A Reincarnated Demon's Life of Wonder
[Arc 4] Chapter 31: The Third Event: Part 3
Flint's PoV:
"N-no more bets..." said the pale-faced croupier as he rolled the ball on the roulette wheel...
"...R-red 12...mister Flint wins...again...*collapse*"
This is the 104th croupier that I've witnessed fainting in this establishment. Are they overworking them or something?
Yamatai Grand Festival
Loads of Prize Points have been seen in the Blackard Casino! Get out there and show those cardsharks who's the boss!!
I admit I was a little disappointed when I first got to know what this third event was, but now on the seventh day, I have started to appreciate the thrills of gambling...not. I am winning big-time, but I fail to understand why people like Mira find this "enjoyable".
I have had good luck for now, but I still fail to understand why people around me are getting so worked up. It may be an effect of the [Calm Soul] skill, but I don't feel the pressure that my fellow gamblers feel during a game, which probably has much to say.
Going by that line of thought, I am accustomed to the pressures of forging high-value items while being exposed to the searing heat of the forge. Maybe I have developed quite a talent for staying calm?
"P-p-pleaaase! Mister Flint, please show mercy!!" - Casino owner
The pleading man behind me was mister Blackard, the owner of this establishment. Has his hairline grown thinner since the first day I met him?
He is on the floor crying and begging as the casino cannot force participants of the Festival to leave. I wonder how bad the last six days have been for him.
"Mister Blackard, there is no gain for me to stop playing now," I told the casino owner, "so begging is not going to help you."
Ignoring the old man who was ripping his hair to eternal baldness, I went to a poker table to further increase my Prize Point pool. That Guild Forge is soon to be mine!
"GODDAMNIT!" - Casino customer
Wow, guess not everyone can keep their calm.
Over at a different card table, I could see an old ogre losing all his money, He sure picked the wrong poker table.
"Mister Blackard, please don't rip off your hair. We've still got customers who lose money like Muramana over there." - Casino employer
"Yeah, I guess you're right. If we continue to have master smiths donating their money to our casino like him, we won't get thrown onto the street by the first." - Mister Blackard
"Excuse me, Muramana-san?" - Flint
"What scaly figure are you, punk!?" - Muramana
Geez, someone's a poor loser.
"Flint Solrah, Bladesmith and a recent graduate of the school of casino-crushing. May I offer my services in exchange for a favor?" - Flint
"Huh? And why should I believe you?" - Muramana
"Cue the crying bald casino owner." - Flint
"...okay, but don't ask for money!" - Muramana
"How's fixing a cursed, ghost-possessed sword?" - Flint
"I could do that in my sleep! What's the problem? Rust? Knicked edge? Deterioration through overuse of True Damage skills?" - Muramana
...I think I hit my biggest jackpot of the whole week.
Alf's PoV:
"Everyone~! It's the last day of the event, but we are counting on you till the end~!" - Red-haired woman in kimono
"Don't get cocky just because you have survived until now. Those beasts are getting desperate as well, so stay sharp!" - Light-blue-haired woman in kimono
The two girls, the Guild Masters of the two local Fishing Guilds and the supervisors of this event, gave a speech to crank up the excitement of the participants and the local fishermen.
The girls, Yumi Sakarikka (the red-haired Higoromo-Onna) and Tenka Sakarikka (the blue-haired Yuki-Onna) are twins that chose different evolution lines and have equally opposing personalities despite having several common points, such as both being fisherwomen to the core.
Their two Guilds were having a passive-aggressive war with each other, but it was mostly because of their leaders. The Guild members mostly joined because they looked up to the twins, so they're closer to an idol group and their fans.
"Ah, it's Alf!" said someone who noticed me as I left the inn I was staying at.
Then, three things happened in the span of an eye. Most of the crowd moved away to form a path, the guys who didn't move fast enough were blasted away by explosions of hot- and cold air, and the two Guild Masters were standing in front of me, heat and cold still emitting from their hands.
"Glad that you could make it today too, Alf~!" - Yumi
"Hmph, I expected you would be too exhausted to come." - Tenka
Yumi greeted me with an upbeat voice while Tenka tried to play it cool despite having rushed over here with the same eagerness as her twin sister.
