A Reincarnated Demon's Life of Wonder
[Arc 4] Chapter 29: The Third Event: Part 1
Karnel's PoV:
The Grand Plains. One of the most famous landmarks on the continent...despite there being nothing here. Normally, one could see the majestic plains where peaceful animals and monsters were living...yet now, there is only green moss stretching towards the horizon.
Yamatai Grand Festival
The remnants of the Disaster of Life are being removed with incredible speed thanks to the contribution of the populace of the Wakoku country. However, not everything is back to normal.
Give a hand and remove the Ghast Moss from the Grand Plains of Luxuria.
This Ghast Moss, which started to infest the plains at an alarming rate due to the effects of the remaining lifeforce left behind by the Disaster of Life, is preventing normal monsters from returning to the Plain even after the Disaster was pushed back. The Moss is an important ingredient for MP-recovering potions, but it is lacking in nutrients, so monsters and animals cannot live on them.
This is bad on several levels. To take one of the many examples for why it is important, the first thing that comes to my mind is the Bloodrush Bulls. They are nomadic bovines that are a bit of a handful to take care of, so people would rather let them thrive here on the plains which they prefer over any other place on the continent.
I continued to scoop up patches of moss with my Earth Magic and placed them on the plates of rock that I used for transport. After I had collected a decent amount, I used [Earth Manipulation] to pull the plates back to the event supervisors. They gathered the moss I had brought and then gave me the Prize Points and bounty for it.
Yes, there is a bounty on the moss. The emperor of Wakoku has placed a bounty on the moss so people would follow the law that prevents its destruction. Obtaining money and Points at the same time, did I perhaps take the luckiest event?
I have amassed over 3,000 Points already, and I am just halfway into the first day. The other contenders seem to be struggling. They do not have any terrain-manipulating skills, so they simply harvest the moss with swords or scythes, like they are wheat. The moss is big enough to reach an adult's knees, so they are not so wrong in their method...
Hmm? Is there no one here with Earth techniques like mine? Why not!? They are so useful...
I tried to drown my sorrow over my favorite element being so neglected with the lunchbox that I had taken with me from the Dungeon. After evolving into a Gargoyle, I could finally eat food now. It is not needed, but it's a luxury I can live with. Revi's homemade food is just so good~!
*rattle, rattle*
I stopped when I heard a sound coming from the moss. It's...a small animal? No, a crab? A green and black-colored crab. The inside of the shell is concealed in darkness, and only a pair of glowing green eyes can be seen.
It doesn't look so dangerous...maybe it is some kind of land-based crab that wanted to move to the Plain, but it never got the nutrient it needed from the moss?
Feeling sorry for the weak-looking crab, I decided to give it one of my sandwiches. Wonder if it can eat...it ate it all!
You sure were hungry. Want another one? Gone! Then seconds-, I mean, thirds? Wow!
Where does this little guy put all that food? He is no bigger than a cat, yet eats like a horse. I kept on feeding my new little friend until,
Individual, [Mythforest Crab], has asked to become your companion.
Do you want to form a contract with the individual, [Mythforest Crab]?
This is new. I do remember having a skill called [Forest Ally], but for it to work on crabs...ah! It says that it is a "Mythforest Crab", so it must be something there. No, it has to be! Anything else would be stupid.
W-well... it is a cute little critter...why not?
I pressed the "yes"-button and the crab started to glow in a pale-green light. After it stopped the little guy started to jump around and snap with its pincers. He looks happy...
"Hehe. If we can get stronger, maybe we can get more friends..." - Karnel
Hearing my words, the crab froze for a moment.
Eh, did you not like that idea...? As I thought about that, the crab produced a rope vine and wrapped it around my waist...huh? WHAAAAA!!??
Why is this little guy dragging me around like this!? And how!!? He's got more power hidden in that shell than I expected!! *Gasp*, A Ghastly Grandmoss! Escape! Return! Go baaaack!
*Snip, snip, snippety snip, snip, SNIP!*
And...the mound-sized moss monster was reduced to pieces...eh? Did I recruit a little powerhouse? No, that's not important! Stop dragging me around to look for mooooore of theeeeem!!
Ciara's PoV:
...Where am I...what was I doing?
I tried to look around, but the area is completely foggy...did I drink too much again? The last time this happened was right after I evolved into my current fairy race and decided to celebrate with a bang...I woke up with six men around me, all looking a little too "drained"...
