A Zhu, Huang Rong, Lin Shiyin, and Lan Phoenix actually couldn't understand what they said.

What's going on?

Could it be... Rowe had a flash of inspiration and thought of some possibility.

At the same time, Lin Shiyin also thought of this possibility, and said softly: "Avi, it seems that among us, it seems that only you can learn this guidance technique, and we have no way to learn it except you." "

Blue Phoenix nodded and said: "There is only this possibility, we can't understand the guidance technique that Gongzi said, this is probably some special force that distorts Gongzi's language." "

Rowe asked the journal, "Is that so?"

I didn't expect the diary to actually answer.

[This world is a comprehensive martial arts world, and there are no qi practitioners]

[If it were not for the diary, the host would not be able to cultivate immortals]

Luo Wei couldn't help but sigh, it's really like this, this is very helpless.

Luo Wei couldn't help but take out the diary and continued to complain in the diary.

[, failed]

The women who read the diary, except for Huang Rong, the others were confused, what failed.

Of course, some people have guessed the truth.

[Rong'er, Azhu and others have no way to learn the art of guidance] "Eight Nine Zero"

[The art of guidance that I teach is a meaningless language in their eyes, and they can't understand it at all]

[After inquiring about the diary, I learned the reason]

[This is the world of comprehensive martial arts, there is no qi practitioner, if it were not for its help, I would not be able to become a qi practitioner]

[In other words, there is probably only me in the whole world who practices qi]

[It's impossible for others]

[Hey, if you want to pull Rong'er, Azhu, Shiyin, and Phoenix to cultivate immortals together, you can't do it]

[Now I can only pray that I will learn to boil the stones in the seventy-two techniques soon, and take the second technique]

[The former, all those who have five gold and eight stones, refine the medicine of gold and stone refining to eat, which is a kind of art of practicing pills. 】

[The latter collects the essence of Otomu to refine the elixir and swallow it in order to seek immortality, and can cure all diseases or detoxify. ] 】

[If I learn these two spells, I will definitely be able to practice the elixir of life, and let Azhu, Rong'er, Shiyin, Phoenix and other women always accompany me]

[In this way, even if I practice retreat, I don't have to worry about a few women with red face and white hair, birth, old age, illness and death]

[Okay, I'll write here today, I don't have the heart to continue writing a diary]

【So be it】

Rowe sighed, closed the diary, and claimed today's reward.

Perhaps it was the diary upgrade, and the news that Luo Wei had become a qi practitioner was very exciting, so the reward Luo Wei received was another Qifu Seventy-two Technique.

It's not a combat-type spell though.

Like the art of landscape transfer, it is an auxiliary spell called summoning.

This spell can summon an object with a remote control, somewhat similar to the flying charm of the Harry Potter world.

But the flying curse of the Harry Potter world can only summon some small things.

However, the power of the Seventy-two Techniques of the Earth Evil is amazing.

Not only can it attract gold and silver treasures, but even houses can be recruited, and if the mana is enough, even if it is to attract a Tarzan, it is not an impossible thing.

It is more useful than the flying charm of the Harry Potter world.

Of course, with Luo Wei's current mana, it was impossible to summon a Tarzan.

Not to mention Mount Tai, even if it is an ordinary mountain, he can't recruit it.

After all, Luo Wei only has ten years of mana now, and there are very few things that can be summoned.

But in the future, when Luo Wei's magic power is strong, it will really not be difficult to recruit mountain peaks.


Soon after, Lin Chaoying and Xiaolongnu finally finished reading the book of the Condor Heroes.

Xiao Longnu's expression did not change at all, she was still so light and breezy.

On the contrary, Lin Chaoying was extremely angry, "What a Zhen Zhibing, how did Wang Chongyang teach his disciple, there is such scum under the Quanzhen Sect, it is simply not a son of man." "

Luo Wei complained: "In the book, Wang Chongyang is dead. "

Lin Chaoying was puzzled, and snorted angrily: "The upper liang is not right and the lower liang is crooked, Zhen Zhibing, and scum like Zhao Zhijing can still be the chief of three generations of disciples, you can see that Wang Chongyang is not a good thing." "

Ah this...

Do you want to hear what you're saying?

Lin Chaoying hummed angrily and said, "This book should really let Wang Chongyang also read it, see what kind of place his Quanzhen Sect hides dirt, and see what other face he has in front of me." "

That's the point.

Luo Wei forcibly endured the desire to complain and said: "Sister Lin, I let you open a man's damn desire to win or lose, not let you care about Zhen Zhibing, you can't go on like this." "

Lin Chaoying asked, "What's not." "

Luo Wei said: "Of course, you want to create peerless martial arts and crush Wang Chongyang's idea, you underestimate Wang Chongyang's desire to win or lose." "

Lin Chaoying was reminded by Luo Wei, suddenly remembered this stubble, and said helplessly: "Are men's desire to win or lose so strong?"

Luo Wei said: "This also divides people, at least Wang Chongyang's desire to win or lose is relatively strong." "

When Lin Chaoying heard this, he couldn't help frowning, "Then what should I do." "

"Otherwise, you take a step back. Rowe said tentatively.

