In the face of Luo Wei's inquiry, Huang Rong did not hide anything, "I heard my father say that when he was looking for me outside, he met one of the nineteen demons of the Power Gang. "

"From the hands of the Nineteen Devils, after hearing about my return to Peach Blossom Island, I hurried back. "

When Rowe heard the name Nineteen Demons, he subconsciously thought of a gang.

Power gang.

If Rowe remembers correctly, the Nineteen Devils are part of the Power Gang.

From top to bottom, the power gang is the three giants, the two protectors, the eight heavenly kings, the two wings and one killing the five phoenixes, and still the last nineteen demons.

Among them, the Eight Heavenly King is the love general of Li Chengzhou, one of the three giants of the Power Gang.

And the five phoenixes with two wings are the cronies of another giant Liu Suifeng.

As for the nineteen demons, they are the protectors of the power gang, and the power gang is called gods and demons instead of human demons.

However, in the outside world, it is still nineteen demons.

But both Li Chengzhou and Liu Suifeng are men, and it is impossible to have a copy of the diary, so this order should not have been given by them.

So Rowe locked up the last man of the Power Gang's Big Three.

Liuyunshui sleeve Zhao Shirong.

This woman is not only one of the three giants of the Power Gang, but also Li Chengzhou's wife, and she is also one of the most outstanding women in the "Nine Ninety-Seven" in Shenzhou Qixia.

It is normal to have a copy of the diary.

And the power gang she is in is the largest gang in the world among the heroes of Shenzhou.

Even in this comprehensive martial arts world, he has overwhelmed the Gang and become the first gang of the Great Song Dynasty, and the power of the gang is all over the Great Song Rivers and Lakes.

It is fully capable of finding Huang Pharmacist and bringing a message to Huang Pharmacist.

Rowe pulled out a copy of his diary and wrote a sentence on it.

[I wrote down this favor, Zhao Shirong]

The other women saw this scene and did not know why.

But within the power gang, Zhao Shirong's eyes couldn't help but flicker when he saw this sentence, guessing that Luo Wei already knew that Huang Yaoshi had returned to Peach Blossom Island, otherwise it would be impossible to come to such a word.

"That's fine, that's it..."

As she spoke, her voice gradually became low and inaudible.

Huang Rong also saw this sentence written by Luo Wei in the diary, and not only suddenly realized: "It turns out that Daddy came back to be related to the power gang's gang leader's wife, and she also has a copy of your diary." "

Luo Wei bowed his head and said, "Nineteen eight nine." "

Huang Rong was unhappy, "How come everyone has a copy of your diary, she Zhao Shirong is a husband with a woman." "

Luo Wei smiled bitterly and said, "I don't care who has a copy of my diary, it's all decided by the diary, besides, Ning Zhong is also a husband with a wife." "

Huang Rong: Ah this...

She almost forgot about Ning Zhongze.

Luo Wei smiled and rubbed Huang Rong's hair, feeling that the murderous aura in the Dao House was becoming more and more intense, and couldn't help laughing, lowered his hand and said: "Okay, Rong'er, quickly let your father take your mother out of Peach Blossom Island, and come back tomorrow." "

"After tomorrow, why? Is it an extraterrestrial heavenly demon?"

Huang Rong is not a fool, and when she heard my words, she immediately thought of a possibility.

Luo Wei nodded, in fact, he didn't plan to hide from Huang Rong, this kind of thing couldn't be hidden at all, "Yes, a day later, there is indeed an extraterrestrial heavenly demon descending on Peach Blossom Island, so I want your father and your mother to hide outside." "

However, as soon as Luo Wei's words fell, Huang Yaoshi pushed open the door from the elegant cottage and walked out.

"What extraterritorial heavenly demon, it's just nonsense, I'm Huang someone who is so big, and I've never seen any extraterritorial heavenly demon, Rong'er, don't believe her." "

Huang Rong was convinced of this, because she had seen the extraterritorial heavenly devil, "Dad, Brother Vigo really didn't lie, the extraterritorial heavenly demon really exists, it will appear tomorrow, daddy still take his mother to hide outside." "

However, Huang Yaoshi didn't believe it at all.

"Hide, why hide, peach blossom is my home, why should I hide, besides, even if there is really some extraterritorial heavenly demon, I want to see if this extraterritorial heavenly demon has three heads and six arms, whether it is my opponent of the yellow medicine master." "

Luo Wei was helpless, so he had to look at Huang Rong, hoping that Huang Rong would convince his stubborn father.

However, Huang Yaoshi made up his mind that no matter how Huang Rong persuaded, he was unwilling to leave Peach Blossom Island.

In the end, Huang Rong was also relieved and asked, "Brother Wei, if my father dies, you can resurrect him." "

Huang Yaoshi's face couldn't help but darken, like the bottom of a pot.

Luo Wei nodded, as long as the Yellow Medicine Master was not without bones, he could resurrect the Yellow Medicine Master.

Huang Yaoshi blew his beard and glared, eager to split Luo Wei into eight pieces, but under Feng Yu's suppression, he didn't say anything.

That night, Rowe stayed on Peach Blossom Island.

On the second day, that is, the extraterrestrial heavenly demon was about to come.

Pharmacist Huang was still unhappy with Luo Wei's face, picking his nose and raising his eyes, no matter where he looked, he felt bored.

