Of course, the women who were ancients naturally did not know what Versailles meant.

However, this did not prevent them from seeing the ostentatious and superior feeling in Rowe's diary.

Is Wuji elixir very crotch-pulling?

They don't think so.

Two Infinity Immortal Pills can allow a person to have the cultivation of a jiazi, even if a third-rate master eats it, he can smoothly break through to become an innate grandmaster.

In other words, two Wuji Immortal Pills can create an innate grandmaster.

And the innate grandmaster, no matter where he is, is a human being.

Such a treasure can be said to be very few in the world, no matter where it is placed, it can be said to be priceless.

However, Luo Wei didn't think much about it, this was not showing off or what, they naturally wanted to make Luo Wei look at it.

Unfortunately, Rowe was not in front of them.

So even if the women want to take a bite of Ba Luowei, they are powerless.

And Rovy, of course, didn't know the reaction of the women after seeing his diary, but the next second he knew.

Because he was writing in his diary, he suddenly received a message from Xue Bing.

[Xue Bing: Do you know that you just said that you are very bad?]

[Rowe: Yes?]

[Xue Bing: Quite underwhelmed]

[Rowe: ..."

After sighing, Rowe complained in his diary.

[Xue Bing sent me a message just now, saying that what I just said is a bit bad, is there, why don't I think]

[I really can't see the Infinity Immortal Pill]

Many women hate it at all.

Especially Xue Bing, she unceremoniously sent another message to Luo Wei

[Xue Bing: You are even more beaten when you say this]

Rowe sighed, took a screenshot of the words, and posted them in his diary.

[It's so hard to be a person, especially to tell the truth]

[In that case, then I won't say okay, let's go to 840 here today, you guys in the province think I'm getting beaten more and more]

[Just like that, scattered, scattered]

After updating the last sentence, Luo Weiyi closed the diary and planned to claim today's reward.

After all, midnight has passed, and a new day has arrived.

[After checking the host update today's diary, the reward will be issued now]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the guidance of the 72 changes of hell]

【This spell is special and can be reused】

[Detected that the host killed the extraterrestrial heavenly demon, and the diary began to upgrade]

【Please forgive me that the diary cannot be used normally during the upgrade period】

When Luo Wei heard this mechanical voice, he was first stunned, and then he was surprised, and the diary was actually upgraded, which is a good thing.

Now the diary is already very powerful, God knows how powerful it will be after the upgrade.

But what surprised Rowe even more was not the diary upgrade, but the guidance he just received.

The Guiding Technique is one of the most special spells among the 72 Techniques of Hell, which can prolong people's lives, regulate qi, make blood veins clear, and eliminate all diseases.

Frankly speaking, guidance is actually a technique of practicing qi and breathing.

It is similar to the nine-breath service in the thirty-six changes of Tiangang.

It may not be as powerful as Nine Breaths to Serve Qi, but it is also a technique of practicing Qi and Breathing.

To put it bluntly, after learning this spell, Luo Wei is no longer a martial artist, but a standard qi practitioner.

That's why Rowe is so excited.

He immediately sat cross-kneeled, pushed the guidance technique, and began to practice qi and breathing.

Along with Luo Wei's tuna, the internal power cultivated by the Divine Illumination Sutra was condensed and compressed by Luo Wei little by little.

At the same time, every time Luo Wei exhaled, he (bbbd) would inhale the moonlight essence, and after these moon flowers entered the body, they fused with the condensed internal force, and finally underwent a metamorphosis.

The internal force that Luo Wei refined became another force.

It's not true qi, it's mana.

With mana, Luo Wei can be regarded as a real qi practitioner.

When he was swallowing Yuehua, Huang Yaoshi and Feng Yu had already discovered a little, but they did not make a sound.

In the eyes of their couple, Luo Wei, who can drive lightning and lightning, is no longer a mortal, and what is it to swallow the essence of the sun and the moon.

They care more about their children.

Ever since Huang Rong swallowed the Infinity Immortal Pill, her aura had grown at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the past, Huang Rong did not like to practice martial arts, although under the pressure of Huang Yaoshi, he would spend several hours cultivating every day, but in the end, he was just a second-rate master.

Since meeting Luo Wei, he has practiced the martial art of the Divine Illumination Sutra, and although his skills have improved, he is still a second-rate master because of his short time.

But after eating the Wuji Immortal Pill this time, Huang Rong's aura gradually grew.

The internal strength is also rising, and soon it has reached a first-class level, and it is still growing.

After all, the medicinal power of the Wuji Immortal Pill was too exaggerated.

Huang Rong had no way to digest it for a while, so she could only keep running the Divine Illumination Sutra and absorbing medicinal power.

Under the impetus of Wuji Immortal Pill, Huang Rong's internal strength grew rapidly like blowing up a balloon, and soon reached the limit level of a first-class master.

The Divine Illumination Sutra is also at this moment, about to enter the Dacheng. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Huang Rong did not stop, but prepared to use the medicinal power of the Infinity Immortal Pill to directly impact the innate, so that the Divine Illumination Sutra was truly accomplished.

