A Reincarnated Demon's Tales of Wonder

[Arc 1] Chapter 39: It’s not over yet!!





Do individual [Reha Zera] want to obtain the skills

[Pain Resistance] and [Faint Resistance]

for a total of 2 skill points?






Individual [Reha Zera] has obtained the skills 

[Pain Resistance LV1] and [Faint Resistance LV1]

from the skill shop.


T-that was TOO CLOSE!! The last platform just got blasted to smithereens right now. If I was just half a second too slow, I would have shared the same fate, along with the third platform from the left.

How I survived the dragon breath? That's simple, I didn't. I dodged it. Just before I got hit by the breath, it struck me. Not the breath, but an idea. I used the threads that I had when I jumped from the sixth platform until the fourth and made a spring with them. The bouncy, spiral type, not the one that spits out water.

I took the thread I used to jump to this platform, modeled it to a spiral, changed the texture to become bouncy, while still solid, and jumped on it. The result was better than I thought it would be. Well, I didn't think up this plan. Before I knew it, I've already made the spring while I was scared stiff of the incoming breath. Is this [Parallel Minds] work? Thank god I have this skill. Good work, me.

I'm currently stuck on the ceiling, using blobs of thread on my legs to stick to the ceiling. Ignoring the fact I'm looking like a cat that's stuck on the ceiling by its claws, I'm almost alright.

Oh, and I have to correct myself from before. The breath didn't, didn't, hit me. Okay, that sounded way off. Anyway, the damn breath nicked me! Just a love tap, but look at this sorry state I'm in right now!



Race: [Reha Zera]   | Level: 15

Karma Value: -111

Skills: 36

Titles: 13 

Skill points: 0.7

Status: Wounded (Heavily) | Pollution Damage Reduction (90%)

Main Class: Assassin LV14

Sub Class: none

HP: 17/99   | MP: 21/327   | SP: 41/147

STR: 100   | VIT: 52   | MAG: 141

RES: 106   | SPD: 240  | DEX: 242

INT: 120   | LUC: 150


The 'heavily' part refers to that my two right front legs were freaking blown off! Even an industrial water-cutter doesn't have that amount of force in it.

I needed to use almost all the medicines I had on me to stop the bleeding. It's better now, but I'm still hanging on a thin thread. All the medicine's healing powers were used to remove the Wounded status, while my HP only recovered to around 20-something.

The MP and SP are maxed since all my medicines were mostly Turtle Potions, which recovers all three stats. The enhancement skills leveled up during the fight, giving me more MP and SP than I had at the beginning. My lost legs didn't return. My homemade medicines ain't any elixirs, or whatever this world's high-rank potions are called. I'm just an amateur medic. Don't go and expect miracles from me.

I wanted to use [Transformation] to use my second front left leg to work as my first right leg, but the wicked pain made me buy the [Pain Resistance], and [Faint Resistance] from before. Have you ever fainted because of massive pain? It's not funny, I tell ya.

I managed to relocate my leg after getting the skills, so they're a good purchase. Oh, and the new pain skill doesn't reduce the pain you're feeling, it only makes you able to move despite intensive pain. [Faint Resistance] is working as the name says.

The dragon isn't even looking for me. Not that it can, not with those eyes anyway. Tch, he's acting all smug now, despite not having removed the poison yet. I'll settle the score against that guy.

And for some reason, I'm feeling that there's someone else who thought I would die from that. Nah, just my imagination. 

I used another Turtle Pill, despite the first one was not finished yet. Fun fact, when you use the same type of boosting items on top of each other, the old effect gives way for the new one. I'm on my last legs anyway, so for good or worse, this battle won't last long enough to use yet another one.

What now? That sweeping breath wasn't supposed to do that. The dragon used tons of MP to make the breath last for so long as it did, so it has just enough for one more shot. I could wait till he uses the remaining MP on purifica- no, that's no good. If he purifies himself, his status is gonna go back to normal, and that's worse than letting him have some MP.

But, how am I supposed to damage him any further? I don't have the web, nor the shrapnel for another grenade. Light Arrow could do it, but anything non-poisonous ain't gonna cut it against this guy. I've only come so far by borrowing the Emperor Kodokumo's poison, and using this guy's own weapon, the dungeon, against him. I've wouldn't have come so far without using those.

Don't that stupid dragon have some weak point? Except for the poison weakness, I mean. Nothing? Come on...

Ouch! My right side still hurts. This [Pain Resistance], it's crap, even for an LV1 skill. Tch, damn dra... gon...? On his forehead, isn't there something silver-colored over there?


Item Name: Musica Silver Arrow

Rank: C+

Type: Arrow

Durability: 23/150

Weight: 10



Description: A type of arrow, specifically made for Bard-class archers. It can absorb any magical music created by the Bard and will add the effects of the song to itself. An arrow fired by a master Bard can keep its effect for several years, depending on the mana used on the arrow.


An arrowhead? How did that-! The bard that threw Skelly back to the tunnels! That arrowhead must have been her final attack! It's still working even today! I don't know specifically how long it has been since Skelly and his party challenged the dragon, but this is impressive. 

The arrowhead is lunged into the dragon's skull, forcing the wound it made to not recover. Even the scales on that spot hasn't grown back. [Appraisal] tells me that the effect added to the arrow is [Weakening] and [Wounding]. That's nasty but effective. The arrowhead has made a new weak spot on the dragon's head. The effect is limited to the spot where the arrowhead is lodged in. but even so.

... Guess I can't just stay stuck here and whine all day. Not when people before me have done so much to take out this guy. Skelly and his party, the Emperor Kodokumo, and to a certain degree, even Virt and his friends.

