A Reincarnated Demon's Life of Wonder
[Arc 4] Chapter 30: The Third Event: Part 2
Mira's PoV:
*Roars of monsters suffering*
...peace and calm...don't let the outside world disturb your thoughts...
*Noisy monster screech of misery *
"Okay, now you're just being a bully!" I shouted at the ball of muscles who's messing up my meditation.
"Huh? Just doing my part," responded Grangron, the Ground Ogre that followed me since the second event.
Before me, who was trying to meditate underneath the gigantic black lighthouse, was a field of corpses. Monster corpses, luckily. Considering the event, it's not a surprise, but can't he be quieter while massacring?
Yamatai Grand Festival
A huge structure has been placed close by that attracts monsters to it. Defeat all the monsters without letting the structure be destroyed, and a special reward may be granted.
Loads and loads of monsters had tried to attack this mysterious black lighthouse behind me. Various wild dogs, horses, even lizards. Strangely, there are barely any members of the local fauna here. The wild dogs, for example, it would be more natural to expect Dire Wolves, but these are Black Hounds.
The only group of local monsters we've encountered over the last four days is a herd of Bloodrush Bulls. Ugh, that was horrible... and I'm not the only one who thinks so. Only one-tenth of the participants remain here. The rest have already fled for their lives.
"Gwa-hahaha! No way, my rival! I need to get as big of a lead as possible if ever shall I defeat you!" - Grangron
Damn, my clever trick from the previous event has flipped some weird switch in that guy. Having rivalries is just so last century.
"And what are you even doing over there?" - Grangron
"You told me to! The whole 'self-discovery of yourself' thingy!" - Mira
Grangron had explained that the whole "Anima Drive" skill required you to have a clear image of an animal that represents yourself, then some sorta Quest would pop up...honestly, it feels too easy for obtaining a skill that grants such a power-up as he and the ox-demon showed, but there's nothing else to go on here-
"Huh? Who said you needed to act as a rock for that? Just chose whatever creature that's your favorite and start the Quest by those ruins." - Grangron
"...excuse me, what ruins?" - Mira
"The ones you have to go to if you want to start the Quest, duh~." - Grangron
"...and why didn't you mention them before?" - Mira
"Huh...guess I forgot~!" - Grangron
Okay, this ogre's going down-!
*Ding, ding, ding!*
"Enemies, enemies! Shadows have been spotted in the western skies! Wyverns! A bunch of them!"
...tch. You got lucky there, ogre.
I looked at the sky and saw the flock of wyverns...damn, that's a lot. They don't give off any impressive presence, so it must be a bunch of E-ranked species.
Getting ready for the battle, I used [Armory Storage] to take out my suit of dragon armor. It's a production of Flint's and it is designed to grant as much maneuverability as possible. It even uses a fair share of the Darkness Dragon materials!
The armor's mostly white with golden lines, but the gauntlets and the legs have more black parts on them than white. The left vambrace is also colored black, making almost all of my left arm black.
"Grangron, do something useful for once and give me a lift." - Mira
"Okay...hey!" - Grangron
Despite his attitude, Grangron complied with my request and took a position as if he was going to throw something. I jumped onto his open, huge hand, and let myself be catapulted toward the wyvern flock.
"You guys are so deaaaaad!" - Mira
Taking out my frustration on the wyverns, I cut their wings and necks and sent them careening to their deaths.
And as I stood there surrounded by poisonous tail-tips and screaming wyverns, I promised myself to get my information from a more reliable source next time.
Iron's PoV:
[Foregin samurai, be defeated with this!]
[...why won't you fall!?]
Sorry, but that is not part of my job description.
The 3-meter tall ghostly samurai made up of rusty armors and weapons looked at me in shock. I think. Like me, he has no face to show his emotions, but his voice did reveal his surprise and confusion.
He is the seventh "ghost warlords", as I have started to call them, that I have faced during the last four days, and like the other six, he is an opponent that is worthy of the name using the weapons of the previous brave warriors of this country as his body.
Yamatai Grand Festival
The Yomotsu Hakaba is a graveyard raised for the brave samurai that fought for the emperor so many years ago.
