A Prince's Love

Chapter 232 - Take Half Of My Life Away

The court clerk reads out the court order. Mr.Gatot, Alena's father, was already sitting in the chair in front of the Chief Justice. Four member judges were seated in a row, Two on the left and two on the right flanking the Chief Judge. On the right is a prosecutor and on the left is a legal advisor. To be able to win the trial, Nizam hired seven well-known lawyers at once. 

They will work to complement each other and find the opponent's weaknesses. By hiring many lawyers, Nizam is sure that the opposing party will feel threatened. It's like a tiger's grin before preying on its prey.

Nizam has no financial problems, he can pay anyone. He even promised to give his lawyers a huge bonus if they managed to free his father-in-law.

When the judge ordered the prosecutor to reveal his indictment and examine the evidence from Alena's father's case.. Then Alena started to feel dizzy again. Moreover, the court atmosphere was so stuffy. The questions asked by the prosecutor to her father such as the name of the company, the date of establishment, the business establishment license and others made her head dizzy until She finally gave up.

"Nizam...I just want to go to the hotel. I can't stand it. I'm about to faint. I have cold sweat Nizam"  Alena's voice sounded so pitiful. Sweat was dripping down the corners of her temples. Not only on the temples. Alena's body was covered in sweat.

Nizam embraced Alena whose body suddenly collapsed into his arms. Nizam wiped away Alena's sweat.

"Okay... okay... But I can't leave the courtroom. How about you get escorted by Doni and Nendri" said Nizam. Nizam is concentrating on the trial so he does something stupid by handing Alena over to Doni and Nendri's supervision. Hee asked his bodyguards and assistants to accompany Alena.

"I agree," said Alena. Nizam then asked permission to leave first. He then gave Alena to Doni. "Take my wife to the hotel to Cynthia's place. And I include Fuad and Arani to accompany them"

Then Alena turned to Arani who was standing three steps behind him.

"You accompany Alena. Make sure she arrives at the hotel safely. Doni will take you. You sit beside Alena in that car" said Nizam as he handed Alena to Arani. Arani immediately supported Alena's body, which looked very weak.

"Should I call the Doctor?" said Arani looking very worried about Alena's condition.

"That's better, immediately call the doctor Desy and make sure Alena eats so she won't be too weak," said Nizam while gently rubbing Alena's head. Then He said to Doni.

"You be careful. Because you will take half of my life away. I will kill you if anything happens to my wife" Nizam's voice was so cold and scary that Doni and Nendri swallowed their bitter saliva.

"Okay, Your Highness. Please don't worry, Ia do the best Ia can" Doni said as he invited Arani and Alena. Nizam looks at Alena with worry but he also can't leave Alena's father.

Nendri sat near Doni who was driving. Nizam includes Nendri because he has semi-military power that Doni doesn't have so that if anything happens, he can act to protect Alena. Nizam had no doubts about his assistants and bodyguards, but they didn't know they could lose half of their power in a world they didn't know.

Nendri, who was very interested in Alena's figure, couldn't bear to look at Alena who was sitting behind him and leaned against Arani.

Nendri looked at Alena's slightly pale face. Nendri realized in his eyes it looks even more beautiful. A strange feeling welled up in his heart. Seeing her beautiful face in a state of exhaustion made a part of his body feel convulsive.

Fuad sat beside Arani and he soon realized that Nendri often stole glances at Alena in his car. He then looked at Arani as if asking for an opinion.

Arani who is not a stupid woman immediately connects Fuad's suspicions by saying

"Fuad..I smell bad behavior in this person" Arani said to Fuad in Azura language. Fuad glanced at Nendri. This yellow-skinned man actually didn't look bad. Just from the look in his eyes it looks very sly. Nendri himself is not a random person. He knew he was under suspicion so he remained calm as if nothing was wrong.

Arani's very sharp eyes on him made Nendri immediately turn his attention. He is not a fool who can act recklessly. Even though they were from foreign countries but judging from their strong and sturdy stature, Nendri immediately knew that they must be martial arts experts. Making the slightest mistake would be fatal to his life.