Ey, stop thinking about pink stuff! This is an abnormal situation. Switch the R-18 gears with the serious gears and get the machinery going!
Okay, I remember even stupid stuff like that night party, so I should remember the rest! And the last thing I remember is... that I was about to read the info regarding the third event. But the contents...no clue. I can't remember.
Could this memory loss be related to the event? I can't write off the chance of something else happening, but for now, I will go with the assumption that this is event-related!
Then...what should I do? It's all foggy, like, LITERALLY! It feels like back when I was in high school and we had a surprise test, ahahaha...
It feels scary moving forward on my own, so...[Ink Demons]~. Time to play~.
I sent one demon in each direction into the fog, hoping for a reaction of some kind...fast!? That's too fast! One of the Ink Demons got sliced in half!
The perpetrator is...foggy. Again. It feels like a mass of fog in a humanoid shape, but this fog is slightly different in its appearance. Not sure why...uh, fog-guy? Are you holding a sword...yikes!
The fog-guy slashed at me (I think? Can't see what they are holding), but the remaining Ink Demons used their bodies to block the attacks, which gave me time to shrink into a size that would let me fit in a normal person's hand and took to the sky. The fog-guy looked at me (I think?) and slashed with the weapon in his hand-, a flying slash!? Crap!
They missed me, but just because I was too small of a target and that one of their feet slipped a little due to the ink on the ground that used to be my demons. Looks like I have no other choice but to fight, I took out my new magic staff, which has the appearance of a marine-blue spear, and started to retrieve Magic Recordings from my Library to release a rain of Water Magic on my foggy opponent.
But, of course, any mysterious opponents aren't going to fall for such a lame counterattack! Why are you cutting all those spells like they were made of butter!? Those are sort of strong, you know!
Forget about saving here, I'll bring out the big spells! Large sea waves came out of the next set of Recordings, each one is my strongest AoE spell, and crashed into the foggy guy.
...hey, are you related to Moses? Because I can't think of any other reason why you are so capable of splitting my ocean spells so easily!
While I was dazed from the shock, the fog-guy ran towards me with their weapon ready. In a desperate attempt, I released so many magic spells that I probably could match a warship when it comes to barrages, yet it barely made a difference! Who do you think you are? Garami!?
The fog-guy almost reached me, so I used "Single Stroke", a magic spell from the new [Paranormal Artistry (Painting)] skill. It's sort of a magic spell mixed with martial arts. I moved my staff like I was using it as an overgrown brush, and from its trail was an ink-like substance, like I had painted a stroke in thin air. One that damaged the fog-guy as my attack managed to hit him.
...I hit him?! And who said that desperate attacks never work. ...forget that. It didn't work. It only pushed him back a little!
As I prepared my staff again, I noticed that the fog was starting to dissipate. Fearing that the fog bastard was doing something, I locked on to him, but he seems to be just as perplexed as me.
The two of us continued to stare each other down as the fog gradually turned to nothing. When it was all gone, I found myself in an opening in a forest with some huuuuge tree... and I seem to have knocked several of them down with my magic assault. Whoops.
Fog-guy is no longer foggy...hey! I know that guy!
"...it seems we have been played for fools," said the knight in shining armor who was standing in front of me. The same guy who I was unknowingly fighting against just a few moments ago...
"AAAH!! The event!" - Ciara
"...damn. For me to make such a mistake..." - Knight
I remember now! The event was to get rid of this fog! Specifically, the creatures that created it!
Yamatai Grand Festival
A group of pests has infested the Daijukai forest, close to the Grand Plains of Luxuria. The monsters inhabiting this great forest have fled not to be caught in the pests' veil of mist and confusion, and it is up to you to clear these majestic woods of mist and vermins alike.
I looked around and found the culprits. What should I call them...pixies? They look, and it pains me to say, sort of similar to me right now. Small, human-shaped, and with bug wings. The difference is that their wings look like a fly's, and their skin is blue. Not to forget about those huge, rolling black eyes and bug-like antennas.
They must have been smashed from my water spells. Some of them look like the poor remains of houseflies who have gotten a close meeting with a fly swatter. The fact that they're drenched further points to me as the culprit...I am not guilty! Wait, these are monsters. Forget that! And I should probably stop using magic that can fall 10-meter large trees wildly like that from now on...
"Mist Pixies. Damn bugs," said the knight with disgust.
