A Prince's Love

Chapter 231 - Hypocrite Smile

This morning the atmosphere didn't seem any different from the previous day, but actually, it wasn't in Alena's family.  None of the faces showed joy. Everyone looked tired and restless. Not much sound could be heard from the house. Especially Alena's voice which usually sounded the most cheerful and adorable. At this moment Alena just kept silent and closed her mouth.

After the morning prayer, Alena's family had breakfast together. They should be in the courtroom at ten o'clock in the morning. The first trial was only about examining Alena's father as a suspect. If the witness is not strong enough then the trial will not proceed.

Nizam repeatedly convinces Alena to stay calm. Nizam seemed more worried about Alena's condition than his father-in-law's condition. At least Nizam has been able to control his father-in-law's problem at the same time with the solution

Nizam is very worried about Alena's condition. However, Alena's father's mood will also affect Alena's feelings. That's why since yesterday he's been trying to hide this case from Alena. And he fought with all his might to free Alena's father. Nizam can't imagine how sad Alena would be if Alena's father went to jail.

Nizam had to work hard to understand the course of the trial. He is not an Indonesian citizen and he does not know the actual conditions of his wife's country. He must learn all the conditions and situations as quickly as possible. Nizam only has one mission: to free his father-in-law so that Alena will not be sad.

It wasn't long before several cars had driven to the District Court. Outside many reporters were waiting. When the car arrived, the reporters immediately ran toward them and swarmed the group of family Alena. The reporters were like ants swarming around a piece of cake.

Luckily the guards and police stopped them. Nizam hugged Alena tightly. He was afraid that Alena would be bumped or pushed. His eyes had bulged sharply as the reporters pushed the police to interview Nizam.

"Give us an explanation about this problem? Why is your father-in-law involved in the official bribery scandal? Does it have anything to do with you as a prince?" asked a reporter while holding out a recording device. His body rushed towards Nizam.

"Your Majesty... How can your in-laws be involved in an illegal license and cause so much harm to the environment? Nizam heard another question from a reporter on Nizam's right side. They seemed very enthusiastic to listen to Nizam's explanation.

But Nizam still kept his mouth tightly shut. Nizam didn't want to say anything when Alena's condition looked very exhausted.

"Your Majesty, please also answer about what happened in Bali?" Asked another reporter, insisting that He looks like he wants to cross the barricade from the police

Several other journalists also participated in the conversation making the atmosphere a little chaotic. The reporters kept talking while taking photos of them. The flash of light that came out of the camera made Alena even dizzier, her head was spinning when it was hit by the camera light. The smell of the reporters' sweat that was smelled by Alena's nose made Alena nauseous. Sweat began to drip down her pale face.

"Please.. back off a little. I promise to explain to you. Just look at my wife is very exhausted." Nizam immediately massaged the nape of Alena's neck when Alena couldn't walk anymore. She was so dizzy and nauseous that She couldn't help it. Alena started to vomit. Nizam immediately took off his coat and rolled it up carelessly. He brought the coat to Alena's mouth and let it become Alena's vomit.

Seeing such a sweet incident, for a moment the atmosphere became silent. They were fascinated to see Nizam perform such an extraordinary act. After being satisfied with vomiting, Alena leaned against her husband's chest. Nizam immediately asked Arani for a bottle of drink. Arani, who always brought drinking water for Nizam in her bag, immediately gave it to Nizam. Nizam gives a coat containing Alena's vomit to Arani. And then gave drinking water to Alena.

"Can you walk? or do you want me to carry you?" Nizam said. Alena shook her head.

"You don't have to go into the courtroom. How about you go to the Gardenia Hotel with Cynthia." Nizam whispered. Alena shook her head weakly.

"If I'm away from Dad, I'll become restless."

"Alright everyone, allow us to enter the courtroom. I'm apologizing because I can't answer all of your questions Later, after the trial, I will be willing to be interviewed." Nizam said with a smile. Yet internally, he wanted to beat the reporters one by one. But he is still conscious if he is in Indonesia. He didn't want to repeat the same mistake when he hit Edward and became the subject of gossip.

So now he can only smile hypocritically. Fortunately, the reporters did not dare to rush again because they saw Alena who was almost fainted. Moreover, they knew that Alena was indeed pregnant.

Alena's father and mother had already entered the courtroom. They are not too hunted by journalists because the one who has the highest-selling power is indeed Nizam. From the start, they just wanted to see and interview Nizam. They hoped to get news about the incident in Bali.

They want for providing information about what happened in Bali. When Nizam beat Vocalis The East to a pulp. And the great thing is that the management of the group is not demanding. That's why for them the case of Alena's father's trial is not very interesting.

So actually they wanted news about the events of the time in Bali. Both Nizam and Edward both disappeared after the incident at that time. Even the East Group went straight back to America. The concert in Bali failed because Edward was no longer willing to sing and Edward paid all the losses for the organizers from his personal money.


Niken opened her eyes slowly. She then got out of bed. She sat on the edge of the bed. Her memory drifted to Andre. Andre is actually very handsome. Why is his heart so evil? She really wanted her sister to live happily with Andre. Andre married her sister but actually didn't. He only married to steal her nephew.

They only married on paper. So Niken planned that She would press Andre to return her nephew to her sister so that her sister would come to her senses. She must be going better and get up soon.

Suddenly a doctor came accompanied by a nurse and a policewoman.

"Good Afternoon Miss Niken. How are you?" asked the Doctor with a smile. She took out her stethoscope. And checked Niken's pulse, eyes, and face. When palpated the pulse is normal, the eyes are shining as usual and the face is not too gloomy anymore. It looks, the patient can control her emotions. Niken nodded her head with a smile.

"I'm better, Doctor"

"Thank God... Can you be questioned?"

Niken glanced at the policewoman who was standing beside the Doctor.

"Yes, I'm ready..."

"Do you want to bring the file here or can you go to the police station?"

"I'm going to the police station tomorrow"

"Miss Niken..."

Suddenly the doctor said, "I live with my sister not far from here. If you are willing you can stay at my house and tomorrow I will ask my sister to drive you to the police station."

Niken looked at the beautiful Doctor with teary eyes. It turns out that in this world there are still such good people.

"No need Doctor, No need. I don't want to be a bother." Nike refuses.

"I'm not making small talk. Please, please stay alone. I'm still worried about your condition. Besides..." The doctor then stared at the policewoman in silence. The policewoman understood the meaning of the Doctor's view.

"Doctor Ratih, I will also not let Miss Niken live alone. She will be under our protection every day for 24 hours until the case is properly resolved."

Niken looked at the two, her face turning a little pale. She understood what they were talking about.

"Did you both mean that my safety was threatened by Andre?"

"I don't want to cover it up. I can see that you are quite a smart person. You know Andre is the son of a very influential person. Many of his mother's family are officials in Indonesia. Many of his father's families are successful businessmen.

Mr. Andre also has a very strong backing in the police. If not for the very clear and real evidence, it is very difficult to prosecute him for other crimes. Now the source of the problem is you. We are very worried that Andre will pressure you" The policewoman explained.

Niken's eyes lit up like fire. "I will fight him to the last drop of blood"

"We ourselves are very happy if Andre can be imprisoned. Because there are quite a several criminal cases. It's just that we always have trouble arresting him because of the incomplete witnesses and evidence, or the court that suddenly sided with him. He is like someone who can't be touched by the law."

Niken was silent. She herself didn't really want to imprison Andre. She just wanted an exchange, but if it turned out that Andre was imprisoned, it would be a bonus for her.

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