"What, seven days?"

When Luo Wei learned from Huang Rong's mouth that it took him seven days to cultivate this time, he couldn't help but be shocked.

No wonder Aju and they were all sent from the ancient tomb.

It turned out that he had been practicing for seven days.

Incredible, really incredible.

Because in Luo Wei's feelings, he just combined his internal power with the essence of the sun and moon and refined it into mana, without spending much effort at all.

In Rowe's opinion, he spent a few hours at most.

But the truth was that it took him seven days.

Good guy, really good guy, then blame those immortal cultivators for retreating for months at every turn, it turns out that practice is really a waste ~ time.

Luo Wei couldn't help but sigh, it's no wonder that there are seven days in the mountains in the world, and the world is a thousand years.

That's outrageous.

This also makes Luo Wei how to practice in the future, in case he accidentally cultivates for a year and a half one day, what can the women around him do, it is difficult to keep and live.

At this moment, Luo Wei suddenly began to desire the art of doppelganger.

If he has the art of doppelganger, he can practice with confidence, and then let the doppelganger accompany the woman beside him.

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Wei quickly converged his thoughts, first gave Azhu, Lin Shiyin, and the blue phoenix women a hug, comforted each other, and then looked at Lin Chaoying and Xiaolongnu.

"Why did my cousin suddenly leave the Ancient Tomb Sect?" Luo Wei was very curious about what kind of reason would prompt Lin Chaoying to come out of the Ancient Tomb Sect.

Before Lin Chaoying could speak, Huang Yaoshi asked with a surprised face: "Lin Chaoying is your cousin, no, you are not surnamed Lin." "

Luo Wei explained: "Lin Chaoying is not my cousin, she is Shiyin's cousin, and Shiyin is my person, so I followed Shiyin to call my cousin." "

At the same time that Huang Yaoshi suddenly realized, his face was quite stiff.

probably remembered the woman next to Luo Wei, so he was very dissatisfied with Luo Wei, but because Luo Wei was his benefactor, he was embarrassed to speak viciously, and finally pulled Feng Yu away silently.

Lin Chaoying is also a smart woman, and when she saw Huang Yaoshi's expression, she guessed the story in it.

But because this was Huang Yaoshi's family, she was not easy to manage, so Quan Dang did not see it, and answered Luo Wei's previous question with a smile.

"I left the Ancient Tomb Sect because I wanted to create a peerless martial art that was even more powerful than the Jiuyang Divine Skill and overwhelm Wang Chongyang. "

Luo Wei looked confused, "Do you know what you're talking about?"

Lin Chaoying snorted and said, "Of course I know what I'm talking about. "

Luo Wei said: "Don't you like Wang Chongyang?"

Lin Chaoying nodded and readily admitted that there was nothing to deny about this kind of thing.

Luo Wei didn't understand, "Then why do you have to crush Wang Chongyang, Wang Chongyang should not be your enemy, but your lover." "

Lin Chaoying was noncommittal about the word lover, but said: "You told me before that the reason why we didn't come together was because the two of us were too strong, and neither of us was willing to take a step back, right." "

Luo Wei nodded, it is true, whether it is Wang Chongyang or Lin Chaoying, the two people obviously like each other, as long as one of them is willing to take a step back, the relationship between them will definitely come naturally.

Lin Chaoying said: "So I figured it out, as long as I create a peerless martial art that is even more powerful than the Jiuyang Divine Skill, and press him, I can force Wang Chongyang to take a step back." "

"This guy definitely can't escape my palm, how about it, do you think my idea is good." "

"Good, good, good... What a fart. "

Luo Wei couldn't help but complain loudly, "Isn't nothing changed, not to mention whether you can create a peerless martial art that is more powerful than the Jiuyang Divine Skill, assuming that you really created it and crushed Wang Chongyang." "

"Will Wang Chongyang really back down, in my opinion, Wang Chongyang will not give in a step, but will humiliate you, and then work hard, and finally improve the peerless martial arts and crush you." "

"You don't understand men's damn desire to win or lose. "

"Do you know what is called the Jade Heart Sutra, squeeze Quanzhen, Chongyang for a lifetime, not weaker than people's gold content." "

"Wang Chongyang's stick, but I don't want to lose to you after you die." "

Lin Chaoying: "Huh?"

She looked surprised, confused, and looked at Luo Wei in amazement, there was actually such a thing.

Luo Wei sighed and felt that it was time for Lin Chaoying to take a look at the Condor Heroes.

So Luo Wei pointed with one hand, performed the finger transformation technique, turned a fallen leaf into several Condor Heroes, and threw one to Lin Chaoying, and also threw a copy to Xiaolongnu by the way.

After all, she is also a party, and she is naturally qualified to watch the Condor Heroes.

