A Prince's Love

Chapter 191 - I Want To Eat Rujak Starfruit

Nizam hastily returned to the Gardenia hotel. He came home around 3 in the morning. He was afraid that Alena would wake up and he would not be by her side. Nizam breathed when he saw Alena still sleeping under the watchful eye of the servant who was guarding beside her in turn. As soon as She saw Nizam coming. The servants immediately excused themselves.

Nizam took off his clothes and went into the bathroom to clean his body. He put on proper clothes for prayer and began to pray night. Luckily he was already asleep. Isn't the Tahajjud prayer you have to sleep first? After the prayer, he immediately lay down beside his wife and fell fast asleep.

Even though he barely slept all night, he immediately woke up when the dawn call to prayer sounded. He wakes Alena for the morning prayer. Alena opened her eyes.. She saw her husband's handsome face. Nizam stroked Alena's stomach lovingly then brought his mouth to Alena's stomach and whispered

"Assalamualaikum my sweet baby," he said greeting. Alena giggled... "He is still small, Nizam. Maybe his ears aren't there yet."

"It's okay, I hope he can hear. Come on, Alena, let's pray the dawn together first. We'll just pray in the hotel mosque."

Alena nodded her head then she followed Nizam out of his room to the hotel mosque. The guards and the rest of the group followed for the morning prayer in the congregation. But two people remained on guard in front of Nizam's room.

A large mosque located on the first floor is the hallmark of all Gardenia hotels around the world, including even in Europe or America. Islamic nuanced hotel with calligraphy decoration everywhere. Nizam doesn't really care about the benefits he gets. For him, every building he builds must have an Islamic nuance.

Realizing that there was Prince Nizam, the owner of the hotel, they joined the congregational prayer, the mosque's Faith offered to Nizam to become an imam. And Nizam agreed. Soon, the holy verses of the Qur'an came out of his mouth. Alena's heartfelt very cold. She just knew her husband's voice was so sweet. Why does Nizam have such a sweet voice but what people hear is a cruel, firm, cold and cruel voice?

After praying Nizam led Alena to sit beside the hotel looking at the sunrise while enjoying breakfast. In front of Alena, there was already bread covered with cheese, eggs, and beef. A glass of chocolate-flavored pregnant woman's milk completes her breakfast. Nizam himself chose Azura's typical breakfast menu with Arabic coffee mixed with cinnamon and cardamom.

Beside them, the guards and Arani also had breakfast together even though they were at different tables.

The atmosphere is so quiet. Maybe the other hotel occupants were still asleep. The sun that emerged from behind the ocean that was like a line at the end of their eyes seemed to dazzle the universe. A reddish-yellow tinge of light made our vision widen, widening endlessly.

Its rays refract the dew that is entangled in each edge of the palm leaves that wave in the wind like the fingers of Balinese girls who are dancing gracefully.

The sound of birds chirping combined with the song of prayer that was said by lips that gave thanks and hoped-for blessings, peace, and prosperity throughout the day they were about to live. The fragrance of the cherry blossom flowers contained in every offering presented by the prayer climbers burst into peace in every recess of the heart.

Nizam saw that Alena's face was getting more beautiful and radiant at the beginning of her pregnancy. Her eyes are so round and bright as if they want to compete for prestige with the sun's rays that slowly radiate their charm. Nizam stroked Alena's red cheeks.

Alena held Nizam's hand which was stroking his cheek. She was surprised to see Prince Thalal and Cynthia not having breakfast with them.

"Where are Cynthia and Prince Thalal?" Asked Alena while glancing left and right? She may not be surprised if Cynthia is not around but if Prince Thalal is not there She becomes confused. Alena looked at Nizam for an explanation. Alena even thought they were going to the beach together. or they walk around enjoying the atmosphere of the city of Bali

Nizam stroked Alena's cheek, "Prince Thalal had a small accident last night. He is being treated at the company of Chyntia" Nizam said the accident carefully and with the calmest face possible. He doesn't want Alena to panic.

"Accident?? What???" Alena screamed in surprise.