However, I won't be fooled here. Not when these girls have that predator look in their eyes that I recognize from when Mira was making items with the Dungeon's random creation-ability.
It is most likely due to the event. Or the bet they have based on it.
Yamatai Grand Festival
Large schools of Sunlion Fishes and Moontigre Crabs have appeared in the port town Minato. Both species are capable of killing the rest of the local ecosystem if they have an advantage, but at the moment, they are being a wrench to the other side which resulted in a delicate balance that could be tipped at any moment.
Better be safe than sorry!! Go out and exterminate both of these invading species! Make sure the town of Minato will not become a ghost town!!
Yumi's Guild wanted to prioritize the fishing of these Sunlion Fishes while Tenka's Guild wanted to get rid of the crabs. And when the Yamatai Grand Festival decided to make an event out of these two invading species, the girls started a bet of their own. If one of the species gets hunted down to extinction faster than the other, the Guild that focused on the other species has to work for the other Guild as their subordinates...
Though, from what I've heard from the townspeople, it is more of the twins' fight disguised as a competition between Guilds. The other Guild members often work together with their "rivals". Only the twins are butting heads with each other.
And as the proof for this:
"Alf~, wanna go fish some Sunlions~? You want to, right~?" - Yumi
"As if. He shall hunt the Moontigre Crabs with my Guild." - Tenka
See~. I have no luck with the ladies...
I slipped away from the pestering twins by letting them have a petting party with Polaris. Sorry old pal, but you have to take a hit for the team. Today's challenge is going to be too dangerous for you to come along with me anyway.
Even if this whole event period has been so dangerous and stressful that I could only spare 3 hours of sleep...but who cares?
"Alf-dono! Here's your boat, ready to sail!" said the fisher-crew who'd helped me these last five days.
I love it when people appreciate that you fish up a few hundred tons of environment-destroying fishes and crabs. Waaay different from back home. I miss those unthankful sneers...NOT! Not! I would rather be part of Ciara's sick fantasies than having to relive that again. *Spit*.
"Alf-dono, just what are you going to do today? Catch a colony of Sunlion Fishes with those strange bubbles of yours again?" - Fisherman A
"No, I bet he's going to pull up another swarm of Crabs with those shadowy hand-thingies!" - Fisherman B
"No, no, no. Something like that is too low-leveled for a fisher of his talent. Especially after seeing how he captured that Lesser Kraken in a wall of ice!" - Fisherman C
"It's an icicle." - Alf
"Different names, same thing." - Fisherman C
"Still wonder how that octopus got mixed into all this." - Fisherman A
"Anyway, none of that's part of my plans today...maybe except for the freezing-part." - Alf
"You're gonna get another Kraken?" - Fisherman C
"No, just the freezing part. Do you guys know why these fishes and crabs can keep on reproducing?" - Alf
"...why do we even wanna know that?" - Fishermen
"Good point. But anyway, three, two, one..." - Alf
And right then, the iceberg traps I got from old man Onyx for the base were activated. They're charged with my own [Icicle Walls], so they're guaranteed to work.
Inside the two new icebergs were the Sunlion Queen Fish and Moontigre Empress Crab. The two big mamas of the opposing species respectively. Without them, there won't be any more of those swimming or crawling pests in this harbor anymore.
"......" - Rest of the port town
"...uh, someone mind giving me a hand with towing those icebergs?" - Alf
"...the town's saved!!" - Rest of the port town
Oh yeah, guess there was something about that too. That explains this System Message window. Let good deeds be worth it this time...
Karma Value has drastically increased.
Title: [Crustacean Slaughterer] has advanced into the title: [Crustacean Genocider].
Through the title, acquired the skill: [Element Armor].
Legacy Quest: [Grand Genocider] has been cleared!
Rewards can now be obtained.
They were worth all the hard work! Wait, is being called a "Genocider" that rewarding? I did get the fish variant on the third day so I can't say this came as a big surprise...
"Alf~," said the fiery twin as the two burned and froze the crowd to make a path to me, "mind if I give you a hand, oh great crab-killer~?"
