A Prince's Love

Chapter 179 - Prince Thalal, How Stiff Your Life Is

Prince Thalal stiffened on his chair. His hands gripped the arm of the chair tightly. His knuckles turned white. In all his life he had never touched a woman. Even though he is close to 23 years old. Even his eyes are very guarded.

Studying psychology abroad does not make his lifestyle as he pleases. Same with his brother Nizam. For him, a woman can be touch if they are legally married in the eyes of religion or state. Legal in the eyes of Religion so that they can have a lawful relationship. Legal in the State so that the rights of the woman are well protected.

Prince Thalal highly respected and valued women as mothers or prospective mothers of a child. Respecting a woman is the same as respecting the mother who gave birth to us.. And today he just realized that if it turns out that the type of woman is not always the same. He had always thought that a woman was gentle, timid.

But apparently today he met a woman who was so forthright. Even his life which for some people is embarrassing he talks about with a tough heart.

Cynthia didn't know that Prince Thalal was in shock... So now he took the initiative to give Prince Thalal a glass of water. Prince Thalal took the water and immediately drank it down to relieve his shock.

"I know that you are very surprised. Just don't be so shocked that you are struck by lightning during the day. Your face is turning white like the moon. Is it weird to lose a virgin as long as we do it consensual? And we are responsible for each other's actions. I like him and he likes me. We're both adults too. I was about seventeen and almost eighteen at the time."

"H.. how can a woman lose her virginity before marriage?" Prince Thalal forgot that the girl in front of him was a girl from a liberal country, not an Azura girl.  The women of Azura would not have sex with the men until they were married.

"Why not? For us making love is a basic need of every living being as well as eating and drinking. As long as we are responsible for the love we do, such as wearing contraceptives to prevent the desired pregnancy."

"Cynthia.. according to me, making love like that is no different from the behavior of animals who have no manners as humans are the most perfect living creatures on this earth."

Cynthia was silent maybe because of emotion, Prince Thalal forgot his psychological theories. Did Prince Thalal know that they really came from two worlds with different views, especially about sex? So it's only natural that She did that. After all, the men in her country didn't really mind it. They are normal when they marry women who are not virgins anymore.

"Prince, have you forgotten that I am from America and not from your kingdom or in Indonesia. We must have different principles of life between us.  We have different views about a woman's virginity. Please don't overdo it. You look at me with a strange look. You see me coming down from the sky. It's really annoying.  If you think I'm a disgusting creature just because I've slept with men before marriage then I'll just disappear from your face." Cynthia said with a very angry face.

Prince Thalal immediately fell silent. "Sorry...I forgot I'm sorry. I shouldn't have equated the paradigm between us. We come from two different environments. We have different views and opinions. I was just shocked. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. Please Cynthia forgive me for being so narrow-minded." Prince Thalal's face softened.

Cynthia was relieved to see Prince Thalal understood her and was not in shock anymore. But then Cynthia suddenly remembered when Alena had tried to deceive Nizam by saying that Alena was no longer a virgin. And Nizam's response at that time was that he would accept Alena as she is.

Nizam didn't mind about it. Cynthia just realized how much Nizam really loves Alena. Nizam's heart is so open to accepting Alena's shortcomings. Nizam did not even comment at length like Prince Thalal, who even seemed to question his morals as a woman. It turns out that between Nizam and Prince Thalal is a little different. But She's not too bothered. Isn't it true that there is no relationship between him and Prince Thalal?

"Let's forget this unpleasant talk, Cynthia what are your plans for the future? Are you going to stay forever in Azura?" Prince Thalal said.

"Umm.. I don't know, I stayed because I wanted to take care of Alena. Her current position is not very good"

"What do you mean by not being too good? My brother loves her so much. I noticed He was even able to smelt Azura just for Sister Alena"

"That's.. the more your Brother loves her, the more Alena's position will be threatened."

"But, how can?" Prince Thalal seemed to frown.

"Do you think that your palace is not in turmoil right now? Azura Palace is now like a calm sea surface but inside it is actually a massive gathering of energy that will then be smashed to the surface" Cynthia spoke so calmly.