"Ehm..." - Ciara
"...excuse me there. I have bad memories with inhuman fay." - Knight
"Oh, yes, no worries." - Ciara
"Inhuman", he says. True, I do not want to be grouped with those things...I am not grouped with them, am I?
"Pardon my manners, madam. I am sir Percel, leader of the Fallen Knights order, at your service." - Percel
"O-okay...I am Ciara Tritonia. A hu-humble painter working for Nightmare Voyagers, led by our Guild Master, Garami." - Ciara
"-? Did you say 'Garami'?" - Percel
"Yes...?" - Ciara
"What a small world we live in. Madam, may I ask you for assistance in this event?" - Percel
"Me? What for?" - Ciara
"Look around. Our rivals are trapped by those blasted pixies," said the knight while gesturing his arm towards the rest of the forest...
Hey! He's right! Other competitors are trapped in what looks like a barrier of mist! Or, is it mist? We can see their figures clearly, but if we were in the same thing, then it must be impossible for the guys inside to know what happens on the outside. And at the edge of those barriers, you can see more of those "Mist Pixies"!
"I am unfortunately not gifted in the field of 'long-range' attacks, and these abominable creatures can easily hide in the mist if needed. If you can shoot them down with your magic, I will offer my sword in protecting you." - Percel
Hey, what's going on here? I'm soooo being checked out by this handsome knight! No, I don't know how he looks beneath that helmet, but his voice alone tells me that he's a goddamn stud!
"Ok-, I mean, if you insist." - Ciara
Noire's PoV:
"And what do you mean by that?" - Noire
We were standing by a huge shrine when this obnoxious ogress came and told us such a blatant lie. Despite my honest question, the ogress looked at me confused, like she didn't understand my question.
"Ehm...I know it is normally haughty to say something like "I am the most beautiful in the land", but that was the point of the whole contest!" - Konoha Sakumatai
Hmph! This random god that lives in the shrine back here suddenly decided to hold a beauty pageant and this girl gets all high and mighty because she won? Hah! If Lady Filyn entered, she would blow the bitches that would even dare to enter! No, Lady Filyn wouldn't need to enter such a tasteless contest to prove her beauty for the world!
"And that is simply pure arrogance on your part! I could easily obtain a hundred times more votes if I entered." - Noire
"...yes, yes. That is certain. Now, for this event-" - Konoha
Grr, she's waving me off! The nerves!
"What!? Are you saying that I couldn't do it!" - Noire
"Huh? I mean...look at yourself," said the ogress with a troubled look...this little-!
"Yes, yes, OF COURSE, I can't win! Not when the challenger has such a porn body like yourself, is that what you want to say!?" - Noire
"Porn-!? Just what do you-!" started the ogress, but before she finished, I demonstrated my point.
"I mean this body that can gather the votes of anything with some junk on their crotch by wearing next-to-nothing outfits!" I shouted as I grabbed those overly big boobs that the pervy ogress was practically showing off with that low-end yukata she was wearing!
"You bastard-!" shouted some guy at the back of the stage, but I don't care! Justice is being served here!
"Want a fight? Then you got one!" I shouted as I dropped a gem by my feet, which grew into a huge, humanoid shape, my [Gem Guardian].
"This little-!" said the ogress as she knocked away my hands and drew her Wakoku-sword made of gem crystals...?
"A gem sword?" - Noire
"Yes, this is..., wait, a gem golem?" - Konoha
"Precisely, a Guardian, but good guess, Kono-chan~." - ???
A third party entered our discussion before we had noticed..., how did we fail to notice this guy!?
From the shrine came a smoke-like body that has the appearance of a muscular male, yet he is dressed so feminine and with so much jewelry that you would doubt his gender despite not wearing much cloth. I can see he's even wearing lipstick and rouge.
"H-Ho-Hoshin-sama!" - Konoha
"Ya-hoo~, Kono-chan~. I felt that the event was taking so long, so I came to look~." - Hoshin
"P-please excuse me for this delay!" said the ogress with a loud voice as she kneeled in front of this suspicious character.
"No~, no~, it's fiiiine~. And you, missy~? What's your name~?" - Hoshin
"Noire. Member of the Nightmare Voyagers and the true most beautiful person in the world." - Noire
Lady Filyn is above the concept of humans after all, so I need to step up as her representative. And the likes of Garami and Mira will not do. They are either too lazy, greedy, or bloodthirsty.