Alas, due to negligence caused by the constant assaults of Disasters this continent has experienced, the graveyard has turned into a haunted Haunt (no puns intended).
Gather the remains of the weaponry of the honorable samurai that was buried alongside their owner, and help clean the graveyard as part of the groundwork to restore it to its proper state at a later date.
The goal of this event is mainly to make peace with the dead spirits that remain on these grounds. The collected weaponry is being polished and restored, and there are various monks and priests to send off the ghosts who have amassed here due to the negligence of the country.
Many of the local participants are working with a serious disposition, showing that they care about their past heroes, even if they did not have the resources to take care of this place during their hour of crisis.
Even I know about the potential danger that the Disaster of Water brought, seeing as it was the first time in my life that I witnessed the canals in Tir na Nog being dried up, so I cannot blame the country of Wakoku for not having spare hands when facing two of them around the same time.
The ghost warlord kept on slashing with his large katana, so I used my shield to block the attacks. When the warlord got stunned after using that big Art of his, I sneaked in some quick attacks of my own with my shortsword, [Iron Chains], and sometimes I even had the time to send a [Lava Bomb] after him.
The warlord didn't have any offensive skills that could hurt me. Most of his non-sword-related skills are those that only bring harm to the living, but I am of the undead. And his few remaining means of attacking cannot break through my passive defense.
...around now.
"Zmey Gorynych." - Iron
With a silent command, I invoked my Extra Skill. From a magic circle behind my back, a large dragon made of dark-grey metal appeared. Its body resembled a crocodile with large limbs, an extremely long neck, and a head that resembled the head of the fire dragon I once fought while protecting Damavand.
The metallic dragon attacked the warlord with its large fangs and bit the poor ghost's body into pieces.
[This...impossible...you should not...have so much...power...and how...that thing...damage...]
The warlord uttered his last words weakly before passing on. His broken body returning to regular scrap metal.
...why did he not notice? The reason my Zmey Gorynych could hurt him was because of the [Possessed Arms Technique Master] title, which is unique to possession-type ghosts like me and the warlord himself. I obtained the right to acquire it from the first battle against their species...
But thinking about it calmly, there is no reason for him to know that. Or that I used the special trait of the Ghost Gladiator class, the "Gladiator Gauge", to compensate for the lack of MP that is needed to use Zmey Gorynych. It normally costs 500 MP after all. And Lady Garami once told me that her dragon only costs her 100...
No, I should stop thinking about it. Lady Garami is essentially the darkness itself, so there is no wonder that she can call upon the dragon of darkness with more ease than I. Maybe I should have chosen the dragon of the undead instead...
It should be about the time for the Ghost Knights I released during the battle against the warlord to expire. Fighting these giants made of military might be fruitful for obtaining lots of Points in one go, but it does not mean I could not also let my Knights go around and search for items while I take care of the big guy, no?
I should take a break to make sure to recover the durability of my sword and shield before I head out. The Lady did wish to increase our allies born from Damavand, so I should help as much as I can for it to happen.
After all, I am a knight.
Lily's PoV:
*Loud stomach noises*
"The beast's on the loose again!!"
"Run! Escape!"
...hmm? What happened? It feels like my memory of the last few minutes is failing me...
"Miss Lily? Do you know...oh my. Did you do all this?"
Heeh? ...oh, that ****ing Head Priest. Stupid fasting bastard...why are we only getting one portion of bread and soup!? And just for breakfast and dinner!! Where's the lunch!? And Brunch!? And the desseeeeert!!
Yamatai Grand Festival
The Sessei Jiin is a temple placed by a man of unknown history in the Mystic Mountains, a place filled with mana and mist. Follow the rules of the Head Priest and earn Prize Points.
Sessei Jiin... in other words, the "temperance temple"! These last few days have been torture! Screw temperance! Give me gluttony!! No, give me fooooood!!
"...huh? 'All this' what?" - Lily
What's he talking about? And shouldn't there be more rocks around here?
"Was it not you who cleaned up those boulders from the garden? You did leave some of them behind, but I do not mind." - Head Priest
Some leftovers? No, I didn't do it in the first...are those...bite marks?
