A Reincarnated Demon's Tales of Wonder

[Arc 1] Chapter 40: Dungeon Conquer



Dungeon, [The Water-Knot of Glavras],

has been conquered for the first time by nameless individual [Reha Zera].




By conquering the Dungeon, [The Water-Knot of Glavras],

individual [Reha Zera] is rewarded with 5 skill points.

By being the first conquer,

individual [Reha Zera] is rewarded with additional 5 skill points.

Conditions satisfied.

Acquired title [Dungeon Conquer]




World Quest: [Disaster of Water]

has been completed by nameless individual [Reha Zera]




World Quest: [Disaster of Water] is completed:

Rewards can now be collected from the Quest Log.




Conditions satisfied.

Acquired title [Ultimate Slayer]

By acquiring [Ultimate Slayer], 10 skill points are given as a reward.


Ugh, that's lots of windows. Can't they just keep it in one big window?

This all started when I touched the Dungeon Core. Yes, with capital letters. I appraised it to be sure. When a dungeon is conquered, the Dungeon Core turns wild, letting anyone who can reach the dungeon's depth access it.

You can use most of the dungeon's facilities through the Core, so I activated the purification function at once, while also stopping the absorption of the outside world's water. I can't stop the monsters from attacking me either. Tch.

Why did it count as defeating the Disaster of Water after taking the dungeon? Are this dungeon and Glavras a set named the Ultimate Disaster of Water? And what's a world quest? Too many questions keep on popping up. It's like a popcorn festival.

Let's go over things, one at a time:

First, the purification function works as well as when Glavras was the boss. The poison turned to water in less than a minute. I guess I don't need to use the last pills then. Maybe I could sell them?

Second, while I managed to stop the absorption, of more water, the dungeon doesn't have a function for returning the stolen water. This is gonna be a problem. I need to destroy the Core when I'm finished here.

And C, my favorite part, the rewards!

The first one is the massive amount of EXP I got from defeating Glavras. I went right up to LV20, and can evolve again! I'll do that after checking out all the other rewards. Also, I regrew my lost limbs from the level-up festival! Was it because my life attributes recovered to max all those times, or is that normal when you level up? That's gonna be effective for medical reasons.

My stats at the moment are:



Race: [Reha Zera]   | Level: 20

Karma Value: -111

Skills: 38

Titles: 16

Skill points: 25.5

Evolution is available.

Main Class: Assassin LV17

Sub Class: none

HP: 116/116   | MP: 368/368   | SP: 170/170

STR: 114   | VIT: 59   | MAG: 160

RES: 115   | SPD: 262  | DEX: 263

INT: 120   | LUC: 150




Ability Skills: [MP Reinforcement LV19] UP1 [SP Reinforcement (Small) LV34] UP3

Attack Skills: [Assassination Arts LV23] [Mana Burst (Darkness) LV1] NEW [Steal LV2] [Poison Bite LV31] 

Magic Skills: [Light Magic LV21] [Darkness Magic LV1] NEW [Shadow Magic LV32] 

Crafting Skills: [Thief Tool Creation LV8]   [Assassin Tool Creation LV5]   [Poison Synthesis LV30]   [Medicine Synthesis LV30]   [Thread Synthesis LV30]

Active Skills: [Stealth LV14]   [Shooting LV22] UP1  [Ghost Step LV11]   [Bloodlust LV5]   [Thread Control LV50]   [Ultima Thread LV22   [Thought Acceleration LV36] UP3

Passive Skills: [Surprise Attack LV32] UP2  [Acrobatic LV16] UP1  [Magic Talent LV14]   [Poison Reinforcement LV7] UP5  [Battle Continuation LV4] UP2  [Dismantling LV18]   [Parallel Minds LV2] UP1  [Auto-Mapping LV2]   [Language Adaption]

Resistance Skills: [Poison Resistance LV50] UP9  [Paralyze Resistance LV25]   [Pain Resistance LV14] NEW  [Faint Resistance LV3] NEW  [Heretic Immunity]

Perception Skills: [Magic Sense LV24] [Sense Foe LV21] [Appraisal LV8] [Judging Eye] 

Leadership Skills: [Teaching LV1] 

Racial Skills: [Albino] [Demonic Storage LV21] UP1 [Transformation LV14] UP1

Elements: [Lesser Light Element LV17]   [Lesser Dark Element LV12] UP1  [Shadow Element LV22] UP1  [Poison Element LV7] UP5



