A Reincarnated Demon's Tales of Wonder

[Arc 2] Chapter 44: Clearcutting this Forest of Husks!

As nothing would happen from me sitting on my butt, I sneaked closer to Goldie in the hope of reaching him with the newly improved [Appraisal]. The range always increased with each skill level before, so maybe I'll reach him? The middle of the clearing is occupied by the Dungeon Core, so if I crept into a position closer to the knight while under the cover of the trees. A little closer... got it!


Nameless (Lost)  | Boss of [Husk Forest]

Race: [Einheriar (Human)]   | Level: 1

Karma Value: 200 "Virtuous"

Skills: 36

Titles: 3

Condition: Forced Orders

HP: 1020/1020   | MP: 410/410   | SP: 992/992

STR: 972 +110   | VIT: 881 +150   | MAG: 78

RES: 762 +140   | SPD: 231   | DEX: 225

INT: 84   | LUC: 79




Ability Skills: [Physical Enhancement LV32]   [SP Enhancement LV33]   [RES Enhancement LV41]

Attack Skills: [Sword Arts LV50]   [Two-Handed Sword Arts LV50]  [Greatsword Arts LV41]   [Shield Arts LV38]

Crafting Skills: [Carving LV11]

Active Skills: [Cover LV30]   [Full Guard LV17]   [Cover Move LV28]   [Taunting LV30]   [Challenge LV18]   

Passive Skills: [Sword Mastery LV23]   [Two-Handed Sword Mastery LV16]   [Greatsword Mastery LV5]   [Shieldsmanship LV46]  [Warrior Chief's Knowledge LV12]  [Sword Master's Knowledge LV7]  [Battle Continuation LV47]   [Weapon Enhancement LV47]   [Armor Expert LV19]   [Heavy Armor LV48]   [Instinct LV50]

Resistance Skills: [Physical Resistance: LV50]   [Magic Resistance LV36]   [Bodily Status Resistance LV18]   [Mental Status Resistance LV11]

Perception Skills: [Detect Foe LV19]   

Leadership Skills: [Commander LV50]   [Chief LV12]   [Party LV50]   [Clan LV12]   [Cooperation LV30]   [Teamwork LV12]

Unique Skills: [Gawain, The Knight of the Sun LV7]

Elements: [Ghost Element: LV1]



[Title Page]:

[True Order]   [Knight of Vengance]   [Dungeon Boss]


NOOOOO WAAAAY!!! No way I can face this guy! His stats are above the allowed limit here! No Dungeon Boss to a Dungeon this dull can have those stats! And he's got skills that shouldn't be possible to have unless he had some classes. WHICH HE DON'T!! And what the heck do you mean with "The Knight of the Sun"? That's like the worst match-up for me, ever!

It's the sun for damn sake, the SUN! The god-freaking-shining-thread-burning SUN! And to top it off, an armored knight filled with resistance skills and tank skills? Yeah, impossible. What a shitty game...

Tank skills? And looking closely, there are tons of them? Even when he's only got a sword? Plus there are those teamplay skills despite being a loner... Then we musn't forget to mention that last title, plus the status condition... if something ain't going on here, then I'm an angel. First off is the status condition.



Type: Bad-Status Condition

Infliction Conditions:


Removal Method: 

Description: A Bad-Status Condition that forces the inflicted party to follow the orders of the assailant. This condition is based on the Heretic-attribute, so it cannot be resisted by mental resistance skills.


Oho. Kinda like an enslavement condition. Just way stricter, and without any collar. And the title?


Title: [Knight of Vengance]

Acquisition conditions:


Description: The knight who desires justice will never stay down due to evil. A title that shows the willpower of someone who harbors a great justice in their heart.


...This ain't something that I can ever get. And if the guys all that good and justice-filled, don't go and call the title something as villainous as vengeance. 

And this "great evil", isn't that the Balos gang? They're the only one who fits the bill here, except for perhaps Leonardo. Wasn't this Dungeon supposed to be one of the gang's facilities? And can that guy even qualify as a boss? It looks more like they picked him up from somewhere and forced him to be a boss.