"...on second thought, I think it was me who did clean it up..." - Lily
My tummy's going to hurt later...
"So kind of you. It's so nice to find people who appreciate the temple for once. Its history and traditions go back several millennia after all. Ah, how nice would it be if the other participants could be like you." - Head Priest
"What did they do?" - Lily
"They ran away! The nerve! I am a little confused why they all had bite marks on their bodies and armors..." - Head Priest
"...excuse me, but do you know where my bird-friends are?" - Lily
"Oh, those three are playing fort behind the temple. How fun...I am a little confused again why they decided to have their fort face the temple instead of the forest...or just making one big fort instead of one each to play with each other..." - Head Priest
...Figaro, Trip, Store, all the other participants...I AM SOOOOO SOOOOORRY!!
*Loud stomach noises*
And you be quiet!!
"O-hohoho. Lily is still a growing girl, I hear." - Head Priest
"Y-yes..." - Lily
"It is nothing to be ashamed over-" - Head Priest
I'm not embarrassed. I'm feeling guilty!!
"-the temple's founder was a much bigger glutton than you. If you are awarded the skill of [Gluttony], then you have to be." - Head Priest
"[Gluttony]!? And he made a temple named after temperance!?" - Lily
Aren't those two opposing concepts?
"Yes. He wanted to learn about moderation after he so foolishly obtained the skill, according to his diary, at least." - Head Priest
"You lost me there at 'moderation'." - Lily
"It seems that the owner of [Gluttony] will constantly have a feeling of hunger. They can never be sated, even when their bodies cannot eat anymore." - Head Priest
Oh, that sounds bad. Sure you want some temperance in your life if that ever happens to you...
"[Gluttony] is too scary!!" - Lily
"That is so true," answered the old Head Priest with a smile. "Say, how about having some dangos I have stored in the pantry? There are no other festival people here, so we can celebrate a little for your victory?"
"Yes please!!" - Lily
Food! Food! It's just some dangos, but still, FOOD!! ...crap, my conscience returned...from the time when I almost blasted the pantry with a handmade explosive...
Then, all of a sudden, the main temple building was crushed by something...huh?
I looked at the main temple and saw...a large white pillar? No, white fur? What is...why's the sky all white?
"N-N-N-N-N-!" - Head Priest
The pillar-like thing started to move, so I took the head priest over my shoulder and carried him off to safety to the backyard. I found my three bird-friends there, gasping over the white whatever that's making a mess of the temple. It's not coming in this direction, so it should be safe here.
Due to the destruction of the Sessei Jiin, the Yamatai Grand Festival event: "Trial of Sessei Jiin" is canceled.
All participants of the event are considered dropped out of the Festival.
"...aw, come on! That's so unfair! What is that stupid ball of fur?" I shouted in frustration over this obvious unfair treatment.
"N-N-Nian...the Nian...one of the thirteen Calamities..." - Head Priest
A what-now? Sounds strong.
I looked at the so-called "Nian" moving away from the temple, and then I noticed the "pillar's" real identity: a long tail, covered in white fur. It belonged to a large creature that was covered in the same fur, except for some red parts on its face and front limbs. Its appearance looks similar to the eel Alf once fished up..., no, to a dragon? There are dragons with long bodies but no wings on this continent, wasn't it?
Seeing such a majestic creature walking across the sky made my heart swoon a little...I'll let him go this time around. Whatever it is, it must be several times stronger than even Garami. I should rather take this newfound free time to help to fix the temple...
Hey, that sorry mess of woodwork, is it the pantry??
Oh, you're going down, "Nian"!! Mark my words, you have earned yourself a nemesis you can never escape from!!
"N-N-N-N-N-N-N-" - Head Priest
...but repairing the temple comes first. I'm not a heartless jerk.