"You'll see later. If he dares to do anything, I'll break his neck" said Fuad annoyed.

"Be careful Fuad. This isn't in Azura. We can't be careless."  Arani reminds Fuad but her left hand holds a gun. She herself would shoot Nendri in the head if Nedri did something stupid.

"Yeah...I know that" Fuad sighed. Arani realized that this time Nizam was too careless by recruiting Nendri to cooperate. This guy looks very sly. But Arani also doesn't blame Nizam because this is not the Azura kingdom.

Nizam doesn't know anyone in this country other than Alena and her familyNizam does has not realized Nendri's behavior, so he instead asks Nendri and Doni to take Alena. Maybe he is busy thinking about how to free Alena's father.

Nendri looked at the busy street. His thoughts kept drifting to Alena. He had not been attracted to a woman in a long time. But as soon as he saw Alena his heart was immediately captivated. Why would a girl as beautiful as Alena have to marry an outsider. It should be the people who are entitled to enjoy it first. He..he..he..Nendri was smiling to himself with his dirty thoughts.


Niken goes to visit the mental hospital where her sister is being treated. She was escorted by the police. Today She is going to the police station to make a report so that Andre can be prosecuted immediately. But before going to the police station, Niken asked to stop at a mental hospital.

"Sister..." Niken called out to Sisca who was holding a doll. She saw Sisca swinging the doll lovingly. Her voice hummed a little lullabies song. Niken's heart was like being sliced ​​into a knife. Her beautiful and usually very strict sister now looks disheveled and pitiful.

"Sister Sisca!!" Niken called her Sister again. Her voice seemed to be shaking from holding back tears. Sisca turned her face away. She immediately shouted.

"Who are you? What do you want? Do you want to take my child? Don't!! You can't!! He is mine only mine. Go You...Go!!" Sisca shouted while throwing objects around her. Pillows, bolsters and plastic cups. Niken held her face in her hands from her sister's attack. Her tears flowed. her tears rolling down her cheeks.

Niken knew that her sister had made a lot of mistakes with Andre. She was too naive to be deceived by Andre. Just because Andre is handsome and rich. Sisca was deceived.

After throwing all the things to Niken, Sisca then sang again.

"My sweet baby... Ooh... my sweet baby... please sleep with Mommy. my baby sweetheart ... no one can take you from mommy. Because your mommy will take care of you" Sisca swung the doll again. Then the singing stopped. She then turned again to Niken. Her eyes bulged,

"You.. want to take my son.. Who are you? Where is my son? Come back right. This is not my son. He can't cry. You stole my son. Please give my son back to me" Sisca threw her doll at Niken's face.

Unexpectedly, Sisca lunged at Niken and immediately strangled Niken. "I kill you... I will kill..... I am going to kill you, bastard..." Sisca strangled Niken with all her might until Niken immediately gasped because the airflow suddenly cut off into her lungs. For a moment her heart stopped beating. 

She seemed to want to die because of Sisca's strangulation. Sisca was really crazy because she thought Niken had stolen a child from her. Sisca is crazy because she lost her child. She was also mad for causing their father's death. She is also crazy because Andre divorced her

Fortunately, there was a policewoman who immediately helped Niken. She moved quickly to release Sisca's hand from Niken's neck.

"Nurse!!!" The policewoman immediately shouted. Two nurses rushed over with clothes that could tie the patient's hands. Sisca struggled to be released. "Let go..I...let go. Daddy... Daddy... Where are you? Don't leave me...Hu..hu..hu..I was wrong...I was wrong... man- that guy is a bad guy... a bad guy... ANDRE!!! Give me back my son!! Give it back!!"

The two nurses immediately dragged Sisca to the isolation room. Niken sat limply on the floor. On her neck, there is a handprint of Sisca's hand. It really hurts. But her heart ached even more. Niken bit her lip holding back tears.

The policewoman rubbed Niken's shoulder. Niken even remembered her father who had died. Her father loved to rub her shoulders. Unable to hold it in anymore Niken sobbed until her shoulders shook violently.

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