"Shh.. calm down honey. I don't want our child will be shocked, it's okay, everything will be fine. This is just a small accident. Even Prince Thalal even considered his accident as a blessing.

His obsession with Cynthia made his accident an attempt to pressure me to agree to his crazy idea. He managed to suppress Cynthia's mentality too. Until finally Chyntia, a person who is always calculating and strategic, finally agreed to my brother's crazy idea." Nizam pouted, apparently, he still doesn't want them to get married

"I don't understand, where an accident brings blessings. Then a crazy idea, what a crazy idea?" Alena was confused. What blessing? how can accidents bring blessings? Crazy idea? What a crazy idea?

"Your friend was walking without direction because She was dizzy hearing Prince Thalal who kept asking her to marry her. Finally, She didn't see a motorbike that was traveling at high speed until finally, Prince Thalal saved Chyntia who was almost hit. Fortunately, his injuries weren't too bad."

Alena covered her mouth with her hands. "Then what about the crasher? Is he responsible?" 

Nizam was silent. He even took a sip of his coffee. At first, Nizam wanted to file a lawsuit against his brother, but then he realized that there was something odd about this incident. The royal guards, especially the guards of the princes, are the chosen people who have martial arts skills, a high level of vigilance, and are always ready to bravely die for the people they protect.

The fast motor movements should have been detected by them from the start. Like a mother who takes care of her child while walking on the road. Before the motorbike was grabbed, the bodyguard should have prevented Prince Thalal from being hit, but he didn't.

And Nizam finally predicts that this incident was deliberate by Prince Thalal to make Cynthia accept his love. The motorbike seems to have been prepared by Prince Thalal waiting for Cynthia's weakness. It's just that because Prince Thalal's movement was not agile, he was struck by the handlebar of his motorbike.

Nizam smiled sarcastically, not expecting his younger brother to be so cunning beyond himself. Nizam squeezed his hand. If only Cynthia knew the truth, then Prince Thalal was beaten by Cynthia. But of course, Nizam wouldn't dare talk to Alena. He just played with his restless eyes and then again stroked his nose with his own index finger.

"Nizam...why are you just silent?" Actually, Alena also felt confused about why Prince Thalal got hit. Aren't they accompanied by many guards? After all, on the beach how can there be a speeding motorbike. Or are they just not on the beach?

"The crasher was not caught, but we have reported it to the police"

"oh.. is that so? How's the follow-up? Will he be imprisoned? He has to take responsibility so next time he has to be careful"

"But the fault was not entirely borne by the crasher, Cynthia also walked out of concentration." Nizam gives an explanation.

"Of course, Prince Thalal didn't think so, proposing to people suddenly but how can they get married, Oh my God finally, Thank God... Cynthia will finally marry Prince Thalal. Great... great... Thank you, Nizam for this happy news. Now to celebrate. Today I want to eat rujak starfruit wuluh ( cucumber tree ) " Alena's mouth suddenly squeaked imagining she would eat starfruit which tastes very sour using rujak sauce sprinkled with peanuts. Rujak is a typical Indonesian food consisting of fruits and topped with brown sugar sauce, tamarind, peanuts, chili, etc.

Cucumber tree or wuluh starfruit is not a fruit that is usually made into rujak but for some reason, Alena really wants rujak starfruit wuluh.

Nizam was astonished 'Rujak starfruit ?? What food is that?' Never mind seeing it, just hearing it this time. He didn't know all the food that Alena mentioned.

"I don't know what food it is?" Nizam frowned. It was the first time he heard the name of the food. But Nizam will try to fulfill all of Alena's wishes.

"I don't want to know you have to look for it yourself. In traditional markets, there must be. I want you to find and buy it yourself. You can't tell anyone else." Alena gave her husband an ultimatum. Nizam was astonished and more confused. He glanced at Arani. Arani just nodded her head while her hands immediately played on the screen of her cellphone browsing about that fruit. 

Arani smiled when she saw the picture of the fruit that Alena had asked for immediately scattered on the screen of her cellphone. Advances in technology make everything easie

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