Skill List:
Title List:
Equipment List:
Weapon (Right hand):
Name: No-Life Knight's Sword+
Stats: [ATK: 200]
Weapon (Left hand):
Name: No-Life Knight's Shield+
Stats: [DEF: 210], [MDEF: 220]
Accessory (Mantle):
Name: Guardian's Mantle+
Stats: ---
Skill List:
Title List:
Equipment List:
Name: Black Beast's Jacket
Stats: [DEF: 160], [MDEF: 180]
Name: Black Beast's Fighting Gloves
Stats: [DEF: 60], [MDEF: 50]
Name: Black Beast's Leggings
Stats: [DEF: 90], [MDEF: 80]
Name: Black Beast's Boots
Stats: [ATK: 150], [DEF: 85], [MDEF: 85]
Name: Black Beast's Gauntlets
Stats: [ATK: 190]
Accessory (Ring):
Name: John Doe's Ring
Stats: ---
Accessory (Earring):
Name: Wolf Lord's Fang
Stats: ---
Kigal-Note/Divine Beast: Nian
The Nian is a unique monster that has ascended into a Divine Beast and a member of the thirteen Calamities, "monsters" of so unparalleled strength that they cannot be classified as normal monsters anymore. Some consider them to be the prototype of the Twelve Ultimate Disasters that threatens the world today.
Among the Calamities, the Nian is one of the more peaceful members, similar to the Fenrir or the Tenko. It currently lives on the Mystic Mountains on the Luxuria Continent and is treated as a force of nature that shall not be disturbed. The country of Wakoku has placed a bounty on those that would try to harm the beast, as such an action could endanger the whole continent.
The Nian is a gigantic beast with the appearance of a Long in its draconic form: an elongated body with four sharp-clawed limbs, a heavy tail, no wings, and a pair of horns. The Nian is covered in snow-white fur except for its bloodred front limbs, horns, and markings that go from its eyes to the mentioned horns.
It is also mentioned in legends that it can change the size of its body, from its gigantic size that would let it tower above castles to that of a normal dog.
The full capacity of the Nian's strength is still unknown, but at one time, it destroyed several kingdoms in one week after it was angered several centuries ago.
Its physical strength is a big threat, but the worst ability of the Nian is how it can summon explosions from out of nowhere. Distance is of no hindrance to it, and the numbers and force of the explosions are as good as infinite in the eyes of mankind.
Zaria's comment: Ugh, this thing must be the world's worst animal. Glad I've never gotten a job that required me to go to those mountains.
*Roars of monsters suffering*
...peace and calm...don't let the outside world disturb your thoughts...
*Noisy monster screech of misery *
"Okay, now you're just being a bully!" I shouted at the ball of muscles who's messing up my meditation.
"Huh? Just doing my part," responded Grangron, the Ground Ogre that followed me since the second event.
Before me, who was trying to meditate underneath the gigantic black lighthouse, was a field of corpses. Monster corpses, luckily. Considering the event, it's not a surprise, but can't he be quieter while massacring?
Yamatai Grand Festival
A huge structure has been placed close by that attracts monsters to it. Defeat all the monsters without letting the structure be destroyed, and a special reward may be granted.
Loads and loads of monsters had tried to attack this mysterious black lighthouse behind me. Various wild dogs, horses, even lizards. Strangely, there are barely any members of the local fauna here. The wild dogs, for example, it would be more natural to expect Dire Wolves, but these are Black Hounds.
The only group of local monsters we've encountered over the last four days is a herd of Bloodrush Bulls. Ugh, that was horrible... and I'm not the only one who thinks so. Only one-tenth of the participants remain here. The rest have already fled for their lives.
"Gwa-hahaha! No way, my rival! I need to get as big of a lead as possible if ever shall I defeat you!" - Grangron
Damn, my clever trick from the previous event has flipped some weird switch in that guy. Having rivalries is just so last century.
"And what are you even doing over there?" - Grangron
"You told me to! The whole 'self-discovery of yourself' thingy!" - Mira
Grangron had explained that the whole "Anima Drive" skill required you to have a clear image of an animal that represents yourself, then some sorta Quest would pop up...honestly, it feels too easy for obtaining a skill that grants such a power-up as he and the ox-demon showed, but there's nothing else to go on here-
"Huh? Who said you needed to act as a rock for that? Just chose whatever creature that's your favorite and start the Quest by those ruins." - Grangron
"...excuse me, what ruins?" - Mira
"The ones you have to go to if you want to start the Quest, duh~." - Grangron
"...and why didn't you mention them before?" - Mira
"Huh...guess I forgot~!" - Grangron
Okay, this ogre's going down-!
