A Reincarnated Demon's Tales of Wonder

[Arc 2] Chapter 44.5: Secret Forums: The Deadlands

General Chat - Thread 18 [The Deadlands]

210. Calm God EA

The haunted forest was taken down.

211. Sweet Goddess DA

Yeah, yeah. Your boy did well. Thx a lot.

212. Calm God EA

Did you lead your girl into the forest then? It wasn't your responsibility. That region, I mean.

213. Sweet Goddess DA

It wasn't me. For real. One of my priestesses came with this prophecy all of a sudden while the demon was evolving, so I had to do all I'm able to do so that I wouldn't lose my source of entertainment.

214. Calm God EA

True. You have become more mellow after you started stalking that demon. Before you would curse the whole region if something there annoyed you, but now you just give hints.

215. Sweet Goddess DA

Thank you-hey! Who's become fat?! No, wait... Who're you calling a stalker?!

216. Old God DE

You do not care about the curses?

217. Sweet Goddess DA

He came! The fossilized opportunist!

218. Old God DE

I rewarded the two of yours with an Achievement each, so why do you complain about that?

219. Calm God EA

Not sure if the God of Death should be the one to reward the heroes that saved the region also called "The Forest of Life".

220. Old God DE

It is the Deadlands now.

221. Sweet Goddess DA

Ah! He's got a point!

222. Old God DE

Anyway, what about the Disaster that was in the forest? What happened to it?

223. Sweet Goddess DA

My Garami has one part of it, but the remaining two parts were sent back to the final piece, which was made of two different parts again.

224. Calm God EA

The item was divided after its six abilities except for its sturdiness, was it? What were those abilities again?

225. Sweet Goddess DA

If I remember this right, it was

Or so it seems. And all these stuff can be used endlessly without stopping, and the only costs needed are the materials for the abilities that need them. And with the thing taken apart as it is, it can recover any broken parts within nano-seconds, so you have to crush all six parts at once, or merge them all into one, then crush it.

226. Calm God EA

Quite the broken organ we have here. Can't the Champions use their piece of the heart then?

227. Old God DE

Impossible. The heart drains away aether without stop, and it uses it so inefficiently that it could drain away from the aether from an area, making it collapse, and take large amounts of the planet with it.

228. Sweet Goddess DA

Oh yeah, there was something like that.

229. Old God DE

That's why it's called a Disaster. Like how that snake would drain the world for moisture without caring about the consequences, or the living piece of armor that could turn into a beast even worse than the Continent Eater, or that betrayer that plagues the lands even as we speak.

230. Sweet Goddess DA

True. And then there's that mask of the guys before us. That one would be awesome to have on our side...

231. Calm God EA

Give it up. That one is amongst the top three of the Disasters that are most unlikely to stop harming the world.

232. Sweet Goddess DA

You're right. Sigh. And we can't beat it ourselves. Kinda feel like I'm not worthy of my job here.

233. Calm God EA

Don't say so. We all feel like that.

234. Old God DE

Another reason why we named them Disasters.

235. Calm God EA

Yes. The Continent Eater could be restrained within the Alhiraci continent, so we can have him be used as training for the mortals.

236. Sweet Goddess DA

Not so many rank S bad guys that we can sick the little ones at. Gotta use what we can use.

237. Old God DE

Well said. Anyway, what should we do with this "Balos gang"? A group of mortals or not, they have pushed their luck by trying to command the Disaster of Life.

238. Sweet Goddess DA

Leave them alone. It's our policy not to clear up the mortals' mess. The most we should do is to help them when facing great monsters or natural disasters.

239. Calm God EA

That's our rule after all, even if someone uses it for their own needs some time. And the dark Champion is probably going to be targeted by that group anyway. Let her take care of it.

240. Old God DE

Then, case closed.

241. Sweet Goddess DA

NO, IT'S NOT! My toy's gonna get killed if she faces that guy! You hear me? Oi!

Calm God EA has logged out.

Old God DE has logged out.

242. Sweet Goddess DA



Kigal-Note/Skills: Magic Skills

Magic Skills are skills that allow the owners of the skills to perform magic with relative ease. 

Magic requires two things: A magic formula, and mana, also known as MP.

The problem for people is to efficiently create a magic formula to use their magic. Then comes the problem whenever one has the right type of mana to activate the formula. The answer to both these problems is the Magic Skills.

Magic Skills have magic formulas recorded into them, which allows the skill user to immediately use the magic spell by pouring their mana into the magic formula.

This can be represented as a library, where the World System is the library itself, the Magic Spells are the books of the library, and the magic spells being the contents of the books. Like how the same content can be found in different books, the same spell can be found in two different Magic Skills.

This does not mean all the possible magic spells are already recorded in the library. Mortal magicians can research the magic formulas in the hope of creating new spells. The gods will then add te successful result to the World System, and the creator of the new spell is awarded the title, [Magic Researcher].

The other problem regarding the matching mana is also solved by asking for help from the Element skills. By adjusting the mana from the skill user by an Element skill of the same attribute as the spell that is going to be used, one can draw out that spells true potential, or even strengthen it to incredible degrees.

A basic attribute Element can also substitute for a component attribute Element. But then, it would only enhance the spell by how much the component attribute consists of the basic attribute.

Also, when having two different basic attributes that both combine to form an attribute of a Magic Skill, only the strongest element will be counted, while the remaining one is ignored.

Other component attribute Element will not enhance any component attribute Magic Skills of a different attribute, even if they share some of the components.

Magic Skills are divided into three categories:

One can learn magic spells of their Magic Skill through four different ways:

If one can learn all possible spells for a single magic skill, one will then be rewarded with the title, [Master of X Magic], with X being the type of magic the skill is centered around.

Carion's comment: That last one is easier said than done. The basic attribute magics all have more than 50 spells, and it keeps on increasing.

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