...That could work. I just need to be sneaky about it.


And, done. With this many, my masterplan should work. Then, without further ado, sigils, fire!

A large amount of darkness appeared from the 24 sigils I had placed around the clearing. Well, "Shadows" are more precise, as the magic stored in the sigils is the Shadow magic, Shadow Realm. It is something that covers the area in shadows, not that I needed cover most of the time.

The sigils were arranged in a sigil-link. It's a special tactic of connecting several sigils containing the same spell to increase the range and quantity of the spell, but it takes time to set it up, and you can't mix several spells either. It worked this time, so hey, everything has a purpose. 

The knight had a "don't care" attitude to the shadow-smokescreen, probably relying on [Detect Foe] to find any attackers. Meanwhile, with the Mirage Mantle transformed into a scarf around my mouth, I crept up to the knight without him noticing me. And why didn't his skill lock-on to me? That's cause I didn't have any intention to harm the knight. For once, I was coming in peace.



Granting Title, [Kin of Garami], to the individual, [Einheriar (Human)].

Skill, [Heretic Immunity], successfully granted.


And done. Time for a hasty retreat. 


It took half a minute for the shadows to spread out. And in the clearing, the knight just stood there, looking at his own hands, as if he couldn't believe what had just happened to him.

[Oi, you alright now?] 

Through a doll I made, I asked the knight. It was fashioned to look like a hooded chibi-me. I know it's not a smart move to use something that looks like me when questioning someone as suspicious as this guy, but it was the only one I had left! The spider types can't be used to transfer voice.

"...Are you the one who released me from the wretched curse, little one?" - Einheriar

[That depends on who you are, and why you're here.] - Garami

"Hmpf. That should be my line, but as a favor for my savior, I will tell you;

"My name before being shackled to this accursed forest was Percel Lingver. A loyal knight in the service of the Hero King, Quirick Marshel Avalar.

"Before my death, I had arrived at this land to quell the wretched undeads that had started to infest the land, in hope that it would give the local inhabitants a chance to save their home country." - Percel

[I see, good for you. I'm Garami. But didn't you ever think of stopping the drought yourself?] - Garami

"Many times. But what good would it be for the people of this land if they needed an outsider like me to help them with anything? So, I withheld myself to only look after the source of the undeads, a threat just as great as the drought. ...Unfortunately, I ended up being killed by that threat, which resulted in me becoming an Einheriar to fulfill my mission... only for me to lose my name and will to the scoundrel that killed me." - Percel

...This guy's no good. I love independence as anyone else, but that doesn't mean you have to take a bite too big for you to eat. Ask some friends if they can help you, for hell's sake.

[How is it even possible to make an outsider a Dungeon Boss?] - Garami

"Some man dressed in a black uniform and mask was the one who built the Dungeon and forcefully changed some of the rules of it. It was some noble I think, going by his name." - Percel

Ah, that guy. That damn mad scientist. I've got my hands full with my Dungeon. Don't start making crazy adjustments that could

[Then, was the one who put you under their control someone called Raft Gregor?] - Garami

"How do you know that bastards name!?" - Percel

[Bingo. I mean, yes. He's got an ugly class that can do such things. He's probably here in this forest now. I kinda forced him out of town-] - Garami

"Well done job my friend! Now, tell me where that sleazeball is, so I can put an end to that miserable worm!" - Percel

...They hit the nail on its head with that title of his.

[Relax. Forget where that guy is, I don't even know where I am now! I got teleported to this stupid forest before I knew it, and it's made with the purpose to keep people trapped inside like a labyrinth.] - Garami

"Now that's a problem. I am sorry to say, but I am terrible with solving labyrinths." - Percel

[No biggie. To clear a labyrinth you just need to crush its walls till you're out.] - Garami

"...I owe you a lot already, but please do not visit the Royal Gardens of Avalar." - Percel

They've got a garden labyrinth there? And that's not the point!

