A Prince's Love

Chapter 192 - Traditional Market

Nizam's tall body with bodyguards caught the attention of the entire traditional market. Cold sweat ran down his forehead. The stale air immediately engulfed his sharp nose. The Nizam's tall body also looks very strange when mingling with the locals who are on the average shoulder or ear height of the Nizam. People's eyes do not even want to look away from Nizam.

If they see Caucasians, they are often seen, but seeing a brown-haired man with a very handsome face, this is rarely seen genuine guide from Bali walked without hesitation to every vegetable vendor looking for starfruit.  Wuluh Starfruit or in Bali called  Buloh Starfruits is not a fruit that is usually eaten raw or made as salad/Rujak.

Such as ordinary star fruit, young mango, guava, yam, etc. Starfruit even though the name is star fruit, tends to be considered a vegetable like tomatoes.  Wuluh Strafruit is usually used as a substitute for tomatoes or tamarind in some soups such as fish soup or curry.

Wuluh star fruit is very sour and for some people really do not want to eat it. Almost no one dared to eat it raw.. Even if you want to eat it alone without a mixture of other foods, usually star fruit is already a processed product such as sweets. Some people deliberately plant trees to decorate the yard of the house. The tree is short with fruit clustered on the trunk or branches of the tree. The fruit is small, oval in shape, light green in color, when it is ripe it is light yellow. Even though starfruit is ripe, it still tastes sour.

Nizam wiped his sweat. The smell of the market, which he had never smelled, made him nauseous. Actually, the standard of traditional markets will of course not be as clean as supermarkets but for Nizam who has never been to a supermarket. Entering the traditional market, of course, made him a little tormented. Alena herself even enjoys sitting in the car. She forced Nizam who had to enter the traditional market even though She herself had never been in it.

Arani repeatedly offered himself to replace Nizam looking for starfruit. Nizam has never entered the market, let alone a traditional market, which is not like a supermarket. There are many traders who trade irregularly, there are many buyers who jostle. There is a smell of goods being sold because the goods are simply placed on the table without being wrapped.

The smell of chicken, meat, fish, salted fish, and garbage mixed together. Nizam is a prince where all needs are available. Going alone to find food ordered by Alena must be something that will be torturous for Nizam.

The torture that Alena did to her husband seemed to be an outlet for her torment all this time by Nizam's own behavior. Alena rubbed her sick stomach. She looked at the market through the car window. Hopefully, Nizam will find the starfruit soon and return to the car. She can't stand to eat it anymore because her food craves.

Nizam continued to walk down the market aisle, they had approached three vegetable vendors but none of them were selling wuluh starfruit. Arani had been staring at Nizam's face. The handsome face turned very red and was wet with sweat because it was hot and stuffy. Especially when they then passed the wet fish traders. Nizam almost fell.

The fishy smell immediately pierced Nizam's nose and I don't know what the smell of anything else that scrambled into Nizam's sense of smell made Nizam like he wanted to faint.

Wet fish such as squid, crab, tilapia, mackerel, and others are rarely on Azura's daily menu. Even if there is only salmon, snapper, or tuna. Except for areas on the coast. Smelling the fishy smell of raw fish made Nizam very excruciating. The smell is pungent, although it may sound normal to others.

Until finally the Guide shouted happily seeing the collection of fruit they were looking for. Nizam, who had seen on the Internet what the fruit looked like. He was immediately happy to be out as soon as possible from the place that tortured him so much. Without haggling, Arani paid him directly.

The vegetable seller where they bought the wuluh starfruit was a young girl in her 20s. She had been looking at the face of Nizam, who was like a Greek god who had strayed into the market. She is not concerned about serving Nizam's guide. From then on her eyes kept glancing at Nizam. So when He was given a very large amount of money. Her ego as a young woman forced her to refuse the money. She even told his guide.

"I don't want to be paid, I just want to take a picture with Prince Nizam for my Instagram," She said as She took out her cell phone. Guide's eyes immediately rippled funny. He immediately told Arani to translate the merchant's words. Arani then said to Nizam. Nizam seemed to be frowning but because he didn't want to linger and was afraid that if he refused, the girl wouldn't give him his starfruit so finally Nizam nodded his head.

Nizam is not Prince Thalal who likes to spread charm. He is stiff and cold. The things he hates most are photos and publications. But he is the prince of the crown prince whose every step will become a topic of interest in his kingdom. That is why Nizam very rarely attends royal events or official invitations.

All invitations were replaced by his younger siblings. Nizam also feels innocent because he lived in America for so long. In America, he hid his identity so he could freely go anywhere without anyone knowing him.

For that reason, Nizam actually did not like the request of the wuluh starfruit seller. And Arani knows that for sure, Nizam's body gesture looks stiff and uncomfortable. His face also looked wrinkled. But Nizam seemed to hold him back. For the sake of his wife who is craving

The girl cheered and immediately took a position near Nizam. She knew from the news circulating that there was an Azura royal group in Bali. But if the Prince strays into the market where She sells then it is a miracle. Nizam smiled stiffly when the girl took a photo of the two of them. He is not an artist who usually takes selfies with his fans. He was only photographed from a distance by journalists. But because he really needed star fruit for Alena, he held back.

After taking pictures, Nizam immediately ran away followed by Arani and his bodyguards. The girl repeatedly thanked her while holding the money given by Nizam's guide by force.

Once outside Nizam's market, he breathed a sigh of relief. In his hand was a plastic bag containing a wuluh starfruit for about a kilo and a half. Because the total amount that the girl sold was a kilo and a half. In other words, Nizam bought the whole thing. He then walked to his car.

Ali opened the door for Nizam. Alena immediately smiled happily when she saw Nizam give the bag containing the wuluh starfruit. She then took out the rujak sauce in a bottle that She had bought at the supermarket. When Alena opened the bag and took out the starfruit. Nizam immediately grabbed her hand.

"Honey what are doing?" he asked, staring intently. Alena's hand tightened because Nizam grabbed her wrist.  Wuluh star fruit is already held by her fingers. But Alena's hand couldn't move.

"I want to eat the starfruit, my saliva has flowed," Alena said as she was about to feed her starfruit. But Nizam held her back. "No!! It hasn't been washed yet" Nizam pulled it from Alena's hand. Seeing the star fruit taken, Alena's face became gloomy and cloudy. Unable to hold it in any longer, Alena burst into tears.

Nizam was confused. He immediately hugged Alena. But as soon as Nizam hugged her, Alena immediately vomited. Because Nizam was around in the marketplace, the smell of Nizam's sweat made Alena immediately nauseous. Alena threw up on Nizam's lap. The breakfast that She had eaten earlier came out all.

Nizam started at Alena's vomit on his lap. The breakfast that Alena had been struggling to eat had ended up in his lap. Nizam's hands clenched tightly. Why doesn't he just feel nauseous, why should Alena have their baby in her stomach?

Nizam's hands massaged Alena's bends which were wet with sweat. "I'm sorry Alena. I'm sorry that my child in your womb makes you feel tormented"  Nizam's heart ached to see Alena's suffering. Alena's face that usually always shined bright now turned deathly pale. Nizam became more and more respectful of women. Their sacrifice could not be taken lightly. Because of them, humans in the world can regenerate. It's despicable for a man to hurt a woman.

Alena just cried between her vomit. He was crying not because of Nizam's words that seemed to be able to melt the iceberg but She was crying because Nizam was so tightly holding his starfruit bag even though She really wanted to eat it.

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