A Reincarnated Demon's Tales of Wonder

[Arc 1] Chapter 28: The Three Disciples (Raptors).

Okay, I named three raptors last time, Virt, Sent, and Riri, and made them my students in the art of dino-killing. What gives?

When I named the three raptors, I got a system message that told me that I had given a 'lesser dark demon's blessing' to the three of them. Wasn't blessings supposed to be from gods only? My [Appraisal] aren't able to appraise blessings, so I have no way to be sure, but I got the idea that blessings are powers given from a stronger being, gods or not.

In this case, the powers are my MP, due to me giving them names. Who knew that giving names to monsters was such a risky business? Well, a named sword is better than an unnamed one. Maybe there's something there?

Anyway, those blessings gave the three raptors some strange new skills. Virt got several different skills, making him an all-rounder with magic skills and [Poison Attack], which grants the poison-attribute to any type of attack. Why do you get a better skill than my own?! And he's got the [Leader] skill. That's a skill that increases your abilities as a leader, kinda like a charisma skill.

Sent got defense-related skills, like his namesake [Sentinel] skill, that gives a bonus to your defense when guarding yourself, and the [Counter] skill. Like the name says, [Counter] is a skill that returns the damage you have taken, by boosting your attack by the same amount. 

Riri became a magician type, with [Magic Talent] and two magic skills, darkness and water. How did she and Virt get those skills anyway? I understand [Water Magic] since they are water-attribute monsters, but darkness? I don't have that magic myself, so how did they get them? 

The strangest thing was that [Pure Water Dependency] had disappeared from all their skill lists. It may be since they all got poison-related skills now, or maybe because they got the [Lesser Darkness Element]? Not sure, but it must be one of those two. 

Back to the present, I'm currently in the process of making T-Rex killing machines of the three raptors.

By using the now-familiar thread pictures, I taught the three raptors how to use skill shop, and pointed them towards what skills they should focus on. I can't see their skill shop windows, so I can't figure out how much their skill costs.

Therefore, I gave them the freedom to search up any skills they wanted, as long as they reported to me what kind of skills they wanted. I guess I'm more of a consultant than a teacher in that case.

The things I do teach the raptors are strategies for battles and hunting and ways of improving their living standards. For battle strategies, I'm teaching them how to judge their opponents' strengths, how to move unnoticed around, and how you can locate the enemies' weak points.

I'm also teaching about how to obtain safe food, as well as showing them not to eat anything they find dead. For that last part, I introduced the Pararats to them. And the rest is history. They wanted to get the [Paralyze Resistance] skill after that, so I allowed them that. Now they won't make the same mistake as that turtle snake from back then, I hope.

I'm doing most of the battle stuff through my skills, so it's hard to teach the raptors when they don't have the same skills. They are quick learners though, catching on what I'm trying to tell them.

I think that the raptors skill shops are working under different rules than my own. Like, their shops must use pictures that describe the skill, instead of the skill name. That would explain how they were able to know which skills I'm recommending, despite the amateur level of my pictures.

It's obvious when you think about it, I mean, how could regular monsters read the English skill shop menu? The system must use something like [Language Adaption] so that even people that can't read knows how to use it. Handy.

I've not been able to have them obtain classes. My Assassin class must have been a fluke or a miracle. I wanted to get a mage class and warrior class for Riri and Sent. Despite that, the training is going smoothly. The three can't beat a turtle snake without my help yet, but they are showing promising growth. Soon enough, they can start hunting the turtle snakes on their own.

All the hunting is happening in areas with light sources since all three of them have difficulties in obtaining any night vision skills. Traveling through the darker areas is considered blasphemy for the raptors, and only the stupid amongst the stupid, like the ones I used to capture before, would want to go through the tunnels without any lights.

Therefore, when we needed to move through the dark tunnels, I used Light Sphere as a flashlight substitute. Heck, that must be the spells reason for existing. The monsters attracted to the light was made quick work of by the triple raptor combo.

Then there were those three. While training, they started to develop their battle styles. With their old teamwork still intact, they have started to fight like human Adventurers, in a party.

Virt's fighting style resembles my own a little, by tricking the opponent, before making a fatal strike. The difference between us two is that I use my skills to make the kill, while Virt is using his speed to run around the opponent, before attacking their weak points.