"Yumi, show some respect. And you, I won't let you sleep tonight until...until you teach me how you did that! Yes, that part." - Tenka
"Oh, reaaaally~? Alf, forget the bitch and come along with me~. We can discuss the selling-price for those two behemoths~." - Yumi
"Stop right there, you hypocrite! Why are you-" - Tenka
"Ehm, girls? You can take all the bounties from the sea." - Alf
"...what?" - Yumi & Tenka
"Yes. Isn't the town in a financial pinch due to the invasion of those two species? I grew up in a port town myself, so think of it as goodwill from a fellow fisher's child." - Alf
"...and you want nothing back?" - Tenka
"At all?" - Yumi
"Please. If I did, my boss would kill me. That's why I've held up with her crazy stunts all this time... But don't tell her I said that." - Alf
The twins looked at each other for a moment before nodding along with my request. Phew, that was a close one.
But enough of that. I should have enough Prize Points to buy the indoors Fishing Pond for Guild Homes now! Now I can take it easy for the rest of the events-
"Alf-chan~? Don't you want to celebrate your victory in the Festival with ne~?" - Yumi
"Well...the Festival? Not the event?" - Alf
"You had a good idea for once, sister. We simply have to congratulate Alf-san for his heroic and genius achievements during this week, but waiting until he has amassed more of them-" - Tenka
"I will?" - Alf
"Yeah~..., hey, why're you talking in plural? Alf's going to join my party, not yours~." - Yumi
"I am?" - Alf
"...okay, that does it! It is time to cool that hot, empty head of yours once and for all!" - Tenka
"Said the hotheaded Yuki-Onna! Put on your gloves, sister!" - Yumi
...girls that fight over me? Sweet! Maybe this "hard work" stuff is worth something after all!
Revi's PoV:
"And the winner of the Mochi Eat-Off is...Revi Darul!!"
The commentator shouted my name and it reverberated through the avenue used for the competition. I was awarded the trophy decorated with a golden mallet, and he gave the official speech…but honestly, my stomach's too filled with mochi to remember things straight. And my arms hurt. Like, for real.
Yamatai Grand Festival
The Great Mochi Eat-Off! A yearly traditional competition that we have the great honor of including in this year's Yamatai Grand Festival. Get those mochis! But don't choke on them. By all means... I'm serious!!
Creating enough mochi to surpass all the other contenders combined was a bad idea. Even if I called on several ghosts to assist me, took the [Helping Ghost] skill to give me a pair of ghost hands so I could do the work of two, and even had mister Walaphiris, my living cursed witch hat help me with his spectral hand! My-my hands...they're popping off soon...
I walked away from the stage and found a calm tea shop to help me with digestion. Even if [Overeating] was negated, they couldn't stop my [Envy] from stealing the [Overeating] skills of the previous year's winner, who was conveniently working as a judge for the event this year. Even then... my tummy hurts...
"Here is your digestion-helping green tea and your recovery energy tea."
...food coma! Wait, did I order tea? And I don't need any recovery brews! My homemade potions are the best in town!
"Finally...*glug, glug, glug*." - Ciara
"Ciara!? What are you doing here?" - Revi
Shouldn't she be busy with some other event? And why does she look like she has lived in a tiger cage for a month?