Luo Wei knew that it was because he had abducted Huang Yaoshi's precious daughter, so he let Huang Yaoshi look at him unfavorably.

In the original plot, didn't Huang Yaoshi also do this to Guo Jing.

If it weren't for Huang Rong, Huang Yaoshi wouldn't have looked at Guo Jing, a silly boy.

Of course, such as Guo Jing, Huang Yaoshi's attitude towards Luo Wei is even worse, because Luo Wei has other women besides Huang Rong.

This made Huang Yaoshi, who had always been single-minded, unacceptable at all, so his attitude was even worse.

Luo Wei knew that he was at a loss, so he didn't think about it, no matter how Huang Yaoshi found fault, he regressed three parts.

On the contrary, Feng Yu defended Luo Wei everywhere, unwilling to let Luo Wei suffer some grievances, and whenever Huang Yaoshi picked Luo Wei, Feng Yu would come out to play round.

This made Rowe very grateful.

In the evening, when Luo Wei was walking with Huang Rong on Peach Blossom Island, he suddenly heard the sound of a quarrel.

"Ah Heng, I don't understand why you defend that kid everywhere. "

Huang Rong heard this voice and said to Luo Wei with her lips: "It's daddy." "

Rowe nodded, and he actually heard it.

Immediately afterwards, Feng Yu's voice passed along the breeze, "I also did this for Rong'er's good." (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"For Rong'er?" Pharmacist Huang looked puzzled.

Feng Yu said softly: "You have also seen when you enter, Rong'er has probably identified Luo Wei in this life, if he does not marry, your evil words to Luo Wei today, what if it causes Luo Wei's disgust." "

If he remembered this matter, would he vent his grievances on Rong'er today. "

"He dare. Huang Yaoshi couldn't help but raise his volume, and his voice was still full of murderous aura.

Feng Yu said: "If he really did this, what about you, kill him?

Huang Yaoshi suddenly froze.

When Luo Wei and Huang Rong heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other:

Then, the two of them tiptoed out of here and came all the way to the beach.

Luo Wei laughed at himself: "I kind of know why your mother has been defending me today, it turned out that I was afraid that I would bully you, but I didn't expect that I Luo Wei would actually be looked down upon." "

Is he the kind of person who likes to lose his temper with his wife and beat his wife?

Huang Rong smiled and said, "Brother Wei don't be angry, my mother is also doing this for my own good, and you have not known your mother for a long time, so it is inevitable that you will be suspected by your mother." "

"In the future, if you get along with your mother for a long time, your mother will naturally know what kind of person you are. "

Luo Wei thought about it, after all, when he resurrected Feng Yu, the beauties around him were like clouds, Azhu, Lin Shiyin, and Blue Phoenix's appearance was far better than ordinary women.

It was no wonder that Feng Yu did not have a good impression of him.

Now we can only see people's hearts for a long time.

At night, the group stayed on Peach Blossom Island and silently waited for the arrival of the extraterrestrial heavenly demon.

Although Huang Yaoshi did not believe in any extraterrestrial heavenly demon, he listened to his daughter so cautiously, and also held the mentality of preferring to trust what he had and not trust him, and waited with Feng Yu together.

Time passed minute by minute.

Rowe took out his diary and began to record what he encountered today.

There is actually nothing to document.

Today, the day was basically troubled by Huang Yaoshi, Feng Yu maintained, and Luo Wei was not willing to write these things in the diary, so he could choose other things to write.

For example, the scenery of Peach Blossom Island is good, the martial arts of Huang Yaoshi is good, and so on.

After some unnutritious rambling, I finally managed to scrape together five hundred words.

Then claimed today's reward.

One year of pure internal strength.

For Rowe, it's better than nothing.

The clock quickly advanced to the end of the day, and midnight was approaching.

Rowe's diary also began to remind Rowe.

[There are still three minutes before the arrival of the Extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon]

At this moment, Luo Wei couldn't help but ask, "Why is it that every time the Extraterritorial Heavenly Demon comes, it is at midnight, not during the day." "

I didn't expect this question 0.1, and the diary really answered.

[Midnight is the alternation of the old and the new, when the yin and yang are exchanged, the extraterritorial heavenly demon can only take advantage of it at this time]

Rowe didn't have a surprise.

After a few more minutes, Huang Yaoshi looked up at the celestial phenomena and said unceremoniously: "Noon has arrived, what about the extraterritorial heavenly demon you mentioned, why didn't I see it, alarmist." "

Rowe said, "Ten. "

Medicine Master Huang couldn't help but be stunned and asked, "Ten, what do you mean?"

Rowe continued: "Nine, eight, seven, six..."

Huang Yaoshi then found that Luo Wei was counting down, and he couldn't help but blow his beard and glared, and his gaze towards Luo Wei became more and more sinister.

Huang Rong walked to Feng Yu's side and protected Feng Yu behind him.

"Five, four, three, two, one!"

With the last countdown, I saw a sudden vibration in the vast night sky, and a tearing sound penetrated Peach Blossom Island.

Immediately afterwards, Huang Yaoshi saw a stream of light fall from the sky and hit a peach blossom tree not far in front of him with a boom.

It was not March, and the peach blossom tree had already withered.

But at the moment when the streamer hit the peach blossom tree, the originally withered peach blossom tree actually sprouted.

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