A Reincarnated Demon's Tales of Wonder

[Arc 1] Chapter 31: Here Comes a New Challenger!!


How long time are they gonna snooze back there?

It's been three days or at least three sleeping pauses since the three raptors started on their evolution already. I've even gone up a level while I was waiting. You see, a spider came by, so I needed to show some hospitality. 

I did test out my new skills in action, so I'm not complaining about that part. One of the skills I'm talking about is [Parallel Mind], which I evolved from [Parallel Thoughts] with two skill points. The skill doubles my mental prowess, by essentially splitting my mind into two different parts while staying as cleaver as I was before I evolved the skill. Maybe it's better to say that I got another mind added to my original? Yes, that does sounds better.

It's not like I have two personalities now. My mind can just think twice as efficient than before, like using two computers to do the work for one. There go my two-in-one manzai-act plans. I was kinda looking forward to such a development. Better than having a personality disorder, I guess.

The skill is still awesome. Now that I have two minds, I can focus on collecting information while fighting, instead of getting some ground between me and my opponent when I want some information on them during the fight. You get a little tunnel-visioned during a battle, since you can't comprehend all the information that happens then, however, that's no problem for the current me. Ha-ha!

Either that or I can create magic while I'm also attacking them physically. Before, I needed to make the magic rune before firing it, so that will save me some time. Maybe I should call myself a magic swordsman from now on. Or maybe a magic assassin is better? Ah, details, who needs them.

The other two skills, well, can show you all of them. Some have increased a little while I was waiting.



Ability Skills: [MP Enhancement LV14] [SP Enhancement (Small) LV2]

Attack Skills: [Assassination Arts LV22] [Steal LV2] [Poison Bite LV30]

Magic Skills: [Light Magic LV16] [Shadow Magic LV23]

Crafting Skills: [Thief Tool Creation LV6] [Assassin Tool Creation LV5] [Poison Synthesis LV30] [Medicine Synthesis LV28]                   [Thread Synthesis LV30]

Active Skills: [Stealth LV12] [Shooting LV14] [Ghost Step LV1] [Bloodlust LV3] [Thread Control LV50] [Ultima Thread LV18]           [Thought Acceleration LV27]

Passive Skills: [Surprise Attack LV24] [Acrobatic LV12] [Magic Talent LV8]  [Battle Continuation LV2]   [Dismantling LV14] [Parallel Minds LV1] [Auto-Mapping LV2]  [Language Adaption]

Resistance Skills: [Poison Resistance LV36] [Paralyze Resistance LV25] [Heretic Immunity]

Perception Skills: [Magic Sense LV23] [Sense Foe LV17] [Appraisal LV8]

Racial Skills: [Albino] [Demonic Storage LV18] [Transformation LV11]

Elements: [Lesser Light Element LV12] [Lesser Dark Element LV8] [Shadow Element LV15] [Lesser Poison Element LV17]


I got the SP enhancement skill since lately, I've been using my SP at a terrifying pace. The [Acrobatics] skill lets me do more movements now, but that also means that more stamina is consumed. Originally, I wanted an auto-recovery skill of any type, but almost all of the costs as much as [Auto-Mapping], i.e., 5 skill points, while the HP variant didn't even show up on the list, meaning it costs 7 or more points. Unreal.

I prioritized getting [Parallel Minds] since I'm starting to get more spells and skills, and needed to increase my mental capabilities. There's also the consumption reduction skill I've seen from time to time, but they needed 3 and 4 skill points, for respectively the MP and SP variants. And I needed three points to obtain the last skill I found, so I went with the SP enhancement type, despite only being able to get the small version.

The last skill, you've probably noticed it already, is [Ghost Step]. It's better to see the appraisal result to understand this skill better.


Skill: Ghost Step

Skill type: Active skill

Attributes: Ghost, Space



From what I can deduce from what's written in the result, as well as from personal experiences, [Ghost Step] is a movement skill that turns the user into a pseudo-ghost, granting extra speed. From an outsider's point of view, it looks like I'm teleporting from one place to another, while I'm just moving at high speed while being difficult to see.

The skill level is low right now, so it's more of an invisible skill than anything, making me transparent-ish while moving at a somewhat faster speed than normal.  Kinda like a combo of an invisible skill and Accel Leap. I can't pass through solid objects, nor do I think that's the skill is all about. Accel Leap is currently still faster, but that can change with higher levels. That, and [Ghost Step] can be used for a longer time than Accel Leap, if you look away from that it will drain your MP when used for a long time.

