A Prince's Love

Chapter 139 - Why Are You So Impatient

Alena stood up because Nizam pulled her, she then turned around to go. However, Nizam's still holding onto her feet, Nizam grabbed her feet so that Alena's body fell into Nizam's arms. Alena's shock had not disappeared when Nizam immediately hit her with a deep kiss.

Alena's body for a moment froze in the arms of Nizam's wet and cold body. Her tongue was sticking out stiffly when her husband's tongue toyed with her before finally, Alena replied as hot as her husband. Nizam groaned as his hands gripped Alena's hips tightly. "Alena.... I love you very much. I really love you. I am going crazy with this feeling" Nizam's mouth babbled as he lowered his kiss to Alena's long neck. Alena moaned as she hugged her husband tightly.

"Nizam, tell me, Am I a shameless girl in your eyes?" Alena looked at Nizam with her big eyes. Nizam stopped the kiss. He then looked at Alena with a strange look. "Why are you asking me that ridiculous question?" Nizam said while stroking Alena's neck.

"I waited for you every day in the Harem. But you never came. I couldn't stand it, I wanted to see you. Why don't you ever come? Isn't your love as big as mine?" Alena looked at Nizam grimly.

"Of course I love you. My love is not the least bit less than yours. Even more. But I can not act like you. Don't You remember? I am a candidate for the king. Leader of my country. How can I lead if I can not control my own feelings? After all, I am Alena. love you because you are so forthright... Only sometimes your actions make me scared. Like now. "

Alena looked at her husband, who was staring at a smile, and then kissed her lips again. The atmosphere before the afternoon becomes beautiful. Alena held her husband's slightly hairy chest. This was the first time he saw Nizam not wearing clothes.

During this time Alena always saw Nizam wearing closed clothes. Long-sleeved shirt. Wear a semi-jacket or neck sweater outfit. Whether it's summer, spring, fall let alone winter. This is the first time She saw Nizam shirtless. He only wore wet shorts. Now She can see and feel how beautiful Nizam's body is. The chest of the six-pack is very broad. Perfectly formed biceps due to regular exercise. flat stomach. Nizam has brawny body.

Alena's body suddenly trembled. She frowned in the arms of Nizam who did not let go of the kiss. Until Alena is suffocated. Seeing Nizam who started to be so passionate. Fear began to envelop her.

"Nizam ..." Alena trembled in Nizam's arms. "Hmmm ..." Nizam just mumbled as his hand slid uncontrollably into Alena's dress. Alena glared as she felt her husband's hand touch the top of her chest. As if there are thousands of insects crawling on it. Alena's body was burning hot. Nizam's uncontrollable hands made Alena very scared. Alena moaned in pain when Nizam squeezed her hand tightly. Alena struggled to escape.

"Nizam You hurt me... Aah .... No Nizam. I'm afraid .. I'm afraid .. Do you want to touch me now?" Alena's body shivered.

"Afraid of what? I'm your husband. Your body is mine. I have the right to do anything. Shut up, don't struggle. I'm enjoying you .." Nizam's voice was also trembling, he felt all his desires had gathered and were about to explode. His usual head full of considerations, rules, dogmas, common sense all shattered. All that remains is the colors of the rainbow. Red, yellow, green, purple ... and thousands of fireflies circling him, circling in his mind. There was lava bubbling up in his chest. It felt so hot burning his whole body.

He really locked Alena in his arms. He pressed his body against Alena's tiny body. Alena panicked even more when she realized that something was stuck on her body. Alena's face was as pale. She is like a mouse that has been jumping on top of a sleeping tiger. And when the tiger woke up the mouse immediately cried in terror.

Nizam's hand slipped and made Alena's breath almost stop. The hand felt cold when it touched the skin of his chest. And Nizam moved those hands wildly. He seemed to find his lost toy. The hand kept moving, rubbing, squeezing, and twisting.

Nizam's body stiffened even more. He felt the tightness behind his shorts. Alena became even more frightened when Nizam body could not help touching her body. Fortunately, they were still blocked by the clothes that were still tightly attached to their bodies.