"Blasted forest *glug*...infested with pixies *glug*...C-rank leaders *glug*....finished them off with only direct spells *glug*, because I had to preserve the recorded ones for the potential tougher events, *glug*, and the knight-guy who was the only idiot who managed to stay awake and not sent into dreamland by the smaller pixies already had a girlfriend!! Phew, I'm better now. And you? How did you fare?" - Ciara
"My arms and tummy... ruined..." - Revi
"Okaaay, when you look that miserable, I can't even make a horny joke, so cheer up. Garami may even give you a pat on your head~." - Ciara
"Why would I care for that?" - Revi
"...oh, sorry. You would rather hold hands with her-" - Ciara
"No, I wouldn't." - Revi
"......then what? Sitting on her lap? A lap pillow? Kiss on the cheek? Dressup!? A calm date through a park or something!?" - Ciara
"Waaay to tame. And I haven't even prepared the love potion yet. Not that I have any clues on how to make one." - Revi
"...Okay, TIME-OUT! Man, I'm glad I got this girl into the private booth. What are you expecting from Garami in the first place? I mean, what are you even seeing her as?" - Ciara
"? A cruel mistress that pushes her enemies into inescapable terrors and pushes her allies into complete obedience through the same method?" - Revi
"...excuse me?? Wait, what do you want to do with that love potion again?" - Ciara
"To have Garami become so excited that she will recreate that night when you and Mira invaded her room and she punished you after drinking that sake." - Revi
"......WHY!!? Are you crazy!!?" - Ciara
"Why not? It's not fair that only you could receive such distinguished punishment." - Revi
"...god damn, this girl got more problems than me..." - Ciara
Ciara started to talk about something unreasonable, but she has had a tough week. I will let it slide as the complaints from someone who is exhausted.
"Hey, the latest event results...WHAAAT!?" - Revi
"Stop there, sick-in-the-head girl! We're not finished here...WHAAAT!?" - Ciara
Aw, come on! Even when I'm successful, I'm not any closer to Garami? This stinks! Like mochi!
Current Prize Point results:
Skill List:
Title List:
Kigal-Note/Artisan Classes: Engineer
The Engineer class. One of the weirdest classes in the Terra Sol World System that creates "machines", strange items that make use of complex mechanics to operate.
The class is obtainable for those who have cleared the "Working with Mechanics" Quest, a special Quest that allows those with smithing-type skills to create small mechanics, even Automatas if they wanted to, but of course, with its high difficulty and no skill-assist, this is a feat close to no-one can do.
Including normal Artisan-related skills, Engineer grants three Crafting Skills that give the user the ability to make machines through Skill assistance. These are [Machine Creation], which lets them create any regular machines, [Drone Creation] that lets them make drones, machines that can be remotely controlled and even store simple magic formulas in them, and [Automata Creation], which allows the Engineer to create lifelike machines, in other words, Automatas.
Alf's comment: Hey...Flint could make Automatas without the skill even before we met him, didn't he?
"N-no more bets..." said the pale-faced croupier as he rolled the ball on the roulette wheel...
"...R-red 12...mister Flint wins...again...*collapse*"
This is the 104th croupier that I've witnessed fainting in this establishment. Are they overworking them or something?
Yamatai Grand Festival
Loads of Prize Points have been seen in the Blackard Casino! Get out there and show those cardsharks who's the boss!!
I admit I was a little disappointed when I first got to know what this third event was, but now on the seventh day, I have started to appreciate the thrills of gambling...not. I am winning big-time, but I fail to understand why people like Mira find this "enjoyable".
I have had good luck for now, but I still fail to understand why people around me are getting so worked up. It may be an effect of the [Calm Soul] skill, but I don't feel the pressure that my fellow gamblers feel during a game, which probably has much to say.
Going by that line of thought, I am accustomed to the pressures of forging high-value items while being exposed to the searing heat of the forge. Maybe I have developed quite a talent for staying calm?
"P-p-pleaaase! Mister Flint, please show mercy!!" - Casino owner
The pleading man behind me was mister Blackard, the owner of this establishment. Has his hairline grown thinner since the first day I met him?
He is on the floor crying and begging as the casino cannot force participants of the Festival to leave. I wonder how bad the last six days have been for him.
"Mister Blackard, there is no gain for me to stop playing now," I told the casino owner, "so begging is not going to help you."
Ignoring the old man who was ripping his hair to eternal baldness, I went to a poker table to further increase my Prize Point pool. That Guild Forge is soon to be mine!
"GODDAMNIT!" - Casino customer
Wow, guess not everyone can keep their calm.
Over at a different card table, I could see an old ogre losing all his money, He sure picked the wrong poker table.
"Mister Blackard, please don't rip off your hair. We've still got customers who lose money like Muramana over there." - Casino employer
"Yeah, I guess you're right. If we continue to have master smiths donating their money to our casino like him, we won't get thrown onto the street by the first." - Mister Blackard
"Excuse me, Muramana-san?" - Flint
"What scaly figure are you, punk!?" - Muramana
Geez, someone's a poor loser.