I'm not the kind that values friendship and such, but when it comes to honoring great peoples, like them, working to protect those who they have dear..., I just can't hate that. They're real heroes, people that should be admired by the masses. And I'm not gonna let a stupid reptile as this guy ruin all their work!

Just as I was making my resolve, the dragon, Glavras, was starting on using purification magic. Not gonna happen! I removed the stickiness of the threads on my feet, took out the Bandit Dagger from my storage, and moved to above Glavras' head with [Ghost Step]. Then, by kicking the ceiling, I dived towards his head, while aiming towards the wound on his head with my dagger.


"GRRYYAAHH?!" - Glavras

Hey again. Missed me? I quickly made some solid threads, and tied myself to his head, so that I wouldn't let go of the dagger. I added more force to it, pushing it deeper into Glavras' skull.

As a bonus, I'll use all my remaining MP to produce Demonic Poison of the highest quality that's possible to make. The Turtle Pill will weaken any damage that overcomes my resistance, so let's use it all to cover the dagger and the wound! 

"GAAAAHHH!!" - Glavras

Glavras is feeling the pain of the poison in his wound now. But I'm not gonna be thrown off that easily, so stop shaking your head! I'm bad with roller-coasters! As payback, I took out my Scrap-Iron Daggers that had collected dust in my storage and stabbed them too in the wound.

Now that the wound has turned this large, let's increase the poison amount! Glavras' HP is falling like an iron-ball in water. I wanted to use [Poison Bite] as well, but the scales are too hard for my teeth. I'll just keep on with the synthesizing. 

I continued with the stabbing and poison making in what felt like half an eternity. It was just a few minutes, but [Thought Acceleration], the fact that I had to hold on to this guy's head as if I was on a rodeo, and that my wound ached as hell! I even got up an announcement that told me I reached LV10 with the [Pain Resistance] skill already. That's a new record!

And, huh, wait a-, heeeelp! The crazy snake started shaking his head even more now! This is on the level to break your neck! Ah, wait. He's serpentine, so he doesn't need to think about that.


Oh-oh. The thread broke. I'm falling! And there's a poison lake down below! Make another thread, and throw it towards the entrance! 


I hit! And on a dry surface as well! Now then, how do I stop myself from colliding with the-


w-wall. I'm on my last digit of HP now. I did manage to land on the ground-level island connected to the entrance. What about Glavras?


"GAAAAA-------!!" - Glavras

Now I've never... due to all those crazy movements, Glavras managed to fall from the pillars, and hit the back of his head on this same island. The shock knocked the daggers in his skull even deeper into it. The rest of his body is in the poison lake again, making him scream out in pain.

Time for the finish. Glavras' HP is dwindling thanks to the poison lake, but I want to make one last contribution of my own. Therefore, one last Demonic Poison of max toxicity, and, [Shooting]!

"GAAAAaaahhh..." - Glavras

Then, after one last spasm, the dungeon master with the second name of Disaster, a being that could spell the end of the world, was dead.



EXP has reached the required amount.

Individual [Reha Zera] has reached LV16

Life attributes have been recovered.

All basic attributes have increased.

0.3 skill point(s) acquired.

EXP has reached the required amount.

Individual [Reha Zera] has reached LV17

Life attributes have been recovered.

All basic attributes have increased.

0.3 skill point(s) acquired.

EXP has reached the required amount.

Individual [Reha Zera] has reached LV18

Life attributes have been recovered.

All basic attributes have increased.

0.3 skill point(s) acquired.

EXP has reached the required amount.

Individual [Reha Zera] has reached LV19

Life attributes have been recovered.

All basic attributes have increased.

0.3 skill point(s) acquired.

EXP has reached the required amount.

Individual [Reha Zera] has reached LV20

Life attributes have been recovered.

All basic attributes have increased.

0.3 skill point(s) acquired.

Individual [Reha Zera] has reached the max level.

3.0 skill point(s) acquired.

Conditions satisfied.

Individual [Reha Zera] can now evolve.

Number of evolution options: 4

Conditions satisfied.

Title [Giant Killer] has been upgraded to the title [Serial Giant Killer]

Conditions satisfied.

Acquired title [Dragon Slayer]

Conditions satisfied.

Title [New Hero] has been upgraded to the title [Dark Hero]

Through acquiring the title [Dark Hero], skill [Darkness Magic LV1] is obtained.

Through acquiring the title [Dark Hero], skill [Mana Burst (Darkness) LV1] is obtained.




Quest, [Stop the Drought Maker], has progressed:

Legacy Quest, [The Blood of Dragon], is completed:

Rewards can now be collected from the Quest Log.



Glavras finally bit the dust! And I got a level-up fever out of it! I reached the max level of 20! And all those skill points! I got some titles as well, and for once, they're some cool ones! Did my old titles go through a rank-up? Is that even allowed?

And I progressed in the Drought Maker quest as well. But what's all this 'Legacy Quest' talk about? Oh well, I can find out later. I just need to appraise the word in the Quest Log afterward.

But not now. There's one thing I need to do first. And that's to reactivate the dungeon's purification ability. 


Hey, wait! Glavras' corpse just disappeared! It started to glow, then poof! The arrowhead and the daggers that were lodged into his skull remains. None of them survived the crash, dammit. 

*Rumble, rumble, rumble*

Now what? Don't tell me its a bonus battle.

While complaining to no one specific, an island emerged from the middle of the lake. On top of a small shrine in the middle of that island, was a shining blue sphere. Along with the island, a bridge of rock emerged as well, connecting the island with the entrance.

That has to be the dungeon core! I did it! If only the pathway wasn't covered with poison. I guess I'll have to ready another pill in case I use too much time with the core.

... For some reason, the nagging feeling that there's still someone out there that thought I would die from the breath before. If I ever find them..., hehehehehe...

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