The second difference between us is that, while I'm a mid-to-close-range fighter, Virt is completely focused on close combats. Even the magic skills are used at zero range, despite getting a long-range attack with it, the Dark Bullet, a bullet made of darkness. The first spell, the one that came with the skill, is Dark Veil, a darkness resistance increasing spell. Unlike the shadow spells, this one doesn't hide you very well, unless you deliberately use it to hide in the darkness.

Sent is the trios wall, taking the hits for the other two thanks to his ever-improving defenses, and endurance. Simple and easy. I still don't get why he didn't get any Guardian class or title. And, despite seldom killing the enemy, he still got EXP. Must be a party thing.

Riri is, as you could already have guessed, the raptor party's magician. While standing behind at the rearguard, she threw all the new attack magics she could obtain. The really scary part is that she never hit Virt or Sent. She predicted where the opponent and her allies would move to, and shot her magic without any doubts and mistakes. That's what I call real talent.

Along with the mentioned [Paralyze Resistance], all three raptors obtained six new skills, using the skill points they had saved throughout their lives till now. When Sent tried to suggest to strengthen their skills with the points instead, I punished him with a String Fist karate chop.

It took some time, but I managed to convince them that having more skills would be more fruitful than just having a few doped ones. That, and they needed to train in how to use their new skills anyway. So I got a two-for-one deal right there.

Virt's skill set has been tuned to a warrior style, with gaining SP, STR, and SPD Reinforcement skills, as well as the [Vital Point Knowledge], [Claw Arts], and [Sense Foe]. Leaving the other two, since their effects are obvious, the [Claw Arts] skill is like my [Assassination Arts], a skill which grants you special Arts-related to combat techniques by using claws.

Since Virt was the only raptor that got the evolved form of [Poison Bite], the [Poison Attack] skill, I put him on a poison-diet to increase his resistance to poison. I also made Sent do that diet since he's the guardian of the party. Having him poisoned wouldn't be just a joke.

Relax, I started with the weakest poisons, then stepped up the toxic level along with the resistance level. I even mass-produced antidotes of the highest level to be safe. He only turned a little purplish and started foaming, nothing serious. 

For some strange reason, the awe that those three had for me was mixed with some fear after that. How strange.

Among the new skill that Sent had obtained, there are the HP, SP, and RES Reinforcement skills. Maybe I should invest in more of those myself.

Anyway, along with the Reinforcement, Sent also picked up the [Force Wall], a skill that makes something like a barrier, through consuming SP. Then there is [Cover Move], which uses MP and makes the user quickly intercept enemy attacks at an ally. The last skill is [Lesser Water Resistance], as a guard against the spiders' water blasts.

Last, but not least, there's Riri. She's got MP and INT Reinforcement, as well as [Poison Magic], [Medicine Magic], and [Mage's Wisdom]. The magic skills are obvious, and the last one is an all-round magic booster.

But the very first skill she picked up was the [Mineral Synthesis] skill. This skill makes rocks and other minerals in the same way as my synthesis skills. I didn't know why she wanted this skill since any earth magic skills would be better at making walls or similar, but then she went and made chalk of all things!

Again, why do these guys know so much about the stuff of the outside world? Or maybe, Riri wanted to make pictures like I do with my threads? Thanks to the chalk, the one-way picture-conversations became two-ways, making it way, way, WAY easier to understand each other. Even Virt and Sent became speechless with that idea.

And me? I've improved my medicines and light magic, but nothing else. I made some effective antidotes thanks to the poison test-err, the poison diet that Virt and Sent were doing, definitely not because I wanted to keep on testing my poisons, no. I just wanted to train them as much as I could. Riri didn't need to, she has poison resistance increasing spells at her arsenal.


After some while, it's finally time for the three to face a real challenge. A turtle snake, all on their own. We found one in the river area, all alone. There are no other monsters close by either, so now's the perfect chance to see how strong these guys have become.

I would step in if things go awry, but if they can't take care of turtle snakes on their own, then the T-Rex is a dream within a dream. And we are loaded on Turtle Potions right now, thanks to the rehearsals when I was helping them.

Okay then, laugh or cry, this is it. Time to show me what you three are made of. Are you ready? Get set, fight!

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