[Not that! I mean that if we crush this place, then it will be easier for me to get out, and easier for you to find-] - Garami

"I agree! Now, what should I do?" - Percel

...Seriously, this guy's no good. Useful, but still not good. I pointed to the Dungeon Core with the doll to show Percel what I was gonna talk about.

[This thing is the Core to this forest Dungeon. Crush it, and all of us will get our happy end, except that former baron. Oh, and try to get rid of the heart-like thingy attached to it as well.] - Garami

"I got it! Just a moment." - Percel

...No good at all. This guy's not good at all. He's too damn easy to believe in some stranger's tales. Did the guys at Avalar send him here in the hope of him not returning?

Percel took a stance with his greatsword. Crap, there's some real pressure coming from him now. All those sword-related skills are gonna go wild on the poor Core. Go get 'em! Show no mercy! Oh crap, I think the sword's started glowing now! Even the 

And with one slash, Percel divided the Dungeon Core in two!... In two... two...?

"Huh? That's strange?" - Percel

No, no, no. It's the Core that's strange here. That move just now deserves its own name. Something like "EX****BUR!!!!". 

[Let me try that.] - Garami

"Now, now, miss Garami. If I could not break this abdominal sphere, there is no way that a girl as little as you-." - Percel


"MISS GARAMI?!!?" - Percel

"Tch, the bomb doll didn't work either." - Garami

"Eh? What? Eh!? Miss Garami, big. How did you? Small, boom, big, eh?" - Percel

I walked out of the trees after I tried to break the Dungeon Core with a well-placed explosive, to no luck. The thing's still intact. Are all Dungeon Core's this sturdy? Why would they need a Dungeon Boss then?

"Eh? Eh? Eh? Ah. Miss Garami. I forgot to tell you something I overheard when I was forced to act as the Dungeon Boss. It seems that the Dungeon Core is connected to that heart-Magitech. Maybe that is the reason why we can't destroy it?" - Percel

Another heart problem! Couldn't they limit it to just the Draugr knight? Couldn't hurt to check.


Item Name: Eternal Heart of Mizatto (2/6) |  Disaster of Life

Rank: ---

Type: ???

Durability: ???/???

Weight: 5



- Customized by the Black Baron


...It's a freaking perpetual motion machine! Or generator? Who cares! I don't even know if the pieces of the heart are named after the number of skills it has under the Disaster of Life column, or it's a given number. 

And this bloodline skill, is that what's taking away the water? If it could steal the water all the way from the lake, maybe it could dispears Death-aether around the region? Then this thing's the reason there's so many damn Skeletons here which I'm bad against! Argh, just thinking about it makes me mad! Take this! Mana Burst PUNCH!




".........Ehm, miss Garami?" - Percel

...My, MY HAND!! It's broken, it's definitely broken here! A doctor! Is there a doctor in the Dungeon?!

"...Miss Garami, you know that it is stupid to hit something that solid." - Percel

Damn it! I was called stupid by someone stupid!



Dungeon, [Husk Forest],

has been conquered for the first time by the party lead by Garami.




By conquering the Dungeon, [Husk Forest],

Garami and her party are rewarded with 5 skill points each.

By being the first conquer of the Dungeon,

Garami and her party are rewarded with additional 5 skill points.


Eh, just like that? Wait, ain't this bad?

"...Miss Garami. No matter how much I dislike being forced to be the Dungeon Boss of this wretched forest I cannot accept it if you try to use those way-too-easy-earned points on some stupid-" - Percel

"Stupid can you be! Now the whole world knows that someone's by the Dungeon Core! Including those guys that put you here!" - Garami

"Huh... you are right!" - Percel

Argh! I never thought I would say this, but I miss Mira's intelligence!!



What was that?

