A Reincarnated Demon's Tales of Wonder

[Arc 1] Chapter 30: To the Next Stage!

"Boss, so strict." - Sent

"But, dumb not." - Riri

"Due to boss, became strong, us." - Virt

"Yeah!" - Sent & Riri

"Evolve, excited!" - Sent

"The king, not" - Riri

"Happy. No want king." - Virt

"Two evolve. You?" - Sent

"Three, but one weak." - Riri

"One, but strong." - Virt

"Ooh!" - Sent & Riri

"Getting food now. Focus." - Virt

"Okay." - Sent & Riri


That's right, keep your focus on hunting for now. 

I'm currently hiding behind a large boulder in the tunnels where the three raptors have started their hunt. I'm testing the combination of [Transformation] and [Language Adaption], trying to decipher the raptor language.

As you could have guessed, I'm transformed into a raptor now. I'm understanding more of their language now than before when I tried all possible transformations after the spider tunnel. Even so, their speech is broken, and all over the place, like a certain master from those famous sci-fi movies.

It's good enough for the plan I've hatched out. Good timing as well, since the evolution of these guys is the second stage of the plan. The first one was recruiting them into my team. If their evolutions are good enough, I can start the third stage right afterward.

The third is to have them challenge the T-Rex for the most glorious, and awesome battle in the Water-Knots history. Then I need to start the fourth stage on my own. After that, it will become a cakewalk in clearing this damn dungeon.

I haven't revealed my transformation abilities to the raptors because of this. Even if they are declaring their loyalty to me, they are in the end dungeon monsters. There's no telling if they will turn on me if they get to know that I plan to crush this whole place. Or at least, crush their Dungeon Master. 

Worst case scenario, the Dungeon Master can take control over their minds or something like that. That's the most possible scenario, considering their personalities and karma values. No, I'm not concerned about those three, I'm worried about my safety. I-it's true. I'm serious.

Hah, guess I should make some potions of those turtle snakes while I wait for them to finish their hunt. Did I tell them how much game they should hunt? I didn't, did I? ... I guess I should hunt something myself.


I know I was the one who asked them to gather provisions for after their evolution, but did they need to change the whole dungeon's ecosystem?!

Inside our hideout, a large forgotten cave in the darkest parts of the middle-layer tunnels, there were mountains of monster corpses. High enough to reach the cave ceiling, and that's the height of the bridges that used to be in the river area. The whole place is stinking death and blood, making the camouflage carpet I made on the 1.2 T-Rex-sized entrance useless due to the stench. 

I made the cave livable for the raptors by stealing some of the glowing crystals from the start of the tunnel, made some bedding for them, and trained them in seeing in the dark despite not having the skills for that. And now, after all that hard work, we're left with one massive crypt, minus the coffins.

I couldn't go and scold the three of them since they were just following my orders. The only thing I can do now is to preserve the corpses in threads. That will lower the stench a little if anything.

Now then, it's the moment we all have been waiting for, the evolution appraisal of the three idiots! I've made them draw their evolution options on the wall, while I also appraise them for good measure. Don't wanna have communication disorders with this important subject.

First off is Riri, since she has the highest amount of options.



[Shamanic Chameleon] [Spellosaurus] [Darkfluid Raptor]



EVOLUTION OPTIONS: [Shamanic Chameleon]


Rank: E+

Attribute: none

Acquired skills:


A reptile-monster that has obtained shamanic powers. One of the few reptile species discovered with an inborn class.

The Shamanic Chameleon uses its [Camouflage] skill and small size to hide from the enemies while disturbing their minds with its shamanic spells.





Rank: D

Attribute: none

Acquired skills:


A dinosaur-monster that has obtained the power of mystics. 

The Spellosaurus can use several different spells at once, making use of bombardment tactics to overwhelm the opponent.

The Spellosaurus takes the form of a larger-than-normal Jungle Raptor, with a dark-blue scales, and what appears to be cloth-like appendages on its arms, where feathers usually are on the Jungle Raptor.



EVOLUTION OPTIONS: [Darkfluid Raptor]


Rank: E+

Attribute: Water, Darkness

Acquired skills:


A dinosaur monster that commands water and darkness. 

Darkfluid Raptors are special variant species of the Jungle Raptor, having acquired the elements of Darkness and Water.

Unlike their relatives in the jungle, the Darkfluid Raptors have jet-black scales that make them almost invisible at night. Known for preying on humanoids.


One of them isn't even a dino! And that last one, isn't it bad for me, who plans on evolving into a humanoid if she takes that option? Yup. 

After looking at the drawing that Riri made, I saw her pointing at the middle one, the one picturing a raptor with a wizard hat. You know, the pointy type. I gave her thumbs up for that. It's the best choice, both ability-wise and for my own sake. What about Sent then?



[Umbral Brachio] [Lesser Fortrekylosaurus]





Rank: D+

Attribute: Darkness

Acquired skills:


A huge dinosaur monster of the darkness attribute usually found in open plains.

While their size makes them intimidating, Umbral Brachioes are gentle and peaceful creatures. They will pass their days together with other Brachio monsters of their own, and other attributes.


Looks good on paper, that size-power skill even more so. It boosts your HP, SP, STR, and with, by your size. The bigger you are, the tougher it is to make you fall, kinda thing. There's one problem with this evolution, one big, BIG, problem.