*Ding, ding, ding!*
"Enemies, enemies! Shadows have been spotted in the western skies! Wyverns! A bunch of them!"
...tch. You got lucky there, ogre.
I looked at the sky and saw the flock of wyverns...damn, that's a lot. They don't give off any impressive presence, so it must be a bunch of E-ranked species.
Getting ready for the battle, I used [Armory Storage] to take out my suit of dragon armor. It's a production of Flint's and it is designed to grant as much maneuverability as possible. It even uses a fair share of the Darkness Dragon materials!
The armor's mostly white with golden lines, but the gauntlets and the legs have more black parts on them than white. The left vambrace is also colored black, making almost all of my left arm black.
"Grangron, do something useful for once and give me a lift." - Mira
"Okay...hey!" - Grangron
Despite his attitude, Grangron complied with my request and took a position as if he was going to throw something. I jumped onto his open, huge hand, and let myself be catapulted toward the wyvern flock.
"You guys are so deaaaaad!" - Mira
Taking out my frustration on the wyverns, I cut their wings and necks and sent them careening to their deaths.
And as I stood there surrounded by poisonous tail-tips and screaming wyverns, I promised myself to get my information from a more reliable source next time.
Iron's PoV:
[Foregin samurai, be defeated with this!]
[...why won't you fall!?]
Sorry, but that is not part of my job description.
The 3-meter tall ghostly samurai made up of rusty armors and weapons looked at me in shock. I think. Like me, he has no face to show his emotions, but his voice did reveal his surprise and confusion.
He is the seventh "ghost warlords", as I have started to call them, that I have faced during the last four days, and like the other six, he is an opponent that is worthy of the name using the weapons of the previous brave warriors of this country as his body.
Yamatai Grand Festival
The Yomotsu Hakaba is a graveyard raised for the brave samurai that fought for the emperor so many years ago.
Alas, due to negligence caused by the constant assaults of Disasters this continent has experienced, the graveyard has turned into a haunted Haunt (no puns intended).
Gather the remains of the weaponry of the honorable samurai that was buried alongside their owner, and help clean the graveyard as part of the groundwork to restore it to its proper state at a later date.
The goal of this event is mainly to make peace with the dead spirits that remain on these grounds. The collected weaponry is being polished and restored, and there are various monks and priests to send off the ghosts who have amassed here due to the negligence of the country.
Many of the local participants are working with a serious disposition, showing that they care about their past heroes, even if they did not have the resources to take care of this place during their hour of crisis.
Even I know about the potential danger that the Disaster of Water brought, seeing as it was the first time in my life that I witnessed the canals in Tir na Nog being dried up, so I cannot blame the country of Wakoku for not having spare hands when facing two of them around the same time.
The ghost warlord kept on slashing with his large katana, so I used my shield to block the attacks. When the warlord got stunned after using that big Art of his, I sneaked in some quick attacks of my own with my shortsword, [Iron Chains], and sometimes I even had the time to send a [Lava Bomb] after him.
The warlord didn't have any offensive skills that could hurt me. Most of his non-sword-related skills are those that only bring harm to the living, but I am of the undead. And his few remaining means of attacking cannot break through my passive defense.
...around now.
"Zmey Gorynych." - Iron
With a silent command, I invoked my Extra Skill. From a magic circle behind my back, a large dragon made of dark-grey metal appeared. Its body resembled a crocodile with large limbs, an extremely long neck, and a head that resembled the head of the fire dragon I once fought while protecting Damavand.
The metallic dragon attacked the warlord with its large fangs and bit the poor ghost's body into pieces.
[This...impossible...you should not...have so much...power...and how...that thing...damage...]
The warlord uttered his last words weakly before passing on. His broken body returning to regular scrap metal.
...why did he not notice? The reason my Zmey Gorynych could hurt him was because of the [Possessed Arms Technique Master] title, which is unique to possession-type ghosts like me and the warlord himself. I obtained the right to acquire it from the first battle against their species...