Prince Thalal narrowed his eyes. He was a little fascinated by Cynthia's analysis.

Cynthia then continued her words.

"Nizam's actions that make Alena more meaningful than everything including the customs in your kingdom will anger some people, maybe even all old-minded officials. The harem includes Princess Rheina of course. And don't you know that those in the Harem are not princesses who come from just anyone? They come from families that have important positions. They are not a bunch of stupid people who just accept being treated like that.

If Queen Sabrina's condition starting to soften will also be a boomerang that is thrown and will soon turn around to attack her. The condition of Princess Reina, who is completely ignored by Nizam, will not be left alone by the prime minister. I'm pretty sure now they're looking for an opening to suppress your sister and Alena" Cynthia let out a long sigh

"I will not leave my best friend alone to face them. I will be by his side to take care of her"

Prince Thalal shook his head realizing that the woman in front of him was not a random woman. He had never thought that far. How loyal Cynthia is and how intelligent she is.

"Cynthia, do you think my Brother is going to let all this happen? Does he know what's going on?"

Cynthia shook her head. "I don't know, is your brother aware of it or not? but I'm sure your brother isn't an idiot. He seems busy right now. I don't know what He's planning. For sure He's planning something that will block any possible treason."

Hearing all of Cynthia's explanations seemed to open Prince Thalal's heart and eyes. Well...Prince Thalal seemed to have found something he had been looking for all this time. Prince Thalal then looked at Cynthia's face sharply. His gentle eyes turned passionate. Cynthia became embarrassed to be stared at like that. She felt her body is trembling. But Prince Thalal still looked at her full of admiration.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Cynthia said while blushing.

"Will you marry me?" Suddenly Prince Thalal said.

Cynthia was very surprised. Her eyes were wide. "Wha... WHAT? Are you crazy?" Cynthia's voice was like that of someone choking.

"Will you marry me?" Prince Thalal repeated his words.

"Prince please don't make jokes that aren't funny" Cynthia sneered.

"I'm serious, Don't you think I'm joking?" Prince Thalal looked at her with disapproval because Cynthia doubted her proposal.

"How can two people who don't know each other get married right away? Shouldn't there be an assessment first?"

"I don't need an exploration before marriage. An assessment for me is done after marriage...We Azura's don't know the term courtship. We marry first then we know and we date."

Cynthia immediately coughed. She had to drink glasses of water. Unfortunately, Prince Thalal just looked at her who was coughing, no effort was made, such as patting her back so that the cough subsided. He just repeatedly thrust his drink glass.

Damn it.. this man is a thousand times stiffer than Nizam. Nizam just dared to carry Alena when Alena was unconscious when she was about to be raped even though her position was not yet married to Alena. While he was coughing to the point of pain Prince Thalal just watched.

"Why don't you pat my back?" Cynthia protested while wiping the tears that dripped on her because she was choking so she coughed until tears came out.

"Sorry you haven't become my wife and I'm forbidden to touch you". Prince Thalal said while giving her a tissue to wipe Cynthia's tears.

"Oh my God... Prince Thalal, how stiff your life is"

"Sorry Cynthia, It's a matter of principle"

"Then why did you ask me to marry you, you know I have a different view of life from you?"

Prince Thalal was silent, his face immediately gloomy. Slowly he said. "Would you like to equate our views on life?"

Cynthia was silent for a moment then asked sharply. "Who to whom will we equate? Our view of life to my view of life or our view of life to your view of life??"

"Of course you come into my life" Prince Thalal immediately indoctrinated.

"Okay Your Highness, Then my answer is, NO!!!"

Prince Thalal immediately fell silent helplessly. Cynthia grumbled in her heart. It doesn't matter, this man is about to dominate her. Sweet face, the behavior of barbarians, it's easy to ask people to change their beliefs and principles.

Everything must have a process. This is a very crucial issue. Religion is a human right of all people. The most basic principles of life. If people have changed beliefs just for reasons of love and love then there will be no more true principles of belief in this life. One must understand and know first about changing a belief in life.

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