luo Wei was shocked when he saw Huang Pharmacist, and he didn't quite understand when Huang Pharmacist returned to Peach Blossom Island.

Rong'er didn't tell herself.

When Huang Yaoshi saw Luo Wei, he suddenly lost his breath, and the whole person was like an off-string arrow, which shot in front of Luo Wei with a swoop, and raised his hand to hit.

In an instant, the palm shadow fluttered, like a mountain under heavy pressure, and the air within a radius of several zhang was squeezed and repelled by the palm shadow, forming a vacuum.

Rowe suddenly felt that his breathing was unsustainable.

He immediately realized that this move could not be forced, and quickly cast the teleportation method, and disappeared in front of Huang Yaoshi out of thin air.

In the next second, Luo Wei appeared at the side of Huang Yaoshi.

"Senior Huang, I'm not a bad person. "

If others dare to make a move on Luo Wei, Luo Wei will not hesitate to fight back and beat the other party bitterly.

But this time it was Huang Rong's father, his future husband, and Luo Wei was embarrassed to fight back.

However, Huang Yaoshi sneered a few times and said: "Are you a bad person, can I not be clear, look at the move." "

He cast his own Spirit Move, bent his arms inward, elbows forward, and slammed into Rowe's chest like an arrow.

Luo Wei was not a fool, seeing that Huang Yaoshi's target was so obvious, he immediately realized that Huang Yaoshi must have known his identity.

He even knew that in addition to Huang Rong, there were several women.

So he was angry and wanted to beat himself out of anger.

In desperation, Luo Wei had to give up resistance, intending to let Huang Yaoshi squash a pain, anyway, he has Shennong ruler in hand, as long as he can't die, he can recover in a short time.

Even if he was really killed by Huang Yaoshi, he could use the dead to come back to life.

"Daddy, if you don't stop, I'll ignore you. "

"Pharmacist, stop!"

Seeing that Huang Yaoshi was about to succeed, Huang Rong and Feng Yu's voices came one after another.

Huang Yaoshi's elbow suddenly stopped on Luo Wei's chest, and he was only one centimeter away from knocking Luo Wei out.

He can ignore Huang Rong's request because he is Huang Rong's father.

But he couldn't ignore his wife's request, because that was the person he loved the most in his life, and the person he lost and regained.

So Pharmacist Huang stopped and looked at Luo Wei with an angry expression.

"Boy, why don't you hide. "

Luo Wei smiled bitterly and said, "If you can hide for a while, you can't hide for a lifetime." "

The implication is that sooner or later this kind of thing will have to be faced.

Medicine Master Huang was noncommittal, withdrew his elbow, and looked at Luo Wei expressionlessly, "I know your identity, you saved A Heng, it stands to reason that I should be grateful to you." "

"Because Ah Heng is the woman I love the most in my life, I once vowed to care for her and take care of her for the rest of my life. "

"But alas, I didn't do it. "

"And you made up for my regrets and let Ah Heng return to me again, I should have knelt and kowtowed to you and thanked you for returning Ah Heng to me." "

Luo Wei hurriedly said: "Senior Huang is serious. "

Medicine Master Huang said coldly: "But since I knew that you abducted my daughter, I suddenly didn't appreciate you at all, especially when I knew that besides Rong'er, there were other women around you, and I didn't appreciate you even more." "

"Not only am I not grateful to you, I even want to slap you to death. "

"A Heng is the person I love, but Rong'er is my treasure, I have worked hard to raise Rong'er for more than ten years, not to let her rob a man with other women. "

Rowe could only smile bitterly.

Medicine Master Huang said: "So, I can give you a chance to leave other women and return to Rong'er's side, you are my son-in-law of Dongxie, I can not only treat you as my own son, everything in Peach Blossom Island in the future, as well as my martial arts, you can inherit, and you are the descendant of my Eastern Evil." "

Luo Wei shook his head and said, "Sorry, Senior Huang, I can't do it. "

Ask for flowers

Medicine Master Huang's expression became more and more cold, "What did you say?"

"I said, I can't do it, I can't abandon other beloved people and only be with Rong'er. Luo Wei knew that his words would drop points in Huang Rong's heart.

But he said it anyway.

He can't give up the entire forest because of Huang Rong's big tree, and it is his dream to have a group of wives and concubines.

Seeing that the atmosphere had become stiff, Feng Yu got up and walked to Huang Yaoshi's side, and said softly: "Pharmacist, let the young people's affairs be solved by the young people, okay." "

Medicine Master Huang wanted to say something bad, but in the face of Feng Yu, he really couldn't show his temper at all.

"A Heng, if you are like this, Rong'er will suffer. "

He really didn't want to see his precious daughter put a heart on someone who was inattentive.

That's the baby he raised from childhood.

Of course, Feng Yu didn't want to, but she knew that her precious daughter had already identified Luo Wei, plus Luo Wei was her own lifesaver, she really had no way to oppose this matter.

"I know you're angry, but in my opinion, Luo Gongzi is not a bad person, and Rong'er may not suffer when he follows him. "

Huang Rong also came over, took Huang Yaoshi's hand and said: "My mother is right, dad, Brother Vigo is really not a bad person, he is very good to me." "

"When I first approached him and wanted him to resurrect his mother, Brother Vigo agreed without saying a word. "

"He's really not a bad person, he just cares a little bit. "

When it comes to the word Huaxin, Huang Rong is also a little unhappy.

But no way, who made her really like Rowe.

Luo Wei smiled bitterly, he could change other shortcomings, but there was really no way to do this, it was related to his dream.

Under the persuasion of his wife and children, Huang Yaoshi finally dispelled his hostility towards Luo Wei.

But it still didn't give Rowe any good face.

Luo Wei didn't care about this, no way, who let the other party own Lord Tarzan.

Huang Rong gave his mother a few looks, and Feng Yu met and pulled Huang Yaoshi back to the exquisite small house.

Only Huang Rong and Luo Wei were left outside the house.

"Brother Vigo, why did you suddenly come back. Huang Rong didn't mention anything about what happened just now, walked to Luo Wei with a smile, and asked in a brittle voice.

"Shouldn't it be missing me. "

Rowe nodded and said, "I really missed you." "

Huang Rong's face turned red as soon as she brushed, she just wanted to ease the awkward atmosphere just now.

Who knew that Rowe didn't play his cards according to reason.

What is called a straight ball Tsundere, this is it.

Although Huang Rong is not tsundere, she can't stand such a straight ball, and her face is red and almost dripping blood.

"Brother Vigo, you hate to die. She raised her little hand and blew coquettishly on Rowe's chest.

Luo Wei suddenly felt a pressing murderous aura rushing straight to his eyebrows, and he turned his head to find that Huang Yaoshi was staring at him through the crack in the door of the Essence House.

The murderous aura in the pupils is almost undisguised.

Ah this...

Do the current husbands like voyeurism?

Luo Wei couldn't help but complain in his heart, and asked curiously: "By the way, Rong'er, when did Lord Taishan come back?

This matter must be asked clearly, and I will thank people for it in the future.

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