It's in the end, a movement skill, like the [Accelerate] skill the turtles obtained. The difference is that my skill is about movement, while there's was about pure speed. I like it anyway, it fits my character build to the T.

This is my growth for the moment. Even so, those guys ain't finished yet? Did I also take that long time to evolve? Good thing I always evolved inside my homes, or else I could have woken up in heaven. Hell? Me? You gotta be kidding.


What was that?! It came from the hideout. Did something slip through me? Or is it... they evolved, but still started to prey on each other?! Oh damn, damn, damn! I thought we managed to avoid that with the new evolutions! 

I ran back to the hideout, slipped through the many security webs, and reached the carpet covering the entrance to the hideout. Inside there, I saw...

*Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch...*

Three new dinosaurs, one that looked like a big raptor, one that looked like an ankylosaurus, and one that looked like a Tyrannosaurus, with additional blade-like appendages on its arms and back. There was no cannibalism, despite the loud eating sounds. Then where did that growl...


Ah, it's their stomachs. I see. DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!

While playing the straight-man for myself, Sent, who had turned into an ankylosaurus-like dino, noticed me. He's height is approximately 1.6 meters, and is around 6 meters long, with yellow-gold-ish scales that resemble a full-body armor that knights from Arthurian lore, covering his whole body. Hey, wait, what are, no, no, no, no!


Ugh! Don't body-tackle people when you got that kinda body! My HP almost reached zero there! 

The huge raptor, who I'm assuming is Riri, started to cast the medicine spell Small Recovery. That was close, and isn't that spells power kinda weird? Here I was, with less than 5% HP left, and the weakest medicine spell recovered it to the 80% mark. Guess that's a Spellosaurus for you. 

Riri's current appearance is as I told you, that of a larger raptor, around 1 meter high, double of her original height, with dark-blue scales, and long robe-like appendages where her feather-like fins used to be. 

Then in the back, we had Virt, who had turned into something amazing. The body was that of the T-Rex of a smaller size, around 2 meters high, and 6 meters long, not counting the tail. Virt's arms and legs look more like a lizard's legs than a dinosaurs' chicken legs. From what I can see, Virt can walk as easily on four legs as with two. Overall, he looks more reptilian than a dinosaur, if you look away from the size, claws, and fangs.

Along with the blade-like appendages on his arms and legs, I can see some on his legs, and the tip of his tail. Talk about being armed to the teeth. Said teeth look just as violent as the rest of his body, I may add. Despite that, Virt looks calmer, more collected. Maybe his mind matured along with the body? What's their stats now then?


Name: Sent

Race: [Lessser Fortrekylosaurus]   | Level: 1

Karma Value: 72

Skills: 19

HP: 427/427   | MP: 127/167   | SP: 381/473

STR: 329  | VIT: 473   | MAG: 102

RES: 388   | SPD: 102   | DEX: 89

INT: 91   | LUC: 92




Ability Skills: [HP Enhancement (Small) LV47] [HP Auto-Recovery LV1] [SP Enhancement LV2] [VIT Enhancement LV4]                         [RES Enhancement (Small) LV37]

Attack Skills: [Hammer Arts LV1] [Poison Bite LV4] [Counter LV6] 

Active Skills: [Cover Move LV13] [Force Wall LV16]

Passive Skill: [Guardian Armor LV1] [Sentinel LV22] [Running LV26] 

Resistance Skill: [Water Resistance LV7] [Poison Resistance LV27] [Paralyze Resistance LV16]

Leadership Skill: [Cooperation LV14]

Elements: [Lesser Water Element LV20] [Lesser Darkness Element LV2]


What a defense bazaar. The new skills fit perfectly with the old ones. [Hammer Arts] is an art skill around using a hammer, or in this case, Sent's tail.

[Guardian Armor] is a skill that boosts one's defense when guarding with an armor, which is Sent's scales here. The skill will also give a bonus boost if you are protecting one's allies. Truly a skill worthy of the Jurrasic Knight.

The last new one is [HP Auto-Regeneration] as if being armored up from tip to toe like that is not enough. 