As for Azhu's daughters, in fact, they have already seen it, and naturally they don't need to open it again.

Luo Wei asked a few of them to talk with Huang Rong, and he walked to the side, took out his diary and began to check.

The journaling system has been upgraded.

In fact, on the third day, the diary was upgraded.

It's just that Luo Wei was still cultivating at that time, so he didn't care about updating his diary at all, and he missed several days at once.

For a while, Luo Wei was a little stuffed, feeling that he missed a hundred million.

[Everyone, my Hu Hansan is back]

The moment Luo Wei updated his diary, the women who held copies of the diary were overjoyed.

Except for a few people, most of the women who held copies of the diary did not know what happened to Rowe, and seeing that Rowe had not updated the diary for several days, they thought something was wrong with Rowe.

Now I suddenly saw the diary update, and one by one I was relieved and a little strange.

Isn't the owner of the diary Rowe?

Who is this Hu Hansan?

Did the owner of the diary change, or did the guy Rowe change his name.

Of course, there are also some smart women who speculate that Rowe may be playing terriers again, but they don't care.

Everyone cares about why Rowe hasn't updated these days.

After all, since the emergence of diaries, many people have developed the habit of reading diaries, after all, some of the content in the diary is quite interesting.

Some of the inside information is even closely related to them.

Naturally, everyone does not want to miss it. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

[I'm sure everyone is surprised why I didn't update my diary for several days in a row]

[Of course, there is a reason for this]

[In fact, just after my last update, the diary system was upgraded, and what kind of content there will be after the upgrade, I don't know much, so I can only explore it alone]

[Also, I got a special reward before leveling up on the diary]

[Guidance of one of the 72 Techniques of Hellfire]

[This spell is similar to the nine-breath subjugation of the thirty-six changes of Tiangang, this is the art of practicing qi and breathing, which can prolong people's life, and adjust qi, so that the blood veins can be cleared and all diseases are removed]

Ask for flowers

[After learning this spell, I am no longer a martial artist, but a true qi practitioner]

[What is cultivated is no longer internal force, but mana]

[From now on, spells are no longer limited to once a day, it is necessary that mana is not exhausted, and spells can be used continuously]

[Previously, I missed updating my diary because of the art of cultivation guidance]

[I thought I was just a few hours of cultivation, but Huang Rong told me that seven days had passed since my cultivation this time]

[This is completely different from what I imagined]

[If I had been practicing for a little time, wouldn't the outside world have passed ten days and a half month, or even longer?]

[Seven days in the mountains, a thousand years in the world]

[It's not the myth and legend that the group of qi practitioners will enter the deep mountains and old forests to practice, because they often retreat a few times, and the world has changed generations]

[This qi practitioner is really not something that ordinary people can be]

[I will probably become like this in the future, how the can I still practice]

[Today, I smiled and groaned with Rong'er, Azhu and they said goodbye, and when I left the customs tomorrow, I saw a few old women standing in front of me and told me that they Rong'er and Azhu..."

[Good guy, this Nima is simply a horror movie, is there]

[Who can withstand this]

Huang Rong and Azhu saw the contents of the diary, and they looked at each other one by one, just thinking about that kind of thing, they couldn't help but shiver.

This is truly terrifying.

[So I decided that I would never retreat when I didn't properly solve the problem of Rong'er's lifespan]

[In case you hear the news of their quack as soon as you leave the customs one day, it will be a tragedy]

[Wait, I seem to be coming back to life, then it's okay]

[But think about it, although you can avoid this kind of tragedy, you can't let Rong'er wait for me for more than ten years, or even decades]

[It's not fair, it seems, it has to be like any other method]

[How about passing on the art of guidance to Rong'er and them, so that they can become qi practitioners like me?]

[Well, this method is good, this can have]

When Rowe wrote this, he suddenly became excited.

Luo Wei immediately closed the diary and beckoned to Huang Rong, Azhu, Lin Shiyin, and Blue Phoenix.

"Come here. "

Huang Rong and the women came over and asked with a smile: "Brother Wei, you really want to teach us the art of guidance." "

Luo Wei nodded, "Then there is still a fake, I can't let you wait silently every time I retreat, learn the art of guidance, and then we will retreat together." "

Huang Rong's women couldn't help but smile and nodded, "Okay, let's retreat together." "

Luo Wei immediately said the art of guidance, and pointed out Huang Rong hand-in-hand, how to practice Azhu and his daughters.

However, at this moment, strange things happened.

Huang Rong's women listened to Luo Wei's words and looked surprised, "Brother Wei, what are you talking about?" "

Rowe said, "The art of guidance." "

Azhu said: "But to us, Gongzi, what you said is not the art of guidance at all, but some strange language, which we can't understand at all. "

Lin Shiyin and Blue Phoenix nodded.

Luo Wei couldn't help but be stunned.

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