Alena groaned as Nizam's hand continued to squeeze her body. So far, Nizam has never done this to her. Nizam only dared to touch and rub. Nizam didn't dare to stick his hand under Alena's clothes.  Alena closed her eyes, she felt that Nizam would do it now. Nizam's eyes look red and he is breathing hard. His face also felt hot, Nizam's chest was pounding hard.

While Alena was helpless in her husband's arms. suddenly came a voice.

"Your Majesty ... Queen Sabrina has arrived" Nizam and Alena gasped. Their kiss was released immediately. Their faces suddenly turned pale. Especially Alena. The blood seemed to stop flowing. She immediately grabbed Nizam's hand firmly.

"Nizam save me, I don't want to be whipped again" Alena started crying. Alena didn't think that Queen Sabrina would come and find out that she was running away from the harem. The wound yesterday just healed. Alena won't be able to be whipped again. Alena was very sorry because He had done a fool.

"Shh ... shut up. This time I will not let you be whipped." Nizam patted Alena's hand. Nizam rubbed Alena's head gently, comforting Alena who was shivering with fear. This time he won't let anyone touch Alena even if he has to fight them. Hearing Nizam's words, Alena calmed down. Nizam asks the Servant to give him clothes. He then put on his clothes in a hurry. He did not even take off his pants which were wet by the pool water.

Nizam came out of the room where he was bathing. In the room, his mother was standing with her servant Latifa. Her mother stood up straight with an angry face. Her body was stiff and it looked very scary

"Queen Mother .. Assalamualaikum." Nizam kissed her mother's hand. Alena also followed while terrified. Her hands trembled when She kissed Queen Sabrina's hand

Queen Sabrina shook her head. She stared at Nizam and Alena in turns angrily. Alena's crumpled face. Even the front dress was disheveled. Her long hair also looks matted. And Queen Sabrina is getting angry seeing Nizam's wet hair. And the clothes are equally untidy. Behind Queen Sabrina, Cynthia, Ali, and Fuad looked tense.

"I thought Alena was here. Earlier I was about to go to her room for a wedding dress fitting. When I saw it, there was no one in her room. it is  Better to tell me what happened? Nizam..you ?? What are you doing with your wife? ? Why are you so impatient? " She was so angry that Queen Sabrina did not even call Her Majesty.

Nizam was silent with a red face. Feelings of shame creep up over him immediately. But he remains focused on Alena.

"Mother..it is all my fault. Mother, please let Alena go. She is innocent. If you want to punish, please punish me!"

"How can She be innocent, isn't She here? She ran away from the harem"

"I who asked her, I could not bear wanting to meet her. Mother, I only kissed Alena and did not act more than that. Please mother really forgive us both"

"Justice must be served." Queen Sabrina's voice was very cold.

But then suddenly Nizam approached his mother. He then took his mother's right hand and put it on his head. "Mother promise for my life, Don't you punish Alena. I promise this is the last. She breaks the rules in the Harem. If she breaks again, let me punish her by myself."

"Your Majesty !! Do not say anything scary" Queen Sabrina's voice sounded louder. She tried to pull her hand off Nizam's head. But Nizam held his mother's hand above his head.

"Promise me! or I can do more than ask for a promise"

Hearing Nizam's words, finally Queen Sabrina didn't dare to do anything about it.

"Hmmm .. alright. Alena, did you hear Venerable Nizam's words? Don't do any more embarrassing acts. Escaping from the Harem without my permission is a big mistake. You can be killed later" Queen Sabrina glared at Alena.

Alena lowered her head then nodded respectfully. She vows that She will never cause trouble for Nizam again.

"Now I want to excuse me first.  My son Nizam, don't forget that tomorrow is a horse hockey competition. Have you been practicing well?" Queen Sabrina asked her child.

"Yes, I have been practicing. Later tonight I and the others will train again."

"All right, Come on Alena let's go back to the Harem." Queen Sabrina invites Alena to go. Alena walked away with Nizam's sharp eyes.

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