A Prince's Love

Chapter 214 - Edward... Don't Be Crazy

Alena was busy munching on the cakes that her husband offered. "Slowly, you'll choke," said Nizam as he took a tissue and then wiped Alena's mouth which was covered in cake cream. "Want more?" Nizam said while cutting the red Velvet cake with the tip of a small spoon and thrusting it into Alena's mouth. Alena opened her mouth and started chewing again.

Cynthia and Prince Thalal had fun watching Nizam and Alena's behavior. They are like teenagers in love. It was as if they had forgotten that in this world they did not live alone. There are other people around them.

Cynthia looked at her husband and then Prince Thalal become awkward. He thought that Cynthia wanted to be fed too, so her hand reflexively took a spoon and then cut the cake. He fed it to Cynthia.

But Prince Thalal was immediately surprised because Cynthia's reaction instead of opening her mouth was to growl like a tiger brooding on its prey.. Prince Thalal's hand was hanging. He grinned like a horse and stuffed the cake into his own mouth.

'What do you want to be fed? Don't do that to me. I'm not Alena who is pregnant,' Cynthia said in her heart while still glaring at Prince Thalal who smiled seeing his brother busy watching Alena.

The girls seemed to melt even more seeing Nizam feeding Alena. So sweet. Even though Nizam's face looks like calm water without any expression, the girls admit that Nizam is indeed extraordinarily handsome and charming. They become jealous of Alena and want to be in her position.

"Why are there so many girls like this? You see, Brother! looks like we're the only men" Prince Thalal was utterly confused. Nizam looked around the room. What His Brother had said was indeed true. Nizam became uneasy.

"Alena..who's the band indeed? It must be a silly band. Why are there so many teenage girls? Are you sure we're not in the wrong room?"

"I don't know for sure. I didn't see that in front of the banner. Anyway, it's from America. I forgot his name too."

Nizam feels bad. He looked at the girls drinking coffee and eating snacks looking enthusiastic and when the MC suddenly announced that the core band was coming soon. The sound of applause seemed to thrill the wall.

"This is The East Band, with four handsome male personnel. Edward the vocalist, Harry Bas, Dean the drummer and Deny the guitar with songs that dominate almost all world music charts. "Cinta Illusion" We invite you to the stage.

When the four young men then appeared before the audience. And the audience then seemed to cheer them up. Alena, Nizam, and Chyntia immediately gasped in astonishment, except Prince Thalal of course. He even shook his head to the rhythm of the melody plucked by their guitarist

Nizam looked at Alena suspiciously. His eyes are so sharp like the eyes of an eagle that is about to tear its prey. The last time she saw Edward, Alena cried in his arms out of pity. Now Alena invites them to watch her band. What does this mean?

Alena's beautiful face instantly turned pale. Especially when then Edward's voice sounded mellifluous full of sorrows.


Illusion Love

I walk in the dark alley of the night

In the middle of the dark night, there are no stars

Searching in the middle of the extinguished fire

Looking for a hidden speck of light

I walk on the tidal wave

In the middle of the crashing waves

Looking for a ray of refracted light

Looking for a dim light

My heart melts in your sigh

My heart fell in the blow of your longing

When a star falls in your eyes I rumble

When silk gets tangled in your black hair, I fall

The first time I fell in love

the first time I got hurt

Love to me is just a mirage

An illusion in the shadows

I'm just a tomb of love for you, my dear Alena....(*)

It was so quiet when Edward sang. The screams of the girls were not heard but the tears were streaming down their cheeks.

Edward's handsome face looked sad. Her emerald-like eyes glaze over making everyone sobbing in tears

Nizam's anger can no longer be imagined when he hears Edward's lyrics. Who else had the star-like eyes with flowing black hair that Edward knew as Alena if not his wife?

Nizam suddenly stood up with a scary face. Alena immediately scowled in fear. Cynthia also stood up and grabbed Nizam's hand and said when Nizam was about to lunge forward at Edward. "Sit down...! this is not Azura or America. This is Alena's country. Respect her parents" Until finally Nizam just stood staring at Edward savagely.

Prince Thalal had been smelling death around them. Being standing up did not understand much less than seeing Alena crying.

Edward himself when he saw Nizam standing up immediately gasped. That handsome face will be so easily recognized by anyone, even in the midst of a crowd of people because He is like a Greek god in eternity who is lost among humans who live in the mortal realm.