Name: Riri

Race: [Spellosaurus]   | Level: 1

Karma Value: 73

Skills: 18

Class: Mage

HP: 97/97   | MP: 365/410   | SP: 180/203

STR: 81  | VIT: 65   | MAG: 501

RES: 325   | SPD: 277   | DEX: 313

INT: 97   | LUC: 92




Ability Skills: [MP Enhancement LV3] [MP Auto-Regeneration LV1] [MP Lessen Consumption LV1] [MAG Enhancement LV2]

Attack Skills: [Poison Bite LV3]

Magic Skills: [Water Magic LV14] [Darkness Magic LV24] [Poison Magic LV17] [Medicine Magic LV8] [Basic Magic]

Crafting Skills: [Mineral Synthesis LV6]

Passive Skill: [Running LV37] [Magic Talent LV12] [Mage's Wisdom LV12]

Resistance Skill: [Poison Resistance LV13] [Paralyze Resistance LV10]

Leadership Skill: [Cooperation LV16]

Elements: [Lesser Water Element LV20] [Lesser Darkness Element LV20] 


Magic, magic, and magic. I'm becoming a little jealous of her. Stay mature me, you're an adult.

Back to the stats, I see that Riri managed to get the Mage class. But I can't see any new skills except the MP related ones, oh wait. She has something called [Basic Magic]. That must be the skill she obtained. I also see that [Water Magic] and [Mage's Wisdom] has increased since last time. The magic must be from the bonus magic through the evolution, and wisdom must be from the class.

Just two skills from obtaining a class? Isn't that too little? I got 5 skills due to Assassin. Maybe Mage is just a beginner class, where you specialize it afterward. That could be it, and you get only basic magic skill with Mage, for then starting the specialization towards what kinda magician you want to be. Then, what about the new magic skill then?


Skill: Basic Magic

Skill type: Magic skill

Attributes: none



Since its not my skill, I can't see what spells are known. From what I can see here, the spells must be limited in order, kinda like a training skill for magic. 

The four natural elements, is that fire, water, earth, and wind? They come up all the time in fantasy games. Since the magics are of the 'basic' kind, I'm not expecting anything impressive.

Just in case, I made Riri use all her new spells. One lighten up a fire, one made some dirt, one made some water, and the final one was just a gust of wind. Pretty basic, as expected. It depressed Riri, who had pride in her magic, so much that the other two needed to comfort her.

And since the skill doesn't even have levels, it must be a training skill, like I predicted. If the class is that tame, why haven't I unlocked it yet? The only way to find that out is to bust me out and go to the human city to look after some clue. What about Virt then?


Name: Virt

Race: [Darkfluid Spino-Rexus]   | Level: 1

Karma Value: 93

Skills: 21

HP: 562/562  | MP: 127/487   | SP: 150/502

STR: 671  | VIT: 483   | MAG: 465

RES: 515   | SPD:  650  | DEX: 620

INT: 100   | LUC: 93




Ability Skills: [SP Enhancement LV2] [STR Enhancement (Small) LV47] [SPD Enhancement LV1]

Attack Skills: [Claw Arts LV28] [Hydrokinesis LV1] [Poison Attack LV17]

Magic Skills: [Darkness Magic LV12]

Passive Skills: [Running LV41] [Acrobatic LV1] [Cutting Enhancement LV1] [Magic Talent Lv7]  [Vital Point Knowledge LV30] [High-Speed Swimming LV1]

Resistance Skills: [Poison Resistance LV41] [Paralyze Resistance LV20]

Perception Skills: [Sense Foe LV11]  

Leadership Skills: [King LV2] [Cooperation LV21]

Racial Skills: [Bio-Blades LV1]

Elements: [Lesser Water Element LV20] [Lesser Darkness Element LV15]


That's a lot of skills. And hey, he's got [Acrobatic] as well. I don't remember letting him choose that skill? He must have bought it with the skill points he had, along with the extra point you get when you evolve. Well, it's a good skill for Virt's character build, so why complain?

The [Leader] skill was integrated into the new [King] skill. [King] is a charisma skill, which boosts the morale of those who follow the skill holder.

[Bio-Blade] is obvious, and equally deadly, especially combined with [Poison Attack]. [Hydrokinesis] won't be that good against Galvras monsters, since all the water in this dungeon is too pure.

Then there are the stats. Unlike the T-Rex which is super-specialized in STR, Virt's stats are more spread out, while focusing on STR and SPD. If one looks at the overall sum, then Virt is already stronger than the T-Rex. In that case, all that's needed now is to get these guys stamina and mana recovered to full state.

When they start their battle against the T-Rex, I can start with my own plans...

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