"Ahahaha! Lady, I like you~." - Hoshin
"H-Hoshin-sama! Please ignore this brat and I will start the event-" - Konoha
"That...hmm, forget it~." - Hoshin
"...what?" - Konoha
The ogress turned pale upon hearing the words of this... "god". With a clap from the jewelry-clad figure, a System Window appeared in front of us all.
Yamatai Grand Festival
The Lesser God of Jewels and Beauty has spoken. This event will be a showdown between Konoha Sakumatai from the Empire of Wakoku and Noire from the Nightmare Voyagers Guild.
The rules will be the same as the yearly "Princess of Hoshin" event, where the two competitors will work to obtain votes from the people living around the Shrine of Hoshin. Have your "princess", the representative and leader of the camp, show her beauty, smarts, and whatever else to turn the voters into their mindless subjects~.
As a special addition to the rule, the losing princess will have to fulfill a single request for the winner for one year, as long as it does not come in the way of their official duties.
"WHAAAAAT!?!?" - Konoha
"Oho~? This is interesting~." - Noire
"Riiight~?" responded the god of jewelry as he peeked from behind my shoulders. "And you blokes, you chose which of these girlfriends you wanna serve, okay~?" he said to the remaining participants of the event.
"W-what are-!?" - Konoha
"The schedule will be: using this day for everyone to select their preferred camp to participate in, the next five days to gather votes, then on the final day, we will count those suckers~. And Kono-chan, instead of just standing there, you should think about how to drive your campaign. Even this cutie-pie is working her clockwork as we speak~." - Hoshin
Tch, is he a mindreader? That's disgusting.
"Please, I don't read that far~," said the god, but he instantly broke his cover. "And as an apology, how about I gift a little present in the form of a Blessing if you win, no~?" - Hoshin
"Why would I want something like that?" I asked, not caring about the poison that was cladding my words. As if the Blessing of someone that is not Lady Filyn is worth anything.
"Now, now~, it's not that bad~. With my Blessing, you can fashion the finest jewelry, say, like a ring for your beloved-" - Hoshin
"I humbly accept, Hoshin-sama!!" - Noire
"O-oh...this girl's dedicated, alright..." - Hoshin
"H-Hoshin-sama. Something is bugging me here...the event's description is mentioning a bet of some kind..." asked the ogress with a face that would make you believe she has given up on everything in the world.
"A competition is sooo~ much fun when there is something on the line, riiight~?" - Hoshin
"Yes, if you say so... in that case, I will announce my bet here and now." - Konoha
"Fancy that you would say so. I was planning on the same thing." - Noire
"In that case, should you, Noire the ringmaker-," - Konoha
Ringmaker? Where did...oh, yeah, those old craftsmen that I demonstrated my abilities for in the first event did call me something among those lines. Has that name gotten famous already?
"You are to create accessories for the imperial army to use of the utmost quality and with the greatest abilities you can enchant them with for the duration of the bet, meaning one year!" - Konoha
"And if I win, you have to start acting as a strip-dancer in all the pubs and clubs in the village close to this place." - Noire
".........what did you say? What did you say? Hey, WHAT DID YOU SAY!!?" - Konoha
The remaining contenders, who had a look on their face that said that they wanted to support the ogress until just now, changed into that of horny dogs. Even the girls. The so-called god started to laugh so much that he will bust a gut at this rate. Oh, and a System Message appeared for me too.
Karma Value has drastically fallen.
Acquired title: [True Chaos]
Why? This is the standard practice in the Babel Organization handbook for combatants to act like. We are not as soft as those scapegoats acting for the decoy organization after all. Still, how weird.
Ciara's Status Page:
Skill List:
Title List:
Noire's Status Page:
Skill List:
Title List:
Kigal-Note/Magician Classes: Fallen Mage
Fallen Mages are Celestials who have fallen from grace and started to make use of impure magic to make others fall like them.
This class is exclusive for Fallen Celestials, and like most other race-limited magician classes, it provides most of the magic-supporting skills available at this level.
In addition, this class grants usage of [Fallen Magic], which is essentially magic of the Holy- and Curse attributes, but it can also use magic spells of other attributes, should the Fallen Mage have access to Fallen-type skills of different attributes.
And as the icing on the cake, Fallen Mages can use [Defilement Magic], which includes spells from the Curse- and Heretic attributes that have the common point of causing mental disorder. Some Fallen Celestials use this on other Celestials to "drag them down from heaven", as they prefer to call it.
