A Reincarnated Demon's Tales of Wonder

[Arc 1] Chapter 27: The Three Virtuous Raptors

Yup, no way I'll get to any of the Consoles. No chance. Zero, zilch, not even a ghost of a chance.

I'm back after scouting the last tunnel, the one holding the purification Console and the dino-lair. For about how I know that it was the purification Console, I need to describe the dino-lair first.

The lair is located at the end of the south-west tunnel, which was empty except for several carcasses of different non-Glavras monsters. Those carcasses made the tunnel stink of death, like in a catacomb, not that I've ever been in a catacomb, but you get the idea. They must have been the remains of the raptors' meal.

After traveling the catacomb tunnel, I reached the lair, and what a lair it was. The tunnel ended in a huge cave, even bigger than the hydra cave of the north tunnel. In the cave, there were tons of raptors, easily over a hundred, maybe four hundred, or even five.

And I'm not talking about the weakling raptors that I always capture in my webs. These guys are at the level limit of their race. I know that because they have 'evolution available' flashing in their status page, and there is no one of a higher level than those guys. They are at Lv20 by the way. Some kind of royal raptor guards?

They all have bad karma, so they must be followers of the T-Rex, with T as in tyrant. The reason for not evolving must be because they would have to fight the T-Rex over the leadership of the raptors.

The cave has several pathways made of rock, going to upper floors of the cave, where there were many small caves there, probably sleeping chamber for the raptors, like with the spider tunnel. At the back of the lair, there was a huge cave the T-Rex was sleeping. And in the middle of the lair, surrounded by pathways in the air, and raptor guards at the ground was the Console.

Like with the two other Consoles, this one looked like a blue, crystal pillar, with some computer terminal-ish contraptions at the bottom of it. In the ceiling where the Console was connected to, there were some huge, transparent pipes up there, where water was flowing through. At the point where the pipe was crossing the Console, the water was flashing in blue color. Probably the purification effect.

I must have arrived in the night when most of the raptors are sleeping. Even so, there are tons of raptors active right now. They were guarding the Console with such zeal, that even Fort Knox or the MI6 would want them as part of their security team. No way I can access the Console when those guys are there. Thinking so, I gave up on that Console at that time.

Back to the present, I'm currently in the pillar area, looking over the place. I tried to think of some new scheme that wouldn't require the access to the Consoles but to no luck. I don't have that [Analyze] skill, nor am I able to acquire it. I'm therefore clueless in getting new clues out of this area as Skelly did. 

While pondering on what to do next, I chewed on some MP Restoration Gels I've made with [Medicine Synthesis]'s new function. This made any type of liquid-based medicine into a gel type one. The gels are at the size of a walnut and tasted way better than the regular medicine.

I'm chewing on these, not only because I needed some MP after using my shadow magic, but also because the gels are the tastiest food in the whole dungeon. The food I commandeered from the bandits is long gone after all.

*Smack* *dunk*

Huh, what's that over there? At a forgotten corner of the area, some raptors are getting beaten up. And out of all things, by other raptors? What's going on here?

With a quick [Appraisal], I got to know that the three bully raptors were all royal guards of the T-Rex, while the victim raptors were around LV15, and with positive karma values. Heck, the strongest of the victim raptors even had a karma value of 93. A number I can't even dream of obtaining...

While harboring some jealous thoughts for the good guy raptor, the royal guards were continuing their bullying at the weaker raptors, oi, oi, oi! They started biting the good guy raptors' throats!

Won't those guys die if this continues? Aren't they allies? Maybe the victim raptors are against the rule of the T-Rex, and the royal guard is snuffing them out before they get a chance to evolve?

I'm not calling my self a hero of justice, but even I get ticked off by something that boorish. Even if I'm fine with killing to survive, but bullying the weak like that, that's not gonna cut it, royal guards. Therefore, let's sneak a little closer, aaaand, String Fist, times 3!