"Flint Solrah, Bladesmith and a recent graduate of the school of casino-crushing. May I offer my services in exchange for a favor?" - Flint
"Huh? And why should I believe you?" - Muramana
"Cue the crying bald casino owner." - Flint
"...okay, but don't ask for money!" - Muramana
"How's fixing a cursed, ghost-possessed sword?" - Flint
"I could do that in my sleep! What's the problem? Rust? Knicked edge? Deterioration through overuse of True Damage skills?" - Muramana
...I think I hit my biggest jackpot of the whole week.
Alf's PoV:
"Everyone~! It's the last day of the event, but we are counting on you till the end~!" - Red-haired woman in kimono
"Don't get cocky just because you have survived until now. Those beasts are getting desperate as well, so stay sharp!" - Light-blue-haired woman in kimono
The two girls, the Guild Masters of the two local Fishing Guilds and the supervisors of this event, gave a speech to crank up the excitement of the participants and the local fishermen.
The girls, Yumi Sakarikka (the red-haired Higoromo-Onna) and Tenka Sakarikka (the blue-haired Yuki-Onna) are twins that chose different evolution lines and have equally opposing personalities despite having several common points, such as both being fisherwomen to the core.
Their two Guilds were having a passive-aggressive war with each other, but it was mostly because of their leaders. The Guild members mostly joined because they looked up to the twins, so they're closer to an idol group and their fans.
"Ah, it's Alf!" said someone who noticed me as I left the inn I was staying at.
Then, three things happened in the span of an eye. Most of the crowd moved away to form a path, the guys who didn't move fast enough were blasted away by explosions of hot- and cold air, and the two Guild Masters were standing in front of me, heat and cold still emitting from their hands.
"Glad that you could make it today too, Alf~!" - Yumi
"Hmph, I expected you would be too exhausted to come." - Tenka
Yumi greeted me with an upbeat voice while Tenka tried to play it cool despite having rushed over here with the same eagerness as her twin sister.
However, I won't be fooled here. Not when these girls have that predator look in their eyes that I recognize from when Mira was making items with the Dungeon's random creation-ability.
It is most likely due to the event. Or the bet they have based on it.
Yamatai Grand Festival
Large schools of Sunlion Fishes and Moontigre Crabs have appeared in the port town Minato. Both species are capable of killing the rest of the local ecosystem if they have an advantage, but at the moment, they are being a wrench to the other side which resulted in a delicate balance that could be tipped at any moment.
Better be safe than sorry!! Go out and exterminate both of these invading species! Make sure the town of Minato will not become a ghost town!!
Yumi's Guild wanted to prioritize the fishing of these Sunlion Fishes while Tenka's Guild wanted to get rid of the crabs. And when the Yamatai Grand Festival decided to make an event out of these two invading species, the girls started a bet of their own. If one of the species gets hunted down to extinction faster than the other, the Guild that focused on the other species has to work for the other Guild as their subordinates...
Though, from what I've heard from the townspeople, it is more of the twins' fight disguised as a competition between Guilds. The other Guild members often work together with their "rivals". Only the twins are butting heads with each other.
And as the proof for this:
"Alf~, wanna go fish some Sunlions~? You want to, right~?" - Yumi
"As if. He shall hunt the Moontigre Crabs with my Guild." - Tenka
See~. I have no luck with the ladies...
I slipped away from the pestering twins by letting them have a petting party with Polaris. Sorry old pal, but you have to take a hit for the team. Today's challenge is going to be too dangerous for you to come along with me anyway.
Even if this whole event period has been so dangerous and stressful that I could only spare 3 hours of sleep...but who cares?
"Alf-dono! Here's your boat, ready to sail!" said the fisher-crew who'd helped me these last five days.
I love it when people appreciate that you fish up a few hundred tons of environment-destroying fishes and crabs. Waaay different from back home. I miss those unthankful sneers...NOT! Not! I would rather be part of Ciara's sick fantasies than having to relive that again. *Spit*.