Garami's comment: Noire with mind control...are we all gonna turn into Filyn-fans!!?
The Grand Plains. One of the most famous landmarks on the continent...despite there being nothing here. Normally, one could see the majestic plains where peaceful animals and monsters were living...yet now, there is only green moss stretching towards the horizon.
Yamatai Grand Festival
The remnants of the Disaster of Life are being removed with incredible speed thanks to the contribution of the populace of the Wakoku country. However, not everything is back to normal.
Give a hand and remove the Ghast Moss from the Grand Plains of Luxuria.
This Ghast Moss, which started to infest the plains at an alarming rate due to the effects of the remaining lifeforce left behind by the Disaster of Life, is preventing normal monsters from returning to the Plain even after the Disaster was pushed back. The Moss is an important ingredient for MP-recovering potions, but it is lacking in nutrients, so monsters and animals cannot live on them.
This is bad on several levels. To take one of the many examples for why it is important, the first thing that comes to my mind is the Bloodrush Bulls. They are nomadic bovines that are a bit of a handful to take care of, so people would rather let them thrive here on the plains which they prefer over any other place on the continent.
I continued to scoop up patches of moss with my Earth Magic and placed them on the plates of rock that I used for transport. After I had collected a decent amount, I used [Earth Manipulation] to pull the plates back to the event supervisors. They gathered the moss I had brought and then gave me the Prize Points and bounty for it.
Yes, there is a bounty on the moss. The emperor of Wakoku has placed a bounty on the moss so people would follow the law that prevents its destruction. Obtaining money and Points at the same time, did I perhaps take the luckiest event?
I have amassed over 3,000 Points already, and I am just halfway into the first day. The other contenders seem to be struggling. They do not have any terrain-manipulating skills, so they simply harvest the moss with swords or scythes, like they are wheat. The moss is big enough to reach an adult's knees, so they are not so wrong in their method...
Hmm? Is there no one here with Earth techniques like mine? Why not!? They are so useful...
I tried to drown my sorrow over my favorite element being so neglected with the lunchbox that I had taken with me from the Dungeon. After evolving into a Gargoyle, I could finally eat food now. It is not needed, but it's a luxury I can live with. Revi's homemade food is just so good~!
*rattle, rattle*
I stopped when I heard a sound coming from the moss. It's...a small animal? No, a crab? A green and black-colored crab. The inside of the shell is concealed in darkness, and only a pair of glowing green eyes can be seen.
It doesn't look so dangerous...maybe it is some kind of land-based crab that wanted to move to the Plain, but it never got the nutrient it needed from the moss?
Feeling sorry for the weak-looking crab, I decided to give it one of my sandwiches. Wonder if it can eat...it ate it all!
You sure were hungry. Want another one? Gone! Then seconds-, I mean, thirds? Wow!
Where does this little guy put all that food? He is no bigger than a cat, yet eats like a horse. I kept on feeding my new little friend until,
Individual, [Mythforest Crab], has asked to become your companion.
Do you want to form a contract with the individual, [Mythforest Crab]?
This is new. I do remember having a skill called [Forest Ally], but for it to work on crabs...ah! It says that it is a "Mythforest Crab", so it must be something there. No, it has to be! Anything else would be stupid.
W-well... it is a cute little critter...why not?
I pressed the "yes"-button and the crab started to glow in a pale-green light. After it stopped the little guy started to jump around and snap with its pincers. He looks happy...
"Hehe. If we can get stronger, maybe we can get more friends..." - Karnel
Hearing my words, the crab froze for a moment.
Eh, did you not like that idea...? As I thought about that, the crab produced a rope vine and wrapped it around my waist...huh? WHAAAAA!!??
Why is this little guy dragging me around like this!? And how!!? He's got more power hidden in that shell than I expected!! *Gasp*, A Ghastly Grandmoss! Escape! Return! Go baaaack!
*Snip, snip, snippety snip, snip, SNIP!*
And...the mound-sized moss monster was reduced to pieces...eh? Did I recruit a little powerhouse? No, that's not important! Stop dragging me around to look for mooooore of theeeeem!!
Ciara's PoV:
...Where am I...what was I doing?
I tried to look around, but the area is completely foggy...did I drink too much again? The last time this happened was right after I evolved into my current fairy race and decided to celebrate with a bang...I woke up with six men around me, all looking a little too "drained"...
Ey, stop thinking about pink stuff! This is an abnormal situation. Switch the R-18 gears with the serious gears and get the machinery going!