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

And there you go, three fainted royal guards, ready for takeout. Geez, these guys were pushovers. Even if they have reached level MAX, they're still muscle brained raptors that won't make an effort of training their skills. 

Tch, now the victim raptors starts staring at me. Are they gonna attack me? If that's the case, I'm gonna be ruthless and strike back at them. There's no mercy for ungrateful fools. Huh, where are you guys looking at? The royal guards? I didn't kill them. No, I won't take them, eh?!

The two remaining victim raptors broke the necks of the royal guards while they were still unconscious. That must be what they were wondering about if it was fine to kill them. No big deal for me, I even got a new level when I killed a turtle on my way down here. But damn, these guys are tough. 'Survival of the fittest', at its finest.

After killing the royal guards, and therefore recovering with a level up, the two raptors started to look after the good guy raptor. It doesn't look like they are gonna kill him as well, only not sure how to treat the wound he's got on his neck. The good guy raptor's gonna die at this rate.

Well, since I've come so far, let's do some more charity for these guys. I've made an improved potion by using the materials I dismantled from the turtle snake I killed before exploring the north tunnel, the Turtle Potion! It was the system that gave the name, not me. Since its a fancy potion, I stored it in some of the used potion containers that I washed after they were emptied.

The Turtle Potion should have an improved recovery effect on the HP, MP, and even the SP. Just sprinkle a little of it on the wound should do it. I shooed away the two raptors and made way for the good guy raptor. Let's ignore that scared look they had in their eyes. Then, I used some of the Turtle Potion on the wound.


That's not a good sound. While thinking so, I and the two raptors saw the wound closing before our eyes. Talk about effective medicine. When the good guy raptor opened his eyes and got up, the two other raptors started to dance in joy.

Guess this is my cue to leave now. While getting ready to leave, the three raptors suddenly went down on their knees, as if kneeling to me. Why? I just didn't like those royal guards. No need to thank me for that.

This is more difficult than dealing with a turtle snake. I've never been shown goodwill from any living being in my new life, safe for Skvalv. There's no reason to keep these guys with me, nor can I expect that this loyalty will hold. If not...

To test my theory, I made a picture of the T-Rex on the wall with my threads. The three raptors were surprised, for a good reason. I wouldn't think that big tyrant would leave anyone that even took a side glance at him alive.

I pointed at the raptors, then at the picture of the T-Rex, then at them again. The three raptors quickly shook their head. They are smarter than I thought they would be. And how do they know that shaking your head means no?

I then made a String Fist and used it to smash the picture of the T-Rex. The raptors made a surprised sound, then nodded their heads, with obvious enthusiasm, when I pointed at the smashed picture again. Seriously, where did they learn those gestures?

I then produced two more pictures, showing the raptors trying to evolve, then fighting the T-Rex. The raptors nodded again. So they were trying to overthrow the T-Rex. I continued by making a picture between the former two, showing how the evolved raptor would then kill the remaining two.

The raptors were, to say the least, shocked by this news. I then crossed out those three pictures, for then making four new ones.

In the first picture, I showed that I would train the three raptors. In the second picture, I showed the three raptors had become super strong thanks to my training. 

The third picture showed the three raptors challenging the T-Rex. And the fourth picture showed the three raptors as the victors of the fight.

No need to say, the raptors were excited over this proposal. Well, no way they are gonna be able to defeat the T-Rex on their own. At least, they will become the strongest mobs in the dungeon, but not enough to take care of any sub-bosses.

The fight will become something to witness, at least. During the fight, while the river area was still the river-and-bridges area, all the raptors have assembled there to witness the fight. Even if it's just three regular raptors picking a fight, if it's against the T-Rex, and they have killed some of the royal guards, the raptors are gonna view the fight, a.k.a., the execution of them.

During that time, I can sneak into the dino-lair, and mess up the purification Console! If things go my way, I may even be able to use my secret weapon and kill the Dungeon Master!

