A Reincarnated Demon's Tales of Wonder

[Arc 1] Chapter 26: The Dungeon Boss

My first thought of the north tunnel: boring.

There's no one here! Only boulders and water flowing back to the river area. Some lights in the ceiling like in the spider tunnel, albeit somewhat brighter. The moisture in the air is on the level of the lake area with the dragon, but still. no monsters in miles sight. 

Here I was, ready to be a one-man-army against any reptiles that would come my way. Wait, are turtles reptiles or amphibians? I can't remember.

Back to the point, the second tunnel expedition is going so smoothly that the spider tunnel feels like some bad joke. I've been going on full stealth-mode this whole time, for no freaking reason! I wish something could appear so that all my hard work doesn't get wasted here.


It took some time, but my wish was finally granted. [Sense Foe] detected a presence within a rock. Getting a better look at it, a.k.a. appraising it, I recognized the rock as a turtle snake. They have some kind of camouflage skill, don't they? Good thing I noticed it before I got swallowed whole. 

Guess even the slow headed turtle snake doesn't want to keep on losing all the time. This guy, I won't be able to defeat. The one I killed at the river area was the stupid type, the one who didn't withdraw into its shell, leaving its neck wide open.

This one is using its head and skills, so a fight against it will be difficult, if not impossible. Getting busted because I killed it won't be funny either, so I'll ignore this one and move on. 


After the first turtle snake, [Sense Foe] has found several more of them here and there. They aren't patrolling or working together in any way, they're just taking a nap or waiting for prey. 

There's no way these guys would be this relaxed if the T-Rex was lurking in this tunnel. In that case, I've hit the turtle tunnel. And the one with the strongest sub-boss, if I can trust Skelly's memos. The end of the tunnel is just up ahead, so let's take a look at the so-called hydra.

After exiting the tunnel, I arrived in a huge, dome-shaped cave. It's about the size of a soccer stadium, and build like one as well. The entrance was located at the top, where the audience would come out. At the 'soccer field' part of the cave, there's a huge rock there, covering almost all of the 'field', and said rock is halfway covered in water. Said water comes from the opposite side of the cave, streaming out from several openings in the wall, similar to the tunnel I came out of.

On my left and right side, there are steep walls where the seats usually should be. No way someone can get to the other side of the cave by climb those walls unless you can make spider threads like me.

I can see the Console on the opposite side of the cave. Unless there are some other huge pillars made of crystal in this dungeon, I mean. I want to just run to the Console, but something is stopping me from doing so. I'm talking about this guy, who is pretending to be a huge rock in the middle of the cave.


Nameless   | Boss of [The Water-Knot of Glavras]

Race: [Glavras Hydraortress]   | Level: 66

Skills: 16

Titles: 1

HP: 702/702 + 1331   | MP: 331/331 + 1331   | SP: 882/882 + 1331

STR: 671 + 1331   | VIT: 1853 + 1331   | MAG: 227 + 1331

RES: 554 + 1331   | SPD: 334 + 1331   | DEX: 225 + 1331

INT: 96   | LUC: 87


The turtle boss is the real Dungeon Boss! Wasn't the dragon supposed to be the boss? Or is it that the dragon is the owner of the dungeon and this guy's the boss of it? Hmm, when looking at it like that, it's pretty obvious. Then what else is there about this guy?


Appraisal Result:

Race: Glavras Hydraortress

Rank: B-

Type: Serpent Monster

Element: Water

The evolved form of the Glavras Bunkkurtle, the Glavras Hydraortress.

Like it's previous race, the Glavras Hydraortress is a monster unique to the dungeon [The Water-Knot of Glavras]. 

A walking fortress, impregnable when withdrawn into its shell. The sole exception of the Glavras series, who uses poison-related abilities despite possessing the [Pure Water Dependency] skill, and without the demerits of said skill.

The Glavras Hydraortress' great defense and endurance makes it a perfect guard, despite not having any subordinates to help it. Its multiple heads allow it to both attack, guard, and strategies at the same time.

The amount of heads the Glavras Hydraortress has is variable since it can grow several new ones each time a head is cut off. The shell of the Glavras Hydraortress can transform itself, allowing the heads to appear from anywhere of its body.

===================================================================== =====================================================================


Ability Skills: [SP High-Regeneration LV99 (MAX)]  [VIT Enhancement LV50 (MAX)]

Attack Skills: [Venom Bite LV50 (MAX)]

Magic Skills: [Water Magic LV50 (MAX)] [Poison Magic LV50 (MAX)]

Active Skills:  [Fortress LV50 (MAX)] 

Passive Skills: [Snap LV50 (MAX)] [Camouflage LV50 (MAX)] 

Resistance Skills: [Water Resistance LV50 (MAX)] [Physical Abnormality Resistance LV50 (MAX)]

Leadership Skills: [Ruler LV12]

Racial Skills: [Withdraw LV50 (MAX)] [Companion Minds LV10 (MAX)] [Limb Regeneration LV50 (MAX)] [Pure Water Dependency LV99 (MAX)]

Elements: [Greater Water Element LV50 (MAX)]



Why?! Why does this guy has poison skills better than me?! That's unfair!

Even my secret weapon won't be enough to kill this guy. That [Bodily Status Resistance] is a skill that resists poison, stun, paralyze, and sleep bad statuses. There's nothing left for me to do! Stun, by the way, refers to when your brain isn't able to give commands to the body, as opposed to paralyze, where the body won't move despite getting commands to move. The sleep part only refers to forced sleep, like with sleeping potions and hypnosis.

The second bad news about this guy is its [Multiple Minds] skill. Like the description says, it will be like having several opponents at once in a game of chess. I can't trick it like this. And fighting it, no way! Just look at those stats. It's pretty intelligent to boot.

Guess my dungeon drought plans needs to be put on hold, for like, an eternity. I hope the final tunnel is somewhat better... nah. By the process of elimination, the last tunnel has the T-Rex. I guess I should just check the place out and get outta there.

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