His voice suddenly stopped. Edward stood up straight looking at Nizam and they then looked at each other. Especially then he saw Alena who was sitting in silence terrified in her chair. Edward's breath seemed to have stopped, his soul was like a fire. His friends were immediately surprised because Edward stopped singing and just stood stiff.

When the eyes of his friends followed Edward's eyes. They were pale too. How can the woman who so shattered her band's vocalist heart be here? It wasn't like they were in Azura. Ah... how hard it was for Edward's friends to make Edward forget about Alena even though it was a waste of time.

How not in vain because Edward will never forget Alena. How did he forget that the song that was currently being hit was the song about Alena? And now Alena is in front of them complete with her husband, Nizam.

Herry held Edward's shoulder as if he wanted to calm Edward's heart. But Edward instead gave his mic to Deny who was beside him. Then he could not be prevented from walking like a lifeless corpse towards Alena and Nizam.

Nizam's eyes reddened even more when Edward bravely approached them.

As if not seeing Nizam, Edward said,

"Alena..oh my God Alena. My love..did Nizam treat you well. Aren't you just made one of his wives? Are you living in torment? Live with me, Alena... please!"

Edward couldn't continue what he was saying because Nizam could not help his emotions. And it couldn't be prevented. His right hand flew straight to Edward's face. Edward immediately fell backward with a bloody nose.

The atmosphere was lively. The girls screamed in fear. Edward's friends immediately approached Edward who fell. But Edward stood back up, covered in blood. He came back toward Nizam.

"Edward..Don't be crazy...!" Dean held Edward's hand. But Edward pushed Dean's hand away instead. He kept advancing towards Nizam. And Nizam is not a human being who has compassion, as soon as Edward approaches him then his punches fly again. Edward was blown away again, this time his temples were torn. The atmosphere is getting chaotic..

Edward's bodyguards immediately approached them but they were confronted by Nizam's bodyguards.

Cynthia immediately stepped forward to block Nizam who seemed to come forward to beat Edward back. One handheld Nizam's chest, the other held Edward's chest, which had stood back up.

"Please, guys...Stop it!! What are you guys doing?"

"He is looking for the death,  and I give him what he is looking for" said Nizam as cold as ice.

"He's miserable and locked up my soulmate, How can I live in peace" Edward's voice sounded pathetic. Her tears seemed to flow with blood.

"What do you mean by miserable and confining?" Nizam was inflamed like a bloody wound scraped by someone.

"You...ask your conscience. How many tears has Alena shed for you? I swear for each tear you have to pay for it..." Edward shouted angrily. Her face is scary now. It made everyone who looked at him shudder.

Cynthia looked at Edward in surprise. How did Edward know about Alena's condition? Edward looked back at Cynthia's face.

"Cynthia, say to me...  ! Tell me, is your friend happy?"

"She is happy.. very happy even she is pregnant with Nizam's child. Stop acting stupid.." Cynthia then turned around because she saw Alena shivering in fear. She then took Alena. "Come on Alena let's go! they are both just a bunch of idiots who don't understand what love is"

Alena followed Cynthia's footsteps leaving Nizam and Edward. Seeing Alena about to leave Edward became panicked, He yelled again

"Don't go, Alena... I don't care you're pregnant... Aah" Edward fell backward because Nizam hit him again. This time Prince Thalal immediately grabbed his brother and pulled him away.

"Brother, please calm down, Don't go mad. You can make Sister Princess Alena get stress. Let's go." As soon as Nizam heard his brother's words, He immediately obeyed and they went to follow Alena.

Edward was still screaming furiously to see Alena gone like a child who had been snatched away from his favorite toy. He had forgotten his surroundings. Edward felt like running after Alena but he was held by his friends. Finally, Edward fell to his knees and wept like a girl. Forget that he's a man. Moreover, all the girls were crying too. Arani, Ali, and Fuad secretly feel sorry for Edward, especially his friends.

Arani, who is usually as tough as a rock, quietly wipes the tears that appear in the corners of her eyes...Ali and Fuad bowed down languidly. Edward's cry made everyone's heart torn. Edward's bodyguards immediately moved quickly to secure Edward.

The bodies of the bodyguards also had no effect on their mood. Witnessing how sad Edward's fate was, they felt pity. While securing Edward they also felt his heart being sliced ​​and sprinkled with vinegar.


(*) The lyrics of the song are inspired by Wing's song "Taman Rashidah Utama"

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