[Title Page]

[Demon]  [Serial Giant Killer] UPGRADED [Daredevil]  [Poison User]  [Mysterious Serial Killer]  [Thread User]  [Monster Slayer]        [Beast Slayer]  [Pinch Breaker]  [Dark Hero] UPGRADED [Medicine User]  [Fear Bringer]  [King Maker]  [Dragon Slayer] NEW          [Dungeon Conquer] NEW [Ultimate Slayer] NEW


25.5 skill points?!?! Dungeon conquering is too tasty. I'm definitely gonna pick up a Mage class now! What is this new stuff anyway? I get the resistance skills, but I got something from Dark Hero as well. By the way, [Pain Resistance] don't lower the amount of pain, it only makes it easier to move while experiencing pain. Talk about false labeling.


Skill: Mana Burst (Darkness)

Skill type: Attack skill

Attribute: Darkness



I kinda knew about this one. It's the darkness-type of Bihamut's [Mana Burst (Water)]. Then this magic skill is:


Skill: Darkness Magic

Skill type: Magic skill

Attribute: Darkness


Known magics:


I called it! I just so called it! And like any other spells you get at skill level 1, Dark Veil is a weakling spell. It boosts the targets darkness resistance, and visually, looks like, as it name suggest, a veil of darkness. It don't work like the Shadow spells, were you can hide your presence. The target is still visible while covered under the veil. Oh well, I'll need to grind this before I get some good spells to use.

Night Vision? What's that, some kinda snack? I don't need it.

Then, there's the titles. First up is [Serial Giant Killer], which by the name and origin, is simply a stronger [Giant Killer]. Let's see.


Title: [Serial Giant Killer]

Acquisition condition: Killed a certain amount of enemies, that had at least 20 levels higher, 2 ranks higher, or a mix of those two.


Description: A title given to those who have proven that levels and ranks is not everything.


Ooohh! I like this one. The description is awesome. And the fact it can work on monster with either higher ranks, or levels, or a combination of both, is even better. Then, there's the fact that the [Micro] part is replaced with [Small]. It may not sound like that much, but if you start out with micro, you'll be content with even small.


Title: [Dark Hero]

Acquisition condition:


Description: A title rewarded to those who have proven themselves as a Hero, while walking the path of evil.


Hmm, not sure about this one. The karma-related defense is still there, no problems there. The awarded skills ain't that bad either. But that description... I'll pretend I didn't see that.


Title: [Dragon Slayer]

Acquisition condition:


Description: A title given to those who have felled an Dragon.


This one was also predictable. It's the Dragon type of Beast Slayer. But I only needed to kill one, ain't that too much of an bargain? And I completed an quest when I got the title as well. I'll just finish the titles, then look at the quests.


Title: [Dungeon Conquer]

Acquisition condition: Raided an Dungeon, and reached the Core of the Dungeon.


Description: A title given to those who have triumphed against a Dungeon.


This is another good one. Since it says 'self-recovery', it must also talk about normal recovery, like how you recover stamina (SP) by sleeping and eating. Not bad at all.


Title: [Ultimate Slayer]

Acquisition condition: Participated in the subjection of one of the 12 Ultimate Disasters


Description: A title given to those who have conquered their fears, and defeated one of the world's threats.


This is more like an reward than a title. Speaking of rewards, let's look at the quests.



Active Quests: 1

Completed Quests | 1 Quest Reward not collected. | 1 Quest Reward is locked until further notice.


Hey, hey, hey! Why is one of them locked? Oh well, I didn't know about the quest anyway, and I'm occupied with too much already, so as long as it unlocks on a later date, then I'm happy.

The Completed Quests tab is collapsed at default, so I need to open it before checking out the completed quests. Let's look at the dragon quest first.


Legacy Quest: The Blood of Dragon



Rewards can now be collected.


Unique Skill? What's that? I'll just appraise all the weird stuff in one go.


Appraisal Result: Legacy Quest


A type of Quest that any living being can participate in. Each Quest is unique to each individual, and any individual can complete the quest just once in their life.


So, it's quests you can take complete just once in your life, and every living being can take such a quest? Sounds like how you get a title.No, I think these quests are additional rewards for obtaining those titles. Killing a dragon several times stronger than yourself should give you something more than just an edge against dragons. But what is the reward?