Okay, I remember even stupid stuff like that night party, so I should remember the rest! And the last thing I remember is... that I was about to read the info regarding the third event. But the contents...no clue. I can't remember.
Could this memory loss be related to the event? I can't write off the chance of something else happening, but for now, I will go with the assumption that this is event-related!
Then...what should I do? It's all foggy, like, LITERALLY! It feels like back when I was in high school and we had a surprise test, ahahaha...
It feels scary moving forward on my own, so...[Ink Demons]~. Time to play~.
I sent one demon in each direction into the fog, hoping for a reaction of some kind...fast!? That's too fast! One of the Ink Demons got sliced in half!
The perpetrator is...foggy. Again. It feels like a mass of fog in a humanoid shape, but this fog is slightly different in its appearance. Not sure why...uh, fog-guy? Are you holding a sword...yikes!
The fog-guy slashed at me (I think? Can't see what they are holding), but the remaining Ink Demons used their bodies to block the attacks, which gave me time to shrink into a size that would let me fit in a normal person's hand and took to the sky. The fog-guy looked at me (I think?) and slashed with the weapon in his hand-, a flying slash!? Crap!
They missed me, but just because I was too small of a target and that one of their feet slipped a little due to the ink on the ground that used to be my demons. Looks like I have no other choice but to fight, I took out my new magic staff, which has the appearance of a marine-blue spear, and started to retrieve Magic Recordings from my Library to release a rain of Water Magic on my foggy opponent.
But, of course, any mysterious opponents aren't going to fall for such a lame counterattack! Why are you cutting all those spells like they were made of butter!? Those are sort of strong, you know!
Forget about saving here, I'll bring out the big spells! Large sea waves came out of the next set of Recordings, each one is my strongest AoE spell, and crashed into the foggy guy.
...hey, are you related to Moses? Because I can't think of any other reason why you are so capable of splitting my ocean spells so easily!
While I was dazed from the shock, the fog-guy ran towards me with their weapon ready. In a desperate attempt, I released so many magic spells that I probably could match a warship when it comes to barrages, yet it barely made a difference! Who do you think you are? Garami!?
The fog-guy almost reached me, so I used "Single Stroke", a magic spell from the new [Paranormal Artistry (Painting)] skill. It's sort of a magic spell mixed with martial arts. I moved my staff like I was using it as an overgrown brush, and from its trail was an ink-like substance, like I had painted a stroke in thin air. One that damaged the fog-guy as my attack managed to hit him.
...I hit him?! And who said that desperate attacks never work. ...forget that. It didn't work. It only pushed him back a little!
As I prepared my staff again, I noticed that the fog was starting to dissipate. Fearing that the fog bastard was doing something, I locked on to him, but he seems to be just as perplexed as me.
The two of us continued to stare each other down as the fog gradually turned to nothing. When it was all gone, I found myself in an opening in a forest with some huuuuge tree... and I seem to have knocked several of them down with my magic assault. Whoops.
Fog-guy is no longer foggy...hey! I know that guy!
"...it seems we have been played for fools," said the knight in shining armor who was standing in front of me. The same guy who I was unknowingly fighting against just a few moments ago...
"AAAH!! The event!" - Ciara
"...damn. For me to make such a mistake..." - Knight
I remember now! The event was to get rid of this fog! Specifically, the creatures that created it!
Yamatai Grand Festival
A group of pests has infested the Daijukai forest, close to the Grand Plains of Luxuria. The monsters inhabiting this great forest have fled not to be caught in the pests' veil of mist and confusion, and it is up to you to clear these majestic woods of mist and vermins alike.
I looked around and found the culprits. What should I call them...pixies? They look, and it pains me to say, sort of similar to me right now. Small, human-shaped, and with bug wings. The difference is that their wings look like a fly's, and their skin is blue. Not to forget about those huge, rolling black eyes and bug-like antennas.
They must have been smashed from my water spells. Some of them look like the poor remains of houseflies who have gotten a close meeting with a fly swatter. The fact that they're drenched further points to me as the culprit...I am not guilty! Wait, these are monsters. Forget that! And I should probably stop using magic that can fall 10-meter large trees wildly like that from now on...
"Mist Pixies. Damn bugs," said the knight with disgust.
"Ehm..." - Ciara
"...excuse me there. I have bad memories with inhuman fay." - Knight
"Oh, yes, no worries." - Ciara
"Inhuman", he says. True, I do not want to be grouped with those things...I am not grouped with them, am I?