"Alf-dono, just what are you going to do today? Catch a colony of Sunlion Fishes with those strange bubbles of yours again?" - Fisherman A
"No, I bet he's going to pull up another swarm of Crabs with those shadowy hand-thingies!" - Fisherman B
"No, no, no. Something like that is too low-leveled for a fisher of his talent. Especially after seeing how he captured that Lesser Kraken in a wall of ice!" - Fisherman C
"It's an icicle." - Alf
"Different names, same thing." - Fisherman C
"Still wonder how that octopus got mixed into all this." - Fisherman A
"Anyway, none of that's part of my plans today...maybe except for the freezing-part." - Alf
"You're gonna get another Kraken?" - Fisherman C
"No, just the freezing part. Do you guys know why these fishes and crabs can keep on reproducing?" - Alf
"...why do we even wanna know that?" - Fishermen
"Good point. But anyway, three, two, one..." - Alf
And right then, the iceberg traps I got from old man Onyx for the base were activated. They're charged with my own [Icicle Walls], so they're guaranteed to work.
Inside the two new icebergs were the Sunlion Queen Fish and Moontigre Empress Crab. The two big mamas of the opposing species respectively. Without them, there won't be any more of those swimming or crawling pests in this harbor anymore.
"......" - Rest of the port town
"...uh, someone mind giving me a hand with towing those icebergs?" - Alf
"...the town's saved!!" - Rest of the port town
Oh yeah, guess there was something about that too. That explains this System Message window. Let good deeds be worth it this time...
Karma Value has drastically increased.
Title: [Crustacean Slaughterer] has advanced into the title: [Crustacean Genocider].
Through the title, acquired the skill: [Element Armor].
Legacy Quest: [Grand Genocider] has been cleared!
Rewards can now be obtained.
They were worth all the hard work! Wait, is being called a "Genocider" that rewarding? I did get the fish variant on the third day so I can't say this came as a big surprise...
"Alf~," said the fiery twin as the two burned and froze the crowd to make a path to me, "mind if I give you a hand, oh great crab-killer~?"
"Yumi, show some respect. And you, I won't let you sleep tonight until...until you teach me how you did that! Yes, that part." - Tenka
"Oh, reaaaally~? Alf, forget the bitch and come along with me~. We can discuss the selling-price for those two behemoths~." - Yumi
"Stop right there, you hypocrite! Why are you-" - Tenka
"Ehm, girls? You can take all the bounties from the sea." - Alf
"...what?" - Yumi & Tenka
"Yes. Isn't the town in a financial pinch due to the invasion of those two species? I grew up in a port town myself, so think of it as goodwill from a fellow fisher's child." - Alf
"...and you want nothing back?" - Tenka
"At all?" - Yumi
"Please. If I did, my boss would kill me. That's why I've held up with her crazy stunts all this time... But don't tell her I said that." - Alf
The twins looked at each other for a moment before nodding along with my request. Phew, that was a close one.
But enough of that. I should have enough Prize Points to buy the indoors Fishing Pond for Guild Homes now! Now I can take it easy for the rest of the events-
"Alf-chan~? Don't you want to celebrate your victory in the Festival with ne~?" - Yumi
"Well...the Festival? Not the event?" - Alf
"You had a good idea for once, sister. We simply have to congratulate Alf-san for his heroic and genius achievements during this week, but waiting until he has amassed more of them-" - Tenka
"I will?" - Alf
"Yeah~..., hey, why're you talking in plural? Alf's going to join my party, not yours~." - Yumi
"I am?" - Alf
"...okay, that does it! It is time to cool that hot, empty head of yours once and for all!" - Tenka
"Said the hotheaded Yuki-Onna! Put on your gloves, sister!" - Yumi
...girls that fight over me? Sweet! Maybe this "hard work" stuff is worth something after all!
Revi's PoV:
"And the winner of the Mochi Eat-Off is...Revi Darul!!"
The commentator shouted my name and it reverberated through the avenue used for the competition. I was awarded the trophy decorated with a golden mallet, and he gave the official speech…but honestly, my stomach's too filled with mochi to remember things straight. And my arms hurt. Like, for real.