"I got it! Miss Garami, you are the only one who was named by the announcement, so you can go running around attracting whatever mad those scary sounds. I am probably strong enough to cut through this Core if I have the time to charge it, and you look fast on your feet, so it is a perfect idea." - Percel

Perfect idea for getting me killed, you mean! I'm just gonna get lost in the forest again due to the Terrain Effect! ...But we can't turn it off without me skedaddling from this place! Give me a break!

"...You can crush that thing? It's supposed to contain orichalcum, adamantine, and whatever." - Garami

"It what!? ...Hmm, sure. If I am not interrupted in the middle." - Percel

...If this ends up with him failing for some reason, I'm gonna end him once and for all with my own hands. I can return by using the electric grid trick again, so...

"Wait a minute. If I am not a human anymore, does that not mean I can use more strength in that move than it was possible for my flesh and blood body to withstand?" - Percel

...The ominous murmurs of the ghost knight made me run for it.


Carion's side

"Destroy him, Gargoyle! Destroy him already! Then get the roach that's trying to take the Dungeon Core!" - Gregor

Garami, I am happy that I got more skill points through whatever scheme you did, but could you not do it without agitating any old men that's commanding any scary Gargoyles next time?

The Gargoyle turned more aggressive the more orders it received from the former noble. Five golems have already bitten the dust, forcing me to create more to replace them. However, MP is not infinity, so I will be in a pinch if the fight goes on. Luckily, the opposite side wants to finish this quickly as well. 

If I could get close enough to that Gargoyle, then I could take care of it easily. The problem is how to do that without being broken in thousand, little elf-pieces like the golems do when they get to close. I had to stop using Burning Earth, as it drained too much MP. Instead, I used the new spell I got from overusing Magma magic lately, namely Magma Orb.

True to its name, it shoots a sphere of magma that not only burns the target, it also remains on the ground for a while after use. Thanks to this, I stopped Gregor from escaping, but it does nothing to the Gargoyle. This is getting... bright?

A pillar of light appeared deeper in the forest all of a sudden. Not only me but also Gregor, even the Gargoyle and my golems, all had their attention stolen by the light pillar. Then, the pillar fell towards the forest, as if it was swung towards something on the ground.

A large sound roared from the deeper parts of the forest along with the fallen pillar, which made all present, organic or not, cringe by the loud sound. Gregor looked dumbfounded at where the pillar had appeared.



Dungeon, [Husk Forest]'s Dungeon Core has been destroyed.

The Dungeon is now collapsing.


"No way... that was Galatine... but that stupid knight wasn't allowed to use it..." - Gregor


"Deconstruct!" - Carion

Using all my strength, I used the Earth magic that withered down earthen objects, like the walls of the temple prison, and the Gargoyle itself.

"What!? But wasn't you-!?" - Gregor

Both the former noble and the Gargoyle could not believe what was happening. It was nothing impressive; I only used the Illusion magics, Conceal and Body-Double to hide from the two's sight while their attention was on the pillar of light while making an illusion of me who did nothing in the back. Compared to Garami's Mirage, this was child's play.

The Gargoyle turned back into dirt, starting from where I pointed at it with my staff: the chest area where the mechanical heart was attached.

The heart fell to the ground with a small *thump*, and when it did, the rest of the Gargoyle turned into dust. It was not because of my skill, so it must be because of the heart had taken such a toll on the Gargoyle's body, that only the support from the very culprit was what kept it from falling apart.

As I hunched down to pick up the heart, some strange magic signs, not that different from Garami's sigils, appeared around the heart. Before I could react, the heart had been teleported because of the magic signs.

That is no good. Oh well. I ordered the golems to apprehend Gregor before he also escapes.

*rumble, rumble, rumble*

But before I could do that, a large amount of water, of all things, came out of the forest, taking my golems with it. Neither I nor the former baron could believe our eyes when we saw that. 

"Glub, glub, glub, glub." - Garami

Eh? Is that Garami in that stream? Wait, Garami!? Hold on! I'll save-*splash!*-glub, glub, glub, glub...


