A Prince's Love

Chapter 215 - Just Kill Me

The atmosphere in the car was terrible. Prince Thalal drives the car with a tense face. Nizam sat leaning on the car seat. His face was so dark, his anger seemed to be overflowing in his eyes. How could Edward be in Bali when he was on his honeymoon with Alena. The world is so wide. He could have concerts anywhere but being in Bali when he and Alena were in Bali was really not a coincidence.

"That bastard followed you all the way to Bali" Nizam muttered through gritted teeth.

He spoke to Alena but those hateful eyes stared blankly ahead. Cynthia swallowed her saliva. He had seen Nizam angry many times but his anger this time still made her heart tremble. Prince Thalal wiped the sweat that suddenly ran down his temples. So far he had never seen his brother's anger directly..

His older brother was actually not the type of person who had an unstable soul. Even if he is angry he will only do something to show his anger, such as hitting or kicking. But the facial expressions that appear remain flat and calm. This was the first time he saw Nizam's face, which was so red that it even now looked a little green with anger.

Nizam narrowed his eyes, He really looks angry. Nizam's mouth is tightly shut and his breathing sounds irregular. Prince Thalal held his own neck and rubbed it which was starting to feel the hairs on his neck stand up.  Prince Thalal was very scared. He is apprehensive. Her brother's face normally tranquil  now looks full of anger

"I want him to die.. death deserved him. I will kill him with my own hands" Nizam is still muttering.

Alena's pale face grew even paler. feelings of confusion going on in his heart. Edward... Edward is going to die. Why did Nizam say Edward deserved to die? What's wrong? Is it because he loves Alena? But didn't Edward love Alena long before Nizam loved her? Why would Nizam say such a cruel thing?. Although she never loved Edward that man had filled her life for 3 years. That is quite a long time compared to the closeness of Alena and Nizam.

The man who often bothered to accompany her, to stay up late with Cynthia when She had to do college assignments that were in time.

The man also often helps her meet the lecturers to ask for improvements to Alena's grades, which are often below standard. His father, who was an important official in America and the biggest donor to campus funds, allowed Edward to change any decision at his campus without any pressure. That's why Alena was able to advance to the final stage.

Alena often rejects his love but Edward never complains.  Edward never showed the slightest anger and despair. He always comes and comes again offering his unconditional love.

The man was even seriously ill because he stayed all night outside her apartment just to give a birthday surprise in the middle of the night but Alena, who is a good sleeper, didn't wake up at all. And Alena only knew when in the morning she saw Edward shivering with cold with a white rose in his hand.

Now it is very clear to her ears that Nizam wants Edward's death after Nizam beat him in such a way in front of her. Last meeting Nizam tortured Edward mentally by kissing her right in front of Edward's face. Now Nizam beat him physically until Edward was covered in blood.

Nizam's punch was a martial arts expert's punch that one hit could make people bleed instantly but Edward didn't retaliate at all. Although Edward did not know martial arts when he was so resigned, he was beaten by people.

Alena's brain immediately spins violently. In a state of urgency and precariousness, the brain that has been frozen all this time seems to melt. It's like a subconscious movement when people do something because of an urgent situation.

Alena realized that Edward was silently beaten by Nizam because Edward wanted to show himself that Nizam's punch was proof of Edward's love for her. Edward wants to show Nizam that He is ready with all the consequences that Edward must accept for loving her. Edward was ready to die for her. And now Nizam really wants his death. How could Alena let this happen?

Then slowly Alena turned her face towards her husband and said sharply. It was as if the voice that came out didn't come from Alena's mouth, who usually only cried and whined.

"You should never dream of touching a strand of Edward's hair again. This is enough! You're so outrageous. What right do you have to beat him?"

Chiiiit….. The sound of brakes being pulled suddenly sounded so painful to the ears. The car braked suddenly made the passengers almost thrown forward. Prince Thalal was so shocked to hear Alena's words that he unconsciously pulled the brakes.

Realizing that the aura around him was getting more and more terrifying, Prince Thalal decided to park his car on the side of the highway. Instead, he lost control of his vehicle.

Prince Thalal was silent with his hand still holding the steering wheel. His knuckles turned white from the emotion that pervaded his entire soul. His Sister-in-law's words were as clear as gasoline being poured into a blazing fire that was blazing fiercely.

Cynthia held her husband's thigh as if asking for strength to prepare for the raging storm that would soon begin to appear and ravage the entire universe. The night air around the beach does feel hot but that's not what causes everyone's hearts to burn.

Nizam turned his face to Alena's face full of anger. His face is already green. But then it was going to be black. It showing the highest level of anger. Cynthia stared tensely in the rearview mirror. Cynthia did not dare to turn her face to look directly. But Alena didn't flinch in the slightest. Instead of seeing Edward die, she would rather face her husband's anger.

"What?  Why?? Do you want to kill me too? Just kill me. I won't be afraid of you" Alena yelled. Nizam was silent before then He made a loud voice like the sound of thunder that would split the mountains that stood upright.

"Besides Alena, Get out everyone!!!!" But they were silent. Cynthia and Prince Thalal did not make any movement and just sat frozen.  Nizam shouted back.

"GET OUT... ! "

Cynthia and Prince Thalal were shocked. Cynthia even wanted to protest but Prince Thalal grabbed her hand and he shook his head at Cynthia and told her to get out. Cynthia looked at Alena. But Alena's face also froze. Cynthia really hoped that Alena would whine and ask Cynthia to stay but it turned out that Alena was just silent with a look that was hard to say.

Cynthia slowly opened the car door and got out followed by Prince Thalal. Unable to hold it any longer, Cynthia rushed into her husband's arms and burst into tears. Prince Thalal just hugged Cyntia tightly. "Do something, Your Majesty...I'm afraid Nizam is overstepping his bounds" Cynthia said.

Prince Thalal shook his head "There are limits that I can't cross Cynthia." Prince Thalal said while rubbing Cynthia's back. Cynthia sobbed softly.


Nizam gripped Alena's shoulder so tightly that Alena was sure that her shoulder would turn blue. Seeing Alena's eyes so against him made Nizam's eyes darken. He forcibly removed Alena's evening gown and stripped her naked. Then he himself let go of the barrier of his body. Without saying anything he grabbed Alena into his arms, kissing her harshly and very painfully.

Nizam's hands gripped her whole body as if he wanted to destroy Alena's weak body in just one grip. Alena held back her screams even though her chest felt like it was about to explode from the pain that then beat her mercilessly.

Nizam stabbed his body roughly and furiously. His mouth hurt Alena on the skin that was as smooth as silk, leaving a reddish-black color that was imprinted all over her body.

Nizam expects Alena to scream and ask for mercy and then say that she said the wrong thing earlier. But not the slightest sound was heard from Alena's mouth. Even when he stabbed his body with all his might until Alena's body slumped into the car seat, Alena turned her face to the back of the chair.

This made Nizam even more furious. He finally vented his emotions arbitrarily. Alena's body is like a toy that he wants to destroy with a single blow. And when an outburst of anger spews fire that burns his soul Nizam holds Alena's face with both hands. and said hissed,

"You are.. mine.. forever. I will not allow any man to exist in your mind ..." and then Nizam fell on top of Alena's body.

Alena felt a pain that felt like it was taking her life. Her legs twitched and She shook when She felt something running down her thighs. Its blood

"Nizam...You hurt your son..."


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