But thinking about it calmly, there is no reason for him to know that. Or that I used the special trait of the Ghost Gladiator class, the "Gladiator Gauge", to compensate for the lack of MP that is needed to use Zmey Gorynych. It normally costs 500 MP after all. And Lady Garami once told me that her dragon only costs her 100...
No, I should stop thinking about it. Lady Garami is essentially the darkness itself, so there is no wonder that she can call upon the dragon of darkness with more ease than I. Maybe I should have chosen the dragon of the undead instead...
It should be about the time for the Ghost Knights I released during the battle against the warlord to expire. Fighting these giants made of military might be fruitful for obtaining lots of Points in one go, but it does not mean I could not also let my Knights go around and search for items while I take care of the big guy, no?
I should take a break to make sure to recover the durability of my sword and shield before I head out. The Lady did wish to increase our allies born from Damavand, so I should help as much as I can for it to happen.
After all, I am a knight.
Lily's PoV:
*Loud stomach noises*
"The beast's on the loose again!!"
"Run! Escape!"
...hmm? What happened? It feels like my memory of the last few minutes is failing me...
"Miss Lily? Do you know...oh my. Did you do all this?"
Heeh? ...oh, that ****ing Head Priest. Stupid fasting bastard...why are we only getting one portion of bread and soup!? And just for breakfast and dinner!! Where's the lunch!? And Brunch!? And the desseeeeert!!
Yamatai Grand Festival
The Sessei Jiin is a temple placed by a man of unknown history in the Mystic Mountains, a place filled with mana and mist. Follow the rules of the Head Priest and earn Prize Points.
Sessei Jiin... in other words, the "temperance temple"! These last few days have been torture! Screw temperance! Give me gluttony!! No, give me fooooood!!
"...huh? 'All this' what?" - Lily
What's he talking about? And shouldn't there be more rocks around here?
"Was it not you who cleaned up those boulders from the garden? You did leave some of them behind, but I do not mind." - Head Priest
Some leftovers? No, I didn't do it in the first...are those...bite marks?
"...on second thought, I think it was me who did clean it up..." - Lily
My tummy's going to hurt later...
"So kind of you. It's so nice to find people who appreciate the temple for once. Its history and traditions go back several millennia after all. Ah, how nice would it be if the other participants could be like you." - Head Priest
"What did they do?" - Lily
"They ran away! The nerve! I am a little confused why they all had bite marks on their bodies and armors..." - Head Priest
"...excuse me, but do you know where my bird-friends are?" - Lily
"Oh, those three are playing fort behind the temple. How fun...I am a little confused again why they decided to have their fort face the temple instead of the forest...or just making one big fort instead of one each to play with each other..." - Head Priest
...Figaro, Trip, Store, all the other participants...I AM SOOOOO SOOOOORRY!!
*Loud stomach noises*
And you be quiet!!
"O-hohoho. Lily is still a growing girl, I hear." - Head Priest
"Y-yes..." - Lily
"It is nothing to be ashamed over-" - Head Priest
I'm not embarrassed. I'm feeling guilty!!
"-the temple's founder was a much bigger glutton than you. If you are awarded the skill of [Gluttony], then you have to be." - Head Priest
"[Gluttony]!? And he made a temple named after temperance!?" - Lily
Aren't those two opposing concepts?
"Yes. He wanted to learn about moderation after he so foolishly obtained the skill, according to his diary, at least." - Head Priest
"You lost me there at 'moderation'." - Lily
"It seems that the owner of [Gluttony] will constantly have a feeling of hunger. They can never be sated, even when their bodies cannot eat anymore." - Head Priest
Oh, that sounds bad. Sure you want some temperance in your life if that ever happens to you...
"[Gluttony] is too scary!!" - Lily
"That is so true," answered the old Head Priest with a smile. "Say, how about having some dangos I have stored in the pantry? There are no other festival people here, so we can celebrate a little for your victory?"
"Yes please!!" - Lily
Food! Food! It's just some dangos, but still, FOOD!! ...crap, my conscience returned...from the time when I almost blasted the pantry with a handmade explosive...
Then, all of a sudden, the main temple building was crushed by something...huh?