Appraisal Result: Unique Skill


A Unique Skill is a skill superior to regular skills, having its own effects, as well as multiple other skills integrated into it. Due to their complexity, it is not possible to place Unique Skills in the usual skill categories. 

Unique Skills are proven to the strongest, and rarest, types of skills, mostly used by Heroes and Villains of stories and legends.


Wait, I'm getting one of those?! Score! What skill is it? Gimme, gimme, gimme!


QUEST REWARD: The Blood of Dragon

As you own the skills, [Shadow Element], [Poison Element], you can chose one of the following rewards:


They didn't joke when they said the skills were dragon-based. Hydra, isn't that just a snake? Is it counted as a Dragon in this world? Crom Cruach is from Celtic myths, the dragon that served the evil God Balor, if I'm not mistaken. They didn't add the Lesser Elements, that's a downer. Nothing I can do about it, unfortunately.

Usually, I would go for Crom Cruach but look closely. The skill names are based on dragons that fit their respective elements. It's a dumb move to chose your skills, just by their names. [Concentration] sounded stupid, but it turned out to be my most important skill back when I was a Lesser Grey Demon, and even after that.

With that said, [Appraisal]!


Skill: Crom Cruach, Dragon of Shadow

Skill type: Unique Skill

Attribute: Shadow


Available skills

[Crom Cruach], [Shadow Hold], [Shadow Claw], [Realm of Shadow], [Shadow Path]


Huh, not that good. I mean, it's pretty awesome to get all that in just one skill, but I've yet to be found with my current stealth abilities, except when I want to be found.

That [Shadow Path] skill sounds cool, but it's just a skill that lets you move from shadow to shadow. I already have [Ghost Step], which I have great expectations for when it reaches higher levels.

[Shadow Hold] can stop the target, but it can't dish out physical damage. [Shadow Claw] is just an enhancement ability, adding the slash-attribute on whatever it's used on. If it could cut shadows, so that the real thing would also be cut off as well, then it would be cool. Alas, it can't.

[Realm of Shadow] is the worst. It's just a large-area version of the Deep Shadow spell I already have. To make things worse, even the user gets affected by it. Someone without the ability to see in the dark couldn't use this spell.

[Crom Cruach] is a defense skill, which takes the nearby shadows, and forms them to a dragon, that which covers the skill-user. Kinda neat, but it's the only part of the skill that I like.

So, in all, the Shadow Dragon gets a 'meh' from me. It's not bad, but if I got a better option to chose from, then I would take that instead. Let's take a look at the second choice then.


Skill: Hydra, Dragon of Poison

Skill type: Unique Skill

Attribute: Poison


Available skills:

[Paralyze Roar], [Poison Globe], [Venom Fang], [Deadly Poison Reinforcement], [Deadly Poison Resistance]


This one sounds cooler. It has more skills as well, probably because they're skills that will improve when they're integrated into the Poison Dragon skill. 

You can guess the last three skills, since their just power-ups of my current skills. [Poison Globe] is nasty. It generates poison like my synthesis skill and entraps whatever the user targets with the poison. A trap made of deadly poison! And from what I can see, you can change the toxicity and texture of the poison as well, again, like my synthesis skill.

[Paralyze Roar] makes a loud sound that freezes any enemies that hear it. You don't even need to howl, just any loud sounds while intending to activate the skill works.

[Hydra] creates a dragon made of poison, like how you make a dragon of shadows with [Crom Cruach]. The difference is. [Hydra] can be used as an attack. [Crom Cruach] probably has the same potential, but my mind is set. I'm going to the Poison Dragon.

After all this trouble, why shouldn't I reward my poison skills with an upgrade? Shadow skills are at best, flimsy. They're good for those who focus on hiding, but my play-style comes from the combination of hiding and attack-power. Just having one of them ain't good enough. And [Stealth] has done a good job till now, when I remember to keep it activated. Therefore:



Do you choose [Hydra, Dragon of Poison],

as your Quest Reward for the quest, [The Blood of Dragon]?



You bet I will. Yes!


Skill, [Hydra, Dragon of Poison LV1]

has been obtained as a Quest Reward from the quest [The Blood of Dragon].