Huh, the raptors have a complaint? Looks like they don't like the part where they all fight against the T-Rex. I replaced the third picture with three new ones, showing one raptor fighting the T-Rex, for then showing a new raptor taking over the fight when the first raptor is beaten, in the second and third pictures.

This made them look happier. Oh geez, now their kneeling again. I guess I've gotten some students. They are clever enough, so maybe this isn't such a bad idea after all. However, it's difficult to differentiate between them when I don't look at their status values. Let's just name them and start from there.

The good guy raptor, I can call him Virt, as in virtuous. The second raptor, this one has good VIT stats, so let's call him Sent, as in sentinel. The third raptor, isn't this a girl? I know the difference since I've killed and dissected many raptors till now, so I can differ between the species after observing them a little. Let's call her Riri, a more raptor-ish touch of Lily. 

While I was happy about the names that I've thought of in the span of a second, thanks to [Thought Acceleration], I was suddenly feeling exhausted. What's going on here?



The naming of the individual [Glavras Slipraus] to Virt, successful.

Granting Blessing, [Lesser Darkness Demon's Blessing] to Virt

The naming of the individual [Glavras Slipraus] to Sent, successful.

Granting Blessing, [Lesser Darkness Demon's Blessing] to Sent

The naming of the individual [Glavras Slipraus] to Riri, successful.

Granting Blessing, [Lesser Darkness Demon's Blessing] to Riri




Proficiency has reached the required amount:

Skill [MP Reinforcement LV9] has become [MP Reinforcement LV10]

0.3 skill points obtained



HP: 66/66   | MP: 2/237   | SP: 71/71


Geh, my MP! It dropped like a rock! The [MP Reinforcement] skill went up as well. What happened here? Naming? Blessing? Wait, don't tell me...


Name: Virt

Race: [Glavras Slipraus]   | Level: 15

Karma Value: 93

Skills: 9

HP: 65/65   | MP: 52/52   | SP: 142/142

STR: 40  | VIT: 32   | MAG: 57

RES: 66   | SPD: 94   | DEX: 89

INT: 99   | LUC: 93




Attack Skills: [Poison Attack LV1]

Magic Skills: [Darkness Magic LV1]

Passive Skill: [Running LV25] [Magic Talent Lv1]

Resistance Skill: [Poison Resistance LV1]

Leadership Skill: [Leader LV1] [Cooperation LV8]

Elements: [Lesser Water Element LV17] [Lesser Darkness Element LV1]



Name: Sent

Race: [Glavras Slipraus]   | Level: 14

Karma Value: 72

Skills: 9

HP: 53/53   | MP: 32/32   | SP: 153/153

STR: 37  | VIT: 62   | MAG: 27

RES: 66   | SPD: 84   | DEX: 78

INT: 91   | LUC: 92




Ability Skills: [VIT Reinforcement LV1]

Attack Skills: [Poison Bite LV1] [Counter LV1]

Passive Skill: [Sentinel LV1] [Running LV21] 

Resistance Skill: [Poison Resistance LV1]

Leadership Skill: [Cooperation LV8]

Elements: [Lesser Water Element LV17] [Lesser Darkness Element LV1]



Name: Riri

Race: [Glavras Slipraus]   | Level: 14

Karma Value: 73

Skills: 9

HP: 52/52   | MP: 76/76   | SP: 126/126

STR: 37  | VIT: 31   | MAG: 67

RES: 57   | SPD: 88   | DEX: 75

INT: 97   | LUC: 92




Attack Skills: [Poison Bite LV1]

Magic Skills: [Water Magic LV1] [Darkness Magic LV1] 

Passive Skill: [Running LV22] [Magic Talent LV1]

Resistance Skill: [Poison Resistance LV1]

Leadership Skill: [Cooperation LV8]

Elements: [Lesser Water Element LV17] [Lesser Darkness Element LV1]


I did it big time! The raptors really got their names! And their skill lists have turned funny as well. [Pure Water Dependency] has been lost, and new skills have taken its place. Ain't those skills based on me? What's going on here?!

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