T-t-too close... the water reservoirs we made underneath the forest must have broken, and the water is getting sent back to the region. Finally some fortune in all this misfortune. And that crazy elf luckily got washed away by a new river that hit him straight on.

If I manage to escape to the mountains, we can then formulate a new plan of action. The heart-piece of the Gargoyle was already sent there, and even if the Dungeon Core bit the dust, the heart-piece attached to it won't be destroyed without them all being remade into one again.

Now, I need to get out of here as fast as possible. The flows of water have stopped appearing now, so I should be able to sneak around them-


I turned around to see what made that sound and found the fool Percel there with his armor covered in burn marks.

"You, you goddamn idiot! Who told you to attack the Dungeon Core! Now, come with me. That's an order!" - Gregor

I don't know what that 'Garami'-jerk did to knock this guy out of my control, but now that the idiot's right in front of me again, I just need to force him under my control again. Nothing can stop my [Tempter's Word] skill! It is what has made me to what I am today, and along with it, I'll-!

"...Again, many thanks, my little friend." - Percel

Huh? What's he-?


Eh? Why's my sight divided-?

"Many thanks. I hope that we both will meet again in a place different from where this man is going." - Percel




Contract of kinship with Percel Lingver, has been broken. 

Due to this, Percel Lingver's title, [Kin of Garami], has been removed.


Ugh! The sudden notice waked me up after being knocked unconscious. While I was running away from the Dungeon Core area, a sudden geyser of water had appeared under me and sent me flying.

I'm still in the water, and I don't know how to get outta here! A-air! I need... air...


"Mister Galleth! We fished up Garami here!" - Brak

*Cough*, *cough*, *cough*. W-what happened? I tried to look around, but I couldn't believe what I saw.

Large waterways were dug in the earth. Big enough to contain the massive amounts of water that flowed out of the Husk Forest, and it reached the city of Velantas even.

"Good work! Hey missy. Got yourself in one piece?" - Galleth

Who's that? My brain's all scrambled from the waterslide ride, so I can't recognize him... Is it Jack?


Galleth Dreormd

Race: [Human]   | Level: 81

Karma Value: 129

Skills: 41

Titles: 9

Condition: Starved

Main Class: Spear Lord LV4

Sub Class: Chef LV13

Sub Class: Earth Wizard LV2

Sub Class: none

HP: 1286/1286   | MP: 510/510   | SP: 472/561  (1102)

STR: 921 +220   | VIT: 711 +100   | MAG: 318

RES: 217 + 100   | SPD: 731 + 100   | DEX: 882 + 150

INT: 82   | LUC: 93




Ability Skills: [Physical Enhancement LV18]   [Movement Enhancement LV17]   [MP Reduced Consumption LV26]   [SP Reduced Consumption LV41]

Attack Skills: [Spear Emperor Arts LV3]   [Magic Spear Arts LV50]

Magic Skills: [Earth Magic LV32]   [Wood Magic LV12]   [Basic Magic]

Crafting Skills: [Cooking LV50]   [Master Cooking LV4]   [Processing LV36]   [Agriculture LV12]

Active Skills: [Taunting LV14]   [Battle God's Spirit LV11] 

Passive Skills: [Spear Mastery LV50]   [Lance Mastery LV42]   [Javelinmanship LV44]   [Warrior Chief's Knowledge LV27]  [Spear Master's Knowledge LV26]  [Battle Continuation LV29]   [Weapon High Enhancement LV5]   [Armor Expert LV19]   [Heavy Armor LV16]

Resistance Skills: [Magic Resistance LV11]   [Bodily Status Resistance LV13]   [Mental Status Resistance LV16]   [Faint Resistance LV8]   [Hunger Resistance LV5]  [Overeating Resistance LV26]

Perception Skills: [Detect Precense LV24]   [Eye of the Mind LV12]

Leadership Skills: [Commander LV42]   [Party LV50]   [Clan LV42]   [Cooperation LV30]   [Teamwork LV30]   

Unique Skills: [The Emperor of Spears, Romulus LV6]   [Wawel, Dragon of Earth LV3]

Elements: [Earth Divinity]   [Wood Element LV15]



[Title Page]:

[Monster Slayer]   [Beast Slayer]  [Haunt Conqueror]   [Rescuer]   [Dungeon Conquer]   [Dragon Slayer]   [Master of the Spear]   [Ultimate Slayer]   [Knight of Avalar]


...Nah, no way. Jack can't be this successful. Or so similar to Lily. This must be that food fighter-friend of hers. Which I poisoned. Seriously need to treat him sooner than later.