Skill [Poison Bite LV31] is integrated into skill [Hydra, Dragon of Poison LV1]

Skill [Poison Reinforcement LV7] is integrated into skill [Hydra, Dragon of Poison LV1]

Skill [Poison Resistance LV50] is integrated into skill [Hydra, Dragon of Poison LV1]

Proficiency has reached the required amount:

Skill [Hydra, Dragon of Poison LV1] has become [Hydra, Dragon of Poison LV4]

[Hydra] has been unlocked for the skill [Hydra, Dragon of Poison]


A lot came into the skill. How's my skill list faring?



Ability Skills: [MP Reinforcement LV19] [SP Reinforcement (Small) LV34] 

Attack Skills: [Assassination Arts LV23] [Mana Burst (Darkness) LV1] [Steal LV2] 

Magic Skills: [Light Magic LV21] [Darkness Magic LV1] [Shadow Magic LV32] 

Crafting Skills: [Thief Tool Creation LV8] [Assassin Tool Creation LV5] [Poison Synthesis LV30]                                                              [Medicine Synthesis LV30] [Thread Synthesis LV30]

Active Skills: [Stealth LV14] [Shooting LV22] [Ghost Step LV11] [Bloodlust LV5] [Thread Control LV50] [Ultima Thread LV22]        [Thought Acceleration LV36] 

Passive Skills: [Surprise Attack LV32] [Acrobatic LV16] [Magic Talent LV14]  [Sense Foe LV21] [Battle Continuation LV4]           [Dismantling LV18] [Parallel Minds LV2] [Auto-Mapping LV2]  [Language Adaption]

Resistance Skills: [Paralyze Resistance LV25] [Pain Resistance LV14] [Faint Resistance LV3] [Heretic Immunity]

Perception Skills: [Magic Sense LV24] [Appraisal LV8] [Judging Eye] 

Leadership Skills: [Teaching LV1] 

Racial Skills: [Albino] [Demonic Storage LV21] [Transformation LV14] 

Unique Skills: [Hydra, Dragon of Poison LV4] NEW 

Elements: [Lesser Light Element LV17] [Lesser Dark Element LV12] [Shadow Element LV22] [Poison Element LV7] 


It turned out less lively now, but I've got an Unique skill now! Top that! Let's test it out! [Hydra] takes, ugh, 300 MP at its weakest?! Grr, well, fine! [Hydra]!


Yikes, it acts like a real dragon! Something that looks like a magic circle appeared from the tip of my arm that I was pointing out when I shouted the skill name. You know, for the atmosphere. And out of the magic circle came a two-headed dragon made of purple poison. Wait, not purple, but a purple-red burgundy color, like my eyes.

I can control the dragon's movements without trouble, and without using anymore MP. Guess the weakest [Hydra] have two heads, then the stronger ones will have more? Appearance aside, let's see how strong the poison is. With that in mind, Hydra, jump into the lake!


Now then, how fast will it be purified?


Ehm, anytime now.






I said OI!

... *psshh*

It finally started to turn to water. Damn, that's one heck of a poison. Need to be careful who I use it on. Both the cost and the effects are out of this world.

Was that all then? Oh yeah, there was one more quest I completed. What was that again?


World Quest: Disaster of Water



Rewards are currently being determined. Please claim your rewards at a later date.


Huh, so the rewards aren't figured out yet? The corpse of Glavras must have been collected so that they could reward me with it later. Now I don't need to figure out how to transport the huge thing.

It's not so strange that the rest of the reward isn't determined yet since the whole dungeon is under a massive stealth effect that even the Gods are having trouble breaking through that stealth. Oops, I forgot to turn that off.


There. Now then, I want to push the self-destruct button as fast as possible, with an added timer on it, however, I have one more point on my agenda before I want to leave. And that's to evolve.

While I couldn't control the Dungeon's monsters, I can restrict their area of activity. Therefore, by using the Dungeon Core, I made the tunnels that lead to the lake inaccessible for the dungeon monsters! Meaning, I've secured the safest place to evolve in the whole dungeon!

I even have the T-Rex corpse in my Item Bag, so the problem of having low SP when I finish the evolution is solved. Now then, what's my options:



[Hekara Zera] [Dragon Devourer] [Karikapros ] [Kur Kigal] [Diablos]


Shouldn't I have just 4 options? This dragon thingy must be the newcomer. I got it after getting my dragon slayer skill after all.


EVOLUTION OPTIONS: [Dragon Devourer]


Rank: C+

Attribute: variable, depend on the skill obtained from the Legacy Quest: The Blood of Dragon

Acquired skills:


A humanoid monster that suffers from an eternal hunger. The only way to sate the hunger is for the monster to slay, and eat, Dragon-type monsters.