Huang Yaoshi soon discovered this, and his face couldn't help but change.

But he didn't stop it, because Wuji Immortal Pill did have such an ability.

Soon after, Huang Rong used the medicinal power of the Wuji Immortal Pill to attract the true qi in his body and rushed towards Ren Du's second vein, intending to hit the innate with a bang.

Only listening to the two muffled sounds, she felt that the two veins of Ren Du in her body were like paper paste, easily penetrated, and the internal force also underwent transformation at this moment.

Huang Rong couldn't help but be stunned, this is too easy.

However, she quickly reacted that it was not easy to impact the innate.

It's just that the medicinal power of Wuji Immortal Pill is too strong, so under the impetus of Wuji Immortal Pill, he will so easily open the two veins of Ren Du, penetrate the bridge of heaven and earth, and thus enter the innate.

After the innate, the Divine Scripture is completely completed.

The internal force in the body began to condense, compress, and finally the invisible and qualityless internal force turned into a wisp of tangible and qualitative gas, shuttling between the limbs and hundreds of remains, wandering around the body.

Huang Rong immediately understood that this was true qi.

Acquired strength, innate qi training.

Feeling the endless stream of True Qi in her body, Huang Rong couldn't help laughing.

From now on, she can also be regarded as an innate grandmaster.

On the other hand, a Huang Medicine Master who was guarding Huang Rong's side couldn't help but laugh after seeing Huang Rong's aura completely change.

Innate Grandmasters and first-class masters give people a completely different feeling.

He was extremely sure that his daughter had broken through the second vein of Ren Du, penetrated the qi of heaven and earth, and became a true innate grandmaster.

You know, this woman is only fifteen or six years old, and she has already become a congenital grandmaster.

The entire Great Song did not have such a young innate master.

Pharmacist Huang was naturally extremely proud.

As for why Huang Rong became an innate grandmaster, he didn't care, and being able to eat the Infinity Immortal Pill was his daughter's obedience.

The time of the night passed a long time.

Soon after, the sky gradually brightened, and Huang Rong slowly opened her eyes.

In an instant, she felt that the whole world had changed.

The whole world is clearer in her eyes, for example, if the scenery used to be 720P, now it is 4K.

Metamorphosis is such an exaggeration.

Even hundreds of meters away, the trajectory of a caterpillar wriggling, Huang Rong could see it very clearly.

Even her father's eyebrows and the faint wrinkles on her mother's face were clear to her.

At this moment, Huang Yaoshi came over and asked, "Rong'er, how do you feel?"

Huang Rong said: "No matter what you can see very clearly, even the perception has become extremely powerful, is this the innate grandmaster?"

Medicine Master Huang nodded and began to pass on the experience of Innate Grandmaster to Huang Rong first.

For example, the innate grandmaster's spiritual sense is extremely powerful, and he can detect the direction of the enemy's attack in battle, even if it is a sneak attack behind him, he cannot hide the spiritual sense of the innate grandmaster.

Unless it is a master of the same level who specializes in practicing the art of breath accumulation, he can conceal the spiritual sense of the innate grandmaster, so as to sneak up on him.

In addition, the vision of the Innate Grandmaster is also extremely powerful.

The attack of the first-class master was in the eyes of the innate grandmaster, as if in slow motion.

This is also the reason why the Innate Grandmaster can crush a first-class master.

Because their physical functions have far exceeded those first-class masters.

Under the words and deeds of a great grandmaster, Huang Rong quickly mastered the skills that an innate grandmaster should have, and became familiar with the realm of an innate grandmaster.

After doing all this, Huang Rong shifted her gaze to Luo Wei.

At this time, Luo Wei was still practicing the art of guidance.

Between the practice of qi and breathing, he constantly dragged Yuehua and purified the internal force into mana.

During the day, after the moon receded, Luo Wei began to swallow the sun essence again and condense mana.

In the blink of an eye, a week passed.

With the efforts of Huang Rong and Huang Yaoshi, the destroyed house in the center of Peach Blossom Island was rebuilt.

But Luo Wei still didn't wake up, and kept swallowing the sun and moon essence every day.

If it weren't for Huang Rong feeling that Luo Wei's body was very healthy, she almost thought that Luo Wei had a problem.

In the past week, Huang Rong used her diary to contact Azhu and the women every day, told Luo Wei about the situation, and said that Luo Wei was fine now and was practicing in retreat.

But Azhu and the women were still worried, and after leaving the Ancient Tomb Sect, they galloped all the way.

Huang Rong had to go to the dock to greet several women.

But what Huang Rong didn't know was that when she received Azhu's daughters at the dock, Luo Wei finally transformed all the internal power in his body for half a century into mana.

The internal power of more than half a century has been severely reduced, and in the end, only ten years of mana have been refined.

Soon after, Luo Wei finished his practice, slowly opened his eyes, and at first glance he saw Azhu, Lin Shiyin, the Blue Phoenix girls, and Lin Chaoying and Xiaolongnu following behind them.

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