"Pardon my manners, madam. I am sir Percel, leader of the Fallen Knights order, at your service." - Percel
"O-okay...I am Ciara Tritonia. A hu-humble painter working for Nightmare Voyagers, led by our Guild Master, Garami." - Ciara
"-? Did you say 'Garami'?" - Percel
"Yes...?" - Ciara
"What a small world we live in. Madam, may I ask you for assistance in this event?" - Percel
"Me? What for?" - Ciara
"Look around. Our rivals are trapped by those blasted pixies," said the knight while gesturing his arm towards the rest of the forest...
Hey! He's right! Other competitors are trapped in what looks like a barrier of mist! Or, is it mist? We can see their figures clearly, but if we were in the same thing, then it must be impossible for the guys inside to know what happens on the outside. And at the edge of those barriers, you can see more of those "Mist Pixies"!
"I am unfortunately not gifted in the field of 'long-range' attacks, and these abominable creatures can easily hide in the mist if needed. If you can shoot them down with your magic, I will offer my sword in protecting you." - Percel
Hey, what's going on here? I'm soooo being checked out by this handsome knight! No, I don't know how he looks beneath that helmet, but his voice alone tells me that he's a goddamn stud!
"Ok-, I mean, if you insist." - Ciara
Noire's PoV:
"And what do you mean by that?" - Noire
We were standing by a huge shrine when this obnoxious ogress came and told us such a blatant lie. Despite my honest question, the ogress looked at me confused, like she didn't understand my question.
"Ehm...I know it is normally haughty to say something like "I am the most beautiful in the land", but that was the point of the whole contest!" - Konoha Sakumatai
Hmph! This random god that lives in the shrine back here suddenly decided to hold a beauty pageant and this girl gets all high and mighty because she won? Hah! If Lady Filyn entered, she would blow the bitches that would even dare to enter! No, Lady Filyn wouldn't need to enter such a tasteless contest to prove her beauty for the world!
"And that is simply pure arrogance on your part! I could easily obtain a hundred times more votes if I entered." - Noire
"...yes, yes. That is certain. Now, for this event-" - Konoha
Grr, she's waving me off! The nerves!
"What!? Are you saying that I couldn't do it!" - Noire
"Huh? I mean...look at yourself," said the ogress with a troubled look...this little-!
"Yes, yes, OF COURSE, I can't win! Not when the challenger has such a porn body like yourself, is that what you want to say!?" - Noire
"Porn-!? Just what do you-!" started the ogress, but before she finished, I demonstrated my point.
"I mean this body that can gather the votes of anything with some junk on their crotch by wearing next-to-nothing outfits!" I shouted as I grabbed those overly big boobs that the pervy ogress was practically showing off with that low-end yukata she was wearing!
"You bastard-!" shouted some guy at the back of the stage, but I don't care! Justice is being served here!
"Want a fight? Then you got one!" I shouted as I dropped a gem by my feet, which grew into a huge, humanoid shape, my [Gem Guardian].
"This little-!" said the ogress as she knocked away my hands and drew her Wakoku-sword made of gem crystals...?
"A gem sword?" - Noire
"Yes, this is..., wait, a gem golem?" - Konoha
"Precisely, a Guardian, but good guess, Kono-chan~." - ???
A third party entered our discussion before we had noticed..., how did we fail to notice this guy!?
From the shrine came a smoke-like body that has the appearance of a muscular male, yet he is dressed so feminine and with so much jewelry that you would doubt his gender despite not wearing much cloth. I can see he's even wearing lipstick and rouge.
"H-Ho-Hoshin-sama!" - Konoha
"Ya-hoo~, Kono-chan~. I felt that the event was taking so long, so I came to look~." - Hoshin
"P-please excuse me for this delay!" said the ogress with a loud voice as she kneeled in front of this suspicious character.
"No~, no~, it's fiiiine~. And you, missy~? What's your name~?" - Hoshin
"Noire. Member of the Nightmare Voyagers and the true most beautiful person in the world." - Noire
Lady Filyn is above the concept of humans after all, so I need to step up as her representative. And the likes of Garami and Mira will not do. They are either too lazy, greedy, or bloodthirsty.