Definitely not this guy. Why would I pick something that needs to eat dragons? Way to risky of a career choice. 

And, to be honest, I know of this guy. Not the name, but the concept. This is one of the designs I made in Limbo! I remember it well since the request only asked about a great threat against the dragon race. A Dragon Devourer looks like a human, with dragon scales, fangs, claws, and two tail. Its teeth are two rows of sharp and thick needles, all with different lengths, most of them sticking out of the Devourer's mouth. In addition to the mouth on its head, it has two more mouths, one on each shoulder. A nightmare of a monster.

Yup, not gonna take this one. Hope there's no other idiot that takes this one. Next option, please.




Rank: C

Attribute: Darkness, Fire

Acquired skills:


A demonic monster with the shape of a spider. With a body made of dark colors, as well as legs in the color of flames, this spider is said to be the watcher over the flame of life.

A guardian of the jungle said to live in a temple illuminated with eternal fire. Flames created by a Hekara Zera is known for their abilities of recovery, not so different from that of the phoenix.

A village that has the protection of a Hekara Zera is known for never having sickness, nor any accidents by fire.


The standard evolution of Reha Zera. It must be because of this that all those fire skills was so cheap back then. Not that I need a bargain sale like that, not with the amount of skill points I have left. It doesn't look that disturbing of a choice either, specially when the other choice is the Dragon Devourer.




Rank: C

Attribute: Darkness

Acquired skills:


An arch-demon that looks like a human with a black goat's head.

Known for being a teacher of the demonic arts to mortals, the Karikapros is considered to be an ally of mankind, teaching them both about how to reach the depth of the magic abyss, while also teaching them how to fight against its more vile brethren. 

Those who follow the path of magic will try to come under the guidance of a Karikapros, to learn more about magic unknown to mankind.

Those who show arrogance, or try to create misfortune for others, will face the wrath of the Karikapros, and be plunged into the abyss of madness.


This guy is giving me a Baphomet-kinda feeling. But its reputation is good. Not so sure about living with a goat's head for the rest of my life, but again, it's better than the Dragon Devourer.




Rank: C+

Attribute: Darkness,

Acquired skills:


A humanoid arch-demon who's named after the underworld of Terra Sol.

True to its name, this demon is an expert in sending people to their graves. A demon that is also an expert assassin, one of the few examples of an evolution that requires a specific class.

A Kigal Kur is also a master in magic, being able to use most of what can be classified as Black Magic, with certain exemptions, depending on the individual. 


This one isn't that bad. There's some strange part about the description like some spaces are jumped over or such. Like a manuscript that hasn't been proof-read. Eh, probably nothing. And the final choice?




Rank: C-

Attribute: Darkness

Acquired skills:


An arch-demon that's famous for its charisma. It can take on any kind of shape but is usually seen as a human. 

An ordinary Diablos is known for its lack of battle-prowess for its rank, but it is not a battle species from the beginning.

Most Diablos' tend to live in big cities, were they allure beings of different races, and genders. Diablos' are social creatures, and like it best when surrounded by many humanoids. This makes Diablos' tend to build harems with many different races. 


Another bingo! I'm strong enough as it is, and all this harem talk has caught my attention. Sorry for being a male.

But the lower battle-prowess has me wondering if Diablos is such a good choice. 

Then, the acceptable choices are:

Hekara Zera, Karikapros, Kur Kigal, and Diablos. 

The two first ones are because they have great abilities and because I've confirmed that you can obtain a human shape with [Transformation] if what was written about the Diablos is true. Even if it's not, the two races have a positive reputation amongst the humans, so that's okay.

I told you what I liked about the Diablos, so I'll not repeat myself.

Kur Kigal is kinda risky, but that's only because of the sloppy description, It could be just a spelling mistake after all. And amongst my four options, Kur Kigal is the strongest one, and the closest to my current build. Not so sure if I ever want to challenge a dungeon again, but you can't be too sure.

Hmm, which one? 



Okay, I've decided. I'll go for that guy.



Individual [Reha Zera] has chosen-


Yes, yes, yes. I'm tired of watching all these messages today. Just start the evolution already.



Individual [Reha Zera] will now evolve-


YAHOO, let's get this show on the- zzzzzz...

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