A Prince's Love

Chapter 141 - I'm Afraid, My Behavior Will Kill People Again

Cynthia helped Alena comb her hair. Alena's hair, long, black, and very soft. Cynthia loves combing Alena's hair. It's like silk running down an ivory comb. Today they were invited to watch the princes' agility match. Alena's face looked grim. She was still traumatized by the incident when She saw eunuchs beaten for her mistake.

She's just being in the room the whole time and did not want to come out even if just met with another princess. She started reading books a lot. In fact, She also began to refuse to take calls from Nizam. She was annoyed that Nizam blamed two innocent eunuchs instead of giving her an uncondition pardon.

Cynthia is not unaware of the change in her friend's attitude. But every time She spoke.. Alena just answers with a blank stare. Nizam repeatedly called Alena. But Alena only glanced at her handphone a little and then ignored him.

"Alena ... Nizam has called you repeatedly. Why do you still not want to receive it? Do you want to drive him crazy?" Cynthia looked at Alena. Alena was silent.

"Alena, please talk to me !! Please. Why do you just keep quiet?"

"You know Cynthia? Earlier I heard that one of the Eunuchs who was beaten yesterday died because he was badly injured. Who is to blame? I feel very guilty. Suppose I was the one who died. I can still stand it. Because of my ridiculousness, Nizam, who is selfish, innocent people die. " Alena got up from her seat and walked towards the large window.

Then stood looking at the garden behind her room. The birds are deliberately imported from tropical countries. Alena doesn't know why in this palace there are many peacocks. Is it because Queen Sabrina really likes peacocks or something?

Cynthia was silent. She did indeed hear that eunuch had died. Even though it had previously been treated medically. Even Alena secretly gave all the jewelry she brought from Indonesia to give to the eunuch family.

"Alena ... You know, between Nizam and you have a different point of view. You feel annoyed because you think that the incident was your fault, so it is not worth being punished. Good. So that we can get away easily. Let's get out of this palace and leave Nizam. We just came to this palace and have experienced many terrible incidents. Can you imagine what would have happened to us if we had been here long?"

"Hmmm ..." Alena just mumbled.

"Alena, please. Your facial expression scares me. You've never acted like this. Remember Alena your marriage is almost close. About three days from now. How can you deal with it with this attitude."

Alena remained silent. She then stepped closer to her dressing table. She saw her cellphone screen had miscalled 17 times from the morning. And without seeing its name, She already knew who it was from. Alena waved her hand at a servant who was carrying her long veil. Then She asked the servant to put on his veil.

Ivory embroidered gold silk veil complements the cream-colored dress. There was embroidery of flowers wrapped around her slender waist. Alena also wore a thin veil to cover her beautiful face. Today there is the final match of a whole series of events held to celebrate her wedding.

All princess of the Harem is allowed to watch this match. Alena is actually too lazy to attend that match, but Queen Sabrina wanted Alena to watch it live. Prince Nizam is one of the princes who can be counted on to become a star in this agility competition. Queen Sabrina knows since the incident of the beating of two eunuchs. Alena's relationship with Nizam is not good. Nizam became very emotional and a little temperamental.

In fact, he almost canceled all friendly matches that he was supposed to participate in. Otherwise, Queen Sabrina repeatedly persuaded him. Nizam also blames his mother who shows the beating in front of Alena. The beatings should have been done secretly. Alena is very delicate and weak. That incident was sure to be soul-shaking. Nizam knows Alena is very angry with him. Alena always felt that they were the cause of the eunuch's death. The eunuch died because of them. and Alena never forgives herself and Nizam.

Nizam knows that Alena now considers him a cruel human who has no feelings. Alena hates it now. And that made Nizam very angry. He could not explain directly to Alena. How can he explain to Alena the truth if the phone is not picked up?

Queen Sabrina also went awry. On the one hand, She wants to uphold justice but on the other hand, She also has to learn to understand Alena's character which is different from other Harem residents. She really feels confused also to face Alena. At first, She really hated Alena but the first time She saw her, She immediately fell in love to see Alena's brightly shining eyes.

Queen Sabrina also likes her innocent behavior even though She is sometimes annoyed because of her outrageous behavior. Only this time hearing Alena just stay in her room kept her very worried. Moreover, the wedding celebration will be soon. Same with Alena, Nizam also grumpy. Nizam really blames his mother. Queen Sabrina really got dizzy herself. Their wedding celebration event will not go smoothly if both of them are angry

Suddenly Cynthia's phone rang, she saw that it was Queen Sabrina. Cynthia immediately slipped out. picked up the phone and whispered.

"Yes, Your Majesty .."

"Is Alena ready?"

"Yes, She's already dressed up and will be leaving soon"

"Thank God, I'm already afraid, She will refuse. His Majesty Nizam's heart is in turmoil. At least if he sees Alena he can compete against his opponents. However, winning this agility test match even though it is only friendship but brings prestige to the winner. And this is important to show the authority and power of the central kingdom to the vassal kingdom. Moreover, of all the matches the most interesting is this agility test. You and Alena will like it.

I hope Alena will be entertained and want to forget the incident yesterday beating. Alright then, I wait for you on the race track. " Queen Sabrina said as she hung up the phone with a heart full of hope that all will go well. She is secretly scared when suddenly Alena gets angry and cancels the marriage between her and Nizam. Queen Sabrina can not imagine Nizam's anger. And who will be blamed for sure himself? She desperately needs Nizam for the survival of the kingdom. If it comes to Nizam is desperate because of the case that happened to Alena. Surely She will feel very devastated.


Cynthia hung up the phone and walked back into the room. Alena looked at Cynthia a little suspiciously.

"Where do you come from?" Alena asking Cynthia

"Queen Sabrina calls" Cynthia answer Alena's question pretending nothing happens

"What for?" Alena more suspicious

"Make sure you come to the Match."

"So what?" Alena frowned. Why did her mother-in-law want her to watch the program when Alena didn't want to meet Nizam.

"Don't you know that Prince Nizam is irritable? You just refuse the phone."

"I've told you many times, I was annoyed with him,"  Alena said while looking away. Every time She heard the name Nizam, her anger returned. She was very upset and hated Nizam

"What the hell with you, Alena? Your wedding is only 3 days away. Even friends in America have arrived. Your parents will also come tomorrow. But you are even annoyed with your husband. How about this?"

"I ...." Alena fell silent. 'How can I go on with all this if I feel uneasy like this', Alena said to herself. She then sat there dumbfounded.

"Alena !!" Cynthia called her again

"I'm afraid. My behavior will kill people again." Alena said weakly and her head bowed. Her tears rolled back down her cheeks. Her lashes flickered to hold back the teardrops. But that failed so then Alena wiped her tears using her hand. Cynthia sighed and then exhaled repeatedly before then she said again,

"Alena as long as you're careful I'm sure all will go well."

"I'm still thinking how to mean Nizam .."

"Alena...Nizam is a future king and he must enforce the rules. The incident yesterday was not his fault. Absolutely. There are many of us in this incident. You are impatient, I was wrong to follow your wishes, and Nizam blamed the eunuch just because He wanted to protect you, There is a queen Sabrina who is too cruel. There are a mistake eunuchs theirself has actually been negligent. "

Alena was silent listening to Cynthia's explanation. She felt that what her friend said was true. But her heart still felt that Nizam's actions were too much.

"Alena is easy to see the mistakes of other people, even though we ourselves do a lot of mistakes. You tortured Nizam by staying away from him. He is almost crazy thinking about this problem. Even though I sometimes want you to cancel this marriage in my heart and then go away from Azura. Go back to America or Indonesia before it's too late. "

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