I looked at the main temple and saw...a large white pillar? No, white fur? What is...why's the sky all white?
"N-N-N-N-N-!" - Head Priest
The pillar-like thing started to move, so I took the head priest over my shoulder and carried him off to safety to the backyard. I found my three bird-friends there, gasping over the white whatever that's making a mess of the temple. It's not coming in this direction, so it should be safe here.
Due to the destruction of the Sessei Jiin, the Yamatai Grand Festival event: "Trial of Sessei Jiin" is canceled.
All participants of the event are considered dropped out of the Festival.
"...aw, come on! That's so unfair! What is that stupid ball of fur?" I shouted in frustration over this obvious unfair treatment.
"N-N-Nian...the Nian...one of the thirteen Calamities..." - Head Priest
A what-now? Sounds strong.
I looked at the so-called "Nian" moving away from the temple, and then I noticed the "pillar's" real identity: a long tail, covered in white fur. It belonged to a large creature that was covered in the same fur, except for some red parts on its face and front limbs. Its appearance looks similar to the eel Alf once fished up..., no, to a dragon? There are dragons with long bodies but no wings on this continent, wasn't it?
Seeing such a majestic creature walking across the sky made my heart swoon a little...I'll let him go this time around. Whatever it is, it must be several times stronger than even Garami. I should rather take this newfound free time to help to fix the temple...
Hey, that sorry mess of woodwork, is it the pantry??
Oh, you're going down, "Nian"!! Mark my words, you have earned yourself a nemesis you can never escape from!!
"N-N-N-N-N-N-N-" - Head Priest
...but repairing the temple comes first. I'm not a heartless jerk.
Skill List:
Title List:
Equipment List:
Weapon (Right hand):
Name: No-Life Knight's Sword+
Stats: [ATK: 200]
Weapon (Left hand):
Name: No-Life Knight's Shield+
Stats: [DEF: 210], [MDEF: 220]
Accessory (Mantle):
Name: Guardian's Mantle+
Stats: ---
Skill List:
Title List:
Equipment List:
Name: Black Beast's Jacket
Stats: [DEF: 160], [MDEF: 180]
Name: Black Beast's Fighting Gloves
Stats: [DEF: 60], [MDEF: 50]
Name: Black Beast's Leggings
Stats: [DEF: 90], [MDEF: 80]
Name: Black Beast's Boots
Stats: [ATK: 150], [DEF: 85], [MDEF: 85]
Name: Black Beast's Gauntlets
Stats: [ATK: 190]
Accessory (Ring):
Name: John Doe's Ring
Stats: ---
Accessory (Earring):
Name: Wolf Lord's Fang
Stats: ---
Kigal-Note/Divine Beast: Nian
The Nian is a unique monster that has ascended into a Divine Beast and a member of the thirteen Calamities, "monsters" of so unparalleled strength that they cannot be classified as normal monsters anymore. Some consider them to be the prototype of the Twelve Ultimate Disasters that threatens the world today.
Among the Calamities, the Nian is one of the more peaceful members, similar to the Fenrir or the Tenko. It currently lives on the Mystic Mountains on the Luxuria Continent and is treated as a force of nature that shall not be disturbed. The country of Wakoku has placed a bounty on those that would try to harm the beast, as such an action could endanger the whole continent.
The Nian is a gigantic beast with the appearance of a Long in its draconic form: an elongated body with four sharp-clawed limbs, a heavy tail, no wings, and a pair of horns. The Nian is covered in snow-white fur except for its bloodred front limbs, horns, and markings that go from its eyes to the mentioned horns.
It is also mentioned in legends that it can change the size of its body, from its gigantic size that would let it tower above castles to that of a normal dog.
The full capacity of the Nian's strength is still unknown, but at one time, it destroyed several kingdoms in one week after it was angered several centuries ago.
Its physical strength is a big threat, but the worst ability of the Nian is how it can summon explosions from out of nowhere. Distance is of no hindrance to it, and the numbers and force of the explosions are as good as infinite in the eyes of mankind.
Zaria's comment: Ugh, this thing must be the world's worst animal. Glad I've never gotten a job that required me to go to those mountains.
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