Yamatai Grand Festival
The Great Mochi Eat-Off! A yearly traditional competition that we have the great honor of including in this year's Yamatai Grand Festival. Get those mochis! But don't choke on them. By all means... I'm serious!!
Creating enough mochi to surpass all the other contenders combined was a bad idea. Even if I called on several ghosts to assist me, took the [Helping Ghost] skill to give me a pair of ghost hands so I could do the work of two, and even had mister Walaphiris, my living cursed witch hat help me with his spectral hand! My-my hands...they're popping off soon...
I walked away from the stage and found a calm tea shop to help me with digestion. Even if [Overeating] was negated, they couldn't stop my [Envy] from stealing the [Overeating] skills of the previous year's winner, who was conveniently working as a judge for the event this year. Even then... my tummy hurts...
"Here is your digestion-helping green tea and your recovery energy tea."
...food coma! Wait, did I order tea? And I don't need any recovery brews! My homemade potions are the best in town!
"Finally...*glug, glug, glug*." - Ciara
"Ciara!? What are you doing here?" - Revi
Shouldn't she be busy with some other event? And why does she look like she has lived in a tiger cage for a month?
"Blasted forest *glug*...infested with pixies *glug*...C-rank leaders *glug*....finished them off with only direct spells *glug*, because I had to preserve the recorded ones for the potential tougher events, *glug*, and the knight-guy who was the only idiot who managed to stay awake and not sent into dreamland by the smaller pixies already had a girlfriend!! Phew, I'm better now. And you? How did you fare?" - Ciara
"My arms and tummy... ruined..." - Revi
"Okaaay, when you look that miserable, I can't even make a horny joke, so cheer up. Garami may even give you a pat on your head~." - Ciara
"Why would I care for that?" - Revi
"...oh, sorry. You would rather hold hands with her-" - Ciara
"No, I wouldn't." - Revi
"......then what? Sitting on her lap? A lap pillow? Kiss on the cheek? Dressup!? A calm date through a park or something!?" - Ciara
"Waaay to tame. And I haven't even prepared the love potion yet. Not that I have any clues on how to make one." - Revi
"...Okay, TIME-OUT! Man, I'm glad I got this girl into the private booth. What are you expecting from Garami in the first place? I mean, what are you even seeing her as?" - Ciara
"? A cruel mistress that pushes her enemies into inescapable terrors and pushes her allies into complete obedience through the same method?" - Revi
"...excuse me?? Wait, what do you want to do with that love potion again?" - Ciara
"To have Garami become so excited that she will recreate that night when you and Mira invaded her room and she punished you after drinking that sake." - Revi
"......WHY!!? Are you crazy!!?" - Ciara
"Why not? It's not fair that only you could receive such distinguished punishment." - Revi
"...god damn, this girl got more problems than me..." - Ciara
Ciara started to talk about something unreasonable, but she has had a tough week. I will let it slide as the complaints from someone who is exhausted.
"Hey, the latest event results...WHAAAT!?" - Revi
"Stop there, sick-in-the-head girl! We're not finished here...WHAAAT!?" - Ciara
Aw, come on! Even when I'm successful, I'm not any closer to Garami? This stinks! Like mochi!
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Kigal-Note/Artisan Classes: Engineer
The Engineer class. One of the weirdest classes in the Terra Sol World System that creates "machines", strange items that make use of complex mechanics to operate.
The class is obtainable for those who have cleared the "Working with Mechanics" Quest, a special Quest that allows those with smithing-type skills to create small mechanics, even Automatas if they wanted to, but of course, with its high difficulty and no skill-assist, this is a feat close to no-one can do.
Including normal Artisan-related skills, Engineer grants three Crafting Skills that give the user the ability to make machines through Skill assistance. These are [Machine Creation], which lets them create any regular machines, [Drone Creation] that lets them make drones, machines that can be remotely controlled and even store simple magic formulas in them, and [Automata Creation], which allows the Engineer to create lifelike machines, in other words, Automatas.
Alf's comment: Hey...Flint could make Automatas without the skill even before we met him, didn't he?
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