This Brachio monster, it's essentially Terra Sol's answer for a Brachiosaurus. And those could become 20 meters high if I'm not mistaken. That's a good thing while thinking about that skill, but remember, we are in a dungeon cave! There's no space for ridiculous huge dinos here! Hope the other option is better. Its got 'lesser' in its name after all, so I'm not hoping for a miracle.


EVOLUTION OPTIONS: [Lessser Fortrekylosaurus]


Rank: D

Attribute: Earth

Acquired skills:


A young dinosaur monster of the earth attribute, the Fortrekylosaurus is famous for its defensive scales and sense of justice.

Nicknamed "The Jurrasic Knight", the Fortrekylosaurus will do anything to protect its herd, fighting any invaders with its armor-like body, and tail hammer. Even the lesser variant will fight bravely till the end of it's needed to protect its beloved ones.


Yup, we'll take that one. I mean, the Jurrasic knight, what a cool title! Well, nickname-title, not the titles with effects.

Huh, why are you pointing at the Brachio, stupid-Sent!


It took a good ten minutes after that to convince him that bigger isn't always better. Luckily, Virt and Riri helped me convinced him when they understood just how big a Brachio could become.

Now that that's out of the way, let's see what Virt can turn into:



[Darkfluid Spino-Rexus]



EVOLUTION OPTIONS: [Darkfluid Spino-Rexus]


Rank: C

Attribute: Darkness, Water

Acquired skills:


A dinosaur monster that is known for two things: its sharp blade-like appendages, and its kingship.

The Allo-Rexus has the appearance, and size, similar to a Rexus monster, except for the sail-like bump on their back, the longer arms, equipped with blade-like appendages, and a more narrow skull.

The Allo-Rexus' bump and blade-appendages are part of its racial skill [Bio-Blades], with a hardness that can exceed that of magical-enhanced metals.

Many different dinosaur monsters flocks around the Allo-Rexus, not only because of its strength, but also because of its charisma, and its righteous heart.

Darkfluid Allo-Rexus is of the darkness and water attributes, and is a master in swimming and fishing, both in freshwater and the sea. Some legends say that a Darkfluid Allo-Rexus once hunted down several the Kraken monsters at once. There is no definite proof for this statement, mostly because of the rarity of the Allo-Rexus, but many scientists of the subject support this statement.


You gotta be- a C rank?! Virt, you are just amazing! It wasn't only me who was impressed; Riri and Sent were jumping up and down in pure excitement. With this, they could fight the T-Rex on equal footing.

After giving them all the go-sign, they went to their part of the cave, so that they wouldn't bump into each other when they waked up. The cave did have a radius of around 20 meters, but would that be enough, when you think about how big these guys are gonna become? Eh, if that happens, it's the cave that's gonna get crushed, not those three.

I left the cave while making sure that the entrance was securely hidden from view. I also made more camouflage carpets to hide more parts of the tunnel, while spreading a scent-cleaning mixture I made from the frogs material around, to eliminate any traces of the hideout.

I'm also gonna set up camp just beside the tunnel that leads to the hideout, being on guard-duty till they're finished evolving.

Guess all that extra game I hunted won't be wasted now. In the meanwhile, I'll look after some new skills I can buy. I also leveled up big time due to the turtle snake panic back then. My current status is this right now:



Race: [Reha Zera]   | Level: 11

Karma Value: -103

Skills: 34

Titles: 12

Skill points: 6.3

Main Class: Assassin LV13

Sub Class: none

HP: 78/78   | MP: 231/231   | SP: 84/84

STR: 82   | VIT: 46   | MAG: 100

RES: 81   | SPD: 201  | DEX: 205

INT: 120   | LUC: 150




Ability Skills: [MP Reinforcement LV13] 

Attack Skills: [Assassination Arts LV22] [Steal LV2] [Poison Bite LV29]

Magic Skills: [Light Magic LV16] [Shadow Magic LV23]

Crafting Skills: [Thief Tool Creation LV6] [Assassin Tool Creation LV5] [Poison Synthesis LV30] [Medicine Synthesis LV27]                   [Thread Synthesis LV30]

Active Skills: [Stealth LV12] [Shooting LV14] [Bloodlust LV3] [Thread Control LV50] [Ultima Thread LV18] [Thought Acceleration LV27]

Passive Skills: [Surprise Attack LV24] [Acrobatic LV12] [Magic Talent LV8] [Battle Continuation LV2] [Dismantling LV14] [Parallel Thoughts LV5o] [Auto-Mapping LV2]  [Language Adaption]

Resistance Skills: [Poison Resistance LV36] [Paralyze Resistance LV25] [Heretic Immunity]

Perception Skills: [Magic Sense LV23] [Sense Foe LV17] [Appraisal LV8]

Racial Skills: [Albino] [Demonic Storage LV18] [Transformation LV11]

Elements: [Lesser Light Element LV12] [Lesser Dark Element LV8] [Shadow Element LV15] [Lesser Poison Element LV17]


I've got over six skill points. Isn't that a new record? I've been so busy scouting the dungeon and training the raptors, that I haven't been able to look after new skills before now. I was thinking about some status-enhancers, so why not?

Or maybe some new magic? Nah, I'll do that when I'm able to visit human cities. You know so that I can look up some magic textbooks and such. I'm more of a skill-fighter than anything else anyway, but I still desire magic. 

I can evolve [Parallel Thoughts] as well. That will boost my mental capabilities big time. Some speed-related skills will also be awesome. Defense skills? I'm bad at those from the start. 

What to chose? Decisions, decisions...

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