"We found Carion here!" - Lily

"Nicely done! Let's get them to the city before they catch a cold." - Galleth

I looked towards where the voice of Lily came from and saw her with the rest of the gang dragging Carion up from a different waterway. Guess neither one of us got any luck with water tonight. And right when I mustered the power to stand up, irritation factor number 1 came to visit. Arrrrghhhhh.

"Milady Garami! I am so glad that you are alive! Just as you ordered, I have, with the help of knight Galleth here, cleared a watercourse from the forest to the city. But to think you would complete this plan under just one night. If knight Galleth did not help us, we wouldn't be ready in time." - Zelot

I didn't think that I would be thrown right into the belly of the beast either, so forgive me already. Except that the priest is looking with eyes of admiration instead of criticism.

I took one last look at the forest before heading back to town with the others. The forest looked like it was withering away, with some of the trees falling to the ground with a loud noise.

...That wake-up message from before... did that idiot get out in time?

"Ah, something came up." - Galleth

What now? Ah, something came up for me as well.




[Achievement of Death] is acquired!

By acquiring [Achievement of Death], the skill, [Party LV1], is acquired.

By acquiring [Achievement of Death], the skill, [Light Resistance LV1], is acquired.


"Wait, why death? I could get it if it was from the goddess of water or life, but death?" - Galleth

Galleth kept on mumbling loud enough for everyone to hear out of sheer surprise, but these skills...

I see, I see. Hm-hm-hmm.♪


Kigal-Note/Monsters/Demons: Kur Kigal

A humanoid arch-demon who's named after the underworld of a world far away from Terra Sol.

True to its name, this demon is an expert in sending people to their graves. A demon that is also an expert assassin, one of the few examples of an evolution that requires a specific class, in this case being the Assassin class.

This demon is a distant relative of the Dream Demons. This is evident in the skill [Lewd Demon], a racial skill that's shared with said species, especially the Succubus and Incubus. They also share the same Heretic racial attribute, while the Kur Kigal also has the Darkness-attribute.

Like its relatives, the Kur Kigal is a human-shaped demon. Unlike the Succubus and Incubus, Kur Kigal has retained their pre-evolutions' traits, which takes the form of extra limbs, wings, scale skin, or even tentacles, depending on its previous race. The Kur Kigal has a feminine body, but it is in truth a hermaphrodite. But as it can change its gender whenever it wants thanks to its transformation abilities, some may act their whole life as a male or a female, depending on the individual.

Kur Kigal is a battle-orientated monster, that uses multiple tactics and skills to overcome their opponents. This is evident in that a Kur Kigal's stats are lower than any other C-rank monsters. However, the great variety of skills, and intellect, rises the Kur Kigal's species rank to a solid C+.

The many abilities of a Kur Kigal include their transformation abilities, their proficiency in using both weapons and magic, with Black magic being their specialty, and even crafting. Each individual has some weaknesses in each mentioned subject, so they cannot be an all-rounder with all. 

The Kur Kigal also has a special inborn immunity towards miasma, plus a strong resistance to curses. This makes them practically invulnerable towards undeads and other demons, except that they have extreme difficulties in obtaining anti-undead or anti-demon skills. They also have difficulties to obtain skills directly related to miasma and curses due to this.

Alvatria's comment: Ku-ku-ku. Letting Garami know about this page wouldn't be any fun, so I'll keep this one inaccessible.

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