A Reincarnated Demon's Tales of Wonder

[Arc 1] Chapter 40.5: Secret Forums ???



Blessing, [Emperor Kodokumo's Vengeance] has been lost.

Blessing, [Seed of Darkness] has been lost.

Blessing [Champion of Alvatria] has been acquired.

Due to [Champion of Alvatria], skills have been obtained...



General Chat - Thread 00 [Test Run]

001. Cool God CH

So, how's the new system working? I've taken the Chat Room that the Migrants has developed as an inspiration.

002. Sweet Goddess DA

This isn't an inspiration, it's a rip-off!

003. Cool God CH

It was my followers who designed it, so why not?!

004. Sweet Goddess DA

I didn't say it was a bad thing.

005. Cool God CH

Oh, OK. But that demon of yours, he did it.

006. Sweet Goddess DA

Yeah, I'm surprised as well.

007. Cool God CH

Come on, you placed him in the worst possible, and most important, dungeon of this age, without expecting him to survive?

008. Sweet Goddess DA

In a nutshell, yes. Why?

009. Cool God CH

No, nothing. But you're still gonna make him your champion?

010. Beautiful Goddess WA

That's DA in a nutshell.

011. Sweet Goddess DA

HEY! Don't just come in here and steal my lines!

012. Beautiful Goddess WA

The chat was open, so I let myself in. 

013. Sweet Goddess DA

Tch, Ero goddess

014. Cool God CH

No that's you.

015. Beautiful Goddess WA

So true.

016. Sweet Goddess DA

Fine, fine, I get it! But yeah I wanted him to evolve into that species, so I made his place of rebirth somewhere where he could fulfill all the requirements for that evolution.

017. Cool God CH

Kinda roundabout way for someone like you. Why not let him start as that race, instead of as a, what was it again?

018. Beautiful Goddess WA

As a Lesser Grey Demon.

019. Cool God CH

Yes, yes, that's the one. And WA, are you also interested in him?

020. Beautiful Goddess WA

Why shouldn't I? He defeated the Disaster of my element. I wouldn't mind if he became my Champion.

021. Sweet Goddess DA

HEY! HANDS OFF! That toy is mine! And he doesn't even have your elements!

022. Beautiful Goddess WA

But he does. Poison is a collaboration element of Water and Death.

023. Cool God CH

She's got a point. And there's Medicine who's a combo of Water and Life. He even chose the Poison Dragon instead of the Shadow Dragon.

024. Sweet Goddess DA

Ugh, well, better than letting him having more skills related to that guy.

025. Boss God LI

Did you call?

026. Sweet Goddess DA

I didn't call you! Why does everyone keep on intruding on the test run!

027. Boss God LI

If you do not want to be intruded, you should lock the thread. And CH, what's with these nicknames?

028. Cool God CH

You're already using them... I gave them out based on our elements, as well as our personalities, with a few exceptions...

029. Sweet Goddess DA


030. Beautiful Goddess WA

I think he is talking about you, DA.

031. Boss God LI

Yes, definitely.

032. Sweet Goddess DA

N-no mercy...

033. Cool God CH

Back to my question...

034. Sweet Goddess DA


035. Boss God LI


036. Beautiful Goddess WA

He is talking about this.

017 <<<

037. Boss God LI

Ah, good question.

038. Sweet Goddess DA

'Cause it would be boring if he became super-strong the moment he's born! And you saw what happened when he got just a little stronger than normal.

039. Cool God CH

You're talking about the time with the bandits? Yeah, good point.

040. Beautiful Goddess WA

In that case, what do you want your Champion to do then? Fight even more Disasters?

041. Sweet Goddess DA

I wanna have a Champion after my taste. 

042. Cool God CH

Ah, one like yourself...

043. Boss God LI

Oh boy...

044. Beautiful Goddess WA

I think he will follow his way of thoughts, instead of being a carbon copy of DA though?

045. Boss God LI

Good point.

046. Cool God CH

Phew, Terra Sol is saved.

047. Sweet Goddess DA

Okay, CH! You just lost your copy of the video I wanted to share with you!

048. Cool God CH

What video?

049. Sweet Goddess DA

The one that shows what I'm expecting from my Champion.

050. Cool God CH


051. Beautiful Goddess WA

I am feeling sorry for Ord-, wait, should I call her OR here?

052. Boss God LI

Probably, if all the names follow this flow.

053. Cool God CH

Oh, they do. And why do you feel sorry for my sis for?!

054. Beautiful Goddess WA

Obvious reasons.

055. Boss God LI

Obvious reasons.

056. Sweet Goddess DA

Obvious reasons.

057. Cool God CH

HEY! You're part of the problem!

058. Boss God LI

Back to the demon in question, was it necessary to use the seed on him?

059. Sweet Goddess DA

Obviously. If I didn't he would have chosen skills that wouldn't let him evolve into what I wanted him to evolve to.

060. Beautiful Goddess WA

You really love that race, do you not?

061. Sweet Goddess DA

Of course! And to think I get to see his every nightly activity, hu-hu-hu-hu...

062. Cool God CH

Ero Goddess.

063. Boss God LI

Ero Goddess.

064. Beautiful Goddess WA

Ero Goddess indeed.

065. Sweet Goddess DA

064 <<<

Says you, you damn Holstein!

066. Beautiful Goddess WA

Not that you are far behind, you have quite the size as well.

067. Sweet Goddess DA

Aw shuck, don't compliment me.

068. Cool God CH

... I think we're going away from the subject again, so shall we say that the test run was a success?

069. Boss God LI

Let's do so. Make this kind of communication possible, so that we can stay in contact with each other even when we work on different projects.

070. Cool God CH


071. Sweet Goddess DA

And make these possible to use in our free time as well.

072. Cool God CH

Ehm, roger!

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