"Ahahaha! Lady, I like you~." - Hoshin
"H-Hoshin-sama! Please ignore this brat and I will start the event-" - Konoha
"That...hmm, forget it~." - Hoshin
"...what?" - Konoha
The ogress turned pale upon hearing the words of this... "god". With a clap from the jewelry-clad figure, a System Window appeared in front of us all.
Yamatai Grand Festival
The Lesser God of Jewels and Beauty has spoken. This event will be a showdown between Konoha Sakumatai from the Empire of Wakoku and Noire from the Nightmare Voyagers Guild.
The rules will be the same as the yearly "Princess of Hoshin" event, where the two competitors will work to obtain votes from the people living around the Shrine of Hoshin. Have your "princess", the representative and leader of the camp, show her beauty, smarts, and whatever else to turn the voters into their mindless subjects~.
As a special addition to the rule, the losing princess will have to fulfill a single request for the winner for one year, as long as it does not come in the way of their official duties.
"WHAAAAAT!?!?" - Konoha
"Oho~? This is interesting~." - Noire
"Riiight~?" responded the god of jewelry as he peeked from behind my shoulders. "And you blokes, you chose which of these girlfriends you wanna serve, okay~?" he said to the remaining participants of the event.
"W-what are-!?" - Konoha
"The schedule will be: using this day for everyone to select their preferred camp to participate in, the next five days to gather votes, then on the final day, we will count those suckers~. And Kono-chan, instead of just standing there, you should think about how to drive your campaign. Even this cutie-pie is working her clockwork as we speak~." - Hoshin
Tch, is he a mindreader? That's disgusting.
"Please, I don't read that far~," said the god, but he instantly broke his cover. "And as an apology, how about I gift a little present in the form of a Blessing if you win, no~?" - Hoshin
"Why would I want something like that?" I asked, not caring about the poison that was cladding my words. As if the Blessing of someone that is not Lady Filyn is worth anything.
"Now, now~, it's not that bad~. With my Blessing, you can fashion the finest jewelry, say, like a ring for your beloved-" - Hoshin
"I humbly accept, Hoshin-sama!!" - Noire
"O-oh...this girl's dedicated, alright..." - Hoshin
"H-Hoshin-sama. Something is bugging me here...the event's description is mentioning a bet of some kind..." asked the ogress with a face that would make you believe she has given up on everything in the world.
"A competition is sooo~ much fun when there is something on the line, riiight~?" - Hoshin
"Yes, if you say so... in that case, I will announce my bet here and now." - Konoha
"Fancy that you would say so. I was planning on the same thing." - Noire
"In that case, should you, Noire the ringmaker-," - Konoha
Ringmaker? Where did...oh, yeah, those old craftsmen that I demonstrated my abilities for in the first event did call me something among those lines. Has that name gotten famous already?
"You are to create accessories for the imperial army to use of the utmost quality and with the greatest abilities you can enchant them with for the duration of the bet, meaning one year!" - Konoha
"And if I win, you have to start acting as a strip-dancer in all the pubs and clubs in the village close to this place." - Noire
".........what did you say? What did you say? Hey, WHAT DID YOU SAY!!?" - Konoha
The remaining contenders, who had a look on their face that said that they wanted to support the ogress until just now, changed into that of horny dogs. Even the girls. The so-called god started to laugh so much that he will bust a gut at this rate. Oh, and a System Message appeared for me too.
Karma Value has drastically fallen.
Acquired title: [True Chaos]
Why? This is the standard practice in the Babel Organization handbook for combatants to act like. We are not as soft as those scapegoats acting for the decoy organization after all. Still, how weird.
Ciara's Status Page:
Skill List:
Title List:
Noire's Status Page:
Skill List:
Title List:
Kigal-Note/Magician Classes: Fallen Mage
Fallen Mages are Celestials who have fallen from grace and started to make use of impure magic to make others fall like them.
This class is exclusive for Fallen Celestials, and like most other race-limited magician classes, it provides most of the magic-supporting skills available at this level.
In addition, this class grants usage of [Fallen Magic], which is essentially magic of the Holy- and Curse attributes, but it can also use magic spells of other attributes, should the Fallen Mage have access to Fallen-type skills of different attributes.
And as the icing on the cake, Fallen Mages can use [Defilement Magic], which includes spells from the Curse- and Heretic attributes that have the common point of causing mental disorder. Some Fallen Celestials use this on other Celestials to "drag them down from heaven", as they prefer to call it.
Garami's comment: Noire with mind control...are we all gonna turn into Filyn-fans!!?
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