"No, absolutely not. Lin Chaoying refused without thinking about it, "If I take a step back, won't I be ridiculed by the people of the world, and even Wang Chongyang will look down on me a little." "

At this moment, Huang Yaoshi came over, shook his head and said: "Dead heart, if Lin Nuxia takes a step back, she and Wang Chongyang will not make trouble today." "

Lin Chaoying snorted, "What's the matter with you." (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

She knew that Pharmacist Huang had a good relationship with Wang Chongyang, so it was not very pleasing to see Pharmacist Huang.

Luo Wei smiled bitterly and said, "You don't retreat, Wang Chongyang doesn't retreat, when will you two come together." "

Lin Chaoying was silent.

After thinking for a long time, she waved her big hand, "Forget it, this kind of thing will be talked about later, my current idea is to create a peerless martial art and crush him Wang Chongyang." "


When a woman's competitive spirit comes together, there will be nothing for the man.

He couldn't help but sigh deeply, he couldn't take it, he really couldn't move.

Forget it, he doesn't care, Lin Chaoying loves it.

Roviso's sex began to rot.

He called Azhu, Lin Shiyin, and Blue Phoenix over, and one of them gave them two Wuji Immortal Pills, asking them to take the Wuji Immortal Pill as soon as possible, break through the innate, and become a grandmaster.

Lin Chaoying looked curiously at the two pills in the hands of several women, one black and one white, and asked, "This is the Wuji Immortal Pill?"

Luo Wei nodded, "Not bad, cousin is curious .."

Lin Chaoying said: "Who in the world is not curious about this Infinity Immortal Pill. "

Rowe said: "If my cousin wants it, I can give my cousin two." "

Saying that, he handed over two Wuji Immortal Pills.

Lin Chaoying couldn't help but be stunned, looked at Luo Wei and said: "You are generous, this is the most precious treasure of martial arts." "

Luo Wei said calmly: "For it, it's nothing. "

Lin Chaoying thought about it, after all, Luo Wei was a qi practitioner, and it was useless to ask for this Infinity Immortal Pill.

But she did not accept Luo Wei's Infinity Immortal Pill, shook her head and waved her hand and said: "No need, I am now a great master, and if I want to become a peerless powerhouse, I must create my own peerless martial arts." "

"Although the Wuji Immortal Pill is good, it has no effect on me. "

"If you have the heart, you can show me the Divine Scripture, if I want to create my own peerless martial arts now, I must absorb the strengths of all families and integrate hundreds of rivers." "

Luo Weihaha smiled and said, "What's so difficult about this. "

Without any hesitation, he cast the Finger Transformation Technique, turning the Condor Heroes in Lin Chaoying's hands into the Divine Illumination Sutra.

Lin Chaoying roughly opened it and was surprised to find that in addition to the content of this book, in addition to the Divine Illumination Sutra, there was also a god and demon-level martial art.

It is the seven limits of devouring heaven and earth.

This frightened Lin Chaoying, and a divine scripture had already made her owe Luo Wei a big favor.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually handed over this god and demon-level martial art to himself.

"It's too expensive for me to want. "

Lin Chaoying subconsciously returned the book to Luo Wei.

She dared to ask Luo Wei for the Divine Illumination Sutra because she thought that she was still worthy of this favor, and if she created peerless martial arts in the future, she could lend Luo Wei a copy.

But the seven limits of Devouring Heaven and Earth are too amazing.

Even if she really creates peerless martial arts in the future, she probably can't afford this favor.

So Lin Chaoying didn't dare to ask for it.

The debt is too great, and there is no way to repay it.

Luo Wei said calmly: "It's just a martial art, and for me, 3.1 is nothing." "

Lin Chaoying shook his head and said, "Maybe it's nothing to you, but to me, it's a favor that can't be repaid, so I can't ask for it." "

Luo Wei repeatedly admonished, but Lin Chaoying still refused to accept it.

In the end, Luo Wei had to erase the seven limits of Heaven Devouring and Destroying Earth, and only handed over the Divine Illumination Scripture to Lin Chaoying.

Lin Chaoying accepted this.

As for Azhu's daughters, after obtaining the Wuji Immortal Pill, they unified the retreat, concentrated on cultivation, and used the medicinal power of the Wuji Immortal Pill to impact the innate.

A day later, the three daughters successively rushed through the pass, and with the help of the medicinal power of the Wuji Immortal Pill, they became the innate grandmaster.

The Divine Illumination Sutra practiced by several women was completed.

Even within the Innate Grandmaster, he is not a weak person.

However, there is still some distance from the Great Master.

After all, if you want to become a great master, you must innovate on the basis of the original, which is something that several women can't do.

After all, they achieved innate with the help of Wuji Immortal Pill, and if they wanted to become great masters, they had to make up for all the things that had fallen.

However, this is not an easy task.

Luo Wei estimated that if there were no adventures, it would be impossible for several women to become great masters within ten years.

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